~DAY 8~
The Gov:
Well, Our latest escapade led us to Hollywood and about time too! It's a crime that no Hollywood Producer has bought the rights to my life story! It would be the in-depth biopic of the century! *coughs loudly* It would be 100% accurate as well, I can remember every second of my time in office, I have an Encyclopedic knowledge of it! Oh yes, The scandal, The romance, The assassination attempts...
Well, in that case, maybe it would be less of a biopic and more of a political thriller... I'll just have to change some of the facts to make them sound more exciting... I could add a bit of mystery and intrigue, You know? Make it kind of like a spy film?
Wait! I have it! I could star in a remake of Citizen Kane! and I shall call it... Citizen Byrd!
*laughs & snorts*
Hey guys, so for this DRE I'm going to do something a little different. Since I think I'm pretty much doomed tonight and DRE has the word Diary in it, I'm gonna read something out of my Diary which I smuggled in here just in case and wrote something down just right after the challenge instead of the typical blabber blubber you are already are used to from me. So here is Diary Entry, written and read by Indigo Jade Stone. Ahem...
Dear Diary,
So, it is probably the fifth time in this week I wrote to you...or is it the fourth or sixth time? Doesn't matter, you get what I mean (or not because you are just a book and I will seem totally crazy if I read this part out loud, so please remind me to cross it off again)...
Oh, ooops, nevermind...
ANYWAYS, today we had quite an eventful day. The mission was The Amazing Race, apparently from Season 4, so we got to meet Taz again. I'm still triggered by the fact that he isn't participating himself, he was my favourite of that season BY FAR! And look who won, a grumpy old man. Figures. But enough about that. I was paired with Taiha, which was actually quite dope from the Mole since although I don't really agree with her dressing style, we have quite a lot in common, so the chemistry work was already A+. We were supposed to finish legs as fast as possible and reach the Finish Line within 12 hours. At first we had quite a solid start, we even were in the lead at the Hollywood Sign, but then Tamela and Kaitlin gave us the Yield Disadvantage so we were forced to stay there until them, and next to them everybody else, was gone. Speaking of them, I know I've written this down so many times now, but I am now 80.999999999999% certain that whatever is between Kaitlin and Tamela is more than just your average friendship. I mean come on, you heard how they talked to each other in the restaurant. The way they spoke to each other was definitely couple-talk, and I know what I'm talking about since my Shayney and I talk like that almost every time we are at a restaurant. Oh gosh, I know this is getting annoying, but now I'm missing him again. And again I went off topic (Note to myself: Work on your low attention span, Indie!) So we drove around the city in the middle of freaking NOWHERE when we went to a stylist to get dressed into Super Smash Characters. And guess what the production chose for me...PIRANHA PLANT! Ugh, if I had to be a freaking plant, I should have been at least an indoor plant, not one meme choice for the Ultimate Pre-orders, this was sooooo not me.
Eventually Taiha almost got us killed during the drive because she thought she saw Grey on the street corner. And yeah, we finished last, barely even hitting the time limit. I've been thinking a lot, and I am pretty sure I'm the one leaving tonight. Let's face it, the only reason I'm still here is because I was lucky enough to win the first two challenges, so I made the mistake of laying low and not putting my attention to find the suspects, so it is basically High School tests all over again...The truth is: I DON'T HAVE A CLUE WHO THE MOLE IS!!! There, I said it. My only suspects were Izzy and Artie, and both are goners already. And to be honest, I think I've come at peace with my inevitable fate. I mean, I got two challenge wins under my belt, managed to be in the Top 10 of the All-Stars cast, place in front of The Queen Mole (or was it The Mole Queen? I always keep mixing that up), A fan-favourite, an almost finalist and a hunky prince, and I will get married and pregnant soon with said prince, so I actually feel like a winner already. And besides, Evarrine, The Gov and ESPECIALLY Grey are driving me CRAZY in this house, and I don't know how much I can take of that. So, it would be sweet to stay, but since it is more likely for me to go, I wouldn't be sad about this either.
So, that wraps up my daily thoughts, will write to you soon again (probably in a few hours since I might regret what I will do with this text...hehehehehehe),
Yours truly,
Indie the Killer Piranha Plant
PS: Oh god, I am never doing something like this EVER again.
Linda: "Say, where did you run off to yesterday during the mission?"
Throvan: "There was much disturbance in the air. The birds called for me, so I follow. I believe Elvenkind to be in dire trouble."
Linda: "Trouble? With what?"
