Evarrine: "Where I'm from, when a commoner knows something they mustn't
they're executed! This Governor Byrd would be a sitting duck if I had any say!
Then again, maybe this alliance could benefit me… If this scoundrel is as
observant as he seems I could get some important information. However, the
manipulative roach is not likely to hold his end of the bargain. No, I will be the
one reduced to a servant as he waves this secret over my crown. He doesn’t even
know how lucky he is to be in the same room as more than one royal! Maybe it
wouldn’t be so bad if this secret got out… The others would be more willing to
do my favors, and maybe I could get a stunt double for physically taxing
missions. Ha! It’d be like killing two birds with one stone."

Fabio: "You know, I actually feel awful Indigo had to leave. She was pretty much the first person here to treat me as something more than a walking punchline. I mean, some of the others have come around, but she was the first to make me feel like, well, I'm more than some two-dimensional character who just showed up for a few episodes.
I hope I don't have to spend too much time in the company of those pendejos. Rocking chairs, the lot of them!"
~DAY 13~
The Gov: "Is everyone here this time for lunch? No MIA's?? No damsels in distress???"
Tamela: "Nope, not this time, Governor. Fortunately I haven't been kidnapped again.
And also, this is more like brunch. We're being served breakfast."

The Gov: "Harhah! I'm on vacation, Ms. Wakefield. I can have my cake whenever I want AND eat it too--in this case, PANcakes."
Linda: "Wrong. We're being fed waffles."
Fabio: "How do you know that?"
Linda: "I have a third eye. Four if you count 3rd person view."
Fabio: "....forget I asked."
Waiter: "Here you are."
Kaitlin: "Thank you."
Aiden: "Me, me! Pick me! I is STARVIN'!"
Evarrine: "Gotta be patient Aiden."
Taiha: "...Hmm...?"
Evarrine: "What are YOU looking at??"
Taiha: "Huh? Oh, nothing..."
Evarrine: "That is what I thought, peasant."
Taiha: "That's not a very pleasant thing to say... Ha. Get it? Pleasant peasant?!? Oh gosh am I hilarious or WHAT!"
Evarrine: "Hysterical."
Kaitlin: "Oh wow, does this bring back the days living in the orphanage..."
Waiter: "Enjoy."
Fabio: "Gracias."
Taiha: "Hey, can I have some extra butter?"
Waiter: "Nope."
*the waiter walks away*
Evarrine: "Agreed."
The Gov: "I certainly wouldn't hire him to work at my island!"
Taiha: "That was... odd."
Aiden: "Wut was?"
Taiha: "Nothing... I think I'm just seeing things today..... Didn't he seem familiar to anyone else?"
Linda: "I didn't really get a good look at the bloke."
Fabio: "I thought you had like ten eyes?"
Linda: "Be quiet, four-eyes."
*Kaitlin giggles*
Evarrine: "I do not really pay much attention to my servants. They have one job and that is all they are worth to me. Worker bees to the mighty queen."
Tamela: "But without them you have nothing."
Evarrine: "Without ME they would not even exist."
Tamela: "Touché... But I prefer to see myself more as a... black widow, of sorts. Independent. Relies on her own cunning and calculated moves to survive."

Fabio: "She an independent black woman who don't need no man!"
*Linda snorts*
Kaitlin: "Or woman, apparently..."
Taiha: "Yeeeeeah but the waiter's VOICE though... So... cocky and arrogant..."
Aiden: "But the lad barely said ah'bout three words!"

Aiden: "...are yah gonna eat them bacon strips too?"
Taiha: "Back away! Mine!" *hisses*
KT: "I hope you're enjoying your meal, contestants!"
KT: "However, due to a sudden flurry of papazzari trying to get inside, we're going to need to escort everyone away IMMEDIATELY."
Kaitlin: "Am I seeing double??"
KT!: "Where exactly are we going, imposter??"
Imposter: "Ahhhh SHIT! Gigs up. Again."
Imposter: "At least that explains the sudden influx of paparazzi..."
KT!: "Who are you and why are you trying to steal my identity??"
Imposter: "Ha! I'll let the TRUE Mole fans figure THAT one out... Although it shouldn't be all that difficult."
KT!: "I just don't understand how you thought you were going to get away with this?? Impersonating ME, the famous KT!?! When I heard that I was supposedly co-hosting the final season of The Mole in Dubai I got here as soon as I could to expose the FRAUD that you are!!"
Imposter: "Who says I thought I was going to get away with it forever? I successfully did till this point, haven't I? But all acts much eventually come to a close, my dear, and the audience will give me a standing ovation for such an inspiring performance!!"
KT!: "You are absolutely delusional!"
Imposter: "Perhaps I am. But the greatest artists of our time usually are."
KT!: "You know identity theft is illegal, right?"
Imposter: "Yes, but I didn't steal your identity. Only the fabricated personality of KT!. But I never once said I was Kaytlyn Taylors or whatever the fuck your actual name is."
KT!: "This publicity stunt ends now. Your 15 minutes of fame are over, mate."
Imposter: "ACTUALLY... the show is only just beginning!!"
KT!: "What the--hey, get your hands off me!!"
KT!: "AUCK!"
Imposter: "Aw, would you look at that! Stabbed again! You really oughta invest in more bodyguards, 'mate'.... or should I say, CHECKMATE?!"
KT!: "What did you just inject me with!? Ughhhh..."
Imposter: "Don't worry about it. Just enjoy your much needed rest! Night night!!"
Imposter: "Now. Where were we?"
Imposter: "Oh shit. I see some paparrazi getting in. Quick, hide the real KT!!"
Imposter: "Alright, plan B. We'll just let the paparazzi see what's about to go down. Might spoil the episode a bit before it gets aired, but, hey, publicity boosts ratings!"
Imposter: "You'll see in time. Just give it a minute to kick in."
Aiden: "Tony Stark, I don' feel so gewd..."

