SHOW?!?! First Evarrine back, then I get sorted into the wrong room, and
then out of all people Shayne was the one to get eliminated? Is this
game really trying to mess with my life here?!?! I almost can't even be
happy that Shayne proposed to me...well, almost. *chuckles*
Although he
left, he made the most sweetest surprise ever and EEEEEEEEEEK!!! We are
going to be married and we will be Beautiful Little Family as soon as I
get pregnant. And most of the others were so sweet and tried to calm me
down. This is why I made the decision to stay in this. Shayne, if you
are watching this, I'm gonna win this for the both of us."
*Blows a kiss
to the camera*
Yan the Cameraman: "Errr...awkward…"
Indigo: "Anyway, with Shayne gone, I kinda lost my only connection here, so I really need to make a few allies here. Aiden is the sweetest here, but also really letdown ever since Izzy got booted, which surprised me really because I would have suspected that she was the Mole again, but well… And please don't put a shitstorm on me, but I actually really like Fabio. Everybody makes fun of him because he became such a meme after his season, but everybody, even Throvan, are missing out the fact who the real Fabio is: A man with a lot of passion to fight for his goals. And honestly I wouldn't even mind facing him in the finale if I make it that far. I just hope the others take a little bit of their time to at least talk to him."
Yan the Cameraman: "Errr...awkward…"
Indigo: "Anyway, with Shayne gone, I kinda lost my only connection here, so I really need to make a few allies here. Aiden is the sweetest here, but also really letdown ever since Izzy got booted, which surprised me really because I would have suspected that she was the Mole again, but well… And please don't put a shitstorm on me, but I actually really like Fabio. Everybody makes fun of him because he became such a meme after his season, but everybody, even Throvan, are missing out the fact who the real Fabio is: A man with a lot of passion to fight for his goals. And honestly I wouldn't even mind facing him in the finale if I make it that far. I just hope the others take a little bit of their time to at least talk to him."

Fabio: "So far, a lot of the people here are ticking me off. Including whoever decided that rocking chairs were a good idea in this house. Bleh. I'm so revolted I might just puke."
Yan the Cameraman: "Please don't. We paid a lot of money to have these nice things."
Fabio: "Anyway, I feel bad for Indigo since her now-fiancé had to leave but at least there's a silver lining in it for them. I guess she won't have to rip his vocal cords out after all. As for the mole, well, I do have some theories but no strong suspicions yet. Since I'm practically invisible, I might be able to do some sleuthing without drawing those pendejos' attention."
Taiha: "Daaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwww! With a capital DAW!!! Indigo and
Shayne are SO cute! My heart melted completely seeing Shayne propose to
Indigo in front of the whole world! It really was so *tears up*
beautiful! I can't wait until Grey proposes to ME in front
of everyone at the finale! Hehehe!"
Artie: "I feel a little sorry for Indigo. Zrovan, Tamela and moi should
give 'er a warm Ravenclaw welcome. Indigo IZ a shade of bleu, zhat
means ze link to bleu Ravenclaw iz made easily. Welcome home.
... Now zat she and Shayne discussed 'aving bebes in ze futur... Zat would make Mole Bebe numéro 2, after Taeka and Airen from Wie is de Mol. C'est magnifique!" :3
... Now zat she and Shayne discussed 'aving bebes in ze futur... Zat would make Mole Bebe numéro 2, after Taeka and Airen from Wie is de Mol. C'est magnifique!" :3
Evarrine: "The audacity of some people! I did not return to this horrific realm to
be mocked and made a fool of! That is Fabio’s job. All those who
betray me shall be smited for their insubordination! If you doubt my
powers and claims, look at who was claimed last night. That green-haired
ogre spreading falsehoods about my reign, and that wench who dared to
proclaim herself the Queen! You all think I’ve been in an insane asylum?
Well welcome to insanity, mortals, because you’ve awakened the Queen’s
GREY: "Hello, contestants. Please pay attention to the monitor on your dashboard."
GREY: "Here is your briefing for today's mission..."
GREY: "Here is your briefing for today's mission..."
GREY: "You may recall the Molefia mission from season 4...."

GREY: "Mafia is indeed the game you will all be playing today, except with a superhero theme. The story thus far is as follows..."
"Superman sent a dinner invitation to 12 of his superhero friends for his housewarming party; he had recently just moved into his flying ice fortress!"
"Tonight was the night that all would gather around and enjoy a feast fit for the Gods of Olympus!"
"Superman was very excited to show off his not-so-humble abode."
"As he awaited for his guests to arrive, he realized.... He was not alone."
???: "You've lived a long and prosperous life, but unfortunately for you... Your time is up, for evil has landed."
Thomas AKA Superman: "Huh? What are you doing here already? The party doesn't start till tonight!"
Superman: "Wait, is that...."
Superman: "No! My one true weakness..."