Throvan: "I am unsure as of yet."
Linda: "Didn't the birds tell you?"
Throvan: "I can not speak their tongue, but rather, try to interpret the metaphor."
The Gov:
Well, Our latest escapade led us to Hollywood and about time too! It's a crime that no Hollywood Producer has bought the rights to my life story! It would be the in-depth biopic of the century! *coughs loudly* It would be 100% accurate as well, I can remember every second of my time in office, I have an Encyclopedic knowledge of it! Oh yes, The scandal, The romance, The assassination attempts...
Well, in that case, maybe it would be less of a biopic and more of a political thriller... I'll just have to change some of the facts to make them sound more exciting... I could add a bit of mystery and intrigue, You know? Make it kind of like a spy film?
Wait! I have it! I could star in a remake of Citizen Kane! and I shall call it... Citizen Byrd!
*laughs & snorts*
Hey guys, so for this DRE I'm going to do something a little different. Since I think I'm pretty much doomed tonight and DRE has the word Diary in it, I'm gonna read something out of my Diary which I smuggled in here just in case and wrote something down just right after the challenge instead of the typical blabber blubber you are already are used to from me. So here is Diary Entry, written and read by Indigo Jade Stone. Ahem...
Dear Diary,
So, it is probably the fifth time in this week I wrote to you...or is it the fourth or sixth time? Doesn't matter, you get what I mean (or not because you are just a book and I will seem totally crazy if I read this part out loud, so please remind me to cross it off again)...
Oh, ooops, nevermind...
ANYWAYS, today we had quite an eventful day. The mission was The Amazing Race, apparently from Season 4, so we got to meet Taz again. I'm still triggered by the fact that he isn't participating himself, he was my favourite of that season BY FAR! And look who won, a grumpy old man. Figures. But enough about that. I was paired with Taiha, which was actually quite dope from the Mole since although I don't really agree with her dressing style, we have quite a lot in common, so the chemistry work was already A+. We were supposed to finish legs as fast as possible and reach the Finish Line within 12 hours. At first we had quite a solid start, we even were in the lead at the Hollywood Sign, but then Tamela and Kaitlin gave us the Yield Disadvantage so we were forced to stay there until them, and next to them everybody else, was gone. Speaking of them, I know I've written this down so many times now, but I am now 80.999999999999% certain that whatever is between Kaitlin and Tamela is more than just your average friendship. I mean come on, you heard how they talked to each other in the restaurant. The way they spoke to each other was definitely couple-talk, and I know what I'm talking about since my Shayney and I talk like that almost every time we are at a restaurant. Oh gosh, I know this is getting annoying, but now I'm missing him again. And again I went off topic (Note to myself: Work on your low attention span, Indie!) So we drove around the city in the middle of freaking NOWHERE when we went to a stylist to get dressed into Super Smash Characters. And guess what the production chose for me...PIRANHA PLANT! Ugh, if I had to be a freaking plant, I should have been at least an indoor plant, not one meme choice for the Ultimate Pre-orders, this was sooooo not me.
Eventually Taiha almost got us killed during the drive because she thought she saw Grey on the street corner. And yeah, we finished last, barely even hitting the time limit. I've been thinking a lot, and I am pretty sure I'm the one leaving tonight. Let's face it, the only reason I'm still here is because I was lucky enough to win the first two challenges, so I made the mistake of laying low and not putting my attention to find the suspects, so it is basically High School tests all over again...The truth is: I DON'T HAVE A CLUE WHO THE MOLE IS!!! There, I said it. My only suspects were Izzy and Artie, and both are goners already. And to be honest, I think I've come at peace with my inevitable fate. I mean, I got two challenge wins under my belt, managed to be in the Top 10 of the All-Stars cast, place in front of The Queen Mole (or was it The Mole Queen? I always keep mixing that up), A fan-favourite, an almost finalist and a hunky prince, and I will get married and pregnant soon with said prince, so I actually feel like a winner already. And besides, Evarrine, The Gov and ESPECIALLY Grey are driving me CRAZY in this house, and I don't know how much I can take of that. So, it would be sweet to stay, but since it is more likely for me to go, I wouldn't be sad about this either.
So, that wraps up my daily thoughts, will write to you soon again (probably in a few hours since I might regret what I will do with this text...hehehehehehe),
Yours truly,
Indie the Killer Piranha Plant

PS: Oh god, I am never doing something like this EVER again.
Linda: "Say, where did you run off to yesterday during the mission?"