Linda: "Hey! Toeknee was on MY season! Speaking of my season..."
Linda: "...Morgan?? Is that you!?"
Morgan: "Yaaaay congratulations! You figured it out... took you long enough."
Linda: "I was surprised to not see you back this season, then again, four females from season 5 would be a bit much."
Morgan: "Imagine how I feel losing out to you, the lunatic girl who's obsessed with video game and that French girl who looks like a unicorn threw up on her."
Linda: "Fair enough."
Taiha: "Wait a sec..."
Morgan: "What."
Evarrine: "Why, it is! You little devil! How did you escape from the cell I confined you in for eternity!?"
Kenzen: "Fine, yes, you got me!"
Taiha: "I knew it was you! I can smell a dirty dog from a mile away!!"
Kenzen: "Shut up Taiha. You smell like a litterbox."
Kenzen: "Oh calm your tits already, Ev! Your same old evil sorceress shtick is beyond old."
Morgan: "Why such hostility, anyway?"
Kenzen: "Let's just say I had fun torturing the Queen on her season, hehe..."
*Tamela chokes abruptly*
Aiden: "Errrrr Tameka-- I mean, Tamela! Y'right?"
Tamela: "No.... I'm not feeling well, either. It is probably just hunger. I haven't been eating well since Production decided to kidnap me AGAIN and not tell me why."
Kaitlin: "Is anyone else dizzy?"
Morgan: "I see your master plan is beginning to work?"
Kenzen: "It allllllways does." ;-)
Morgan: "Nothing that can't be undone.... right, Kenzen?"
Kenzen: "Maybe.... I mean, yes? I dunno. I think the special ingredient was arsenic. That's not poisonous at all, right...... RIGHT?"
Linda: "You put in WHAT?! Oh god, I don't have any of my potions with me!!"
Morgan: "Are you going to tell them it's just a horse laxative?"
Kenzen: "Nah. Let the panic ensue. This was our highest rated episode back in season 3."
Morgan: "Wow. More treachorous than I. Impressive."
Fabio: "I can't go out! Not like this!"
Aiden: "Wut's up with all y'all? Mah tummeh hurts a lil', sure, but you guys over-doin' it, surely!"
Tamela: "My stomach burns!"
The Gov: "Hah! What a bunch of weaklings. Especially YOU, Ms. Queen Bee. Not so immortal after all, are ya?"
Aiden: "He's alweady tried dis stunt on meh! I eats lots of roadkill stews too, which migh' help a lil'..."
Taiha: "Promise me just one thing.... LOOK AFTER MY PRECIOUS KITTIES!!!!!"
The Gov: "Oh mother ducker! I can feel it now..."
Evarrine: "Gov..... if I pass out, y-you need to tell the-them..."
The Gov: "Tell them what?! It's every politician for himself out here!!!"
Evarrine: "Dave.... the baby!"
Fabio: "Jesuscristo! How much arsenic did you put in the waffles??"
Aiden: "Who jus' lit ah volcano in mah anus?!"
Kaitlin: "I think it's coming up out the other side!"
*thumping noises as people fall to the ground*
Fabio: "Dios, por favor cuida de mis hijos y bella esposa. Mamá te veré pronto..."
Evarrine: "Please..."
The Gov: "Y-You'll be fine, woman. This is exactly how Kenzen started the pirate mission before. I don't think anyone sued then but I CERTAINLY will now!" *coughs*