Superman: "KRYPTONITE!"
Superman: "Stay back! ALL OF YOU!"
???: "Goodbye, Superman... Say hello to Robin for us!"
~ ~ ~
"....We found his body just hours ago. The public will be informed later. But first, we need to get to the bottom of who would commit such a despicable and deplorable act. That job is up to you: the dinner guests. 3 among you are heartless traitors. The other heroes only have 20 minutes to uncover the identity of the 3 villains who murdered Superman. Good luck and super-speed."
GREY: "And now I am under obligation to present to you all this fan video made by Beau, whom for reasons unknown to me will be the co-host for this mission... I would say 'please enjoy' but it's actually quite awful. Drivers: please try to NOT drive off the road in an attempt to end your pain and suffering. Thank you!"
Fabio: "What. The. FUCK... was that!?!?"
GREY: "Last order of business before we get you all suited up:
Each of you will be given a superhero alias with a superpower ability; these abilities are only 1-shot, meaning you can only use them once during the day or night phase. They have no correlation whatsoever to your role. The role information is this:
The mafia team will be called THE VILLAINS. There are 3 of them.
The town team will be called THE HEROES. There are 8 of them.
The serial killer role will be called THE ROGUE. There is 1 of them.
If the Rogue or Villains win, they will earn an exemption and no money will be added to the pot.
If the Heroes win, all surviving heroes will add $25 to the pot.
*If not a Villain, is told the identity of the Villain team
*If a Villain, is told the identity of the Rogue
*If not a Villain, is told the identity of the Villain team
*If a Villain, is told the identity of the Rogue
That's it! Good luck, and avenge Superman's death!!"
The Governor as Loki (Mind Control)
Artie as Destiny (Clairvoyance)
Fabio as Professor Pyg (Accelerated Healing)
Indigo as Saturn Queen (Telekinesis)
Kaitlin as Blink (Teleportation)
Tamela as Argent (Force Field Generation)
Linda as Triplicate Girl (Cloning)
Taiha as Alley-Kat-Abra (Telekinesis)
Kenneth as Mimic (Power Mimicry)
Aiden as Vulture (Flight)
Evarrine as Jean Grey (Pyrokinesis)
Throvan as Invisible Kid (Invisibility)
*pauses time*
?: "Or should I say... Statues?! HeuheuehuHEUEHUUHEEHEE!"
?: "Thought you saw the last of me? Well, you thought wrong! For it is I, Beau Smart the Time Wizard!!!"
Beau: "Wait a sec, is that... Fabio?! The one and only FABIO?!?!"
Beau: "OMG OMG OMG!"
Beau: "I can't believe my luck! UNFREEZE TIME!"
Fabio: "Uhhh yes actually, I did! That was... that was really something there, Beau..."
Beau: "Do you want to see the dance in real life?! Here, let me show you how--"
Fabio: "NO!"
Beau: "....."
Fabio: "I mean.... uhm.... How about later? We have a mission to get to."
Throvan: "AIYA! Beau!"
Beau: "Throvan! Long time no see. How are you, great pal of mine?"
Throvan: "I am good, mellon. And you?"
Beau: "Ecstatic! Not only did I get picked to co-host, but you and Fabio are here! What a great day to be alive. Oh shoot. I should get back into character. Sorry Karen!"
Artie (whispering): "Did Zrovan juzt call Beau a melon?"
The Gov: "Makes sense. He's got a melon for a brain... quite literally in this case."
Throvan: "My ability to hear is higher than the average human, you should know. Mellon means friend."
Artie: "Ohhhhhhhh. Zat makes MUCH sense! I muzt write zat down in moi journal."
Beau: "AHEM."
Beau: "Over here you will see the Molecular Disintegrator device. This is where 'lynched' players will go to be eliminated from the game."
Beau: "During the night phase you will all return to your respective rooms. The Villains will communicate each night and pick a new victim to murder. Play will continue on until one faction outnumbers the rest.
This is a day-start and roles-revealed-upon-death game... Any questions? No? Then... BEGIN!"
* DAY 1 *
Artie: "Let ze games commencer!"
Kaitlin: "I'm sure it's that sleazy Governor.... He thinks he is above the law to anything he pleases...
And killing Superman is just a thing he would do..."
The Gov: "Talk about picking the low hanging fruit Ms. Harlow, one day you might surprise us all by actually being original for once! Hah ha!" *snorts*
Artie: "Kaitlin, it iz slightly interessante zat you aim at ze Gouverneur again. Could eet be l'intution again, oui?"
The Gov: *In broken french* "Non madame..." *coughs* "She just has a personal vendetta against me for no good reason, to which I call slanderous behavior... You'll be hearing from my lawyers Miss Harlow."
The Gov: *In broken french* "Non madame..." *coughs* "She just has a personal vendetta against me for no good reason, to which I call slanderous behavior... You'll be hearing from my lawyers Miss Harlow."
