"So...that was awkward. And Kaitlin is into other women. That...makes a
lot of sense, and explains a lot of things last season.
If anybody else plans on being awkwardly rejected for a kiss on this show, please get a room, just not mine, please. I actually managed to get a single for once.
If anybody else plans on being awkwardly rejected for a kiss on this show, please get a room, just not mine, please. I actually managed to get a single for once.
Anyway, I almost died from the secondhand embarrassment. Ay
Fabio: "Well, it's been an eventful weekend, that much is for sure... Time for some much needed dormir."
Tamela: "I request the bottom bunk."
Linda: "Alright, you can have it I s'pose. I never had a bunk bed growing up."
Tamela: "Thanks.... Yuck. I am appalled at how drab this decor is. They should fire their interior decorator and hire me instead."
Linda: "Uh huh... You sound just like Artie....."
The Gov: "This being the infamous Dubai, I am astonished at how ordinary this penthouse is..."
Aiden: "Or'inary?! Ain't nuttin' normah about all dis! Dis show ain't nothin' but LUXURY! There be CANDLES! An' linen sheets!!"
The Gov: "You don't get out of Mississippi much, do you...."
Evarrine: "This chamber shall do."
Taiha: "We're roomies, right Indie??"
Indigo: "Of course Tai! The Greytastic Kittens live on!! Squeeee!!!!"
Taiha: "Yaaay! ....Y'know, I wonder where Kaitlin ran off to?"
Indigo: "That's a good question... I was actually thinking about going out to look for her."