Morgan: "Can I say your infamous line??
Kenzen: "Annnnnd there go the last two."
Morgan: "Goodnight Queen!"
Kenzen: "Goodnight King!!"
Kenzen: "There you go. Mission accomplished!"
Morgan: "Well, not quite. The Mission itself has yet to start."
Kenzen: "True. We need to move them to the ship before they wake up."
Morgan: "Yan, can you help carry some of the bodies?"
Yan the Cameraman: "Sure thing, boss! Wait... if you aren't actually KT... does that mean you're NOT my boss...? I should talk to Karen about this..."
Kenzen: "Just do as your told, kid. Karen is my sister. I'll deal with her. And Grey is my husband. I might not be an executive producer like them, but I still hold power!"
*Evarrine bolts right up*
Evarrine: "Gahhh!! Why am I swaying?!"
Taiha: "...Hello? Can anyone hear me? GUYS! I THINK THIS IS THE PIRATE MISSION! You gotta look for anything that's useful for our escape!! We probably only have so much time to get out of here before they throw us overboard!"
Kaitlin: "I can hear you, Taiha."
Taiha: "Kaitlin??"
Kaitlin: "Reporting for duty, ma'am."
The Gov: "What sort of budget hotel is this?? I was promised a Hilton! Or at least a Best Western with air conditioning... And this view isn't even original! I get this back every day at my island!"
Tamela: "Oh for crying out loud!! This, AGAIN!?!?!?!?!?"
Linda: "Tamela? Is that you?"
Tamela: "Unfortunately, it is. I am SO over this kidnapped-then-imprisoned thing... this is beyond the point of ridiculousness."
Fabio: "Ay, Dios mio. I'm stuck with a bunch of pendejos..."
Taiha: "What did you say about pandas??"
Fabio: "Oh, uh... they're cute and adorable. And come to think of it, they're black and white. Black and white combined make.....?"
Taiha: “GREY!! Tehee. You’re so funny, Fabio! ....erm. Does anyone else hear snoring??"
*In the darkness, Fabio kicks something over and hears something scatter away*
Fabio: "Uhhh guys? I found a cup and a couple of small cubes... maybe dice?"
Evarrine: "Surely this has to be some mistake. You do not actually expect royalty to be locked in some dingy room with a piss pot, do you? That Byrd man, sure, but me??"
The Gov: "Watch that nasty tongue of yours. Slandering is no small crime, you know. My lawyer is eagerly anticipating your next move..." *Laughs & Snorts*
*a high-pitched shriek echoes through the ship's chambers*
Kaitlin: "Tamela?? Are you okay?!"
Tamela: "Yeah, I'm fine. You?"
Kaitlin: "Yeah... Who was that?"
*Aiden examines his cuddle buddy and shrieks again*
*Linda reaches her hand down through the toilet*
Taiha: "Don't worry guys, cats are great at seeing in the dark..."
*Taiha bangs her foot on something*
Taiha: "OW! Nevermind... We need to find some light! ...Oh wait, I think I found something!"
Tamela: "What is it?"
Taiha: "Not sure yet."
Linda: "What's its shape?"
Taiha: "Er... Irregular?"
The Gov: "Might be something under here we can use.... Oh that doesn't smell pleasant."
*pulls out a rotten apple core*
Kaitlin: "I have a table and spyglass in my cell."
Kaitlin: "And some kind of vial...? Smells like oil."
Linda: "I suggest we check the walls. Indiana Jones style."
Evarrine: "I cannot seem to find anything useful for our escape."
Tamela: "Same.... Owh! I just stubbed my toe! Hmm... what is this giant thing?"
Aiden: "Wut now?"
The Gov: "Once we get a light source it should be easier to figure out what we have to do, at the moment it's just a whole lot of blind guesswork."
Taiha: “Well, I don’t wanna stay here all night. We gotta get outta here. I need something soft and comfy or I’m gonna be one hissy kitty!”
Kaitlin: "You should all check outside your cells for a torch or something."
Aiden: "I got nuthin'."
Taiha: "Kitto."
The Gov: "I think I got something.... Feels like a lantern!"
Taiha: "Purrrfect! Exactly what we needed!"
Aiden: "Ooh, ooh, pick meh, pick meh! I knows da answer! Da Gov need Kaitwin's oil and Taihaw's tinderbox in ordah to light it!"
Taiha: "Tinderbox...? If you say so Captain Outdoorsman."
The Gov: "Alright, I'll take your campaign donations now then, ladies." *smirks*
*Kaitlin passes down the vial of oil to Taiha who passes it onto Aiden and then the Governor*

Taiha: "Hey, can I have the apple core?! I have an idea!"
The Gov: "Pass over the tinderbox, then we'll talk business."
Taiha: "You first."
The Gov: "Ha! Millennials, you have no idea how to negotiate a trade deal do you? Are you familiar with the phrase 'Don't pay the ferryman til you get to the other side?' Hm?"
Taiha: "Have you heard the phrase, 'don't mess with the cat because you'll get the claws'?!"
The Gov: "Don't rattle the Byrd's cage Miss Anderson, it shan't be pretty...."
Taiha: "You forget, dear Govvy... Kittens tend to eat Byrds... Yummmm... BIRD FEATHERS....
Speaking of which: here's a feather right here on this bar! Tickle fight, anyone?!"

Kaitlin: "Will you two please stop your nonsense and give the firestarter to the Gov so that he can light the lantern!?"

*The Gov tosses the apple to Taiha*
Gov: "Here, have your stinking apple core, you're not worth the high blood pressure..."
Taiha: "Daww, thankies Govvy! Woah there! Had to dodge that one. RUDE."
The Gov: "You wanna learn how to dodge Ms Anderson? Try being married to my 3rd wife, she had a nasty habit of throwing furniture at me."
*Taiha throws the fire starter at the Governor*
The Gov: "OWH! MY EYE!"

