~DAY 9~
Tamela: "Bloody Mole House, blocking my internet reception.... I have the right to hack, y'know!
....Well, maaaaaybe not, but the law hasn't stopped me before!"
Tamela: "...Hm?"
Tamela: "I hear footsteps... Shit. This was a mistake. I can't see anything!"
Tamela: "Hello...?"
Tamela: "AUGH!"
Man: "DON'T. MOVE."
Tamela: "Is this about my father? What do you want. Please... I will literally tell you anything you want to know! Just fucking release me!!"
Tamela: "Shit shit, fucking shit monkeys! Not again............"
~DAY 10~
Taiha: "Kaitlin, you're not eating? How come??"
Kaitlin: "I'm not hungry."
Fabio: "Don't play with your food, niña."
Kaitlin: "...."
Taiha: "That's rather rude, Grey was very nice to send us to this restaurant and pay for our breakfast!"
Evarrine: "Lay off her, Taiha."
Taiha: "Huh? Why?"
Linda: "She couldn't find Tamela this morning."
Taiha: "Okay? How does that affect her eating? I don't starve myself every time one of my cats goes missing for a few hours."
Evarrine: "Those two formed a very close bond on.... their season. Only a fool wouldn't notice this."
Kaitlin: "You know ladies, I can hear you...."
Indigo: "It's okay Kaitlin, I'm sure Tamela just went out for an early morning stroll. Nothing to worry about."
Kaitlin: "Thank you... I hope that you are right."
Indigo: "Tbh me too... Although something DOES feel off about the whole thing... There's only 8 chairs at the table...."
Aiden: "Hmmm...."

*Aiden not-so-slyly tries to grab one of the Governor's waffles while he's not looking; The Gov stabs him with his fork*
Aiden: "OWH! MAH FINGAH!!"
The Gov: "This show ain't no communist society, boy!!"
Aiden: "Don't go gettin' your knickers in a knot old man!"
*The Governor growls*
Aiden: "I am STARVIN'! I needs moar food! Porshion sizes ovah here on da west side of da countreh are too smalls for me 'n mah tummeh!!"
Indigo: "I'd give you some of mine but... I ate it all. OOPS."
Kaitlin: "Are we all just going to ignore the fact that Tamela IS STILL MISSING? And that Production is doing absolutely NOTHING to look for her?!"
Taiha: "I'm sure Grey is out searching for her as we speak! Don't worry your tail off about it, Kitty Kait."
Indigo: "No! Kaitlin is right... Well, I was right too, but uhm... Something is amiss!"
Indigo: "We have to do something!! Something just doesn't feel right about all of this..."
Aiden: "Like your buttocks?"
Indigo: "Excuse me!??"
Aiden: "Your, uh, hindquarters is vibratin'......."
Kaitlin: "Is that a phone?? ANSWER IT! It might be Tamela!!"
Fabio: "Since when do we have phones? I didn't get one!"
Linda: "Yes. All sims have an automatic invisible phone in their inventory. They're free, too! And never need to be charged, which is another perk."
Taiha: "Answer it, Indigo! It might be my boyfriend!!"
Indigo: "Ew. I don't want to talk to him. Aiden, answer it for me, will you?"
*Aiden grabs the phone from Indigo's back pocket*
The Gov: "And now he's grabbing asses too?! What DOESN'T this hick try to steal??"
Evarrine: "SHUSH IT, GOVERNOR! Aiden is trying to listen."
Aiden: "Yes, howdy.... Aden? There no Aden 'ere.... Ohhhhhh AIDEN! Hehe, dat's me!"
Aiden: "What cans I do for yah?"
Aiden: "Uh-huh."
Aiden: "Oh, dat's no good...."
Aiden: "Oh Lord grant mercy on her poor wittle innocent soul...."
Aiden: "She was taken WHERE? Oh geez. Tha's no good..... Huh? You wants meh to tells da whole group dat Tamela was kidnapped? Okie dokie then, artichokee! ....oh. You wants to tell dem yourself? Speaka phone? How does one do dat? Da megaphone symbol? Oshkay, here you are, gimme ONE sec... OKAY Y'ALL CAN YA HEAR ME NOW?!?"
???: "GREETINGS, MOLE PEO-- wait, did Aiden press the right button? No? Yes? Alright, anyway:
Aiden: "Hay e'eryone, I is supposed to tell y'all that--"
Kaitlin: "Already on it. I knew this would happen."
Taiha: "This must be the Captured mission from my season! How exciting!!"

