???: "Welcome, welcome, to the premiere of the 7th and FINAL season of our show!
"Look closely with me, will you. What do you see?
Just stars? What you see is all stars, you say?"

"Funnily enough, we have actually arrived at the All-Stars season! That's right, this season's cast is filled to the brim with previous stars of The Mole. A beautiful collection of fan favorites, previous winners, previous losers, and one previous Mole are all here ready to play again.
And they have come with a vengeance, as this season's official subtitle is Unfinished Business. Each of them have a unique reason for why they have returned, whether it be for fame, fortune, or love... Or something more sinister."
"But first, let me just say this: Although there will be no twists nor turns this season, this season will essentially be The Mole on steroids, with the best contestants, the best missions, and the best hosts this show has had!"
"...And speaking of 'best hosts', how could we possibly do the last season without bringing back the ORIGINAL host of The Mole??"
GREY WINTERS: "Why yes, it's me, Grey Winters. In the flesh, and fresh outta prison!!"
GREY: "OH how I've missed being on camera!"
GREY: "...that was a joke. I've quite enjoyed my peace and quiet in my cell, away from fanboys and fangirls."
GREY: "Let's just hope people like Taiha, Sara, Beau, Pacco, and Taiha haven't been brought back... What's that? You're saying I listed Taiha twice? Well, twice isn't enough! I'd list her thrice if I could!! ...What's that? You're saying Pacco can't be brought back because he's... Oh right. I forgot that small detail..."
GREY: "Now, where were we..."
GREY: "OH right, the stars!"
GREY: "It would only be fitting for the All-Stars season to be filmed in the city of all stars: You guessed it, we're in Hollywood, baby!"
"This is every player's second AND last chance to play the game how they want, and perhaps rewrite the legacy they've had on this show, so the stakes have NEVER
been higher."

"In such a high-stakes season, you can expect plenty of blood, sweat,
and tears, and most especially: You can expect plentiful amounts of
sabotage, backstabbing, and betrayal."
GREY: "At the end of it all, only one player will be victorious, taking home all the money earned in the Group Pot.
That person is the player who can correctly answer the question..."
???: "Mr. Winters, we have a situation!"
GREY: "Oh look! Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you... The winner of The Mole: Season 5...."
"Mason Livingston!"
"Each mission, I will have a past contestant who played in said mission
to help me host it. That person today is Mason! How the heck are you??"
Mason: "There is no time for idle chit-chat, we have a Code Purple on our hands."
Mason: "With all due respect, sir, this isn't the time for jokes."
GREY: "Then what time is it for?"
*Mason presses his thumb against a special location on the statue plaque*
Mason: "The Mayor's life is in danger, and we need to keep them safe. Code Purple means bomb threat."
*A deafening grinding noise is produced as the statue shifts backwards*
GREY: "Bomb shelter?"
"Indeed. California has a series of secret bunkers placed around major
cities in case of catastrophe, such as natural disasters or nuclear
warfare. It's mostly for higher-level officials, which is why this one's
placed in front of Hollywood's City Hall."
GREY: "And I'm supposed to go down there with you?"
Mason: "Is that a problem?"
GREY: "NOPE. It's not like I'm deathly claustrophobic or anything like that..."
"GREAT! Then you'll do just fine. But we must hurry, the suicide bomber
and his minions have already infiltrated the government's ranks, and
the Mayor and his supporters are about to show up. We need to be down
there and come up with a strategy before they arrive."
GREY: "...Can we just call it the President? Everyone's going to get confused otherwise."
Mason: "Sure, whatever."
GREY: "Okay... Here goes!"
GREY: "This is giving me flashbacks to the fish smoothie in the cooking mission from season 2... Blegh."
GREY: "So what's your current strategy?"
"Well, no one will know who anyone is. So I'm thinking we split the
group into 2 rooms, and allow the designated leaders to swap hostages
until we can feel rest assured that the President is NOT in the same
room as the Bomber when she or he is set to go off."
GREY: "If the President's life is so important, why not just isolate him or her in their own bunker?"
"Because. Although the President's life is what's most important, we
still value the life of his supporters and the innocent citizens who've
been swept up into this mess. Splitting the group in 2 rooms allows for
the most amount of lives saved, mathematically, since we don't know who
the Bomber is yet."
"I'm going to ensure the bunkers have the proper medical and food
supplies to sustain 7 people. You should stay here and greet everyone as they arrive."
GREY: "...is he gone yet?"
Yan the Cameraman: "He's out of earshot, yes."
GREY: "PHEW! I enjoy role-playing just as much as the next nerd, but MAN did he take this job waaay too seriously!"
GREY: "Onto the moment we've all been waiting for..."
GREY: "...."
GREY: "Is it just me or did that staircase just change...?"
"Hey look! Here comes our first contestant now. I hear we're going to
start from the earliest season and make our way to the latest season.
And only one person from season 1 made the cut, so this must be the
creme of the crop of our very first season!!"
GREY: "Please give a warm welcome to...."
GREY: "...Fabio Farfeild...?"
Fabio: "So. We meet again."
Fabio: "So you all know who I am
by now: the infamous Fabio Farfeild. Honestly I'm sick of this damn show
making me the butt of its jokes for 7 god-damn years. Oh, Evarrine thinks it's
funny to transform that girl, What's-her-face, into me. Ha ha, very amusing.
Well, I've had enough of that! I've been through a lot in the past seven years, and I'm here to show everyone that I'm not just some one-off punchline that you can make each season. And not only that: I worked my ass off to make a life for myself. The money would really help boost my cafe business... and let me do right by my sister.
Now excuse me: I have some unfinished business to settle."
Well, I've had enough of that! I've been through a lot in the past seven years, and I'm here to show everyone that I'm not just some one-off punchline that you can make each season. And not only that: I worked my ass off to make a life for myself. The money would really help boost my cafe business... and let me do right by my sister.
Now excuse me: I have some unfinished business to settle."
GREY: "What are you doing here."
Fabio: "What ever do you mean, what am I doing here?"
GREY: "You are the most notoriously boring contestant to ever exist on any show in the history of the universe... So WHY are you here??"
Fabio: "Really, the whole thing was blown WAY out of proportion, I'm really not that bor--"
GREY: "So this isn't a joke?"
Fabio: "No."
GREY: "Fuck me."
GREY: "WELP. This says a lot about how awful season 1's cast was, if out of everyone, FABIO is the one picked to return."
Fabio: "Thanks. That means a lot to me."
GREY: "It shouldn't. Now go stand in the corner and fade away into the background like you normally do."
Fabio: "We'll see about that, now won't we?" ;-]
GREY: "Next, we have 2 contestants from season 2!"
GREY: "The first one is... please don't be Taiha, please don't be Taiha...."
GREY: "What... the... FUCK. Is this show trying to kill me?? First Fabio, now this?!"
Taiha: "....GREY??"
Taiha: "Is that.... IS THAT REALLY YOU?!?"
Taiha: "OH. EM. GEEEEEEEE!!!!!"
Taiha: "Hey there cool cats! It's me, Taiha! The Mole
Queeeeeeen! I'm back and I have never been so excited for anything in my LIFE!
And I have met GREY before! It's been five years since I was last here! I feel
so olddddd. I'm like a grandmother already! GAH! Though, in all that time from
season 2 to now Grey still hasn't responded to my emails or texts or letters or
smoke signals... Whatever! I'm sure he'll be here as a co-host or cameo or
prize for me or something, right?!
It's hard to think 5 years ago I was here, and now I'm back for All-Stars! In that time I hosted three of my own shows! I had my own Mini Mole series and my own new show called Locked! I've also helped produce a few other shows in the background AND I'm now a YouTube sensation now! Also, since I was here, my panda hats have been selling like hotcakes! They're great business, you know! This show has honestly changed my life since I won Season 2!