*The Governor curses vigorously for several minutes*

The Gov: "....I hate Dubai."
The Gov: "Alright, let's light this thing so that we can let this freakshow continue... But be warned, all: once we have light, and if at some point I have to use this toilet, you folks in the cells opposite are gonna have quite the front row seat......"
*The Governor pours the oil into the base, then uses the tinderbox to light a fire and puts it inside the lantern*
The Gov: "And the Governor did proclaim.... LET THERE BE LIGHT!"

Evarrine: "Ah, finally, success! Glad we figured that out the barbarian's way, this way I got to conserve my energy and not have to use any of my fire spells... Now. What have I missed? Hm? A barrel?"
Linda: "ATTENTION PLAYERS. The new light is reflecting something shiny in my toilet's drain... but it's too far for me to reach. Ideas?"
Fabio: "You have a barrel of rum, Evarrine? Couldn't we use the rum to pour into Linda's toilet, and then she can reach her hand in there and grab it?
....Wow. Never thought I'd ever find myself saying THAT sentence..."
Kaitlin: "That's an idea, but how are we going to transfer the rum over to Linda's cell? Can't exactly move the barrel..."
Fabio: "Good question....... Oh. The answer is right in my hand! I have a cup."
Evarrine: "Excellent! Servants, pass me that cup so I can see what truly lies within this barrel... it better not be piss again like the last time I did this dreadful mission!"
*moments later*
Evarrine: "It is indeed an alcoholic substance, by the smell of it."
The Gov: "Just by the smell? Why not by taste?" >;-)
Evarrine: "Shush your mouth hole, you ogre."
The Gov: "Better not let perfectly good rum go to waste! Why not pass it back over, eh? I'm parched and I think we could all do with a drink!!"
*The Gov rubs his hands together in delight*
Evarrine: "You are the very LAST person I'd trust, Governor... However, as unfortunate as it is, we must trust you since you are my only neighbor. Here. Pass it down."
Linda: "That doesn't quite cut it, we're gonna have to do this several times I think."

*Evarrine refills it and passes it back to the Governor*
The Gov: " ♪Take one down, pass it around, 99 cups of rum in the barrel!♪
...Wait, is that...? It's a Byrd... it's a PLANE! No, it's..... AIDEN WATCH OUT!!"

Aiden: "Wuh?!"
*The Governor sneakily takes several sips of rum*
The Gov: "Oh sorry, here you go lad. Thought I saw your skeleton bride come to life! Must be imagining things in me old age!"
Aiden: "You funneh! Scurred meh fer a sec, though!"
*a few minutes later*
Taiha: "Can you see it?"
Kaitlin: "Can you reach it??"

Linda: "Yeah, I think so."

Linda: "Got it!"
Taiha: "Is it a key?!?"
Linda: "Uhhhhhh not QUITE..."
Evarrine: "So what is it, then!?"
Linda: "Appears to be a whistle?"
The Gov: "Then blow on it already!"
Linda: "Gross. It was just in the toilet, dude."
Aiden: "I can do it so you don' have to... Grosser things have bin in mah mouths!"
Linda: "No problem. I'll just wash it off with rum."
*Linda cleans and then blows the whistle*
*an approaching jangling sound can be heard*
Taiha: "Is that...."
Taiha: "A dog?!"
Kaitlin: "Ooooh, we need to find a way to get the dog to give us the keys! Hey doggy, what's your name? Come over here...
All he needs is a bit of love!"
Taiha: “Ew. A dog... why can’t pirates have kitties?... Like fierce ones with cut little sailor hats and an eyepatch. Dawwwww..."
The Gov: "Perhaps that's why they sent a dog? Sending a cat would be too obvious Ms Mole..." *Coughs* "Sorry, I mean Ms Anderson."
*Taiha waves the Apple core for the dog*
Taiha: "Here Kitty Kitty! I mean... Doggie dog."
*The hound approaches Taiha's cell but is not interested in the fruit*
Linda: "What else do we have in our inventory? Dogs like bones, don't they? Why don't you take a rib out of your corpse bride, Aiden?"
*Aiden does exactly that and slides it across the floor to Linda*
Linda: "Fetch, boy!!"
*The Captain's hound seems interested to chase it at first but then grows bored of the unmoving object*
Linda: "....he's not fetching..."
The Gov: "What's inside that giant chest of yours, Miss Wakefield?"
Tamela: "Oh, right."
Tamela: "Dozens and dozens of small scrolls... wrapped with rubber bands."
Kaitin: "Maybe Tam can create a ball with the rubber bands? I'm sure Lassie would like a ball to play with?"
Taiha: "That's a brilliant idea! Do you have enough rubber bands to do that, Tamela?"
Tamela: "Only one way to find out. How much time do we have left?"
Taiha: "Not sure. But the sun IS setting rapidly."
Tamela: "Then I should hurry."
The Gov: "Ms. Harlow and Ms. Wakefield, do you remember that time we were locked in a room last season and we all had a piece of paper? Maybe there is something hidden on the scrolls that we can't see with the naked eye? If you pass them over here, I have an idea on how to decipher them."
Linda: "What I find more curious and perhaps troublesome is what is written on my cell wall..."
The Gov: "My wall just has a drawing of an eye. Very illumanti-esque, if you ask me."
Evarrine: "I have a bore of a drawing."
Fabio: "Not sure what to make of mine..."
Tamela: "Mine just says 'CHRIST'."
Taiha: "My wall is just counting off the days in the 'hole'..."
Taiha: "How is that ball shaping up, Tam-Tam?"
Tamela: "I'm out of rubber bands!"
Taiha: "It's not enough?"
Tamela: "No... not quite a ball yet. Doesn't bounce or anything."
Kaitlin: "I have an idea! Aiden, grab that cutlass sword you found on the skeleton's body."
Aiden: "Shure 'ting, sugah!"
Kaitlin: "Ew."
Aiden: "Now wut?"
Kaitlin: "Climb up your cell bars."
Aiden: "Okay den. Now wut?"
Kaitlin: "See that netting up there? It's tied by a rope."
Aiden: "...Okay den. Now wut?"
Kaitlin: "Cut the rope off! There's a bunch of extra flags and sails up there wrapped with something."
*Aiden cuts through the rope in one swift and smooth motion of the cutlass*
Fabio: "Perro estúpido! It ran off with the keys!"
Aiden: "Did I scare it off?"
Taiha: "Yeah, I think so... But this is progress! These sails have extra rubber bands for us!"
Kaitlin: "Pull 'em this way so we can collect them."
* * *
*Kaitlin shoots the rubber bands into Tamela's cell*
Taiha: "Okay Linda, you wanna blow the whistle again??"