Indigo: "Hey, kiddo.... Anyone sitting here?"
Indigo: "....I'll take that as a no."
Kaitlin: "What is it that you want?"
Indigo: "Why is it that you automatically think I WANT something from you?"
Kaitlin: "It's not just you specifically... It's everyone. EVERYONE wants something from everyone... Even if you don't think you want something from me, you talking to me is to either improve our relationship, make you feel better about yourself by clearing your conscious, or satisfying your curiosity."
Indigo: -.-
Kaitlin: "What? Am I wrong?"
Indigo: "A little."
Kaitlin: "How so?"
Indigo: "How'd it feel?"
Kaitlin: "How did what feel?"
Indigo: "You know... Kissing Tamela."
Kaitlin: "Uhmmm..."
Indigo: "Do you have feelings for her??"
Kaitlin: "...I'm not sure I am ready to answer that question yet."
Indigo: "That's totally fair. I won't pry further if you don't want me to."
Kaitlin: "Thanks..."
Kaitlin: "I'm thinking I should just quit."
Indigo: "WHAT!?! You can't quit!!"
Kaitlin: "Why not? There's nothing left for me here..."
Indigo: "I won't allow it! You have an exemption, that means you're already halfway through the game... Why quit now!?"
Kaitlin: "Looking back.... There was no real reason for me to return, I already got my 15 minutes of fame and won. My only 'unfinished business' was figuring out my feelings for Tamela, and obviously she doesn't care about me so.... What I should do is just hand over my exemption to you."
Indigo: "Wait a second. This isn't a ploy to get me off your trail, is it?"
Kaitlin: "What? Of course not."
Indigo: "Hmmmm........ Okay. I believe you."
Kaitlin: "You don't have to."
Indigo: "But I do."
Kaitlin: "Okay...."
Indigo: "So you aren't quitting then??"
Kaitlin: "Owh. That's my nose, Indigo."
Indigo: "OOF, sorry!!"
Indigo: "So you ARE staying??"
Kaitlin: "I never said that..."
Indigo: "Oh, come on! I know you're no quitter! You're like, the complete OPPOSITE! You're the cursed girl who never quits, remember?! You were my role model!!"
Kaitlin: "I was??"
Indigo: "Yes! I was the girl on my season who was afraid of literally EVERYTHING... And you were the woman on your season who feared NOTHING."
Kaitlin: "I'm sorry."
Indigo: "For what?"
Kaitlin: "For being defensive and rude to you earlier... It's just my natural go-to. They say good defense is the best offense, right??"
Indigo: "Hehe, I guess..."
Kaitlin: "Haha."
Indigo: "I don't blame you, though. If I had gone through even half the shit you went through growing up, I'd have all my walls up to. It just takes a special someone to help tear 'em down... In my case: Shayne!"
Kaitlin: "Do you love him?"
Indigo: "Pardon?"
Kaitlin: "Do you love him. Will you go through with marrying him?"
Indigo: "Honestly? .... Absolutely. Absolutely yes, 100% ... but.... sometimes I just wonder... Am I enough for him? I know that sounds cliche and all but... He's a lot more serious than me. He can be goofy sometimes too, yes, but I'm goofy like ALL the time, ya know?"
Kaitlin: "Perhaps that's exactly the reason he likes you?"
Indigo: "Hmmm..... I mean, I guess."
Kaitlin: "No. Don't just guess. KNOW."
Kaitlin: "I'm not one to talk... I've never been in love... But when I saw you two together, it looked like the real deal to me. I know it's easy for us gals to feel inferior at times... you think America is sexist? Try Zimbabwe. Not many female leaders over there, still has the remnants of a patriarchy... but we're slowly getting our power back. We know our worth. And you should too."
Kaitlin: "Shayne is beyond lucky to have you... And secretly I'm sure he feels unworthy to you, too. Men just hide it better."
Indigo: "Welp, thank you, Kaitlin..... I really appreciate that. Honestly."
Kaitlin: "And you know what? Shayne and I aren't too different. I'm sure I've had the same thoughts as him.... 'Am I too serious?' .... 'Am I too uptight?'.... 'Do people think I can't have fun?' .... 'Am I too damaged to be loved?'."
Kaitlin: "But the truth is.... EVERYONE'S damaged, at least a little. Only a year ago I thought I was Atlas, carrying the Earth's weight on my shoulders. I thought I was a burden carrying such a burden... I thought I had more emotional baggage than ANYONE else... Turns out? Far from it. Upon my travels over the last year, I met so many people... So so so many people! And people were in worse predicaments than I. Even lonelier than me. But I was suddenly rich. Suddenly valued. Suddenly.... 'popular'. And I still have my health! Many people don't even have that, even people younger than you and I."
Indigo: "I hate to burst this beautiful tangent but I feel like this is no longer about me and Shayne...."
Kaitlin: "....Oh. Yes. Right. My bad...."
Indigo: "It's okay!! Hehe, sorry, that sounded rude."
Kaitlin: "No ruder than me earlier."
Indigo: "I think my ADHD is just acting up.... ANYWAYS! I just wanted to find you and make sure you were alright, but tbh I am STARVING. I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!!"
Kaitlin: "Wow. That IS hungry."
Indigo: "Plus, I promised Linda that I'd play Smash with her for a bit. You and Tamela are welcome to join!! We could make it a tournament!"
Kaitlin: "Uhm. That's okay.... I am thinking I'd rather steer clear from Tamela for a bit..."
Indigo: "Alrighty. Just find us if you change your mind!! Annnnd don't stay out here by yourself too late, okay?"
Kaitlin: "Mhm."
~DAY 12~
Aiden: "Nuttin' like ah whole stack of cakes in da mornin'! Yummmmmehhh!"
Tamela: "...."
Aiden: "G'mornin', Tameka!"
Tamela: "Good morning, Aiden."
Aiden: "Don' worreh, you can eat wid meh, I don' bite!"
Tamela: "Oh, haha, yeah? That's alright, I, uh.... have a spot where I eat already."
Tamela: "Thanks though!"
Aiden: "Oh.... okay...."
Aiden (grumbling): " 'Already have ah spot' mah ARSE!"
* * * * *
Aiden: "I can wash your dish for you!"
Tamela: "That's okay Aiden, that's what dishwashers are for."
Aiden: "Ahhh, I see now, you jus' don' want nuttin' to do wit me. You're just like everrrrryone else on here! Dat's okay, at least I'm still mah momma's boy!"
Tamela: "Huh? What are you on about?"
Aiden: "NOTHIN'. Jus' ignore meh... like how you always do....."
Tamela: "Now I'm starting to feel like this is something that shouldn't be ignored..."
Aiden: "Pft. Like you care!"
Tamela: "Why would you say such a thing."
Aiden: "Don' act stoopid! You din't wanna sit and eat cakes wit meh dis mornin'!"
Tamela: "Oh, I usually always eat breakfast there!"
Aiden: "Dat was da FIRST time I've evah seen you eat there!"
Tamela: "Wellll.... fine. I just wanted to eat in solitude, is that alright with you??"
Aiden: "You NEVAH eat yer eggs'n'bacon by yourself though... You always be eatin' wit someone, wheder dat be Kait or whomeveh!"
Tamela: "Kaitlin and I are.... going through some stuff right now, so you'll have to excuse me if I'm feeling a little irregular and want to enjoy my breakfast in some peace and quiet."
Aiden: "Alwight. Fine. But dis mornin' is jus' a SINGLE example! Dis has bin an ongoin' thang... You NEVAH approach meh, EVER! I honestly can' think of duh last time you said ah single word to me!"
Tamela: "That's not true! Just yesterday I called you during the mission!"
Aiden: "....Da mission? REALLY, Tameka? When you had to? When I jus' happen to be da person to pick up....??"
Tamela: "Well if you learned to pronounce my name correctly, maybe we wouldn't be in this situation. In fact, if you learned how to pronounce just about ANYTHING correctly at all, maybe I'd be more inclined to want to conversate with you."
Aiden: "...."
Tamela: "What? You wanted the truth."
Aiden: "....You know wut your problem is?"
Tamela: "Heeeere we go..."

Aiden: "You're sittin' purdy up on your high horse, use to gettin' your way jus' cuz you come from rich folk. Not e'eryone is fortunate enough to have ah momma and papa who pay for their schoolin', y'know.... Yous a bit of a snob, me thinks...."
Aiden: "Sorreh, thought you wanted da TRUTH."
Tamela: "No... It is alright. Don't serve what you can't take, right?"
Aiden: "I s'pose..."
Tamela: "Haha...."
Aiden: "I din't mean to attacks ya like a gator..... I guess mah feelings were jus' a lil' hurt is all."
Tamela: "No, you're good! Honestly? I probably deserved that. I know some people perceive me as snobbish and stuck-up... And maybe there is some truth there. But I don't intend to be. It's not a CONSCIOUS effort on my part... It's not that I think I'm better than you or anything.... well.... nevermind. But it's not like I go out of my way to ignore you, Aiden. We're just two VERY different people and I had no idea you even cared!"
Aiden: "Well, I do care, an' I have ah very big heart to prove it!"
Tamela: "Aha, I can see that. Should we just start over, then?? Maybe this can be the start of some sort of dialogue between us... Not an alliance, per se, but we should definitely talk game some time."
Aiden: "Darn tootin' we should! And I'm Aiden. How'd'ya'do?"
Tamela: "Howdy, Aiden. And I'm Tamela... NOT TAMEKA! Hahaha.
Let this be a fresh start!"