No one has been able to take my crown as the ultimate Mole winner! I mean, I did get the mole straight from the start and win a lot of money and exemptions along the way, and that was back in Season 2 when all of this was brand spankin' new! Though, I have been watching the past seasons, and I'm pretty sure Kaitlin came pretty close to my crown. But, let's face it... I'm still the Mole Queen! And that's why I'm here again! I'm here to be the only Mole player to win TWO seasons and to maintain my crown as the rightful Mole Queen!... And to meet Grey again.”
It's hard to think 5 years ago I was here, and now I'm back for All-Stars! In that time I hosted three of my own shows! I had my own Mini Mole series and my own new show called Locked! I've also helped produce a few other shows in the background AND I'm now a YouTube sensation now! Also, since I was here, my panda hats have been selling like hotcakes! They're great business, you know! This show has honestly changed my life since I won Season 2!
No one has been able to take my crown as the ultimate Mole winner! I mean, I did get the mole straight from the start and win a lot of money and exemptions along the way, and that was back in Season 2 when all of this was brand spankin' new! Though, I have been watching the past seasons, and I'm pretty sure Kaitlin came pretty close to my crown. But, let's face it... I'm still the Mole Queen! And that's why I'm here again! I'm here to be the only Mole player to win TWO seasons and to maintain my crown as the rightful Mole Queen!... And to meet Grey again.”
Taiha: "I seriously like cannot believe this right now! What are the chances of meeting you again?! And HERE???"
GREY: "Pretty high, I'd imagine..."
GREY: "My sentence was shortened for good behavior.... which I am now regretting."
Taiha: "Well, isn't this just dandy? I'm soooo glad you're hosting again, this season is gonna be awesome, I just know it." ^.^
GREY: "Things have changed since you last played, though. You're going to have a lot more competition this year."
Taiha: "I am aware. I'm up for the challenge! No one's gonna take away my title of The Mole Queen, I can tell you THAT much."
GREY: "I s'pose only time will tell. Please join Fabio by the green door, if you could."
Taiha: "WAIT. The Fabio!?? Holy Catlord!"
Fabio: "Yup, it's a-me, Fabio! I played with your brother Remy the first season."
Taiha: "You sure did! I would say Remy told me all about you, but..."
Fabio: "He didn't remember me?"
Taiha: "Bingo!"
Fabio: "Yup, it's a-me, Fabio! I played with your brother Remy the first season."
Taiha: "You sure did! I would say Remy told me all about you, but..."
Fabio: "He didn't remember me?"
Taiha: "Bingo!"
GREY: "Next, we have... Anyone but Thomas, anyone but Thomas..."
Kenneth: "It's been the donkey's years since I've been on camera last!"
Kenneth: "Hello world! Your favorite player is back! And no, I don't mean lady player, I do mean favorite Mole player, as I was voted
the fan favorite of season 2. What have I been up to since my stint on
The Mole? Well, I've sworn off women (for now) until I get my shit
together. I'm 33 years young now and need to start thinking long-term,
it won't be long before I hit the dreaded forty, and then after that
I'll soon be dead!
jokes aside, I really have matured. Although part of it is that I just
can't keep up with those twenty-something girls anymore. I want a real
WOMAN now, you know? But women don't put up with boys, so I've been
trying to make something of myself. I've finished my Bachelor's Degree
in French History, and have moved back to my motherland of London in the
hopes of becoming a professor at Oxford University. It's an ambitious
goal, I know, but who would Kenneth be without great ambition?
of which, you may be wondering why I've returned. Surprisingly, I'm not
here for love, nor for the fame or fortune either. I am simply here for
the crazy and wonderful adventure that is The Mole! Last time, I got to
meet so many incredible people, and I look forward to meeting this
season's cast too. I have high hopes that Artie is back, because I'd
absolutely love to hear more about her culture. I find her accent
terribly sexy...erm. Don't tell her I said that! Hehe. But yeah, last
time I played we visited Paris and that's when I fell in love with
French culture, and I'm sure that colorful little french poodle can
teach me a thing or two before I stand in front of hundreds of students
and teach them too about French culture!"
Taiha: "Kenneth! It is so good to see you again, old pal!"
Kenneth: "Hahaha, you too Taiha. No Max or Brianne?"
Taiha: "Nope, just the two of us representing season 2 I'm afraid.... At least we're not this loser who's by himself!"
"We are now moving to Season 3 contestants! Everyone after this point
is a stranger to me, but at least Kenzen gave me the rundown of everyone
from his season before I arrived.
Coming down the stairs now we have..."
Indigo: "Guess who's baaack!? Back in black!"
Indigo: "I bet you've all been wondering what I've been
up to in the past 4 years, haven't you? Well, as you can see, visually I
didn't change much. Black is still my favourite colour although it is
rather a shade, but I don't care none. I actually finished studying half
a year ago, but I honestly still don't know what to do. I'd like to go
into game development since I still enjoy computer games a lot, but I'm
still waiting for an answer for my application form. And yes, you
guessed right, good old Skelebear is still my partner in crime. I know I
should have grown out of that, but honestly he gave me a lot of
confidence during my time studying. Some things changed though. I came
over a few of my fears, like water and vegetables. I still don't swim or
eat vegetables though because I simply don't like it.
And guess what?
I'm not a single lady anymore. *grins* Yeah, that is right, I'm dating
someone, and I guess you can already tell who I'm talking about. It's
Shayne. Yeah, his relationship with his now ex-girlfriend didn't work
out anymore, so he contacted me and we started seeing each other more.
Now we are a couple since 3 years and I couldn't be happier, squeee!
So why did I decide to come back? Such a tricky question. I was
actually surprised that my application got through. But jokes aside,
the obvious answer would be to place better than 9th, right? But other
than that, I got so distracted with studying that I always saw the same
faces over and over again and I think combined with the other two
reasons this is the ideal chance to get to know the other players from
the late seasons. Also I figured out that I didn't really had the
chances to show my potential as an individual because me, Sara and
Ashlee were so alike, so I'm hope I can finally spark here. And...that's
it, hehe."
Kenneth: "This purple zebra is going to make my abstinence from women VERY difficult..."
Indigo: "Careful there, tiger. I'm taken now!"
Kenneth: "That hasn't stopped me before." ;-)
GREY: "Joining us now is..."
Shayne: "Haha, hey everyone."
Shayne: "First
of all, I can't believe I agreed to come back on this show after they tortured
me last time, BUT it also helped me meet the greatest women I've ever known:
Indigo. Since the end of our season, Indigo and I have started dating
and it has gotten pretty serious. The main reason I agreed to come back, other to win of course, is
because I have a surprise for her and I think this is the best place to do it."
Shayne: "Hey babe."
Indigo: "Hey cutie. Fancy seeing you here!"
Taiha: "Why can't Grey and I have something like that??"
GREY: "Is that... NO. They WOULDN'T bring her back!!"
???: "Why yes, it is I..."
Evarrine: "Her Highness, the Queen EVARRINE ROLAND!"
"Hello, lowly peasants! It is I, back again! Where have I been the past
four years? Wouldn’t you like to know. I have not even aged a day in that time!
In fact, some might even say I look younger. Envious? You should be!
Back home in Brendale, I’ve been living like a queen,
because I am! Servants have catered to my every whim, I've gained riches beyond
your human understanding, I’ve met many handsome and successful suitors, and
I’ve destroyed anyone who dares to cross me! So these insolent mortals better
obey, or shall I remind them of what I’m capable of?
*Pause for maniacal laughter*
Now, you may be wondering what would bring me back to
such a mundane, filthy realm such as this to a game as dreadful as 'The
Well... the unbearable truth is... I have become quite
bored. I am too powerful in my realm, to the point where I am a God and
everyone around me are mere ants. There are no more ladders for me to climb,
hurdles to jump, or obstacles to face. Life as a queen has simply become too
easy, and I want to feel ALIVE again! And so, I have returned to the land
without magic in search for a suitable rival. NOT that I'll find anyone on my level,
mind you, but a queen can still try, right?