Throvan: "There was much disturbance in the air. The birds called for me, so I follow. I believe Elvenkind to be in dire trouble."
Linda: "Trouble? With what?"
Throvan: "I am unsure as of yet."
Linda: "Didn't the birds tell you?"
Throvan: "I can not speak their tongue, but rather, try to interpret the metaphor."
Linda: "Well, I hope you can figure out what is happening soon."

So, I was playing Persona 5 with Throvan, who wanted to know more about my life and culture. I said that Masayoshi Shido is the Governor cracked up to eleven. Then, at that very moment, a stuffed duck named Twidz appeared and stated that he agrees with me. Let's just state that some things got really weird... I mean what is this stuff about me and ducks lately. First, the Governor drew me a picture of what I thought was a duck in that art mission, and now a talking duck appeared out of nowhere. Though looking back at it now, somebody may have implemented some AI in that stuffed duck, but soon, I may just feel like the Duck Hunt dog is going to come out and laugh at me due to all of the duck things that happened to me recently.
So, I was playing Persona 5 with Throvan, who wanted to know more about my life and culture. I said that Masayoshi Shido is the Governor cracked up to eleven. Then, at that very moment, a stuffed duck named Twidz appeared and stated that he agrees with me. Let's just state that some things got really weird... I mean what is this stuff about me and ducks lately. First, the Governor drew me a picture of what I thought was a duck in that art mission, and now a talking duck appeared out of nowhere. Though looking back at it now, somebody may have implemented some AI in that stuffed duck, but soon, I may just feel like the Duck Hunt dog is going to come out and laugh at me due to all of the duck things that happened to me recently.
Linda: "What are you doing?!? SHOOT IT."
Throvan: "Shoot it?? I shall not. That would be a waste of precious life."
Linda: "You DO realize that it's not a real fox... right?"
Throvan: "Listen now. My avatar's stomach is filled. I need no more sustenance. I shall not kill that innocent being."
"I'm PRETTY sure you're still missing the point, but the fact you're
playing at all is pretty cool! I'm surprised by how quickly you picked
up on using the controller too. Not bad for an Elf."
Throvan: "Le fael. You are kind. However: My people have excellent hand-eye coordination. It is to be expected."
Linda: "Riiight. Your 'people'. So they're all cool with you exposing yourself so publicly?"
"Admittedly? Not all. There is much... debate, amongst my people. The
Elders feel differently than I do. They want to preserve culture and
keep us hidden in safety. But I believe only cowards hide. We can learn
from Humans, too. As I feel you all can learn from us."
Linda: "It's still so hard to believe a whole SOCIETY of Elves are living deep in the jungles somewhere.... It's difficult to literally imagine it."
Throvan: "You don't believe me, then."
"No no, of course not! I believe you... Of course I do. I mean... I'm
supposed to be the girl who believes in talking mushrooms collectively
named Toad, and dragons, and wizards, and giants, and zombies, and
fairies, and mummies, and-and you name it! Link! You must have met Link,
right? He's an Elf too, and he's one of my closest friends!! .....
Throvan: "Why the pause?"
Linda: "I guess... I guess there's a part of me that...."
Throvan: "That what?"
Linda: "That knows they aren't literally
real. I mean... They exist! Of course they do. They're my friends. I've
met them. But you can't just run into them in this reality... in this
dimension... In this world, like you and your fellow Elves. It's just...
different, I guess......."
Throvan: "I understand."
Linda: "You do??"
Throvan: "A little. The word you are searching for is called 'faith'."
Linda: "I don't think it is though..."
"The concept is similar. Many Humans--or so my religious studies mentor
taught me-- gravitate towards religion as a source for meaning and
guidance. Many believe in the teachings of what you know as the Bible.
That said, not all believe the events within are literal; instead, they
are seen as interpretations for other aspects of Life."
Linda: "Give me an example."
Throvan: "Noah's Ark. Are you not familiar?"
Linda: "I am."
"Many Humans who subscribe to the Bible, do not necessarily subscribe
to that story being literal. Some may pretend, but once pressed, admit
to not believing such a thing could have occurred within this world of
ours... At least not physically."
Linda: "Okaaay...? What does this have to do with me again?"
Throvan: "U-iston....
Perhaps it does not. But I get the strong sensation that video-games
are your version of 'God'... When early Humans once wanted answers,
religion became the light to the end of their journey. Likewise, you
turned to gaming when your parents left you alone and helpless. You
craved something to guide you... something to give you belonging...
something to give you hope."