Linda: "Tamela was kidnapped again?? Poor woman has the unfortunate case of the Princess Peach. First the Amazing Race mission......"
![]() | |||
Tamela: "And I'm Peach." |
Linda: "...and now this?! Wonder who the Bowser is in this metaphor..."
The Gov: "I'm the governor of an island. I belong at sea with my fellow sea team."
Evarrine: "I shall follow suit."
Taiha: "For some mysterious reason I don't like water. To the sky I go to catch a bird!"
Tamela: "If this is all part of the show, then why are my hands still tied??"
Man: "Just procedure, ma'am."
Tamela: "I'll believe you if you at least take off the blindfold!!"
Man: "Boss says I can't do that, either. Defeats the purpose of this mission."
Tamela: "I'd like to speak to your so called 'boss', then."
Woman: "You'll meet her in time. She has some words for you..."
Tamela: "What are we waiting for, then?"
Man: "Our ride...... And here it is. Here, I'll untie your hands so you can climb on board. No funny business, okay? If we were ACTUAL bad guys we'd never untie you. This mission is called Captured, and the group has 2 days to find you. Simple as that. Here's a phone. You can make calls to them to help them out, but be warned.... You only have 5% battery left, so time your calls wisely...."
Linda: "Oh dear lord, we's gettin' higher!"
Kaitlin: "Alright Aiden....."
Linda: "Nawh, I'm Duck Hunt's owner!"
Taiha: "Do you even have a license to fly this thing, Kitty Kait???"
Kaitlin: "NOPE.... And ironically, I don't even have a driver's license!!"
Indigo: "............send help."
The Gov: "Are we sure that we want that Mexican refugee steering this ship?"
Evarrine: "You did not have any qualms about it when he volunteered."
The Gov: "Yeah, that was because I wanted to make sure YOU didn't volunteer first!"
Evarrine: "I see."
The Gov: "Because no offense, YOUR HIGHNESS.... But you are just a TAD power hungry..."
Evarrine: "HAH! Says you. I was born to the throne, whereas you continually attempt to maintain this supposed 'Governor' title across nations!"
The Gov: "Psh. What do you think, country boy?"
Aiden: "I'm thinkin' dat poor Tameka... She must be so scurred...."
The Gov: "Well, in my defense, I'm not trying to be an all-powerful witch."
Evarrine: "Yes, just an all-out bitch."
The Gov: "...."
Taiha: "Meow?"
Aiden: "Howdy?"
Tamela: "Listen closely, I don't have much battery left on this phone, so I'm going to have to keep this call short...."
Aiden: "Oh mah lord, it's her!!"
Tamela: "I was kidnapped by a man and woman, put on a plane, and flew around 5 to 6 hours. One asked the other why west instead of east, which would have been faster. Riskier to fly over international borders was the answer. Another filled up the tank. A woman came back with him, saying “Aloha” and offering three native fruits: bananas, mangos, and a small round fruit with soft hair-like spikes. I slept for awhile and awoke to the pilot saying something like Bandaid Ark or Banda Ark. It was daylight. I ate rice and the same unknown fruit juicer than before."
Taiha: "Got it!"
Linda: "Was that Tamela??"
Kaitlin: "Just tell me where I need to go."
Aiden: "By golly, it was Tameka!!"
The Gov: "So we have to try and find her with mere breadcrumbs...? Great. This should be fun. Said no sane man ever...."