Along the way, I also hope to cross paths with some of
my former foes, in order to accomplish one of my greatest goals in
Indigo: "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! I told the production that
I would only re-enter if Evarrine wouldn't come back! Grrrrrr!!!...Well, at least you're back with me, right? Hehe."
Evarrine: "Well, if it wasn't Purple Peasant and Green Peasant themselves! Greetings."

Evarrine: "Well, if it wasn't Purple Peasant and Green Peasant themselves! Greetings."

Shayne: "I swear to god this show gets off on me being tortured."
GREY: "Evarrine, I must say I'm honored! I have always wanted to meet a real life 'queen'!"
"Just like your bratty partner Kenzen, you too will eventually bow down
to me. How is he, by the way? Still enjoying himself in his prison cell
for eternity?"
GREY: "He's in prison alright, but not because
of your magic trick."
Evarrine: "Trick? I do not do mere tricks, I
can assure you. Perhaps the girl from the previous season, Eva was it?
She might perform tricks, but not I. I hold the real thing. Come to think of
it, she would be a good successor to the throne. Better than my abhorrent
daughter. Ah yes, perhaps I should contact Miss Eva and see if she would like
to visit my Queendom in Brendale..."
GREY: "I'm sorry to steal your thunder, your dear Highness, but we absolutely must move on. Please join the others on the side, if you will."
GREY: "I'm hearing this is the last player to round out the returnees from season 3, please say hello to..."
GREY: "What a pleasure to meet the reality show world's most famous redneck!"
Aiden: "Red neck?! Mah neck ain't red!"
Aiden: "Y'all am back for anotha
season! Did ya miss me?? I ain't been up ta all tha much, I try go to collage
wid the monies I gots in season *hic* 3 but dey tell me I ain't normal 'cus I
ain't got me an education, wha dat mean I ain't *hic* normal?? Mah mama tell me
am normal. Otha than dat I been cooking quite a bit *hic* I been making a yummeh
roadkill stew; is yummeh in my tummeh, e'erybodeh lovin it!...*hic*
mean 'iccup, wat's dat? Eny way I got mahself a pet pig, named her Penny! I spen' all day wid
her 'n we like ta wressel in da *hic* mud. Oh, 'n didja notice
anythin' different?? I got mahself a nose job! Dat pwetty gurl KT paid
for it, can ya believes it?? I can finally drink outta cups again
without snortin' it all up mah nose!"Shayne: "What's up my man."
Indigo: "Aiden! Squeeee!!!"
Aiden: "Hueheuh, hey e'erybodeh! I am one happy lad to see some old pals again!"
GREY: "And there you have it. The first half of this season's cast!"
GREY: "Think you have already spotted this season's Mole? Yes? No? Maybe so?"
"There's a 50% chance we've already met the Mole, but there's also a
50% we haven't! So let's bring out the second half of the cast, shall
GREY: "Starting with the lone ranger from season 4, it's..."

Throvan: "Le suilon! It has been a time since I have been here. Ni
lassui...I am glad to be back. It was a strange thing the last time I was here,
but very strong for learning. There was much uniqueness among the humans. And
these seem no less so. I am saddened to see there is none that I know playing
again. Especially ni mellon, my friend, Beau. But I shall get to know these new
What I have been doing? Well I had been continuing my duties
as Baequivis, as guardian of the Forrest, for a time but I have since
been asked to switch my focus to being Musleryn: bringing together man and
Elven kind, a duty newly created. It is still a slow progress and it
is...difficult work. I like to learn new things but I miss my calling in the
trees. But this is what my clan needs of me. That is why I have returned this
day, both to expand my knowledge for my new calling and to find new allies and
be available to teach of us. Last time many did not believe, and I imagine many
will not this time as well. But some will, and some will ask and learn. And
when my people are ready to venture out more greatly the path will have been
GREY: "It's great to have you back on the show, Throvan."
Throvan: "Le fael. The pleasure is all mine."
GREY: "Very well. Please stand by the orange door, if you will."
GREY: "Next up: Season 5 returnees! First we have..."
Linda: "Hello there. I
was the gamer chick back in season five, who was double eliminated alongside
Artie. After my season ended, I became a member of the CIA to protect the world
from people who are like my serial killer parents. I came back because I want
to have a game where I make it to the end...
want to have a game where I never get executed."Linda: "You have no idea how excited I am to play this mission again. It is right up my alley! Catching bad guys, stopping terrorists, saving the world. Y'know, all that good stuff... Hey everyone!"
Indigo: "OMG it's Linda Blake and she's talking to me! ME! Do you think she might be related to Kaita Blake? Secret sisters??"
Shayne: "I doubt it, Indie."
GREY: "Welcome back to the show! Please stand next to Throvan over yonder."
Linda: "Have we met before...?"
Throvan: "U."
Linda: "Yes, me. Have we met?"
Throvan: "You misunderstand. I meant 'no'."
Linda: "Hm... No relation to Shartan?"
Throvan: "U."
Linda: "I think we need Artie in here to help translate..."
GREY: "SPEAKING of Artie..."
Artie: "Ah, bonjour. My nom iz Artie Stique,
remembre, and I am too grateful for my grande rentrée on Ze Mole! After my
saison 2 years ago I 'ave been traveling with Linda and showed 'er ze world,
oui oui! It was very beau to do, but as a final touch ze both of us 'ave signed
up for Ze All-Stars saison!
Besides zhat, ze reason of my rentrée iz very simple: To win. The finale 6 iz bien, of ze course, but winning le whole show would be Magnifique with un grand M! Moi, I can zink of few things zat would be better... and one of zem is being ze grand M of ze All-Stars."
Besides zhat, ze reason of my rentrée iz very simple: To win. The finale 6 iz bien, of ze course, but winning le whole show would be Magnifique with un grand M! Moi, I can zink of few things zat would be better... and one of zem is being ze grand M of ze All-Stars."
Artie: "Salut, old and new friends alike!"
Taiha: "Hey Artie! Long time no see!"
Indigo: "Hey girl heeey!"
GREY: "You've met some of the players outside of your own season?"
Artie: "Ze course! Zis world izn't as big once you voyage."
GREY: "Interesting. I understand that you and Linda formed quite the power duo AFTER being eliminated in season 5?"
"We did! But that doesn't necessarily mean we will work together this
season. Can't trust ANYONE. Not even yourself! Unreliable narrators are a
thing, you know."
Artie: "Hon hon hon! Are you saying you 'ave non confiance in me already!?"
Linda: "All I'm saying is... This is The Mole. And I'm not being eliminated 6th again!"
Artie: "Touché."
GREY: "And now rounding out the season 5 cast representatives we have..."
Izzy: “I’m back…it’s only been two years, but you
didn’t think you’d seen the last of Izzy, did you? When I was starting Season
Five, they told me I was the Mole, that my game was to sabotage no matter the
cost and watch as all the others said bye-bye. Of course, if you watched the
season, you know I was successful, quite successful. Look at me bragging, looks
like I better stop. Am I the Mole this season? Who knows. I’m back, aren’t I?
Anyway…you’re probably wondering what could bring me from whatever sex cocoon I
was living in, and you have every right to wonder, because, well…I wanted to
come home. Whatever home I have left. I…I lost all the money I earnt, because I
was stupid, and trusted too many plum. I went home, after filming an episode of
that show – Outside the Target, that one – and thought my mother and father
would accept the changes, and the differences, but then my-…Octavia…disowned
me, and of course her sicko husband did too, the man I once called ‘father’…I
don’t have a family, I’ve been moving from friend’s place to friend’s place
recently. So here I am again! Don’t be so fucking emotional, Izzy!
...Oh, uh…I’m fine.