??: "All this talk about 'God' is quackin' me up!"
Linda: "What did you say?"
Throvan: "I said nothing."
Twidz: "I lay here all day watching your every move. I know everything. I'm omnipresent AND omniscient.
Meaning that I...."
Linda: "False alarm! It's just that annoying talking duck again...."
Twidz: "Annoying?! Who you calling annoying, biotch??"
Throvan: "Elo! What was just spoken??"
"Don't worry about it, Throvan. Probably just the Producers having some
fun. Karen had a pretty dirty mouth, in fact so did her brother! What a
dirty little family."
Twidz: "Speak for yourself lady, cuz you are TRASH!"

Linda: "Hey, Throvan?"
Throvan: "No?"
Linda: "I haven't seen you and Aiden together much lately. Let me know if you ever need dating advice."
Throvan: "...?"
Linda: "What? You two were hitting it off in that first mission, weren't you? Remember that steamy shower scene?"

Throvan: "....Ai. That was strictly non-canon..."
Linda: "Oh. You're not into Aiden?"
Throvan: "Correct."
Linda: "Are you still gay though?"
Throvan: "U. I am a Free Spirit."
Linda: "Meaning...?"
Throvan: "Ace, in your tongue."
"Oh. Okay! But if you ever need dating advice, just DM me. I can give
you a tutorial on love anytime! Like for instance, if you see a pretty
Elf, just walk up to her and press X twice, and then propose going
steady will be an option in no time! And don't forget to give her the
blue feather!! That's MANDATORY for marriage."
Twidz: "Quack quack! Like he needs advice from YOU.... You SUCK at dating sims!
Linda: "I personally
might have no experience, but I have experience matching partners
together!! Just ask Pete and Claire! Or Pete and Chelsea... Or Pete and
Lillian..... Or Pete and Karen. Wow. Pete the Farmer is a playah!!"
The Governor: "Yeah, my ex-wife still misses me..."
The Gov: "...BUT her aim is steadily improving."
Evarrine: "I am delighted you decided to invite yourself to join us, Governor."
The Gov: "This isn't about me. This is about you."
Evarrine: "Pardon?"
The Gov: "This is your intervention, princess!"
Evarrine: "...Intervention?"
Kaitlin: "Stop being overly dramatic, Guv. This isn't an intervention."
The Gov: "Call it what you want. But we want answers."
Evarrine: "What are you peasants on about?"
Kaitlin: "I just feel.... Well, we feel like... you're avoiding us."
Evarrine: "Do you now... Do you feel the same, Governor?"
The Gov: "Why yes. For once... Ms. Harlow and I are in agreeance."
Kaitlin: "It's especially frustrating because you're not trading any information. Tamela feels the same way. How are we supposed to play this game when you won't let us?"
Evarrine: "I am not in charge of your ability to play this game. You are. Leave me to play my own game."
Kaitlin: "Well, that doesn't seem fair. Governor? Anything to add?"
The Gov: "Yes. Look, lady..."
Kaitlin: "David!"
The Gov: "Queen, I meant, yes... Look, 'Your Majesty'...... The Quiz will be any minute. And it's probably going to ask me some godawful question like your zodiac sign or, god forbid, your favorite ice-cream flavor."
Kaitlin: "And we want to know the answer to those questions. Likewise, you should have the desire to want to know ours..."
Evarrine: "I have my ways of getting the information I need. Now, enough of that topic, I am rather bored of it. Onto something more exciting. Such as Dave's impressively wrinkle-free face."
The Gov: "Are you implying I've had some work done, Ms. Roland?"
Evarrine: "You tell me."
The Gov: "Maybe I have. Perhaps I haven't. Hard to say."
Kaitlin: "Wait a second. Have you actually??"
The Gov: *coughs* "I have a youthful face, what can I say?" *coughs twice more*
The Gov: "Speaking of getting work done, the more pressing question is what happened to YOUR face, Ms. Potter? Did Voldemort murder your parents and put a curse on you too?"
Evarrine: "You must be referring to my scars, yes?"
Kaitlin: "Have you always had them?"
The Gov: "She hasn't. Weren't there during her season.
My grandfather was struck by lightning... twice. Unlucky old bastard. He had similar scars, but on his legs."
Evarrine: "To put your absurd theories to rest, no, I was not struck by lightning."
Kaitlin: "Then what? Is it just paint?"
"You may remember my situation during my original trip to this realm: I had lost my magic, and it caused me great stress. Although I have since gained my magic back, this realm isn't meant to hold magical energies
within it. Last season, when I mustered my magic back during the grand finale, I had to summon it from
my own mother realm.