Fabio: "¡AY CALIENTE!"
Linda: "Right?? I need more lotion. I'm burning up quicker than I do in the lava levels!"
Fabio: "I hear even during the winter months, Dubai is still pretty hot, like 70's or 80's."
Taiha: "What's that in Celsius? Like mid-20's? Damn! That's HOT! But still not quite as hot as Grey, hehehe..."
Linda: "Taiha, can I ask you a question?"
Taiha: "No."
Linda: "..."
Taiha: "...HA! I'm just kitten with you, kitten!"

Linda: "Right. Why is it that you're so obsessed with Grey? I don't see THAT much in him... This whole thing kinda seems like a joke. Plus, he's gay, so you're already wasting your time to begin with."
Fabio: "Tread carefully, amigo..."
Taiha: "Haha, isn't it obvious?"

Linda: "Not really, that's why I'm asking."
Taiha: "This is GREY we're talking about... Helllooooooo!!? Do you even know who GREY is???"
Linda: "Obviously."
Taiha: "Welp, don't sound like it!"

Linda: "I've tried to keep an open mind, really, but, it's just hard to wrap my head around. Then again I haven't had much experience dating, been too busy saving the world countless times. So maybe I'm just talking outta my ass here...."
Taiha: "I can tell you that YES, you are just talking out of your ass."
Taiha: "Cuz the fact you DON'T have a crush on Grey makes me question your sexuality a bit, but, whatevs. Less competition for me, right? Unless....... WAIT. You don't have a thing for Grey, right??"
Linda: "Of course not! Maybe if he had some cool armor or a nice sword, then MAYBE."
Taiha: "Ohhhhhh trust me, girl, he has a nice sword." ;-)
Taiha: "Well anyways, Imma get a smoothie. And it's good you don't have a crush on him too, otherwise....
I'd have to kill you."
Fabio: "....."
Fabio: "That was a weird statement. Didn't even sound like she was joking."
Linda: "She wasn't. She's a yandere."
Fabio: "¿Qué?"
Linda: "A yandere. I'll explain when I'm done with my sun bath."
Fabio: "Okay...?"
* * *
Fabio: "Okay, so waifu.... tsundere.... Isn't Kaitlin a bit of a tsundere? And what makes Taiha a yandere again?"
Linda: "I could see Kaitlin being a tsundere. And Taiha is a yandere because she's literally obsessed with Grey to the point that I think she might cause physical harm to anyone that gets in her way."
Fabio: "Nawh, I do not think it's THAT serious... If that were the case, I don't think Kenzen would still be alive! Jajaja!!"
Linda: "I'm surprised she didn't kill him in France, to be honest! That's where she met him, when he was the co-host on season 2."
Fabio: "I feel like you're being dramatic."
Linda: "Hey, all I'm saying is, think about it."
Fabio: "..."
Linda: "Do you not agree?"
Fabio: "....."
Linda: "How can you not? Taiha is obviously kookoo for coco puffs!!"
Fabio: "Linda......."
Linda: "What?? That cat girl is even crazier than me, and THAT'S saying something!!"
Fabio: "................."
Linda: "WHAT!?"
Fabio: "She, uh....."
Tamela: "Oh, I usually always eat breakfast there!"
Aiden: "Dat was da FIRST time I've evah seen you eat there!"
Tamela: "Wellll.... fine. I just wanted to eat in solitude, is that alright with you??"
Aiden: "You NEVAH eat yer eggs'n'bacon by yourself though... You always be eatin' wit someone, wheder dat be Kait or whomeveh!"
Tamela: "That's not true! Just yesterday I called you during the mission!"
Aiden: "....Da mission? REALLY, Tameka? When you had to? When I jus' happen to be da person to pick up....??"
Tamela: "Well if you learned to pronounce my name correctly, maybe we wouldn't be in this situation. In fact, if you learned how to pronounce just about ANYTHING correctly at all, maybe I'd be more inclined to want to conversate with you."
Aiden: "...."
Tamela: "What? You wanted the truth."
Aiden: "....You know wut your problem is?"
Tamela: "Heeeere we go..."

Aiden: "You're sittin' purdy up on your high horse, use to gettin' your way jus' cuz you come from rich folk. Not e'eryone is fortunate enough to have ah momma and papa who pay for their schoolin', y'know.... Yous a bit of a snob, me thinks...."
Aiden: "Sorreh, thought you wanted da TRUTH."
Tamela: "No... It is alright. Don't serve what you can't take, right?"
Aiden: "I s'pose..."
Tamela: "Haha...."
Aiden: "I din't mean to attacks ya like a gator..... I guess mah feelings were jus' a lil' hurt is all."
Tamela: "No, you're good! Honestly? I probably deserved that. I know some people perceive me as snobbish and stuck-up... And maybe there is some truth there. But I don't intend to be. It's not a CONSCIOUS effort on my part... It's not that I think I'm better than you or anything.... well.... nevermind. But it's not like I go out of my way to ignore you, Aiden. We're just two VERY different people and I had no idea you even cared!"
Aiden: "Well, I do care, an' I have ah very big heart to prove it!"
Tamela: "Aha, I can see that. Should we just start over, then?? Maybe this can be the start of some sort of dialogue between us... Not an alliance, per se, but we should definitely talk game some time."
Aiden: "Darn tootin' we should! And I'm Aiden. How'd'ya'do?"
Tamela: "Howdy, Aiden. And I'm Tamela... NOT TAMEKA! Hahaha.
Let this be a fresh start!"