This season will be another chance to earn money, find love or whatever, and
let’s just have some crazy wild fun, okay?! I’m ready to sleep with some men…I
sound fucking pathetic, hey? But I’m Izzy! No last name now, don’t need one.
It’s good to be back.”
GREY: "Looking around... You're the only returning Mole. How does that feel?"
"I must say, it feels quite devious! But it makes sense. I am still the
ONLY Mole to earn more money than the winner, so naturally I was chosen
to return. Why bother bringing back any other Moles when I am the true Mole Queen??"
Taiha: "Pft! You think YOU'RE the Mole Queen?! Hahaha, yeah, suuure. Let's go with THAT..."
Evarrine: "Last time I checked, NEITHER of you vermin are rulers of any kingdom, making I the only Queen of The Mole!"
Linda: "HOLD UP! I think I have a way to distinguish between all of you...
Izzy, you are Queen Mole."
Linda: "Evarrine, you are the Queen from The Mole!"
Linda: "And Taiha, that makes you 'The Mole' Queen!!"
???: "Not so fast, ladies! The REAL Mole Queen is here."
GREY: "Everyone, please welcome perhaps your greatest competition thus far...."
*waving* "Hi guys! I’m your winner from last season! And wow…! Was I on cloud
nine or what! Because I was homeless I booked myself in the most beautiful
hotel after the show in the city, and was I spoiled…? Rotten…! That was
heaven…! But after a while, six weeks or so I couldn’t take the hustle and
bustle of the city anymore and decided to go back to my homeland, Zimbabwe… But
it wasn’t the same anymore. The people weren't the same, so after a few weeks of
here, there, everywhere, I ended up on the volcanic tropical Island, Saint
Helena, in the South Atlantic Ocean and made it my new home… Go Google it! It’s
the most beautiful place to be.
So I was asked if I want to come back for the final season of The Mole and because of what it meant to me, I immediately said yes! And yeah, I do have unfinished business here… What do you ask? Mmmm… Let me put it this way… Or let me give you a name… Tamela… I need to find out if what I feel for her is more than just appreciation for her friendship during the show?"
So I was asked if I want to come back for the final season of The Mole and because of what it meant to me, I immediately said yes! And yeah, I do have unfinished business here… What do you ask? Mmmm… Let me put it this way… Or let me give you a name… Tamela… I need to find out if what I feel for her is more than just appreciation for her friendship during the show?"
GREY: "With such a bold entrance, I must ask what makes you think YOU deserve the title of The Mole Queen?"
"Simple: I am the most successful winner this show has ever had. Over
the past year I've managed to catch up on all the seasons I missed, and
no winner was as precise or as suspicious as myself. So move over Taiha,
a new Queen has arrived!"
Taiha: "The audacity of this woman, amiright?"
Fabio: "You're right."
GREY: "So I assume your unfinished business is to maintain your crown as the greatest winner of The Mole?"
"Sure. That, and something else... In fact my unfinished business has
yet to arrive, but I am eagerly yet nervously awaiting their arrival..."
GREY: "How mysterious. Please join the others for now."
Indigo: "Woot woot! Nice haircut, gurl!"
Kaitlin: "Thanks..."
GREY: "That's 12 contestants so far, 2 left to go!"
GREY: "Another female contestant from season 6, here is..."
Tamela: "Um, does this play in you-know-who's prison
recreation room? Do they get this channel? No? Great.
*Takes a deep breath*
Ok, world, Tamela Wakefield is back! And this time, my memory is, unfortunately, all there. But, that's great! I mean, I'm glad to be back.
Not like I really want to talk about it but I'm sure everyone's heard by now. My dad's in prison, which he should be. I'm saddened by what he did. We could have survived without all the money, but he made a promise to my mom, which turned into a twisted scheme that got out of hand.
*pauses and takes a deep breath*
Since then, I've been working for the U.N. They gave me a job and I'm forever grateful. I love what I do, but I can't talk about it...because then...I'd have to kill you.
*winks at the camera*
So, beyond that, I've just been finding some sense of normalcy and learning more about what I want in life and what I like. I've been given a second chance, one I won't throw away on whether I look too fat or did I buy the latest fashions. Now, I'm not saying I won't sometimes. I still have taste. But I'm going to go after what I want and not shiver in the corner, scared to go out and do it.
Life has a way of throwing you curveballs, ones that smash you so hard that they take your breath away. I may not be able to breathe, but I'm still going to stand up and fight for what I want and what is right. It's why I'm here again. I was so close last season to winning. Don't get me wrong. Kaitlin deserved it. Whoever the mole is this time has their work cut out for them. It'll be tough getting by her again. But now we're both back, and I'm in it to win it and have fun! It's a great honor to be back again. And my unfinished business is not only to win this time but to also show you the new and improved Tamela Wakefield!"
Tamela: "I'm getting prison vibes in here... Anyone else slightly claustrophobic?"
GREY: "You and me both, sister. How is it being back just 1 year later?"

Tamela: "Better than expected! I have a lot more confidence this time around, and I am excited to put my full potential into the game. I wasn't able to last time, which is why I only placed second. But this time? I plan to leave all my competition in the dust.
And SPEAKING of competition, I know Kaitlin is back, and I am absolutely thrilled to see and play with her again."
*Takes a deep breath*
Ok, world, Tamela Wakefield is back! And this time, my memory is, unfortunately, all there. But, that's great! I mean, I'm glad to be back.
Not like I really want to talk about it but I'm sure everyone's heard by now. My dad's in prison, which he should be. I'm saddened by what he did. We could have survived without all the money, but he made a promise to my mom, which turned into a twisted scheme that got out of hand.
*pauses and takes a deep breath*
Since then, I've been working for the U.N. They gave me a job and I'm forever grateful. I love what I do, but I can't talk about it...because then...I'd have to kill you.
*winks at the camera*
So, beyond that, I've just been finding some sense of normalcy and learning more about what I want in life and what I like. I've been given a second chance, one I won't throw away on whether I look too fat or did I buy the latest fashions. Now, I'm not saying I won't sometimes. I still have taste. But I'm going to go after what I want and not shiver in the corner, scared to go out and do it.
Life has a way of throwing you curveballs, ones that smash you so hard that they take your breath away. I may not be able to breathe, but I'm still going to stand up and fight for what I want and what is right. It's why I'm here again. I was so close last season to winning. Don't get me wrong. Kaitlin deserved it. Whoever the mole is this time has their work cut out for them. It'll be tough getting by her again. But now we're both back, and I'm in it to win it and have fun! It's a great honor to be back again. And my unfinished business is not only to win this time but to also show you the new and improved Tamela Wakefield!"
Tamela: "I'm getting prison vibes in here... Anyone else slightly claustrophobic?"
GREY: "You and me both, sister. How is it being back just 1 year later?"

Tamela: "Better than expected! I have a lot more confidence this time around, and I am excited to put my full potential into the game. I wasn't able to last time, which is why I only placed second. But this time? I plan to leave all my competition in the dust.
And SPEAKING of competition, I know Kaitlin is back, and I am absolutely thrilled to see and play with her again."
GREY: "Last but not least, everyone get ready to welcome our final contestant..."
Gov: "What? Confessional? I ain't
giving no damn confessional... You give a confessional!"
*The camera switches off due to
technical difficulties before switching back on*
The Gov: "...So I've just been scolded by production and told that
due to my contract I am required to give a confessional, go figure? *coughs* Damn TV executives, that's why you should always read the fine print
before you sign kids!
Anyway, What have I been doing
this past year? Well, I'm glad you asked, I've been on an extended vacation in
the Caribbean on a public relations tour of the local Islands, I've sampled
some of the finest Caribbean cuisines and gained a hell of a lot of weight,
Hence the shirt... Do you like it?"
*Production can be heard
whispering off-screen*
The Gov: "What do you mean, no?! Cheeky Bastards!