Kaitlin: "Alright, just confirmed with the Sea people, they're approaching Hawaii's borders now too."
Indigo: "This is utterly breath-taking..... I'm speechless."
Taiha: "What, cat got your tongue?"
Kaitlin: "What even IS this thing that I'm flying??"
Linda: "It's a steampunk air balloon from the city-state Columbia, made in 1912."
Kaitlin: "Uhhh... what?"
Indigo: "Don't bother. Bioshock Infinite reference."
Kaitlin: "Everyone, focus. We need to worry about Tamela. We have to find her!"
Taiha: "Ooh. I smell Grey over here."
Indigo: "Shoot! I lost my Skelebear. Do you guys know where he is?"
Linda: "Guys, can you please be quiet? I am about to get the high score on my gameboy."
Kaitlin: "Seriously?!?!?!"
The Gov: "So what else have we gleaned from Tamela's call?"
Aiden: "Don' look at meh."
The Gov: "Fortunately for my eyes, I'm not."
The Gov: "Forgot to mention this earlier but I think the unknown fruit Tamela was referencing is a Rambutan."
The Gov: "My people snack on it daily and it fits the description Tam gave, being spiny-like and all."
The Gov: "She says she ate the same fruit twice, this time though it was juicier than before, makes me think that this is her saying she's getting closer to where they are grown?"
Aiden: "Oof, holds da alligator, you may be onto somethang! Da nature programmin' mah moma watch did say dat fruit is native to the Philippines..."

The Gov: "Precisely! Anyways, dinner is served!... And she's STILL sleeping?! Doing nothing must really be exhausting... Not that I would know, my dear citizens watching this back home on the island, harhahar!"
Evarrine: "Pardon me? You are disrupting my slumbers with your obnoxious voice."
The Gov: "And shouldn't you be steering this thing??"
Fabio: "There's a trained captain with me, you idiotas. Anyways, so we know they wanted to cross the Atlantic but made a detour to Hawaii instead. But now we're stuck. Aiden, make a call to the sky people to figure out our next move."
Linda: "I'm getting a call from the Sea Crew.... But also Tamela! Everyone, shush!!"
*They hear Tamela fumbling around with the phone and whispering something about them transporting her to a boat now, but it's hard to hear her over the thunderstorm.... then you hear a man's voice, giving directions to her captors...*
“...sa kanluran ng Banda Sea ay Java Sea. Tumungo sa Jakarta at pagkatapos ay dumaan sa mga Bakauheni Merak. Pumasa sa unang isla na nakikita mo at dock sa isla ng "Kraken".”
Kaitlin: "What are you two standing there twiddleing your thumbs for, GO TRANSLATE!"
Taiha: "Aye aye, Captain!"
Indigo: "We're on it!"

Kaitlin: "Wait, I got something! This map shows that Banda Sea is a sea in the Maluku Islands of Indonesia! The Java Sea is a sea on the Sunda Shelf. It's between the Indonesian islands of Borneo to the north, Java to the south, Sumatra to the west, and Sulawesi to the east. I'm sure she's somewhere in Indonesia!!!"
Linda: "Do you think that's where they're taking her next? Maybe we can cut them off??"
Kaitlin: "I'm not 100% sure, but it's a lead, isn't it?"
Linda: "It sure is. I'll report this news back to the Sea Team!"
Kaitlin: "Woot woot! To the Philippines we go!"

Indigo: "Hey, so, we managed to translate those directions in Filipino."
Kaitlin: "Give it to me."
Taiha: "The man basically said.... 'to the west of the Banda Sea is Java Sea. Head to Jakarta and then go through the Bakauheni Merak. Pass the first island you see and dock on the island of Kraken'..."
Kaitlin: "Thanks gals, I think I got it from here. You must all be starving, so go inside and eat."
Indigo: "I'm already two steps ahead of you... LITERALLY! HEEHEE!!"
Taiha: "What about you? You gotta be hungry too?"
Kaitlin: "No, I'm good. My main priority right now is finding Tamela ASAP. She needs me."
Taiha: "Alright, if you say so..."
Kaitlin: "I do."
Linda: "I'm going to stay outside and keep watch for the Wind Raker."