"Earlier today, Fabio and I were talking about Taiha's love for
Grey, and I mentioned that Taiha is a yandere. As it turns out, Fabio is
unfamiliar with anime terms like yandere. While I am not an anime person myself,
I do play some anime games so I know a lot of anime terms. I then told Fabio a
bunch of anime terms like Moe, Tsundere, Waifu, etc. I normally wouldn't
explain those terms to a NPC like Fabio but that was an exception."
Fabio: "¡AY CALIENTE!"
Linda: "Right?? I need more lotion. I'm burning up quicker than I do in the lava levels!"
Fabio: "I hear even during the winter months, Dubai is still pretty hot, like 70's or 80's."
Taiha: "What's that in Celsius? Like mid-20's? Damn! That's HOT! But still not quite as hot as Grey, hehehe..."
Linda: "Taiha, can I ask you a question?"
Taiha: "No."
Linda: "..."
Taiha: "...HA! I'm just kitten with you, kitten!"

Linda: "Right. Why is it that you're so obsessed with Grey? I don't see THAT much in him... This whole thing kinda seems like a joke. Plus, he's gay, so you're already wasting your time to begin with."
Fabio: "Tread carefully, amigo..."
Taiha: "Haha, isn't it obvious?"

Linda: "Not really, that's why I'm asking."
Taiha: "This is GREY we're talking about... Helllooooooo!!? Do you even know who GREY is???"
Linda: "Obviously."
Taiha: "Welp, don't sound like it!"

Linda: "I've tried to keep an open mind, really, but, it's just hard to wrap my head around. Then again I haven't had much experience dating, been too busy saving the world countless times. So maybe I'm just talking outta my ass here...."
Taiha: "I can tell you that YES, you are just talking out of your ass."
Taiha: "Cuz the fact you DON'T have a crush on Grey makes me question your sexuality a bit, but, whatevs. Less competition for me, right? Unless....... WAIT. You don't have a thing for Grey, right??"
Linda: "Of course not! Maybe if he had some cool armor or a nice sword, then MAYBE."
Taiha: "Ohhhhhh trust me, girl, he has a nice sword." ;-)
Taiha: "Well anyways, Imma get a smoothie. And it's good you don't have a crush on him too, otherwise....
I'd have to kill you."
Fabio: "....."
Fabio: "That was a weird statement. Didn't even sound like she was joking."
Linda: "She wasn't. She's a yandere."
Fabio: "¿Qué?"
Linda: "A yandere. I'll explain when I'm done with my sun bath."
Fabio: "Okay...?"
* * *
Fabio: "Okay, so waifu.... tsundere.... Isn't Kaitlin a bit of a tsundere? And what makes Taiha a yandere again?"
Linda: "I could see Kaitlin being a tsundere. And Taiha is a yandere because she's literally obsessed with Grey to the point that I think she might cause physical harm to anyone that gets in her way."
Fabio: "Nawh, I do not think it's THAT serious... If that were the case, I don't think Kenzen would still be alive! Jajaja!!"
Linda: "I'm surprised she didn't kill him in France, to be honest! That's where she met him, when he was the co-host on season 2."
Fabio: "I feel like you're being dramatic."
Linda: "Hey, all I'm saying is, think about it."
Fabio: "..."
Linda: "Do you not agree?"
Fabio: "....."
Linda: "How can you not? Taiha is obviously kookoo for coco puffs!!"
Fabio: "Linda......."
Linda: "What?? That cat girl is even crazier than me, and THAT'S saying something!!"
Fabio: "................."
Linda: "WHAT!?"
Fabio: "She, uh....."
Linda: "....She's right behind me, isn't she?"
Fabio: "Desafortunadamente.... sÃ."
Linda: "....shit."
Linda: "OHHH heyyyy gurl HAAAAAYYYYY!!"
Taiha: "So you think I'm crazy, do you? Think I'm a nutjub, eh?? Think I'm KOOKOO FOR COCOPUFFS?!?"
Linda: "Calm down for a second and let me explain..."
Taiha: "Ha! You all think I'm a wackjob. What else is there to explain?"
Fabio: "We don't ALL think that of you, Taiha..."
Taiha: "Suuure you don't. I read the comments online. People thought I was crazy on my season. They thought I was crazy as a host on Mini Mole and Locked, too!"
Fabio: "Wellll maybe you are a LITTLE loco...."
*Linda giggles*
Taiha: "So now you think it's funny??"
Linda: "No, shoot, I'm sorry. Don't get mad at me please... I didn't mean to upset you!"
Taiha: "Well guess what. YOU DID."
Linda: "C'mon now Taiha... I think you just need to lighten up, have some fun! Here, jump in the pool with us!!"
Taiha: "Don't you DARE push me!"
Linda: "I'm not gonna--"
Taiha: "I said don't you-- AHHH!"
*Taiha falls backwards into the pool*
Linda: "Hey, don't blame this on me! I didn't even touch you!"
Taiha: "So I just MAGICALLY fell to my death?!?"
Linda: "Uhhh...... yes?"
Taiha: "You know I can't swim!"
Linda: "How am I supposed to know that?! You're AUSTRALIAN."
Taiha: "So?"
Linda: "You're swimming now aren't you?"
Taiha: "It's called FLOATING."
Linda: "Don't tell me you can't even doggy paddle. That's instinctual in every single character.... except maybe Sonic the Hedgehog and Altair."
Taiha: "Ew. Heck no. All I can do is kitty paddle!"
Fabio: "Here. I'll help you out amigo."
Taiha: "Thanks FABIO."
* * *
Linda: "Hey, are you alright?"
Taiha: "Yeah, no thanks to YOU."
Linda: "I didn't push you! You tripped on your own."
Taiha: "Uhuh. Tell that to the JUDGE."
Fabio: "Taiha."
Taiha: "What."
Fabio: "I got you a towel."
Fabio: "Do you need another for your hair?"
Taiha: "No that's alright, the sun should take care of that for me."
Fabio: "Ha, if you say so."
Taiha: "....Thank you, Fabio. I mean it. That was quite nice of you. I think it's easy for people to overlook you sometimes."
Fabio: "Sometimes? I think you mean ALL the time..."
Taiha: "Awh......... Well... with a name like FABIO, who you trying to fool?! HA!!"
Fabio: "Oh shuddup! Jajajaja!!"
Linda: "The sun is starting its descent. Should we get ready for the quiz?"
Taiha: "Oh crap! I haven't studied at all!"
Fabio: "Likewise. Been too busy enjoying this vacation."
Linda: "You mean enjoying the local flora and fauna?"
Fabio: "I am married, if that's the insinuation you are making."
Linda: "Hey. You wouldn't be the first married man to check out another lady's arse."
Taiha: "Heehee... I don't mind..." ;-)
Fabio: "Ack! Not you, Taiha!"
Taiha: "No? Darn.... Mr. Meow has been giving me lessons on how to strut my stuff!"
Fabio: "That.... that's weird. No, she's referencing a woman from the pool earlier..... Linda, silencio!!"
Linda: "Hehe..."
Evarrine: "What is it, servant? Have you drawn me my bath already?"
The Gov: "Yes, my great majesty. Your bath is ready with red wine and petals galore!!"
Evarrine: "Oh, how dreadful. Just another one of you Mole scoundrels here to waste my precious time."
The Gov: "I thought you were immortal?"
Evarrine: "And...?"
The Gov: "Well, time isn't all that precious when... Oh, never mind. I don't feel like entertaining your delusions of grandeur this evening."
Evarrine: "What brings you to my chambers then, you big oaf?"
The Gov: "Little bit of this. Little bit of that. One might even consider it.... unfinished business."
*The Governor takes a loud sip*
Evarrine: "Oh brother.... Heeeeere we go... Always something mischievous with you, you little devil."
The Gov: "What can I say. I am a man who knows what he wants, and GETS what he wants. This can't possibly sound too dissimilar to you, now, could it?"
Evarrine: "Get to the point now or never speak to the Queen again."
The Gov: "Fine...... If you want blunt, I'll give you a few of mine!"