So, yeah while
I was visiting this one tiny little Island called "El Topo" there
just happened to be an opening for the position of Island Governor and guess
what? I won the people's vote by a landslide majority! Seems like the people
that live on this Island are big fans of The Mole, it's all they ever watch! So
much apparently that having me as their Governor greatly appealed to them... to
be honest I think it's the only show that the Island TV broadcasts but that's
beside the point... *coughs* So yes, I am no longer an American citizen,
I'm officially a resident of "El Topo" which also means that all my
previous convictions are void due to a technicality! Hahaha! I love
international laws!
Why am I back, you ask? Well isn't it obvious? I want to make
my new Island constituents proud, I want to prove that I have what it takes to
win the game by playing honestly, that's right! No cheating, No bribery and No
Illegal activities... that you know of..."
GREY: "Welcome back to the show, Governor."
The Gov: "Huh. What an odd-looking bunch..."
The Gov: "And thank you for the welcome, Mr. Grey."
GREY: "First name Grey. Last name Winters."
The Gov: "Wait... So you're not the infamous Christian Grey??"
GREY: "No. Not even close. And please stop calling me that, you're giving Taiha ideas..."
Taiha: ".....WAIT, what??"
GREY: "Just join the others so we can get started, would you?"
The Gov: "Ms. Harlow, Ms. Wakefield. Glad to see some familiar faces. And look! The first albino contestant!"
GREY: "Welcome, everyone, to The Mole: Unfinished Business!"
GREY: "Now that you're all here, I can announce that the game has OFFICIALLY started!"
GREY: "The first mission is about to commence as well, so why not just delve right into it, shall we?"
GREY: "As you all already know, today we will be playing the 2 ROOMS & 1 BOOM mission from Season 5. You should have already received your card, which tells you your role in the game."
GREY: "Same rules as before: You will be split into 2 rooms, and there will be 3 rounds. At the end of each round, the Leader within the room will choose a hostage to send over to the other room. The only change this time around is that there will be TWO hostages for the first round, and there are 6 new roles, 4 of which are on the GREY TEAM. They are ROMEO, JULIET, SURVIVOR, and VICTIM.
Romeo and Juliet's win condition is being together at the end of the game, regardless if they live or die.
And the Survivor and Victim are self-explanatory; Survivor wants to survive the bomb, and the Victim wants to die from it.
There is also the BLUE SPY and RED SPY, who, when they color share with someone else, show the color opposite of their true allegiance."
GREY: "The 2 rooms will be divided by the 1st and 2nd generation of players, AKA: Seasons 1-3 & Seasons 4-6.
So on my left in the green room is..."
GREY: "And on my right in the orange room is..."
GREY: "As you all already know, today we will be playing the 2 ROOMS & 1 BOOM mission from Season 5. You should have already received your card, which tells you your role in the game."
GREY: "Same rules as before: You will be split into 2 rooms, and there will be 3 rounds. At the end of each round, the Leader within the room will choose a hostage to send over to the other room. The only change this time around is that there will be TWO hostages for the first round, and there are 6 new roles, 4 of which are on the GREY TEAM. They are ROMEO, JULIET, SURVIVOR, and VICTIM.
Romeo and Juliet's win condition is being together at the end of the game, regardless if they live or die.
And the Survivor and Victim are self-explanatory; Survivor wants to survive the bomb, and the Victim wants to die from it.
There is also the BLUE SPY and RED SPY, who, when they color share with someone else, show the color opposite of their true allegiance."
GREY: "The 2 rooms will be divided by the 1st and 2nd generation of players, AKA: Seasons 1-3 & Seasons 4-6.
So on my left in the green room is..."
GREY: "And on my right in the orange room is..."
"As a reminder, the only way to add money into the group pot is if the
President survives. If the President does in fact survive, then each
additional blue team player who survives will add $40,000... Or $40k. Or
just $40 for short... Making this mission worth a total of $200!
As for exemptions? Each person who satisfies their win condition will earn one, meaning that anywhere between 5-9 players will be exempt going into the very first execution! Which makes this mission perhaps the most important of them all."
As for exemptions? Each person who satisfies their win condition will earn one, meaning that anywhere between 5-9 players will be exempt going into the very first execution! Which makes this mission perhaps the most important of them all."
GREY: "And with that, the mission officially starts..."
Indigo: "Gosh, we are barely a few hours here and we already have some
drama here. Taiha, Evarrine, Izzy and Kaitlin are fighting over who the
real 'Mole Queen' is. I can't be the only one who is finding this a bit…
you know, over the top? But why am I complaining anyway? I'm not part
of it, so I'm cool with it. Also think about it, while the other girls
are fighting I can sneak behind and claim the title myself, right? I
mean I might be the most unexpected contestant in this All-Stars Season,
wouldn't it be hilarious if I would win? Their eyes would probably be
like soooooooooo big if it happens! *laughs*
But jokes aside, I would actually be happy to place before Evarrine and Taiha to be honest. Evarrine because for payback for 'torturing' us all and Taiha because she is even more blinded than Evarrine. Don't get me wrong, she is nice and all, but her obvious crush on Grey might cost her the second title."
Yan the Cameraman: "But you are in a relationship with Shayne, isn't that kind of the same?"
Indigo: "No, it isn't. And I tell you why, it's because Shayne and I are together for such a long time now that we are already used to each other and our shenanigans. That's why we can play the game much easier than most of the other showmances in reality tv. But there is only one downside. Although Shayne and I are a couple for so long and I love him so much, I still feel like he can't really commit to me fully. I am actually listening to Beyoncé a lot lately and there is this one song where she sings: "Cause if you liked it, then you should have put a ring on it". I mean I'm not asking for that much. I want to be together with Shayne, but I'm turning 27 soon, which is close to be 30, and he is the love of my life, and all I want is to spend the rest of my life with Shayne, but he needs to feel the same, otherwise it won't work, right?"
Yan the Cameraman: "Why you asking me? I'm just 19, I don't even have a girl- or boyfriend yet. So what should I know about commitment? *mumbles to himself* I also don't know how to get out of this freaking job..."
Kenneth: "How much time do we have?"
Shayne: "3 minutes for the first round, 2 minutes for the second, and 1 minute for the third."
Fabio: "Then we have no time to waste! Who's going to be the leader?"
Evarrine: "THAT would be I."
Fabio: "Says who?"
Evarrine: "Says me."
Fabio: "And...?"
Evarrine: "Are you sure you are prepared to question my power, boy?"
Fabio: "Uhhh..."
Evarrine: "Yes, precisely what I thought."
Evarrine: "Would anyone else like to challenge my authority?"
Taiha: "Yes, actually, I'd like to make a suggestion. What if I were the lead--"
Shayne: "Shhhhuddup Taiha!"
Indigo (whispering): "Sometimes it's better to just go along with what she says! It's not worth the ensuing battle..."
Taiha: "Fine. In that case... I'm good with Evarrine as leader."
Kenneth: "Count me in too! Powerful female leaders are a TOTAL turn on."
Evarrine: "Very well. Then it is settled. I am the supreme leader of the Green Room!"
Artie: "So; who will be ze chef?"
Kaitlin: "Chef? Is this suddenly a baking challenge?"
Tamela: "We DO have a mini-kitchenette in here..."
Linda: "Artie, gurl. Remember to use English! These people don't understand French as well as I do now."
Artie: "Fruehehee! Mon bad. I forgot zat chef iz a word in Anglais! I mean chef as in chief!"
Throvan: "I have a announcement to make, which may very well influence who will be 'chief' of this room."

Throvan: "I am Romeo, in search of my Juliet. If you are in here, I ask that you reveal yourself swiftly. Publicly or privately will do."
Izzy: "We still need a Leader in the meantime, we only have a couple minutes left!"
Linda: "I'll nominate the Governor. He's the leadership type, I'm sure he'd know what to do. "
Artie: "But would he lead widz classe and honnêteté? I zink not!"
Linda: "Then whom would you suggest?"