Fabio: "Alright Captain Harlow, we're passing through the Bakauheni Merak as we speak!!"
Kaitlin: "Ontsagwekkende!! ...AWESOME! We're hovering over one of the islands now!"
Man: "Get on."
*shoves her*
Tamela: "What a gentleman you are.... Next time buy me dinner first. Or at least buy me a dress so I'm not walking around in public looking like THIS!"
* * *
* * *

Indigo: "Do you think we'll be able to find her in time?"
Taiha: "We did last time I played this mission, so I have full confidence we can do it again!!"
Linda: "Do you think there are any exemptions for this mission?"
Kaitlin: "I doubt it. This is a group challenge. Now stop having selfish thoughts and help me help Tamela!"
Linda: "This is The Mole though, and at the end of the day it's still an individual game... Just like life. Everyone's gotta look out for player 1: yourself."
Linda: "Tamela? What do you got for us??"
Tamela: "I'm in a boat. Went straight for a bit then veered left. Moved to helicopter. Fell asleep and woke to “no longer down under”. Moved to tinted van. See GPS map split second with “Dhiffushi Beach”. Get to choose Sand Grill restaurant. Moved to plane. Before blindfolded, see tiny island with lots trees in the middle and resorts on sides."

Linda: "Did you get all of that?"
Kaitlin: "Indeed! Dhiffushi is an island of the Maldives, I think. My military unit was stationed there for a month. There's a restaurant there on the Dhiffushi White Sand Beach. Let us go there!"
Kaitlin: "We're on our way, Tamela! Hold tight!!"
Fabio: "Night is falling. I think we should just stay in the Maldives for now, until we get another call."
*The Governor grunts in agreement*

Aiden: "Now THIS is good porshion size!"

Evarrine: "Peasants. Where is my breakfast?? You are to prepare my morning food at the crack of dawn!"
Aiden: "....Who gonna tell 'er it acshually is moontime??"
The Gov: "Not me. Let her throw a tantrum."
Fabio: "It's dusk, not dawn, Reina."
Evarrine: "Mierda! .....can't believe I slept all day again. I blame this blasted underwater coffin!"
* * *
* * *
Indigo: "You okay there, Taiha?"
Taiha: "Oof, no. I think I need some caffeine in me to stay awake through this mission."
Indigo: "Why bother? Kaitlin has this all under control...."
Indigo: "....She's a one woman army, that one!"
Taiha: ".......yeah. Screw it. I'm going to bed. I can't think straight.... or stand straight, for that matter."
Kaitlin: "Tammy!"
Tamela: "Heading exactly NW approximately 1000 miles. Landing on island right before Gulf of Aden starts. Then on submarine until designated town. May be heading north but not sure. Faked a panic attack and saw their submarine map display, took a picture and I'm sending it now: it's a GPS tracker, showing our current movements over the last few hours.
I think I heard something about an “Omen” and then “Golf”. Men. Golfing while I’m blindfolded. Fuck you!
Please find me.... I'm scared and alone."
Kaitlin: "Wait, Tamela!!"
Kaitlin: "I will find you tomorrow, Tamela. Even if it kills me or costs me this game. I swear it. Those bastards will pay for making you go through this again!!!"
~DAY 11~
Kaitlin: "We're almost there!"
Linda: "Good morning to you too. Did you not sleep at all??"
Kaitlin: "Don't got time for that."
Linda: "Sleeping isn't actually necessary, but powering off is. Or, at least sleep mode, anyway. You should really take a break, girl."
Kaitlin: "I'm good. Hey! Check out the directions Tamela sent last night. I checked the map... SHE'S IN DUBAI!!"
Linda: "Holy shit, I think you're right!!"