Evarrine: "You are getting DANGEROUSLY close to me unleashing my full wrath. The Queen's patience is waning."

The Gov: "What? You don't smoke? Harharhaha! ....but you drink, yes?"

Evarrine: "Occasionally. But not lately."
The Gov: "Why not?"
Evarrine: "You are beginning to bore me immensely. Utter your inner desires now or leave."
The Gov: "Fine, fine..... I've been thinking. And I think you and I should form a coalition."
Evarrine: "....."
The Gov: "....you like?"
Evarrine: "You come into MY chambers and make such a ridiculous joke as this?!"
The Gov: "Sooo you no like?"
Evarrine: "You MUST be joking. No self-respected man would be so foolish to set me up to laugh so easily in his face!! HA! This must be a prank! Who set you up to this!?"
The Gov: "Welllll.... no one really. Unless you're including me, myself, and I?"
The Gov: "Never mind.... It was a stupid stupid idea!"
Evarrine: "Governor, you are a terrible liar. Do not try to emotionally manipulate the Queen."
The Gov: "......alright fine. Truth is... no one is willing to talk game with me. And I feel like you're JUST crazy enough to."
Evarrine: "Eh. Fair."
The Gov: "The most beautiful part? No one would suspect it! Who in their right mind would EVER suspect the Governor and the Queen working together?! It'll go down as the most villainous Mole duo in HISTORY!"
Evarrine: "I'm listening..."
The Gov: "We could blow our competitors away with such a powerhouse dynamic, combining our brilliantly cunning minds together."
Evarrine: "You DO have a good point there..."
The Gov: "Yes. I know I do. Why else would I bother wasting my vacation in Dubai, in this room with you? Harhaha..."
Evarrine: "....Yes. You have a deal. But NO ONE can know about this, alright? I mean it. NO ONE. This is between just you and I. We should also avoid talking in public. But maybe keep up our current charade?"
The Gov: "I agree. I should leave then before anyone catches me in here with you. But before I do, we must celebrate with fine wine!"
Evarrine: "OH no. I will pass."
The Gov: "Oh c'mon! Since when does the Queen refuse a little free nectar, eh?"
Evarrine: "No thank you. I would rather not cloud my judgement while playing this game."
The Gov: "What ever are you hiding, Ms. Roland?"
Evarrine: "Nothing."
The Gov: "One small drink won't kill you, would it?"
Evarrine: "I am unsure. Could it? I am not familiar with the mead in this realm..."
The Gov: "It's just a glass of Merlot! Just a sip wouldn't hurt ya... but it MIGHT hurt the baby, right??" *coughs*
Evarrine: "What baby??"
The Gov: "You know the one. Will it be a boy or girl?"
Evarrine: "Uh, uhm..."
Evarrine: "I.... I'm not..."
The Gov: "OH of course you're pregnant!"
Evarrine: "Says who?!"