Tamela: "Alright, the ball is complete!! Here ya go, ya filthy animal!"
*Tamela tosses the ball and it bounces across the room*
Taiha: "He's chasing after it!!"
~The dog chases down the ball, pounces on it, drops the keys, grabs the ball, and excitedly runs up the stairs to go show the Captain his new toy~
Kaitlin: "Sweet!"
Fabio: "...."
Tamela: "....What now?"
The Gov: "Maybe that's what the cutlass is for, so we can hook the keys with it?"

Kaitlin: "Yes! Aiden, gimme that sword!"
Aiden: "Mah lady."
Taiha: "My dutitful knight!"
Kaitlin: "Owh!! My vageena!"
Taiha: "Sorreh." >.<
Kaitlin: "Watch where you poke that thing!"
Taiha: "Hehe... that's what she said... OR that's what I said... to Grey." ;-)
Kaitlin: "GOT IT!"
Kaitlin: "Freedom, yes!"
Fabio: "I'm being freed first?? What a twist!"
Kaitlin: "Don't take it personally, you were just the closest person to me."
Fabio: "...."
Aiden: "One step closah to findin' da treashure!!"
Taiha: "Let me out! This kitten needs to properly stretch her limbs!!"
Taiha: "Aww, thanksies, Fab! You're so fabulous!"
Fabio: "Are you being sarcastic?"
Taiha: "Of course not, silly!"
Fabio: "Oh... gracias. It's just that, most people forget to thank me..."
The Gov: "Set the Governor free already!"
Taiha: "I say keep that Byrd in his cage."
The Gov: "What an interesting twist of fate, being released by an illegal alien..."
Aiden: "Gregory, is dat YOU?!!"
Fabio: "That's rich, coming from the guy who gave up his citizenship to Freedomland..."
*The Governor snorts with contempt*
Aiden: "Gimme da key, gotta unlocks da rest of dese purdy ladies!"
Tamela: "Yes, get me the HELL out of here! Before I absolutely LOSE IT!!"
Linda: "I don't need help, I have a few lockpicks I can use."
Aiden: "Okay den. If yous say so!"
The Gov: "Alright, let's go and blow up this popsicle stand! ...ship stand? Anyway, let's expose that Morgan woman for the fraud that she is! ...Ha! I love hypocricy... Guess that's how I got my job, eh?" [-; "...oh. You can't see my wink, can you?"
Evarrine: "AHEM. Forgetting someone...???"
Aiden: "Oh hot-diggity-dawg! Sorreh, yer highness! Can't believes we almost forgot you!"
Evarrine: "I shall unleash my wrath on you all later. For now, we must get our revenge on Kenzen and Morgan."
Aiden: "Heehee."
Evarrine: "What??"
Aiden: "Yer shortah dan I rememba you bein'! It kinda funneh, hehehe...You shrank!"
Evarrine: "Now. Let us get going."
Kaitlin: "I do declare we've struck gold!!"
?: "Kaita, just put the gun down!"
Kaita: "That's CAPTAIN Kaita, to you!"
??: "This isn't necessary! We can solve this another way!!"
Aiden: "Wut in da world is goin' on 'ere??"
Kaita: "It's too dark! I can't tell which one is the real KT!!"
?: "Kaita, we go way back... You can trust me!"
??: "Don't trust her! She's a liar!"
?: "I'M the liar!?"
??: "Yes, and you know it!"
Kaita: "Well, one of you scurvies is going overboard! And if we can't figure it out soon, might just have to take the safe option and send BOTH you scallywags into the deep depths!!"
Fabio: "Are we really doing this right now? Certainly we can figure this out."
Tamela: "I don't know... Same thing happened your season. If we put Fabio next to you again, I'm not sure I'd know you were Nwa."
Fabio: "But I'm not...... oh nevermind!"
Kaita: "You may remember me from Season 3. I played alongside Shayne, Indigo, Evarrine, Aiden, and your host KT here... I am your Mission Master for this mission! And I hope you enjoyed the first part of being locked up.... Got some real McGyvers on this year's cast, might have to recruit some of ya to MI6!
Anyways, before we continue, we need to oust the fake KT!!"
Kaita: "I was casually cruising the seven seas when I spotted this unmarked ship! My crew and I decided to flank it and I managed to capture their Captain-- Kenzen is now in MI6 custody for trespassing Somalian waters! I wanted to find who was responsible for locking you lot in the underbelly of this vessel, but seems like we have an imposter on our hands..."
