~DAY 4~
Aiden: "Yippee!! I can' believe I won mahself anotha exemption, mah momma is
gonna be so proud of meh. We got ta play a game called mafia an' I was
one of tha baddies with my buddies Indigo and Nwa, tha 'is name right? I
can' rememba. I realeh needed somethin' to brighten mah mood after mah
pretty lady Izzy was booted, she make me tummeh tickle when I saw her
NECKED! Only eva saw mah momma necked before buh am glad my brotha
Kenneth 'elped meh get meh some courage to talk to a pwetty lady like
All dis talkin' is given me an appetite, I go make meh some duck casserole. See yah lateh aligatah!!"
All dis talkin' is given me an appetite, I go make meh some duck casserole. See yah lateh aligatah!!"

Indigo: "Three words: PIECE OF CAKE! This game basically represented a few of
the games I play, one of them being an RPG where you take similar roles.
And I'm quite used to playing the villain there, so this one was really
easy. And best of all, we got to beat Evarrine's ass for once without
breaking a rule. The wrath of a Queen? Oh, GIRL PLEASE! *grins*
There are two things though that kinda suck about it...
1: Kenneth, he suddenly left during the challenge which worried me. He looked so sad, probably the saddest I've seen anybody here, even more than me when Shayne left. We haven't seen him ever since, and I hope he comes back. And if he wants and needs, he gets a cuddle with Skelebear, that always helps me when I'm sad and lonely. *smiles*
2: Taiha... Yep, I know I've said she is annoying, but during the challenge we actually bonded a bit. She is still weird, but in an actual fun way. Unfortunately I basically was forced to lie to her about some facts because otherwise my strategy to win would have been toast. I really hope she isn't too mad at me for this and doesn't get eliminated next because I feel like it would be my fault then."
There are two things though that kinda suck about it...
1: Kenneth, he suddenly left during the challenge which worried me. He looked so sad, probably the saddest I've seen anybody here, even more than me when Shayne left. We haven't seen him ever since, and I hope he comes back. And if he wants and needs, he gets a cuddle with Skelebear, that always helps me when I'm sad and lonely. *smiles*
2: Taiha... Yep, I know I've said she is annoying, but during the challenge we actually bonded a bit. She is still weird, but in an actual fun way. Unfortunately I basically was forced to lie to her about some facts because otherwise my strategy to win would have been toast. I really hope she isn't too mad at me for this and doesn't get eliminated next because I feel like it would be my fault then."
GREY: "Knock knock, house guests!"
GREY: ".....No one's gonna let me in? I let myself in anyway? Okay. I let myself in."
~30 minutes later~
GREY: "It's like herding stubborn sheep in here. Do I LOOK like a border collie to you people??"
Taiha: "Woof!"
GREY: "You probably think that's cute, Taiha, but that's actually sexual lingo within the gay community."
Taiha: "...Meow?"
GREY: "Yes yes, please gather around the bonfire, my little sheeple. Look at Indigo over there, setting such a good example for the rest of you! What a good little girl."
*Kaitlin tenses*
Tamela (whispering in Kaitlin's ear): "Who does this guy think he is?"
Kaitlin: "Hmmm... Another bad apple, that's what..."
Artie: "Iz zis réunion about Kenneth?"
Aiden: "Yawh! Where is mah buddeh at?? He be missin' all days today."
Throvan: "I hope he is safe."
Indigo: "When will the Execution Ceremony be??"
GREY: "All your questions will be answered once you all SIT DOWN AND SHUT THE FUCK UP!"
GREY: "Splendid! Now, where was I?"
GREY: "Oh, right. Your suspicions are true. Kenneth has not been around today because he has decided to
remove himself from the game."
remove himself from the game."
Linda: "So was he the Mole or not?"
Indigo: "THAT is the first question you ask??"
Throvan: "I concur. I am worried about his well-being. We all should be. This game we play comes second."
The Gov: "...We're still waiting on an answer there, Mr. Winters."

Fabio: "The Governor: predictable as always."
The Gov: "Harharha! At least I'm not predictably BORING like you, Mr. Snoozeville."
Fabio: "You just lost yourself a voter."
The Gov: "Illegal citizens can't vote, remember?"
Fabio: "...."
GREY: "ANYWAYS. I can verify that Kenneth was NOT the Mole, meaning the Mole is still in this room...."