Artie: "Ze elf? He's already revealed 'imself as a zhird party player!"
The Gov: "How the hell does that benefit you though? His allegiance is to himself, not red, nor blue, nor any other greys besides Juliet!"
Artie: "Better zhan accidentellement electing a red team membre!"
The Gov: "Aha! Freudian slip?"
Artie: "Non. I am a bleu team membre myself, but you do not 'ave to believe moi."
The Gov: "Hm... A fellow 'Democrat', eh?" *coughs* "Show us the evidence or it didn't happen!"
Artie: "No zank you."
Tamela: "I know how to settle this."
Linda: "Do share."
Tamela: "Heads for Throvan, tails for the Governor."
The Gov: "Why, because I'm the asshole? The elf is the one with the tail! Look at those eyes. I'd be damned if his grandmother wasn't a cat!"
Tamela: "Heads. Looks like Throvan is our Leader."
The Gov: "What sort of twisted Democracy is this?!?"
Izzy: "Congrats bud. With great power...."
Throvan: "...comes great responsibility. Iston: I know. I am prepared for what this role may entail."
But jokes aside, I would actually be happy to place before Evarrine and Taiha to be honest. Evarrine because for payback for 'torturing' us all and Taiha because she is even more blinded than Evarrine. Don't get me wrong, she is nice and all, but her obvious crush on Grey might cost her the second title."
Yan the Cameraman: "But you are in a relationship with Shayne, isn't that kind of the same?"
Indigo: "No, it isn't. And I tell you why, it's because Shayne and I are together for such a long time now that we are already used to each other and our shenanigans. That's why we can play the game much easier than most of the other showmances in reality tv. But there is only one downside. Although Shayne and I are a couple for so long and I love him so much, I still feel like he can't really commit to me fully. I am actually listening to Beyoncé a lot lately and there is this one song where she sings: "Cause if you liked it, then you should have put a ring on it". I mean I'm not asking for that much. I want to be together with Shayne, but I'm turning 27 soon, which is close to be 30, and he is the love of my life, and all I want is to spend the rest of my life with Shayne, but he needs to feel the same, otherwise it won't work, right?"
Yan the Cameraman: "Why you asking me? I'm just 19, I don't even have a girl- or boyfriend yet. So what should I know about commitment? *mumbles to himself* I also don't know how to get out of this freaking job..."
Shayne: "3 minutes for the first round, 2 minutes for the second, and 1 minute for the third."
Fabio: "Then we have no time to waste! Who's going to be the leader?"
Evarrine: "THAT would be I."
Fabio: "Says who?"
Evarrine: "Says me."
Fabio: "And...?"
Evarrine: "Are you sure you are prepared to question my power, boy?"
Fabio: "Uhhh..."
Evarrine: "Yes, precisely what I thought."
Evarrine: "Would anyone else like to challenge my authority?"
Taiha: "Yes, actually, I'd like to make a suggestion. What if I were the lead--"
Shayne: "Shhhhuddup Taiha!"
Indigo (whispering): "Sometimes it's better to just go along with what she says! It's not worth the ensuing battle..."
Taiha: "Fine. In that case... I'm good with Evarrine as leader."
Kenneth: "Count me in too! Powerful female leaders are a TOTAL turn on."
Evarrine: "Very well. Then it is settled. I am the supreme leader of the Green Room!"
Artie: "So; who will be ze chef?"
Kaitlin: "Chef? Is this suddenly a baking challenge?"
Tamela: "We DO have a mini-kitchenette in here..."
Linda: "Artie, gurl. Remember to use English! These people don't understand French as well as I do now."
Artie: "Fruehehee! Mon bad. I forgot zat chef iz a word in Anglais! I mean chef as in chief!"
Throvan: "I have a announcement to make, which may very well influence who will be 'chief' of this room."
*Throvan flashes his entire card to everyone in the room*

Throvan: "I am Romeo, in search of my Juliet. If you are in here, I ask that you reveal yourself swiftly. Publicly or privately will do."
Izzy: "We still need a Leader in the meantime, we only have a couple minutes left!"
Linda: "I'll nominate the Governor. He's the leadership type, I'm sure he'd know what to do. "
Artie: "But would he lead widz classe and honnêteté? I zink not!"
Linda: "Then whom would you suggest?"
Artie: "Ze elf? He's already revealed 'imself as a zhird party player!"
The Gov: "How the hell does that benefit you though? His allegiance is to himself, not red, nor blue, nor any other greys besides Juliet!"
Artie: "Better zhan accidentellement electing a red team membre!"
The Gov: "Aha! Freudian slip?"
Artie: "Non. I am a bleu team membre myself, but you do not 'ave to believe moi."
The Gov: "Hm... A fellow 'Democrat', eh?" *coughs* "Show us the evidence or it didn't happen!"
Artie: "No zank you."
Tamela: "I know how to settle this."
Linda: "Do share."
Tamela: "Heads for Throvan, tails for the Governor."
The Gov: "Why, because I'm the asshole? The elf is the one with the tail! Look at those eyes. I'd be damned if his grandmother wasn't a cat!"
Tamela: "Heads. Looks like Throvan is our Leader."
The Gov: "What sort of twisted Democracy is this?!?"
Izzy: "Congrats bud. With great power...."
Throvan: "...comes great responsibility. Iston: I know. I am prepared for what this role may entail."
Indigo: "Peekaboo!"
Shayne: "Hehe. What's up buttercup?"
Indigo: "Nothin'! Just wondering if you trust your girlfriend enough to share with her your role?"
Shayne: "Let's just say... I'm not a big fan of the current President."
Indigo: "You MONSTER!! You want the President dead?! How dare you!"
Indigo: "Sure you were, you little terrorist you." ;-)
Shayne: "I'm not lying! I bleed blue too y'know."
Indigo: "Yeah, riiiiiiight... Remind me to steer clear away from you! Heehee."
Taiha: "So you're on team red, eh? Neato."
Fabio: "And you're on team grey? Good to know."
Taiha: "Yes, Momma Gato is ALWAYS on Grey's team. RAWR!"
Fabio: "...."
Kenneth: "I'll show you mine if you show me yours." ;-)
Evarrine: "You are a vile man. Get out of my sight!"
Kenneth: "Oh. Well... Would you like to at least color share?? Here, here's the color of my card! I'm red-aligned... er... Screw it, here's my whole card!!! I'm just a regular boring 'ole red team member! Hehe..."
Evarrine: "I swear no allegiance to either side. I have my own priorities! Now LEAVE! Do you not see that the Queen is thinking??"
Aiden: "...WHUT IS YOU LOOKIN' AT?!?"
Izzy: "You told her you were the Bomber?!"
Linda: "Yes, of course! She's my closest ally in this game."
Izzy: "Well, what is she?"
Linda: "Just a regular Blue Team Member."
Izzy: "Linda, that information is useless! You can't go around telling everyone you're the bomber. Artie may be an ally for you in the game in general, but not for this mission!! The stakes are too high."
Linda: "Uh-oh. Did I mess up?"
Izzy: "Yes. BIG TIME."
Linda: "Restart?"
Kaitlin: "Hello? Earth to Tamela!"
Tamela: "Sorry what?"
Kaitlin: "Mutual color reveal?"
Tamela: "Oh yeah, sure."
*they shake hands to make it official, then reveal to each other their color-alignment. Both appear BLUE*
Kaitlin: "Hey would you look at that! Blue buddies."
Tamela: "I feel like the Secret Service for the President!"
Throvan: "Whom shall I send?"
Artie: "I don't know about zat, but I CAN give you some informations précieuses... Linda confessed zat she iz ze bombardier!"
Throvan: "Elo! What valuable information that is."
Artie: "Oui!"
Throvan: "Also: If doubt exists about myself as Leader, be aware that I am swearing my allegiance to team blue, despite my greyness. Although my main priority is Juliet, I would like to see the President and as many of his teammates live. I seek to gain riches to further my platform of bridging the gap between humans and elves, and to win this game is how I would prefer to obtain said riches."