Kaita: "Now I'm not sure whom to trust."
??: "I can prove I'm the real deal! Someone ask me anything!"
?: "Nice try. You've probably studied everything there is to know about me in order to pull this grand act off. No one knows me personally enough to ask me a question only they would know the answer to!"
Taiha: "........I do."
Linda: "How so?"
Taiha: "KT once gave me a special gift when I visited her backstage during one of her concerts... And I've been wearing it ever since."
Kaita: "Okay. What was it?"
Taiha: "I'll have them each whisper to me, and then I'll know! Simple."
Taiha: "What was the item?"
?: "Your beanie."
Taiha: "And you?"
??: "Your necklace!"
Taiha: "Alright! I know who's the fake."
Kaita: "You do??"
Taiha: "Yes!!"
Linda: "If this doesn't work, we can always make them sing."
?: "Pft. I would easily win that sing-off. Try again."
??: "You just admitted that you're not me!"
?: "Or did I?"
Taiha: "Doesn't matter, because the jig is already up! The one on the LEFT is Morgan. KT! gave me this necklace a few years ago. And the one on the right said that."
Kaita: "Excellent! Well done, matey!"
Kaita: "Alright scoundrel, your 15 minutes of fame are up! Time to walk da dreaded plank!!"
Morgan: "Awwwww FUCK."
* * *
Kaita: "Any last words?"
Morgan: "I dunno whatcha girls and gallies are talking about, like, I am TOTALLY Whitney pretending to be KT! Cuz like, KT is DEF my idol! Like, oh my gosh, she's the absolute BESTEST! That's like why I like have her lipgloss, it's like yum yum strawberry MUAH MUAH!!"
Linda: "Aw, Whitney. I kinda miss her... Even though she never really existed... But do any of us?"
KT!: "Governor!"
Morgan: "I'm going, I'm going..."
*Morgan walks the plank; the cast rejoices*
~DAY 14~
Linda: "Nawh, I am stronger than ever! The Queen and I skipped the rum and instead practiced our parrying skills!"
Evarrine: "I have changed quite a bit since we spoke last, old friend... Or is it foe? I could never decide with you..."
Taiha: "Frenemy?"
Evarrine: "Sure. Let us go with that.... Old frenemy."
Kaita: "Yes, we do have quite the history together... But it's nice to see an old face. Speaking of which, how are you, Aiden?"
Aiden: "I'm gewd..."
Kaita: "...What's up with him?"
Aiden: "Jus' gettin' a lil sea sick is all, no biggie!"
Kaita: "Well you're in luck, because we're about to make land!"
Kaita: "Before we do, I should brief you on Phase 2 of this mission."
Kaita: "Good job McGyvering your way out of Phase 1, by the way. You are all my prodigees!
You successfully found some good loot afterwards; 80 golden coins, to be exact. Each of those coins is worth $1,000.... Aka 10 points in the pot."
Kaita: "You will be needing these coins for the next phase. You will distribute them out so everyone has 10."
Evarrine: "I believe at least half that fortune should be mine."
Taiha: "Ha! FUNNY JOKE, 'mOlE QuEeN'!"
Evarrine: "No matter. I will win it all back at the end of this game anyhow."
Kaitlin: "We'll see about that..."
Evarrine: "Yes. Yes we shall."
Kaita: "AS I WAS SAYING... The 3rd Phase of the mission relies on how well you do on the 2nd... Pass the second, and you can move onto the third. However, passing the 2nd may pose as a challenge..."
Kaitlin: "There is no challenge that I will back away from. Just tell us where we need to go."
Kaita: "The Vault. It's a bar in Dubai, said to be the oldest pub in the entire CONTINENT. Legend has it that the infamous Blackbeard frequented this tavern, who was quite the rogue.
Inside, you should recognize a familiar face.... He will provide you with the treasure map for Phase 3. It MIGHT come with a price, however...."
The Gov: "Yarrgghh, matey! The Vault is me second home, I tell ya! Rums on me, lads!"
Kaita: "That's it for me for now. Let's get you folks on some dry land!"