*Everyone side-eyes each other nervously*
GREY: "Now. Because Kenneth has been removed from the game, there is no need for another elimination today, so both the Quiz and Execution have been canceled."
Evarrine: "What great fortune!"
Taiha: "EEEEEK! That means I'm automatically guaranteed another day with you, Grey!!!"
GREY: "....Is it just me or is she scooting closer and closer every time I look away?"
Taiha: "Idonotknowwhatyouaretalkingabout."
Taiha: "Idonotknowwhatyouaretalkingabout."
Fabio: "Yup. She is."
Taiha: *gasps dramatically* "FABIO!"
Fabio: "Qué?"
Taiha: "Wanna take back that knife you just shoved into my back??"
Fabio: "Nawh, I'm good homie."
Fabio: "Qué?"
Taiha: "Wanna take back that knife you just shoved into my back??"
Fabio: "Nawh, I'm good homie."
Artie: "I juzt do not comprendre... Zut happen to 'im? What waz zat phone call about yesterday during ze mission??"
GREY: "His mother is in the hospital. She overdosed yesterday and her health continues to decline today. Kenneth is leaving the game in order to say goodbye to her."
Kaitlin: "Oh, wow. I had no idea."
Tamela: "I know what he is going through... Unfortunately."
GREY: "Yes, it is very sad indeed. He was deliberating on it all day, talking with the producers and our on-set psychiatrist... psychologist... therapist? Either way I'm lying because we definitely don't have the funds to pay for one of those! We have Dr. Malik and that's about it... And really the Doctor's only specialty is splinter removal and prostate exams, sooo... Not much help, either."
Aiden: "Kenneth told meh he din't have da best relationship wid his momma, 'n I always jus' felt so so bad for him. Mommas are EVERYTHANG! Theys what makes da world go round. Mah momma is what shaped me to be da man I am today!
Sumtimes, when I git real scurred at night, my momma will cuddle up in bed wid meh! She's a real good snuggler, dat one!"
Evarrine: "Parents are... largely useless. At least, mine were. They were disposable. And so, I eventually discarded them.... for good."
GREY: "Maybe you should keep those secrets to yourself next time, Your Majesty. Since, they are, well... 'secrets'. Meaning... NOT TO BE TOLD ON INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION!"
Linda: "Don't get me started on my parents..... They were s--"
GREY: "-serial killers, yes, you've told us MANY times before, Linda."
Linda: "Are you sure you want to skip my dialogue?"
Linda: "No side quests for you, then."
The Gov: "The old geezer that impregnated my mother was a bastard of a man, quite literally.... A bastard, I mean. He didn't end up staying a man..."
Fabio: "The way in which most of you speak of those who birthed and raised you is incredibly disrespectful. What I wouldn't give right now to finally see my padre again after all these years... Or just to be able to hug my mamá, even for a mere second.
....But alas, I cannot, because she sacrificed her LIFE for my sister and I. That is what parents do for their children. They sacrifice everything for their young."
Kaitlin: "Speak for yourself, Nwa. Not everyone is lucky enough to have good parents. Mine were irresponsible drug addicts who got themselves killed from their own stupidity! I promised myself that I would never EVER become like them... but... maybe what I did was.... Worse? ...... Never mind..."
Tamela: "Sacrifice everything, you say? Perhaps that's what my father thought he was doing when he got into the drug business... But sacrificing me as a result wasn't the answer. If only he had just reached out and asked for my help instead of dealing with it all on his own. People don't know how to ask for help anymore..."
*glances at Kaitlin*
Artie: "Am I ze only person 'ere who doezn't have mommy and daddy problèmes??"
Taiha: "Me, pick me! I don't have any!"
GREY: "Yes, you have a lot of OTHER problems instead..."
Taiha: "Ahahaha, you're so funneh, Grey! Like what??"
GREY: "Where to even begin...."
Taiha: "Oh HEY, before I forget!! Did you see me in your dreams last night, by any chance?"
GREY: "What? No."
Taiha: "Okay... I'll try again tonight."
GREY: "Annnd with that, it's time for me to bounce!"
Taiha: "SO SOON??"
GREY: "NOT SOON ENOUGH! ....Oh, and Taiha: We know that you ONCE AGAIN brought Mr. Fluffers-- I mean, Mr. Meow.... even after we EXPLICITLY told you not to.
We will be confiscating him from you tomorrow.
G'night everyone!"
Taiha: "Awwwww POOPER-SCOOPERS!!"