The Gov: "Says you!"
Evarrine: "I didn't tell you! So who did?!"
The Gov: "So you are?"
Evarrine: "Yes! But how did you know?? I didn't tell ANYONE!"
Evarrine: "Grrrr.... For fuck's sake! I fell for your same shenanigans again!! You are INSUFFERABLE, Governor! You're a vile old bastard, you know that!?"
The Gov: "I've been called an old bastard before, but not a vile one. I'll have to add that one to my autobiography.
Anyways, Ms. Roland.... Your frequent visits to the bathroom was one red flag. But mostly, the frequent shifts in your mood are very reminiscent of my ex wife's while she was pregnant.... So yes. I had an inkling of an idea. You haven't had a sip of alcohol this season, and plus, your stomach is growing..."
Evarrine: "You cannot tell a single soul about this. I do not need people asking questions about the Queen's fertility."
The Gov: "Of course. I would NEVER betray you.... Unless, of course.... You backstab me."
The Gov: "But GOOD NEWS kiddo! Your mom and I are alliance buddies now, so she would never DREAM of betraying me!"
Evarrine: "Touch my child and I'll rip your balls off."
The Gov: "YIKES. Copy that, boss."
The Gov: "And on THAT note, I should let you get back to studying. I need to do the same.
I shall see you at the Execution ceremony tonight, Ms. Preggos!"
Evarrine: "Yes. Yes you shall, Mr. Beer Belly."
KT!: "Good evening, contestants! Welcome to your first Execution in Dubai!!"
KT!: "....What are you all standing around for? Sit down already!"
KT!: "I mean......"
KT!: "PLEASE find yourselves a place to sit, you lovely angels!!"
KT!: "Ah, yes, now that's what I'm talking about! I hold such power..."
KT!: "Ahem. Y'know, you mates are all just so bloody beautiful, it makes me want to SING out of pure euphoria!"
*KT!attempts fails to sing opera for an entire minute*
Kaitlin: "...."
Tamela: "Make it stop."
Kaitlin: "Is it just me or....."
Tamela: "Is her singing awful? Absolutely. It's atrocious."
Kaitlin: "Okay good. Not just me then..."
*KT! finishes and bows gracefully*
KT!: "....Where's my fucking standing ovation at??"
KT!: "...."
KT!: "OH I'M JUST MESSING WITH ALL OF YOU! Hahaha, no, no, opera I guess just isn't my strong suit!"
KT!: "Ace! Excellent!! Let's get started on the elimination ceremony, yes?"
KT!: "Earlier this evening, you all completed the Quiz.... Minus Kaitlin and Tamela, who earned an exemption together from the Amazing Race mission."
KT!: "I will begin randomly typing in your names one by one. If a green screen is displayed, you live to fight another day. However, if it's red.... you're dead."
KT!: "Taiha."
KT!: "Aiden."

KT!: "Linda."
KT!: "The Governor."
KT!: "Evarrine."
KT!: "Fabio."
KT!: "Indigo....."
Indigo: "Yesssss.....?"