Fabio: "What's the sitch, Governor?? Where are we heading?"
The Gov: "Huh? Gimme a second........"
Evarrine: "Any day now!"
The Gov: "Alright, alright! Kaitlin figured it out. We're heading to Dubai!"
Taiha: "That was pretty smart of you, Kaitlin, to figure out the Oman Gulf. Oman was just an omen!"
Kaitlin: "The Mission Leader told us to use the resources we have. So I was just doing my job... Unlike you ladies who failed to use the globe upstairs."
Linda: "....my mistake."
Taiha: "I was tired, okay?? It's called INATTENTIONAL BLINDNESS, thank you very much."
Indigo: "More like unintentional sabotage...."
Kaitlin: "You mean INTENTIONAL sabotage?"
Kaitlin: "Look, it doesn't matter now, I'm receiving instructions from the United States Emirates on where to land. Can someone fetch the safety pilot for this?"
Linda: "I'll go get her!"

Fabio: "Alright, let's count the troops. All ocho of us here?"
Linda: "Yup. Now what. We search every skyscraper? There's too many... But Princess Peach has to be SOMEWHERE, right? If we can find an animus, I think I might be able to scale the tallest building and get an eagle's view of the map."
Aiden: "Do anyone have somethang dat belongs to Tameka?? I mights be able to sniffs her out wid mah big NOSE!"
Evarrine: "That is actually not such an unfathomable idea. Does anyone hold a jewelry item of hers? I may be able to enchant it, and it will lead us straight to its owner."
The Gov: "Alright, I hear you. I hear all 3 of you.... Now let's hear from someone who ISN'T batshit insane!"
Evarrine: "Is that right? What is YOUR wise plan then, Governor?"
Aiden: "YAH, Goovanor, wat's your plan?? Huh? HUH!"
Kaitlin: "It's her! It's her!!"
Tamela: "I don't have much time left. This will be my final call:
Taken to Dubai. Then, put in van and driven elsewhere, blindfolded. Blindfold removed temporarily and as I walked inside I saw just the front of a tall building with some glass reflecting another tall building, across the road, I assume. The front above the entrance kinda looked like a keyhole. Lobby had black marble and was huge. Heard we’re in Penthouse on 96th floor. In room, faked panic attack and saw a city outside with water and even some islands. Smell ocean breeze and exotic smells. Ate Burrata Caprese, a best seller at nearby cafe. Room has bed with expensive and exotic-feeling furs. Outside is hot but wind makes it feel cooler than it is.
Shit--they're coming, I need to go. Good luck!"
The Gov: "Excellent! We have ourselves a lead!"
Indigo: "What's our strategy now? Divide and conquer? Move as one unit? Split into pairs??"
Kaitlin: "Wait one minute, she's sending us more photos!!"
Taiha: "Those pictures will surely come in handy later. Everyone has their walkie-talkie, right??"
The Gov: "Yes, Ms. Anderson."
Evarrine: "Who's going to carry me? I cannot run in these shoes."
The Gov: "You can't run in general, woman."
Evarrine: "Speak ill of me again and I'll make you forever ill."
Fabio: "You two are like an old married couple...."
Taiha: "We don't have time for this idle kit-kat! We gotta RUN LIKE THE WIND!"
Indigo: "Yes, Taiha is right, time is of the essence! LET'S GO, MOLE FAM!!"
*Only one hour later...*
Evarrine: "How do you know this is it?"
Kaitlin: "It just is. Trust me."
Fabio: "Yeah, because 'trust' isn't a rare commodity in a game like The Mole whatsoever...."
Indigo: "Is that...."
Taiha: "The Burj Khalifa? Why yes. Yes it is."
Indigo: "By golly. That's the tallest building in the WORLD!"
Taiha: "Mhm. And behind it is the tower that you can see in Tamela's photo. If my calculations are correct, Tamela is being held captive in The Princess Tower!!"
Aiden: "YUP. Moar lost than ah lil' piggy widout his nose."
The Gov: "Ahhhhh... Golfing in Dubai... I'm doing the Lord's work!"
Kaitlin: "Taiha? You're at the Princess Tower already? Alright, we're right around the corner. I have the Queen and Fabio with me, let's get everyone to meet there as quickly as possible!!"
Kaitlin: "I think this is it, guys! I have a good feeling! See! The cafe is right over there, and here's the keyhole-shaped window, and there's black marble in the lobby!"
Linda: "You guys can take the elevator, I'll take the stairs."
Kaitlin: "That's not happening. She's on the 96th floor, no way will you make it in time."
Linda: "You don't know me. You don't know what I'm capable of!"
Kaitlin: "Yes, I do, and I know you're not Superwoman. Now, c'mon!"
Woman: "Hello, contestants... Looking for someone!?" >;D
Taiha: "Wh-whaaaaat.... It's YOU?! I....I-I thought you were DEAD!"
Nocturne: "Why yes, it is I, NOCTURNE ALLEY, in the flesh!!
....what is it that you think you're doing, Fabio??"
Fabio: "I knew I recognized your voice over the phone! What a special reunion this is. Now, where is she?! Hand her over!"
Nocturne: "Ugh... You're no fun... You never were! Why they asked YOU back and not me is BEYOND my comprehension."
Fabio: "Silencio! Quit stalling."
Nocturne: "Fine. You win. She's right behind this door...."
Fabio: "¡Muchas gracias!"
Fabio: "I have her under control. Go check up on Tamela, Kaitlin!"
Kaitlin: "Tamela?!"
Tamela: "Kaitlin, is that you!? Oh god, please, untie my hands!"
Tamela: "You have no idea how relieving it is to hear a familiar voice!"
Kaitlin: "Alright, you can take off your blindfold!"
Tamela: "Aughhh... It's daylight? I had no idea..."
Kaitlin: "Are you OK?? Did they hurt you!? Are you hungry??? You must've been so scared!!"
Tamela: "Hey, hey! Relax, Kailtin... I'm fine, it was just a mission.... But to be perfectly frank, I was pretty terrified at first... I'm not a fan of how they handled it, but of course they had to play it up for the camera. I thought I was actually being kidnapped again!"
Kaitlin: "I'm sorry."
Tamela: "Just when I thought I got over that part of my life, with my father in prison, THIS shit happens! I thought I was finally healing, but it turns out I have some residual PTSD... And this show knew it! They exploited my fears! Why else would they choose ME to be the hostage?! They just want drama, and guess what, people, YOU GOT IT! You all getta see crazy Tamela all over again!!! YeeeeeHAWWWWW!!"
Kaitlin: "......Tamela?"
Tamela: "Yes??"
Kaitlin: "I-I just wanted to let you know that I'm happy you're safe, and...."
Tamela: "Annnd.....?"
Kaitlin: "What?? Do you not...."
Tamela: "No, it's just... I didn't know.... I didn't think...."
Kaitlin: "Oh my god...... I-I-I..... I'm so sorry.... I have to go."
Tamela: "Kaitlin, wait!!"
Nocturne: "Okay, FABIO, you can let me go now.... I can explain everything downstairs."