*The Governor grunts then coughs*
Captain Crook: "The Angels of Death 'ave come now fer me, 'ave they??"
Crook: "...Eh. So be it. When the sirens call, I follow. And when Death knocks, I shall answer."
Kaitlin: "Actually. We were told you have a treasure map, for the outskirts of Dubai...?"
Crook: "Arrgh! 'N ye were hopin' I'd give it to ye fer free, didya?"
Linda: "Name your price."
Crook: "Hmmm....."
Crook: "We shall play the pirates way..."
Crook: "This way, me hearties!!"
* * *
CROOK: "Lak me said... I won'ts be handin' this treasure map over fer free! Yer gonna have to earn it thee good 'ole pirates way... via a game of LIARS DICE!!"
CROOK: "If yer'll can manage to knock me out, I'll hands over the map! But be warned... Each of ye scummywags that I knock out, I'll take yer 10 coins!!"
CROOK: "So if ye wanna be dealt in, ye gotta put in 10 coins dat you earned from being locked up!
....'N I see ye all have decided to play, with the exception of Aiden and Linda 'ere. What wussies!"
CROOK: "Wise choice, however. The 'ole Captain Crook woulda aten ye fer supper!"
CROOK: "Alright, me mateys! Le's git to rollin'!"
CROOK: "We be playin' sudden death! Jus' like in Pirates of the Caribbean! Ye all got 3 dice, but if ye get caught lyin... To the sharks ye go!!
I'll start us off: One 1."
Fabio: "Dos unos."
Kaitlin: "Hmm... Five 1's!"
Tamela: "MOLE!"
Taiha: "Moley moley guacamoley..."
Fabio: "Yeah, that is sus as hell.... Good luck, Taiha."
Taiha: "Aw, thanksies, Fabby! I guess.... I shall do... Five 2's?"
Evarrine: "That leaves me with no choice. Five 3's."
The Gov: "Hm......"
The Gov: "Five 4's!"
Fabio: "With only 21 dice on the table, be careful with your next move, Tamela."

Tamela: "Yeah yeah... Let me think."
Tamela: "How about..."
Tamela: "I'll just keep this chain going. Five 5's?"
CROOK: "Ye are a bloody LIIIAR!"
Tamela: "It was an impossible situation."
Tamela: "Good luck, guys and gals."
CROOK: "Harhaharha!! One down, 5 more landlubbers to go!"
Taiha: "I have an idea!! What if the 5 of us openly said our rolls this round? And then we try and gamble what Crook's roll is? That way we’re guaranteed to have the highest possible roll off a number and he will lie or fail a liar call."
CROOK: "Do as ye like, but I be startin' the round off ahgain! This time... Three 1's!"
Fabio: "I'll raise ya by one... Three 2's."
Kaitlin: "Three 4's??"
Taiha: "There's 18 dice now... sooo four of anything isn't too big a stretch. Let's do four 5's. We gotta put pressure on the crooked Captain!"
Evarrine: "Five 5's!"
The Gov: "That sure is a big jump, ain't it?"

The Gov: "Six of anything is far too risky... So Five 6's it is!"
CROOK: "Hm... I highly doubt that, me lad! LIAR!"
Crook: "Arrgh! 'N ye were hopin' I'd give it to ye fer free, didya?"
Linda: "Name your price."
Crook: "Hmmm....."
Crook: "We shall play the pirates way..."
Crook: "This way, me hearties!!"
* * *
CROOK: "Lak me said... I won'ts be handin' this treasure map over fer free! Yer gonna have to earn it thee good 'ole pirates way... via a game of LIARS DICE!!"
CROOK: "If yer'll can manage to knock me out, I'll hands over the map! But be warned... Each of ye scummywags that I knock out, I'll take yer 10 coins!!"
CROOK: "So if ye wanna be dealt in, ye gotta put in 10 coins dat you earned from being locked up!
....'N I see ye all have decided to play, with the exception of Aiden and Linda 'ere. What wussies!"
CROOK: "Wise choice, however. The 'ole Captain Crook woulda aten ye fer supper!"
CROOK: "Alright, me mateys! Le's git to rollin'!"
CROOK: "We be playin' sudden death! Jus' like in Pirates of the Caribbean! Ye all got 3 dice, but if ye get caught lyin... To the sharks ye go!!
I'll start us off: One 1."
Fabio: "Dos unos."
Kaitlin: "Hmm... Five 1's!"
Tamela: "MOLE!"
Taiha: "Moley moley guacamoley..."
Fabio: "Yeah, that is sus as hell.... Good luck, Taiha."
Taiha: "Aw, thanksies, Fabby! I guess.... I shall do... Five 2's?"
Evarrine: "That leaves me with no choice. Five 3's."
The Gov: "Hm......"
The Gov: "Five 4's!"
Fabio: "With only 21 dice on the table, be careful with your next move, Tamela."

Tamela: "Yeah yeah... Let me think."
Tamela: "How about..."
Tamela: "I'll just keep this chain going. Five 5's?"
CROOK: "Ye are a bloody LIIIAR!"
Tamela: "It was an impossible situation."
Tamela: "Good luck, guys and gals."
CROOK: "Harhaharha!! One down, 5 more landlubbers to go!"
Taiha: "I have an idea!! What if the 5 of us openly said our rolls this round? And then we try and gamble what Crook's roll is? That way we’re guaranteed to have the highest possible roll off a number and he will lie or fail a liar call."
CROOK: "Do as ye like, but I be startin' the round off ahgain! This time... Three 1's!"
Fabio: "I'll raise ya by one... Three 2's."
Kaitlin: "Three 4's??"
Evarrine: "Five 5's!"
The Gov: "That sure is a big jump, ain't it?"

