GREY: "LIGHTS, please!"

GREY: "Above you all lies a screen."

GREY: "You know the procedure.... If the screen turns green?"

"You are safe!"

GREY: "BUT if the screen turns red?"

"You are executed."

 GREY: "Mister Fabio.... We'll start with you. Will you get a door to sit behind tonight?"

 GREY: "Can't believe I'm saying this but congratulations Fabio! You made it to the final 3!"

GREY: "We have two previous winners on stage right now.... Is one of them about to be eliminated?
Taiha.... Here are your results!"

The Gov: "Oh sweet baby jesus. Think I just suffered from a minor  heart attack!!"

Kaitlin: "That's what happens when you come after my crown."

Kenneth: "Sorry Kit-Cat-Cutey! For what it's worth, my money was on you!!"

Taiha: "Honestly, mine too!"

GREY: "It's official, Taiha. You are the Mole's final victim this season."

 *the audience boos loudly*

GREY: "WOW. Quite the reaction! Can barely hear myself. What do you think prompted this reaction??"

 Taiha: "That, my friend, is the sound of the citizens of Mole Town disappointed that their Queeeeeen has fallen!"

GREY: "Well, I'm sure you have a lot to say! We'll get to that right after this commercial break."

 GREY: "Stay tuned, viewers, because my exclusive interview with the most recently executed player, Taiha Anderson, is next!!"



(Best commercial from Season 1)

(Best commercial from Season 2)

(Best commercial from Season 3)


GREY: "Welcome back ladies and germs to the grand finale of The Mole: Unfinished Business!"

GREY: "Sitting with me now is none other than the legendary Taiha Anderson."

GREY: "Taiha, it's safe to say that the audience was pretty shocked and disappointed to see you eliminated tonight. How shocked were you?"

Taiha: "Shocked would be an understatement. I thought I had this one in the bag this season! But I guess the only thing I had in my bag this time was more cats again! Whoopsies! Heheehee."

GREY: "What made you think you were going to win yet again?"

Taiha: "I had the Mole pinned since like day 2 or 3. Believe it or not, but I found a major clue at the beginning of the season just like I did my first season. So naturally I figured I was gonna win again! Are you suuuuure you got the results right, Greyson??" ;-)

GREY: "It's not up to me! I don't know the results myself until they happen live."

Taiha: "Well, maybe it was a decoy clue? Or we all got perfect scores?"

GREY: "Can't confirm anything just yet, but I WILL say you got the lowest score on the final quiz."
Taiha: "Hmm.... If you say so!"

GREY: "Right. So how does it feel to get the red screen of death? You have never been executed before."

Taiha: "It's a bit humbling! I'll say that much. I came into this fully expecting to maintain my title as the Mole Queen, and be the only two-time winner. But I see that dream is crushed."

GREY: "Well, only partially. You may never get to say you're a two-time winner, but you've obviously left quite the mark on this show. I'd EVEN go as far as to say you are the most iconic player to play this game. You are essentially the face of this show, behind me, of course.... and trust me, that isn't easy for me to admit!"

Taiha: "Well, thanks Grey.... I still hate you for ruining my cat sanctuary but that was very nice of you to say! The Mole has been such a huge part of my life this last decade, and I honestly don't know where I'd be right now without it."

GREY: "Probably in a cabin somewhere with a hundred cats, maybe."

Taiha: "Hehe, yeah, maybe!!"

GREY: "What's next for you? A reboot of Mini Mole, perhaps? And your brother, Remy? Sister Maya? Your parents?? All a bunch of reality show stars! Is this it? Is your family retiring from the reality show scene? Or can we expect to see the famous crazy cat lady in our screens again in the future?"

Taiha: "That.... that all remains to be seen. I'll leave it at that!"

GREY: "Haha, sounds good! Thank you, Taiha. I know we've had our.... moments this season, as well as season 2! But honestly, you've been such an entertaining and intelligent contestant on this show, and if I'm being honest, I'm not sure where the show would be without you either! So thank you once again, and good luck to you and your family's future."

Taiha: "Thanks Grey! I so appreciate that! OMG I can't believe this show is FINALLY ending.... Look at me getting all teary-eyed! Gah!!"

 GREY: "Well, it's not ending quite yet! We still have much unfinished business to attend to.... Mole reveals, winner reveals... Speaking of which: let's crown the winner, shall we??
....right after this commercial break!"
*The audience groans in dismay*

GREY: "Annnnd we're back once again!"

GREY: "Before we reveal the winner of the season, let's get the cast's reaction to their most recent fallen comrade."

GREY: "Who was surprised to see Taiha executed tonight?"

Izzy: "I certainly was! Honestly, I thought she was gonna pull off another W. It's funny now though, she and I are on opposite sides of the spectrum. There's a common debate about whether or not it's worse to be eliminated first, or right before the end. And considering I'm pretty envious of how much more playtime she got than me, I'm happy to put this debate to rest... Getting out first SUCKS ASS!!!"

 GREY: "Language, Izzy! Must I remind you this is LIVE?!"
Izzy: "What, like you don't suck Kenzen's ass every Friday night?"
GREY: "Ayyyyy guess you got me there!"

Taiha: "Yeah, getting executed first is the worst, but at least it doesn't sting as bad as getting eliminated last! You're much, MUCH more invested in the game!"

Artie: "Alzough I am très surprise zat Taiha waz éliminé, I am plus shocked zat Fabio iz still in ze game! Who knew he had zuch game en him?? I absolument underestimated him en ze begin of ze saison!! In mon opinion, he haz proven 'imself by making eet to ze finale, and deserves a lot more le respect than I've given him zis far..... Buen trabajo, amigo!"
Tamela: "Yes, Fabio winning would definitely be the ultimate redemption arc!"

 Linda: "If the NPC wins this, I'm calling hacks!"

Aiden: "Hay now! Fabio is ah good fella! Unlike dat filthy political hippo who tinks he deserves ah statue of 'imself or somethang. Bleh. What an ego! He betta not win dis or I'm gonna eat ah rock!"

Linda: "At least the Governor is strategic! And has actually tried to LOOK like the Mole! Fabio doesn't even know how to play this game. He's too nice and doesn't sabotage."
Aiden: "Nice guys don' always finish last, y'know!"
Linda: "They do in The Mole. Look at you!"
Aiden: "Humph!"

 Artie: "Speaking of statues, I waz going to bring up mon latest art projet, but I see ze mood iz now spoilt."

Maya: "Nah, bring it up anyway!"

Artie: "Alzight.... Ever sinze mon execution, I've been at ze Mesa Gallery, to help mon dear amie Jasmine Yves set up 'er galerie. I zen found a giant mesa roche zat reminded me a little of your head, Aiden! So of course I start sculpting eet to la perfection!"

GREY: "Did you bring it? Or at least have a pic of it?"
Artie: "Erm... non."
GREY: "Then why the fuck would you bring it up Miss Fartie Stique."

Artie: "Uhhh...."

Aiden: "Hay! Dat's rude!"

Aiden: "Don' mind him, ma'am! Dat's really kewl! Maybes you can show it to meh sometimes?"

Artie: "Oui, of course!"

Aiden: "Al'ight, hehehe. Can' wait! Sounds real nice, I bet it's real funneh lookin... Not cuz you bad at all! I bet you real good at sculptin'. Just dat it's so accurate lookin dat it looks jus' like mah funneh lookin face wit mah big nose!"

Artie: "Ahaha, non worries! I comprends what you meant. Do non worry, ze sculpture iz as beau and handsome as you, hehe."

Aiden: :3

Artie: :3