The Gov: "Ms. Harlow! Where's Tamela?"
Linda: "Where does she think she's going??"
Nocturne: "Yes, yes, follow me, gather around, everyone."
Nocturne: "First thing's first: Congratulations, everyone. You found and saved Tamela in time. That's $150 into the group pot. That means, yes, 2 of you sent a text to Tamela requesting more information. Those people will remain anonymous. Speaking of anonymous.....
I did what I did to get back at Grey for shooting me back during the season 2 finale. He thought he killed me, but he forgot I am the daughter to the Father of Death.
I wanted to ruin his show by kidnapping one of his contestants....
But who I kidnapped wasn't up to me. It was decided by my boss, who's remained anonymous....
Until now."
KT: "Hello, All-Stars!! It's me.... KT!"
Aiden: "It's da bootyful KT! She is sooooooooo purdy!!"
Evarrine: "Are you here to punch me in the face again?"
Indigo: "What does this have to do with Tamela though?? Also... HI KT!!!"
KT: "Awh, yes.... Tamela. We have quite the history together, her and I...."
Tamela: "....We do?"
KT: "Of course! How could you forget?? Oh, that's right... SOMEONE has 'AMNESIA', is that right?? Awwwhhhh poor wittle girl has forgotten her pwecious memories!!"
KT: "Well guess what? BOO-FREAKING-HOO!"
Tamela: "Girl, I literally don't know you."
KT: "Hmmmm and I wonder who's fault THAT is?"