Fabio: "So...who's guilty? Let's hope our little pyromaniac over there is with the good guys."
Linda: "Why is everyone so silent?"
Fabio: "We're not. I'm talking!"
Linda: "Someone say something! This is getting real awkward."
Fabio: "I AM TALKING."
Taiha: "Who's talking? I don't see anyone."
Kenneth: "I don't see Nwa anywhere. He must've already activated his Invisibility power."
Fabio: "THROVAN HAS INVISIBILITY, NOT NWA.....and more importantly... Nwa's not here!! I'M NOT NWA!"
Taiha (speaking telepathically): I know you're reading my thoughts right now Indigo!
Indigo: I hear you loud and clear, although my mind is partly on Shayne just getting eliminated :(
Taiha: I'm sad to see that your loved one is gone... It's a real...
Shayme............ Heh. But all kidding, sorry kitten! At least you got
your ring and love to go back home to!
Also... This talking with your mind stuff is - GREY - awesome. I
must warn you -GREY- that my mind tends to -GREY- wander to some weird
places. Hehehe... ... OMG I LOVE GREY!
Linda: "Guys and gals, I don't want to say this TOO casually but who we going to kill today?"
Aiden: "Pwease don' kill meh! I wanna use mah power tonight so I can fly into da SKY!"
Beau: "Hmm...? You want me to tell him now?? Okay, will do. The Time Wizard is on it!"
Beau: "Excuse me, everyone. I am pausing time-- and thus the game. I have an urgent message to deliver to Kenneth."
Kenneth: "Huh? What is it?"
*Beau murmurs something in Kenneth's ear*
Kenneth: "Oh my..."
Beau: "You have permission to leave if you so wish."
~a few moments later~
Kenneth: "Sorry guys. I gotta make a phone call..."
Tamela: "What in the world is going on?"
Throvan: "I hope things are alright."
Evarrine: "I do not hope the same."
Artie: "Iz he scum or not?"
Fabio: "Don't look at me! You're the Clairvoyant. I'm just a self-healer."
{Kenneth was a HERO}
Beau: "Since Kenneth the Mimic has removed himself, there will be no additional deaths today! Everyone go to bed!"
The Gov: "Instead of these ridiculous costumes and unbalanced powers, why don't they just give us all a gun and a bullet? Call me a paranoid fucker, but anyone who tries visiting me tonight will get a bullet straight through their noggin'!"
* * *
Beau: "And as there's no entertainment value in showing all the night actions, we are going to fast-forward through the night phases."
*The Time Wizard speeds up time to the point of day break*
Beau: "Last night's victim was stabbed through the heart with a stalagmite.
Said victim was ARTIE, the Clairvoyant.
She was the ROGUE."
Beau: "Day 2.... BEGIN!"
Kaitlin: "Let's just get right down to the wire. I don't trust Linda, she could have easily killed her friend Artie as a distraction OR to get back at her for doing her dirty in the last mission. And you must remember her ability! She can clone herself twice. Too much power for me, therefore... VOTE: LINDA."
Indigo: "Your reasoning is illogical. Most of us have a pretty powerful ability."
Fabio: "Yeah. Just look at Evarrine. She can murder one of us at any moment!"
Evarrine: "Nothing new there."
Kaitlin: "Hmmm... Maybe I should switch my vote to you instead, Miss Saturn 'Queen'...."
Kaitlin: "Yes, because I'm CLEARLY the bad girl in this game... Go for it! Kill me!!"
Evarrine: "Uhhh, okay. Your words are my command! VOTE: KAITLIN!"
Taiha: "Saturn Queen is my mind-reading buddy!! I trust her gut just as much as I trust her brain. She would NEVER lie to me! VOTE: KAITLIN."
Linda: "Blink, AKA Kaitlin: I must say you are going to regret the day you uttered my name..."
*Triplicate Girl activates her ability*
Clone #1: "VOTE: KAITLIN"
Clone #2: "VOTE: KAITLIN"
Beau: "Oh my goosh goosh! How exciting!! With 10 superheroes, 6 votes is majority!!"
Beau: "I'm sorry, Argent. What's done is done. Majority has already been reached! Blink will soon be dissolved on the molecular level. Mwhahahaha!!!"
Kaitlin: "I would say good luck to my fellow heroes, but... You're all doomed anyway. SO LONG!"
{Kaitlin was a HERO}
Linda: "..............................................................Restart button?"
Beau: "Okay, my lovelies! You know the drill... Up and atom! It's night-night time."
* * *
*The Time Wizard speeds up time to the point of day break*
Beau: "Wake up my beauties! Come out to play!!"
Beau: "Last night's victim was crushed to death by a giant ice statue.
Said victim was TAMELA. She was a HERO."