The Gov: "Meh. I'm still not convinced you're the real deal, elf. You're probably some deranged cosplayer who's undergone one-too-many body modifications and plastic surgeries in order to sell the part."
Throvan: "RHẤICH! How dare you!"
The Gov: "Look out, everyone! The cosplayer is angry. He's gonna draw his bow and shoot some fake arrows at us!" *coughs profusely*
Artie: "Gouverneur! Zat iz a terrible insinuation to make! You muzt stop zis absurdité immédiatement!!"
Kaitlin: "Errr... Sorry to interrupt, but I found another blue person."
The Gov: "Excuse me? 'Blue person'!? We're not damn Avatars, you know!"
Throvan: "Pardon? Avatars? I do not understand."
The Gov: "Fictitious aliens. Not unlike you, actually!"
Throvan: "Grrr...."
Artie: "Gouverneur..."
The Gov: "Sorry. Back to ze mizzion, right?"
Artie: "Oui oui!"
The Gov: "Right. We need two hostages. Who's it gonna be?"
Kaitlin: "How many of us blue are here? 4? There's a good chance one of us could be the red spy..."
Throvan: "Indeed, I fear the same."
Artie: "We can assure dzere iz no spy amongst us if we all agree to a révélation mutualle..."
Tamela: "That sounds dangerous."
Throvan: "Yes. You must keep in mind there is high chance the President stands before us, and they cannot risk exposing themselves to a spy. Therefore... Neither the spy nor the President would be willing to publicly share their identity.
That said, I know one thing for certain..."
Throvan: "If what Artie says is true, we must keep Linda the Bomber within our control."
Linda: "Yes, of course! She's my closest ally in this game."
Izzy: "Well, what is she?"
Linda: "Just a regular Blue Team Member."
Izzy: "Linda, that information is useless! You can't go around telling everyone you're the bomber. Artie may be an ally for you in the game in general, but not for this mission!! The stakes are too high."
Linda: "Uh-oh. Did I mess up?"
Izzy: "Yes. BIG TIME."
Linda: "Restart?"
Kaitlin: "Hello? Earth to Tamela!"
Tamela: "Sorry what?"
Kaitlin: "Mutual color reveal?"
Tamela: "Oh yeah, sure."
*they shake hands to make it official, then reveal to each other their color-alignment. Both appear BLUE*
Kaitlin: "Hey would you look at that! Blue buddies."
Tamela: "I feel like the Secret Service for the President!"
Throvan: "Whom shall I send?"
Artie: "I don't know about zat, but I CAN give you some informations précieuses... Linda confessed zat she iz ze bombardier!"
Throvan: "Elo! What valuable information that is."
Artie: "Oui!"
Throvan: "Also: If doubt exists about myself as Leader, be aware that I am swearing my allegiance to team blue, despite my greyness. Although my main priority is Juliet, I would like to see the President and as many of his teammates live. I seek to gain riches to further my platform of bridging the gap between humans and elves, and to win this game is how I would prefer to obtain said riches."
The Gov: "Meh. I'm still not convinced you're the real deal, elf. You're probably some deranged cosplayer who's undergone one-too-many body modifications and plastic surgeries in order to sell the part."
Throvan: "RHẤICH! How dare you!"
The Gov: "Look out, everyone! The cosplayer is angry. He's gonna draw his bow and shoot some fake arrows at us!" *coughs profusely*
Artie: "Gouverneur! Zat iz a terrible insinuation to make! You muzt stop zis absurdité immédiatement!!"
Kaitlin: "Errr... Sorry to interrupt, but I found another blue person."
The Gov: "Excuse me? 'Blue person'!? We're not damn Avatars, you know!"
Throvan: "Pardon? Avatars? I do not understand."
The Gov: "Fictitious aliens. Not unlike you, actually!"
Throvan: "Grrr...."
Artie: "Gouverneur..."
The Gov: "Sorry. Back to ze mizzion, right?"
Artie: "Oui oui!"
The Gov: "Right. We need two hostages. Who's it gonna be?"
Kaitlin: "How many of us blue are here? 4? There's a good chance one of us could be the red spy..."
Throvan: "Indeed, I fear the same."
Artie: "We can assure dzere iz no spy amongst us if we all agree to a révélation mutualle..."
Tamela: "That sounds dangerous."
Throvan: "Yes. You must keep in mind there is high chance the President stands before us, and they cannot risk exposing themselves to a spy. Therefore... Neither the spy nor the President would be willing to publicly share their identity.
That said, I know one thing for certain..."
Throvan: "If what Artie says is true, we must keep Linda the Bomber within our control."
Fabio: "So we're all red then?"
Shayne: "Yes. Or so it seems."
Kenneth: "And neither of you are the Bomber?"
Fabio: "No. Just a vanilla member."
Shayne: "Same."
Kenneth: "Our leader is grey! How do we convince her to side with us??"
Indigo: "Your highness..."
Evarrine: "Speak."
Indigo: "I hope that you will consider sending me over as a hostage, I am severely outnumbered here. I have no allies in this room!"
Taiha: "Your majesty, time is up! You must name your hostages."
Evarrine: "That is fine. I have already determined both hostages... They are FABIO and.... where's Aiden?!?"
Aiden: "Screw dis mission! I cannot find mah Romeo and I am one hungreh monkey and needs moar salt 'n peppah!
Uh-ohs.... Da ship is goin' down!!"
Aiden: "OUCHIE! .....at least mah duck stew is fine!!"
The Gov: "Time's up!"
Throvan: "Who shall I send besides Izzy??"
Artie: "Send Tamela. She iz ze only one not willing to révéler her rôle, making her ze mozt likely to be ze red spy!"
The Gov: "Well in MY experience, Ms. Wakefield wasn't the red spy- Mr. Khuvizayaa was! Harharhaha... That little rascal slipped right through my fingers... And into the Grim Reaper's."
Artie: "Pacco... May he rest en paix..."
Throvan: "I hereby officially name TAMELA and IZZY to be the hostages.
...Oh. And if you happen to cross paths with Juliet, please do tell her that her Romeo is waiting!"
Throvan: "Ȁiyẵ! Welcome, newcomers."
Aiden: "Y'all I haves a bad feelin' about dis room..."
Kaitlin: "Well that's not a very polite greeting."
Throvan: "If either of you are Juliet, please speak up now, for I am Romeo."
Aiden: "Oof! Maybe it ain't so bad after all! I'M HERE, MAH ROMEO!!"
Evarrine: "Tell us all that you know."
Kenneth: "But before you do... I AM STARTING AN UPRISING!"
Evarrine: "EXCUSE YOU?!?"
"So what are you Fabio!? We don't have much time left! If you're with
us, you need to tell us NOW. We have a plan, and that includes sending
the bomb over to the other room after the last round."
Linda: "Don't answer her! She's turning this room into a dictatorship!!"
The Gov: "Yes, Kim-Jong Kaitlin can be a bit rough around the edges, but if you support the President then I suggest supporting her."
Fabio: "Fine, I guess there's no point in hiding it now. I am the Blue Spy."
Artie: "Fabuleux! Does anyone else know zat??"
Fabio: "No. Kenneth and Shayne think I'm red with them, they didn't question me much. In fact mostly everyone ignored me. Indigo's our 5th blue teammate though, and I believe Taiha is the Victim so she wants to perish. That leaves Evarrine as the Survivor, and she is currently the Leader but now that red has majority, could easily be overthrown. Although I'm not sure if red will come together in time to make such a move.
And from what I've gathered about this room, you guys have both the Bomber and President so you have full control. Who's the Leader in here?"
The Gov: "That would be our Romeo, one of the two love birds over yonder..."
Fabio: "Uhhh... Is Aiden...?"
Artie: "In hiz underwear taking a douche...errr, shower? Oui. Oui he iz!"