KT: "Mhm. And do you wanna know why? It's because you decided to drop out from season 3 LAST MINUTE, and by last minute I LITERALLY mean like HOURS before shooting. And I was slotted to be the host for that season, but guess what?? Because YOU didn't show up, they needed to fill in a female slot, which meant I was their solution to a problem YOU caused! Now isn't that lovely?"
KT: "So ESSENTIALLY, you are the reason I was demoted from an amazing HOST to a bloody CONTESTANT. That was all YOUR fault, sheila!"
Tamela: "Hun, I'm not even NEARLY as dark as you.... You're darker than a black hole!"
Nocturne: "Awwww thanks!" ^.^
Evarrine: "The deliciously tragic irony behind ALL of this is that.... You two DO both realize that the REASON Tamela didn't show up to play in season 3 was because she was kidnapped in the first place......right?"
KT: "Hehehe........... I know." ;-)
KT: "Well, anyways....
SURPRISE EVERYONE! I'm going to be your hostess during your vacation destination here in Dubai! As you already know, this is the Princess Tower, and it is here where you will reside for the next few days. I hope you enjoy your time here, and I'll see you all the day after tomorrow for your next quiz and execution! TOODLES!!"
These are the 3 observations per sense that Tamela had for the 2nd part of the mission:
1) In order to get you through the front door, they temporarily remove your blindfold to avoid suspicion by security. You look up just in time to see this:
2) You pass through what appears to be a lobby. This is what you see before taken directly to an elevator and then re-blindfolded:

3) You are taken through a series of doors, and eventually led into a room. You sit and wait for long stretches at a time, unable to see a thing. You know you need more information to send back to the group, so you decide to fake another panic attack, this time insisting you need fresh air. One of your captors leads you to a balcony, and you thrust off your blindfold to see this view:

1) While in the lobby, you hear the front desk lady give a key card to one of your captors and say,
"I hope you enjoy the Penthouse, sir."
2) While in the elevator, you hear the following argument from your captors as you hear the elevator door close behind you:
"Well, that was easier than expected!" *you hear a beep as he presses an elevator button*
"No, it's not on the top floor."
"It's not on 101? Are you sure?"
"YES I'm sure you dingbat, it says right here the Penthouse is on the 96th floor!"
"That's usually not how Penthouses work but I'll take your word on it, boss."
"Yes you will. Now shut up and do your job."
3) While sitting and waiting in the room, your captors mostly speak in Arabic, but when talking on the walkie-talkie, they repeatedly use the name "Peach". You can't help but feel they are referring to you.
1) The lobby is rather perfumey. Lots of exotic smells.
2) The elevator smells like classic elevator smell.
3) Out on the balcony, you smell that classic ocean breeze scent.
1) Your first meal is Burrata Caprese, a dish that you're told is a best seller from a neighboring cafe.
2) You are given a glass of water to sip from. Tastes like your average H2O.
3) After an attempt to scream out for help, a captor places a hand towel in your mouth to prevent you from doing it again. All you taste is soap. Yum.
1) The constraints they've placed around your wrists are considerably tight. No way of breaking out of these bad boys.
2) You feel around your immediate area while in the room. You are definitely on a bed. A rather large bed with what feels like many expensive fabrics and furs.
3) After faking your panic attack and being led to a balcony, you can tell it should be hot outside, but because it's so incredibly windy up here all you feel is cold air.
[What else did you hear from your kidnappers? Are you still blindfolded?]
[What is your favorite color?]