Beau: "Day 3.... BEGIN!"
Aiden: "Why don' we plays ah game??"
The Gov: "Brilliant idea! Duck-duck-goose anyone?"
Taiha: "I'm more of a cat-cat-mouse player myself."
The Gov: "Of fucking course you are."
Linda: "You know what? Even though I look terrible for hammering Kaitlin, it's not me. Evarrine has been overlooked, not contributing much at all either, which is very unlike her. VOTE: EVARRINE.
Indigo: "I can get behind that. She bandwagoned that Kaitlin vote too. So... VOTE: EVARRINE. Sorry!"
Evarrine: "That's enough, peasants! No more votes shall be cast for I, for I am using my ability on..... TRIPLICATE GIRL!!"
Linda: "What?? No, you're making a mistake, Evarrine! I'm on your side!"
Evarrine: "SILENCE! I KEEL YOU!"
*Evarrine unleashes her power on Linda*
Linda: "......Owh."
Beau: "Triplicate Girl, you have been fried by the Pyro. Time to go."
Linda: "Mistakes were made today... Many, many mistakes....."
Linda: "Good job you dirty murdering Villains!"
{Linda was a HERO}
Evarrine: "Lovely."
Beau: "What are you looking at me for? Time hasn't stopped! Continue day as normal! Someone must still be lynched... And maybe for once y'all will catch a Villain!!"
Beau: "Okay, okay, I'm sorry!"
Fabio: "With 7 alive, it only takes 4 to lynch this time. We must be careful! We can't screw this one up."
The Gov: "Judging by our track record... I'm pretty sure we will. And also I think Ms. Roland is bad, so there's that too. VOTE: EVARRINE."
Evarrine: "You think I am bad just because I lit a Hero on fire?!?"
The Gov: "Uh..... yes. That is precisely why I think you're bad, yes, thank you for saying it so eloquently, my dear Queen!"
Evarrine: "That kill was just for fun! Inconsequential to the game. That little puke was simply a thorn in my side that had to be removed."
The Gov: "You would be the perfect politician, Ms. Roland!"
Evarrine: "I would never lower myself to such a weak position. I am already the ruler of an entire REALM!"
Taiha: "So I think the Gov is totes bad news. Most of the people left trust the *cough* fake *cough* Queen, soooo VOTE: THE GOVERNOR."
Indigo: "I think my girl Tay-Tay is onto something here. VOTE: THE GOVERNOR."
The Gov: "That is simply the best example of a bandwagon that I have EVER laid witness to. My scum radar is off the charts, Miss Stone.... Or is it Mrs. Holmes now?"
Indigo: "Don't try to change the subject you crook!"
Aiden: "I'm gettin' real hungreh for dis supposed 'feast' we be havin' soon, and I ain't so sure wut goin' on anyway so Imma just VOTE: GUV."
The Gov: "This is ludicrous! I'm surrounded by traitors!!"
Fabio: "Erm... I guess I'll just tag along and vote with the majority. VOTE: THE GOV. Sorry dad-- I mean dude! I meant dude!! Yes.... Right. You can move the camera out of my face now, you know. I'm not really used to getting so much screen-time, it's unnatural for me..... Makes me anxious and say silly things like saying Dave is my daddy.... er......... OKAY THAT'S ENOUGH GET THAT CAMERA OUT OF MY FACE YOU PERRA!"
Beau: "4 votes is enough! Loki, if you wouldn't mind scooting your booty over yonder to the Molecular Disentigrator. That would be great."
The Gov: "You idiots! What have you done?! In what world do I make sense as a Villain? The Rogue, maybe, but a Villain!? Eurgh... Good job everyone, you just handed the Mole $200,000.
Season of All-Stars? More like the season of IMBECILES!"
{The Governor was a HERO}
Beau: "And then there were 6!
Which means......."
Fabio: "Mwhahahahaha, yes, YES!!"
Indigo: "Victory is mine, ALL MINE!!"
Aiden: "Hasta la vista, Heroes! Your time is OVAH!"
Throvan: "So this is what betrayal feels like."
Evarrine: "Back off! I'm warning you!! Don't make me unleash my devastating powers!!"
*Taiha hisses unconvincingly then recoils in fear*

Beau: "Congratulations, Villains! You have essentially played the perfect game. Your exemptions are well-earned."
Indigo: "Yay us!!"
Beau: "And with that, sadly, it is my time to exit the Flying Ice Fortress. But before I do, can I get your autograph Fabio??"
Fabio: "Uhm, no thank you."
Beau: "How about a kiss goodbye?"
Fabio: "Definite pass."
Beau: "Oh, okay..."
Beau: "How about just a friendly farewell hug then???"
Beau: "Awww poop."
Indigo: "Wait, isn't that his real name? Poop-lover??"
Aiden: "Yeah! I tink so!"
Beau: "Not this again...."