HOWEVER... That cost too much energy. It nearly shattered me to
pieces! I could feel my soul being crushed!! I could feel my limbs being ripped from my body!!!"
Evarrine: "....And these? These scars are the remnants of that incident."
Kaitlin: "Wow..."
The Gov: "Buuuuullllllshiiiiiit!"
Kaitlin: "GOVERNOR!"
The Gov: "You're REALLY believing this crap she's feeding you??"
Kaitlin: "I dunno! How else do you explain it?!"
Evarrine: "I do not expect you to believe me. But I EXPECT you to respect me when I among your presence. NEVER disrespect me again, or I shall smite you down for it!!"
The Gov: "Ooooh the witch is getting perturbed! Watch out, Mary Potter is about to unleash on us her cruelest spells!!"
Kaitlin: "Governor, please don't antagonize her further. She's already very upset..."
Evarrine: ".....No. It is fine. I am of level mind."
Kaitlin: "Are you sure? You're shaking..."
Evarrine: "I will not repeat myself."
Kaitlin: "But--"
Evarrine: "That is enough. I know my limits. I cannot afford to use my powers in this realm again, the cost will be too great."
Kaitlin: "Fine. If you say so..."
Evarrine: "I hear knocking. Grey must be here! How deliciously exciting, I cannot wait for the Execution where another one of you lowlives will be rightfully executed and beheaded!!"
Kaitlin: "Uhhh I think you're thinking of the wrong realm again...."
Evarrine: "Oh, shoot. I keep forgetting how weak the mortals are in this land. Bunch of boring wussies."
Kaitlin: "Riiight, let's go with that one....wacko."
Taiha: "What's happening?"
Taiha: "Is Grey here?? Are we doing the Execution here again? And more importantly... IS GREY HERE???"
Linda: "No, Taiha. A friend of Throvan's has visited and he has an announcement to make."
Taiha: "Huh? Okay...."
Evarrine: "Who dareth sit in my throne??"
Indigo: "Oh, it's you again. Hey Queenie!"
Evarrine: "Up."
Indigo: "....Down?"
Evarrine: "No. Get up! This is MY throne."
Indigo: "I don't see your name on it..."
Evarrine: "Do not test me, mortal. Do you really want me to unleash your greatest fears on you again? I'm sure being suffocated by butterflies the second time won't be any easier than the first...."
Indigo: "Evarrine, Throvan has an announcement to make, we don't have time for your drama."
Evarrine: "You are lucky we are in your land... I hope for your sake, that the next time we cross paths, isn't in mine... for I'll have the FULL extent of my powers, and you'll be weaker than a twig standing before me."
The Gov: "Ooooooh how intimidating you are.... All bark and no bite. Typical for a political leader."
Fabio: "Silencio! Throvan is trying to speak."
Throvan: "Thank you, friend."
Throvan: "I shall introduce you all to my peer. This is Illaya Baequivis, Protector Of Forrest."
Illaya: "Terveisiä, ihmisiä."
Throvan: "The reason she has come for me is because, unfortunately, our people are under attack."
*Illaya hisses*
Throvan: "Man has found our sacred land,
and the fault lies with me. I exposed Elvenkind to the world, and now my
people are in trouble."
Linda: "I've heard this somber tale a bajillion times..."
Throvan: "'Twas Illaya's grandfather whom sent the Raven to me as early warning that something was amiss in the Forrest."
Throvan: "But when Man attacked one of our own, the Chief sent the Princess to retrieve me."
Throvan: "I must go forth and help protect Forrest and Elvenkind. That is highest priority."
Throvan: "Thus, I hereby officially resign from The Mole."
The Gov: "I don't normally advocate for war, because after all, it's a rich man's war and the poor man's fight, but in this case, I do! Will you fight, flight, or freeze?!?"
The Gov: "You chose FIGHT, making you a true warrior!! Go forth, and SEIZE your moment, Elf!"
Fabio: "You're just happy to have less competition, Governor. Despicable."
Aiden: "DeshPICKable Me! LOVES dat movie!!"
Tamela: "I am terribly sorry it has come to this, Throvan. Do what you must to protect your people."
Kaitlin: "Ditto what she said."
Taiha: "Ditto ditto."
Throvan: "Thank you, everyone. I will cherish these memories forever. Till we meet again."
Throvan: "Rотов? You ready, Illaya? добре. Let us go immediately."