KT!: "Indigo, you have been executed."
Indigo: "And the plot thickens!"
KT!: "Say your goodbyes and scootch your big cheeks outta here!"
Indigo: "Okay, folks! Right, sooooo... I am so so thankful for being the wildcard pick to be chosen to return to this show.... I wanted the chance to prove myself, but ironically, I was eliminated halfway through the game on episode 10 again!! What are the chances!? But hey, at least I didn't do worse this time, amiright?? Tehehee!"
Indigo: "This time though, I'm going out with integrity and full confidence in myself. Last time, I had to walk the plank! I was an anxiety-ridden girl afraid of everything. But now, I am so much more, and frankly, all I wanna do right now is get back home and snuggle up with my FIANCE!"
Indigo: "Good luck, you guys! May the best All-Star win!!"
KT!: "And with that, we are down to just 8 players left."
KT!: "5 missions completed, and 5 left to go."
KT!: "Tomorrow will be a big day, so get some rest.... And by the looks of your eye bags, you blokes are gonna need it!"
Fabio: "Desafortunadamente.... sÃ."
Linda: "....shit."
Linda: "OHHH heyyyy gurl HAAAAAYYYYY!!"
Taiha: "So you think I'm crazy, do you? Think I'm a nutjub, eh?? Think I'm KOOKOO FOR COCOPUFFS?!?"
Linda: "Calm down for a second and let me explain..."
Taiha: "Ha! You all think I'm a wackjob. What else is there to explain?"
Fabio: "We don't ALL think that of you, Taiha..."
Taiha: "Suuure you don't. I read the comments online. People thought I was crazy on my season. They thought I was crazy as a host on Mini Mole and Locked, too!"
Fabio: "Wellll maybe you are a LITTLE loco...."
*Linda giggles*
Taiha: "So now you think it's funny??"
Linda: "No, shoot, I'm sorry. Don't get mad at me please... I didn't mean to upset you!"
Taiha: "Well guess what. YOU DID."
Linda: "C'mon now Taiha... I think you just need to lighten up, have some fun! Here, jump in the pool with us!!"
Taiha: "Don't you DARE push me!"
Linda: "I'm not gonna--"
Taiha: "I said don't you-- AHHH!"
*Taiha falls backwards into the pool*
Linda: "Hey, don't blame this on me! I didn't even touch you!"
Taiha: "So I just MAGICALLY fell to my death?!?"
Linda: "Uhhh...... yes?"
Taiha: "You know I can't swim!"
Linda: "How am I supposed to know that?! You're AUSTRALIAN."
Taiha: "So?"
Linda: "You're swimming now aren't you?"
Taiha: "It's called FLOATING."
Linda: "Don't tell me you can't even doggy paddle. That's instinctual in every single character.... except maybe Sonic the Hedgehog and Altair."
Taiha: "Ew. Heck no. All I can do is kitty paddle!"
Fabio: "Here. I'll help you out amigo."
Taiha: "Thanks FABIO."
* * *
Linda: "Hey, are you alright?"
Taiha: "Yeah, no thanks to YOU."
Linda: "I didn't push you! You tripped on your own."
Taiha: "Uhuh. Tell that to the JUDGE."
Fabio: "Taiha."
Taiha: "What."
Fabio: "I got you a towel."
Fabio: "Do you need another for your hair?"
Taiha: "No that's alright, the sun should take care of that for me."
Fabio: "Ha, if you say so."
Taiha: "....Thank you, Fabio. I mean it. That was quite nice of you. I think it's easy for people to overlook you sometimes."
Fabio: "Sometimes? I think you mean ALL the time..."
Taiha: "Awh......... Well... with a name like FABIO, who you trying to fool?! HA!!"
Fabio: "Oh shuddup! Jajajaja!!"
Linda: "The sun is starting its descent. Should we get ready for the quiz?"
Taiha: "Oh crap! I haven't studied at all!"
Fabio: "Likewise. Been too busy enjoying this vacation."
Linda: "You mean enjoying the local flora and fauna?"
Fabio: "I am married, if that's the insinuation you are making."
Linda: "Hey. You wouldn't be the first married man to check out another lady's arse."
Taiha: "Heehee... I don't mind..." ;-)
Fabio: "Ack! Not you, Taiha!"
Taiha: "No? Darn.... Mr. Meow has been giving me lessons on how to strut my stuff!"
Fabio: "That.... that's weird. No, she's referencing a woman from the pool earlier..... Linda, silencio!!"
Linda: "Hehe..."
Evarrine: "What is it, servant? Have you drawn me my bath already?"
The Gov: "Yes, my great majesty. Your bath is ready with red wine and petals galore!!"
Evarrine: "Oh, how dreadful. Just another one of you Mole scoundrels here to waste my precious time."
The Gov: "I thought you were immortal?"
Evarrine: "And...?"
The Gov: "Well, time isn't all that precious when... Oh, never mind. I don't feel like entertaining your delusions of grandeur this evening."
Evarrine: "What brings you to my chambers then, you big oaf?"
The Gov: "Little bit of this. Little bit of that. One might even consider it.... unfinished business."
*The Governor takes a loud sip*
Evarrine: "Oh brother.... Heeeeere we go... Always something mischievous with you, you little devil."
The Gov: "What can I say. I am a man who knows what he wants, and GETS what he wants. This can't possibly sound too dissimilar to you, now, could it?"
Evarrine: "Get to the point now or never speak to the Queen again."
The Gov: "Fine...... If you want blunt, I'll give you a few of mine!"

Evarrine: "You are getting DANGEROUSLY close to me unleashing my full wrath. The Queen's patience is waning."

The Gov: "What? You don't smoke? Harharhaha! ....but you drink, yes?"