Aiden: "I cun't help buh feel like mah whole life, somethang has bin in-between us...."
Throvan: "Yes, it is almost like... A wall has separated us our whole lives! At the end of all this, I am not bothered by what happens to me... As long as my soul is intertwined with yours, I can die a happy elf!"
Aiden: "OH Romeo, how you make mah heart go uflutter!"
Linda: "I just HATE to interrupt this beautiful scene, but that was the bell and we need a new hostage!"
Throvan: "...Oh. Right. Send the spy back. FABIO. Allow him to do further Intel for us."
Indigo: "Your highness..."
Evarrine: "Speak."
Indigo: "I hope that you will consider sending me over as a hostage, I am severely outnumbered here. I have no allies in this room!"
Taiha: "Your majesty, time is up! You must name your hostages."
Evarrine: "That is fine. I have already determined both hostages... They are FABIO and.... where's Aiden?!?"
Aiden: "Screw dis mission! I cannot find mah Romeo and I am one hungreh monkey and needs moar salt 'n peppah!
Uh-ohs.... Da ship is goin' down!!"
Aiden: "OUCHIE! .....at least mah duck stew is fine!!"
The Gov: "Time's up!"
Throvan: "Who shall I send besides Izzy??"
Artie: "Send Tamela. She iz ze only one not willing to révéler her rôle, making her ze mozt likely to be ze red spy!"
The Gov: "Well in MY experience, Ms. Wakefield wasn't the red spy- Mr. Khuvizayaa was! Harharhaha... That little rascal slipped right through my fingers... And into the Grim Reaper's."
Artie: "Pacco... May he rest en paix..."
Throvan: "I hereby officially name TAMELA and IZZY to be the hostages.
...Oh. And if you happen to cross paths with Juliet, please do tell her that her Romeo is waiting!"
Throvan: "Ȁiyẵ! Welcome, newcomers."
Aiden: "Y'all I haves a bad feelin' about dis room..."
Kaitlin: "Well that's not a very polite greeting."
Throvan: "If either of you are Juliet, please speak up now, for I am Romeo."
Aiden: "Oof! Maybe it ain't so bad after all! I'M HERE, MAH ROMEO!!"
Evarrine: "Tell us all that you know."
Kenneth: "But before you do... I AM STARTING AN UPRISING!"
Evarrine: "EXCUSE YOU?!?"
Linda: "Don't answer her! She's turning this room into a dictatorship!!"
The Gov: "Yes, Kim-Jong Kaitlin can be a bit rough around the edges, but if you support the President then I suggest supporting her."
Fabio: "Fine, I guess there's no point in hiding it now. I am the Blue Spy."
Artie: "Fabuleux! Does anyone else know zat??"
Fabio: "No. Kenneth and Shayne think I'm red with them, they didn't question me much. In fact mostly everyone ignored me. Indigo's our 5th blue teammate though, and I believe Taiha is the Victim so she wants to perish. That leaves Evarrine as the Survivor, and she is currently the Leader but now that red has majority, could easily be overthrown. Although I'm not sure if red will come together in time to make such a move.
And from what I've gathered about this room, you guys have both the Bomber and President so you have full control. Who's the Leader in here?"
The Gov: "That would be our Romeo, one of the two love birds over yonder..."
Fabio: "Uhhh... Is Aiden...?"
Artie: "In hiz underwear taking a douche...errr, shower? Oui. Oui he iz!"
Aiden: "I cun't help buh feel like mah whole life, somethang has bin in-between us...."
Throvan: "Yes, it is almost like... A wall has separated us our whole lives! At the end of all this, I am not bothered by what happens to me... As long as my soul is intertwined with yours, I can die a happy elf!"
Aiden: "OH Romeo, how you make mah heart go uflutter!"
Linda: "I just HATE to interrupt this beautiful scene, but that was the bell and we need a new hostage!"
Throvan: "...Oh. Right. Send the spy back. FABIO. Allow him to do further Intel for us."
"I'm not sure how I ended up as Leader, but I am A-ok with it! Looks
like your reign of terror is over, Evarrine! You have been overthrown
and dethroned.... Ooh, is that the bell? WHICH means you also have been BANISHED from Kittyland, effectively making you an OUTCAST of the village!! Hostage: EVARRINE."
Evarrine: "You will rue the day that you ever crossed me!"
Taiha: "You're still here? Bye-bye now!"
Taiha: "...And the rightful Mole Queen stays QUEEN! Sorry-not-sorry!"
Fabio: "I'm back, gringos."
Shayne: "Fuck, it's Fabio again."
Kenneth: "Didn't we get rid of him already?"
Indigo: "Well at least we got rid of that crazy bitch Evarrine."
Tamela: "Nobody wants Fabio, so he just gets passed around like a hot potato."
Izzy: "Like a hot DADDY potato..."
Tamela: "What did you just say??"
Izzy: "Uh. Nothing."
Shayne: "Fuck, it's Fabio again."
Kenneth: "Didn't we get rid of him already?"
Indigo: "Well at least we got rid of that crazy bitch Evarrine."
Tamela: "Nobody wants Fabio, so he just gets passed around like a hot potato."
Izzy: "Like a hot DADDY potato..."
Tamela: "What did you just say??"
Izzy: "Uh. Nothing."

Kaitlin: "So, your Highness... What happened in the other room? Do they all know they're going to die?"
Evarrine: "Yes, YES. Soon they will die... Soon they will ALL DIE!
Serves them right for betraying their Queen."
Taiha: "Last round! Bell is about to ring!! Who wants to be the final hostage? Any takers??"
Kenneth: "I'll go! ...Wait, actually, on second thought... You should send a blue over, that way we win more money in the event they send the Bomber over here."
Taiha: "Aren't you blue-aligned, Tamela?"
Tamela: "Uh... yes?"
Taiha: "GREAT! Hostage: TAMELA."
Throvan: "Goheno nin, Linda. But it is your time to go.
Novąer, friend."
Linda: "Although you may have won the battle, you have yet to win the war. Remember that."
Kenneth: "I'll go! ...Wait, actually, on second thought... You should send a blue over, that way we win more money in the event they send the Bomber over here."
Taiha: "Aren't you blue-aligned, Tamela?"
Tamela: "Uh... yes?"
Taiha: "GREAT! Hostage: TAMELA."
Throvan: "Goheno nin, Linda. But it is your time to go.
Novąer, friend."
Linda: "Although you may have won the battle, you have yet to win the war. Remember that."
Mason: "Is anyone here the President.... No? I'll take that as a no."
Linda: "Mason? I suggest you stay away from me if you only have one life left..."
Izzy: "OMG MASON! What are you doing here?!?!"
Shayne: "What the fuck are you doing Kenneth."
Kenneth: "Just doing what Izzy wants to do to him..." ;-)
GREY: "Are we having a blast in here?"
GREY: "Ba dum tshhh... Do we have the President in here??"
*Kaitlin steps forward*
Kaitlin: "I am the President."
"Let's see... I see that Artie and the Governor are in here, so that's 3
blue teammates who will each add $40k to the group pot if the
President, Kaitlin, survives. In total, that would be $120k for the
group, and $80k for The Mole. But if the Bomber is in this room, then
$200k will go straight to the Mole, and as for the group? DIDDLY-SQUAT!
That being said... If you are the Bomber... Please detonate NOW... Anyone?"
*The distant sound of a large explosion rattles the bunker*
The President has survived...
Blue Wins!
(+ $120 into the pot)
KENNETH (Red Member)
SHAYNE (Red Member)
INDIGO (Blue Member)
IZZY (Red Member)
FABIO (Blue Spy)
LINDA (Bomber)
THE GOVERNOR (Blue Member)
KAITLIN (President)
ARTIE (Blue Member)
AIDEN (Juliet)
EVARRINE (Survivor)
TAMELA (Red Spy)