Evarrine: "Occasionally. But not lately."
The Gov: "Why not?"
Evarrine: "You are beginning to bore me immensely. Utter your inner desires now or leave."
The Gov: "Fine, fine..... I've been thinking. And I think you and I should form a coalition."
Evarrine: "....."
The Gov: "....you like?"
Evarrine: "You come into MY chambers and make such a ridiculous joke as this?!"
The Gov: "Sooo you no like?"
Evarrine: "You MUST be joking. No self-respected man would be so foolish to set me up to laugh so easily in his face!! HA! This must be a prank! Who set you up to this!?"
The Gov: "Welllll.... no one really. Unless you're including me, myself, and I?"
The Gov: "Never mind.... It was a stupid stupid idea!"
Evarrine: "Governor, you are a terrible liar. Do not try to emotionally manipulate the Queen."
The Gov: "......alright fine. Truth is... no one is willing to talk game with me. And I feel like you're JUST crazy enough to."
Evarrine: "Eh. Fair."
The Gov: "The most beautiful part? No one would suspect it! Who in their right mind would EVER suspect the Governor and the Queen working together?! It'll go down as the most villainous Mole duo in HISTORY!"
Evarrine: "I'm listening..."
The Gov: "We could blow our competitors away with such a powerhouse dynamic, combining our brilliantly cunning minds together."
Evarrine: "You DO have a good point there..."
The Gov: "Yes. I know I do. Why else would I bother wasting my vacation in Dubai, in this room with you? Harhaha..."
Evarrine: "....Yes. You have a deal. But NO ONE can know about this, alright? I mean it. NO ONE. This is between just you and I. We should also avoid talking in public. But maybe keep up our current charade?"
The Gov: "I agree. I should leave then before anyone catches me in here with you. But before I do, we must celebrate with fine wine!"
Evarrine: "OH no. I will pass."
The Gov: "Oh c'mon! Since when does the Queen refuse a little free nectar, eh?"
Evarrine: "No thank you. I would rather not cloud my judgement while playing this game."
The Gov: "What ever are you hiding, Ms. Roland?"
Evarrine: "Nothing."
The Gov: "One small drink won't kill you, would it?"
Evarrine: "I am unsure. Could it? I am not familiar with the mead in this realm..."
The Gov: "It's just a glass of Merlot! Just a sip wouldn't hurt ya... but it MIGHT hurt the baby, right??" *coughs*
Evarrine: "What baby??"
The Gov: "You know the one. Will it be a boy or girl?"
Evarrine: "Uh, uhm..."
Evarrine: "I.... I'm not..."
The Gov: "OH of course you're pregnant!"
Evarrine: "Says who?!"

The Gov: "Says you!"
Evarrine: "I didn't tell you! So who did?!"
The Gov: "So you are?"
Evarrine: "Yes! But how did you know?? I didn't tell ANYONE!"
Evarrine: "Grrrr.... For fuck's sake! I fell for your same shenanigans again!! You are INSUFFERABLE, Governor! You're a vile old bastard, you know that!?"
The Gov: "I've been called an old bastard before, but not a vile one. I'll have to add that one to my autobiography.
Anyways, Ms. Roland.... Your frequent visits to the bathroom was one red flag. But mostly, the frequent shifts in your mood are very reminiscent of my ex wife's while she was pregnant.... So yes. I had an inkling of an idea. You haven't had a sip of alcohol this season, and plus, your stomach is growing..."
Evarrine: "You cannot tell a single soul about this. I do not need people asking questions about the Queen's fertility."
The Gov: "Of course. I would NEVER betray you.... Unless, of course.... You backstab me."
The Gov: "But GOOD NEWS kiddo! Your mom and I are alliance buddies now, so she would never DREAM of betraying me!"
Evarrine: "Touch my child and I'll rip your balls off."
The Gov: "YIKES. Copy that, boss."
The Gov: "And on THAT note, I should let you get back to studying. I need to do the same.
I shall see you at the Execution ceremony tonight, Ms. Preggos!"
Evarrine: "Yes. Yes you shall, Mr. Beer Belly."
KT!: "Good evening, contestants! Welcome to your first Execution in Dubai!!"
KT!: "....What are you all standing around for? Sit down already!"
KT!: "I mean......"
KT!: "PLEASE find yourselves a place to sit, you lovely angels!!"
KT!: "Ah, yes, now that's what I'm talking about! I hold such power..."
KT!: "Ahem. Y'know, you mates are all just so bloody beautiful, it makes me want to SING out of pure euphoria!"

Kaitlin: "...."
Tamela: "Make it stop."
Kaitlin: "Is it just me or....."
Tamela: "Is her singing awful? Absolutely. It's atrocious."
Kaitlin: "Okay good. Not just me then..."
*KT! finishes and bows gracefully*
KT!: "....Where's my fucking standing ovation at??"
KT!: "...."
KT!: "OH I'M JUST MESSING WITH ALL OF YOU! Hahaha, no, no, opera I guess just isn't my strong suit!"
KT!: "Ace! Excellent!! Let's get started on the elimination ceremony, yes?"
KT!: "Earlier this evening, you all completed the Quiz.... Minus Kaitlin and Tamela, who earned an exemption together from the Amazing Race mission."
KT!: "Taiha."
KT!: "Aiden."

KT!: "Linda."
KT!: "The Governor."
KT!: "Evarrine."
KT!: "Fabio."
KT!: "Indigo....."
Indigo: "Yesssss.....?"
KT!: "You are the last one left, which can only mean one thing...."

KT!: "Indigo, you have been executed."
Indigo: "And the plot thickens!"
KT!: "Say your goodbyes and scootch your big cheeks outta here!"
Indigo: "Okay, folks! Right, sooooo... I am so so thankful for being the wildcard pick to be chosen to return to this show.... I wanted the chance to prove myself, but ironically, I was eliminated halfway through the game on episode 10 again!! What are the chances!? But hey, at least I didn't do worse this time, amiright?? Tehehee!"
Indigo: "This time though, I'm going out with integrity and full confidence in myself. Last time, I had to walk the plank! I was an anxiety-ridden girl afraid of everything. But now, I am so much more, and frankly, all I wanna do right now is get back home and snuggle up with my FIANCE!"
Indigo: "Good luck, you guys! May the best All-Star win!!"
KT!: "And with that, we are down to just 8 players left."
KT!: "5 missions completed, and 5 left to go."
KT!: "Tomorrow will be a big day, so get some rest.... And by the looks of your eye bags, you blokes are gonna need it!"