The Gov: "Six of anything is far too risky... So Five 6's it is!"
CROOK: "Hm... I highly doubt that, me lad! LIAR!"
CROOK: "YarharHaha! I told ye to check yer ego, ye scoundrel!! And now ye be Nessie's dinner!!"
The Gov: "You're nothing but a cheat, ye CROOK!"
Kaitlin: "He's not called the Captain of CROOKS for no reason, y'know...!"
CROOK: "Harhaha, don't blame me fer yer losin', young lads! I may be a crook, but never a cheat! A pirate whom cheats in Liars Dice hath no integrity nor honor! Blame yer losin' on yer own selfish desires... 'n da fact ye got yerselves a scummy MOLE amongst ya....."
CROOK: "Le's see if we can actually pass it around the globe for once!!"
CROOK: "One 1!"
Fabio: "Dos y dos."
Kaitlin: "Uhhh... Can I do two 6's after that?"
Evarrine: "Yes, you can. Three 6's."
CROOK: "Uh-oh."
CROOK: "Hm...."
Taiha: "What, cat got your tongue, Captain?!?"
CROOK: "...."
Aiden: "I tinks we may 'ave gots him on dis one!!"
CROOK: "Argh! FOUR 6's it is, mateys!"
Fabio: "Yaaaarrr, yer a lyin' landlubber, Crook. Always have been! LIAR!!"
CROOK: "Arrrrghh ye got me, young lads. Yer a bunch of dirty rotten liars now!!"
The Gov: "Arghh, hurry up 'n walk the plank ye scurvy dog! Davy Jones be clearing out the gym socks from his locker to make a space just for you! Harhar!"
CROOK: "To bed I retire... In my underwater coffin!" X.X
CROOK: "Now that I am out.... The game is far from ovah! Last pirate standing? Ye get a CLUE towards the identity of da MOLE!!!"
Fabio: "Yaarrrr.... looks like it's every pirate for themselves from here on out."
CROOK: "Fabio, ye go first."
Fabio: "Uno 2."
Kaitlin: "One 3."
Taiha: "Two 3's."
Evarrine: "Three 3's."
Fabio: "¡MENTIROSO!"
Evarrine: "Ha! I had two 3's myself.... Who had my third??"
Taiha: "Me meowself and I..... Sorry Fabby..."
Fabio: "RIP me."
Fabio: "Your go, Kait."
Kaitlin: "One 6."
Taiha: "With only 9 dice left in play.... I gotta be careful here. Therefore......."
Taiha: "Two 2's!"
Evarrine: "Two 5's."
Kaitlin: "You filthy LIAR!"
Taiha: "I got a 5."
Evarrine: "Ditto."
Linda: "Oof, sorry Kaitlin. You're out!"
CROOK: "Fer da clue! Blondie, ye first."
*Both roll*
Taiha: "One 1."
Evarrine: "Two 2's."
Taiha: "Two 4's."
Evarrine: "I'll call it. LIAR."
Taiha: "I had a 4."
Evarrine: "Shit! So did I.... Knew it."
Evarrine: "I had no need for the clue anywhow."
Taiha: "So I won!? EEEEK!"
CROOK: "Yo-ho-ho! Ye did it! Well done, matey!"
CROOK: "Legend has it, that the Mole was last seen near....."
*Captain Crook whispers the clue into her ear*
CROOK: "As fer da rest of you lot.... 'Ere is yer much deserved treasure map!"
CROOK: "Good luck... Now git outta mah rum territory, willya?!"
Kaitlin: "Ooh! Ask this man."
The Gov: "Excuse me, good sir! Can you point us in the right direction?"
Fabio: "Some dama on un camello approached us, said we should head to the ancient pyramids for some hidden treasure?"
Somalian Man: "Haa, haa! Dahab badan in the lost pyramids!"
The Gov: "I beg your pardon."
Somalian Man: "Much gold in ancient ruins! Head northeast from here. Pathway continues!"
Tamela: "Uhhh.... So you're saying there's no shade from here to there...?"
Linda: "It's not too far from here! Only about 5 miles or so."
Taiha: "Are you kitten me right meow!? That's like 5 bajillion feet away!!"
Linda: "We could always fastjump..."
The Gov: "Thank you, Mr. Sand Man! We should be on our way too."
Aiden: "Dis mission is fixin' up to be mah most favorite YET! I luvs bein' ah pirate!!"
Evarrine: "I was not a fan of it the first time; And I am even LESS of a fan of it now... Speaking of fans: SERVANTS! WHY AREN'T YOU FANNING ME?!"
* * *
Evarrine: "This heat is becoming unbearable. Remind me again why we were not given desert-horses? And how come no one fetched me my litter?!"
Taiha: "You poop in a litterbox too?! And here I was thinking I was the only one...."
Evarrine: "God no, you dimwit. A litter as in a palaquin... a sedan chair... a carryable throne!"
The Gov: "Hell, now I'm wondering the same thing! If Queen Crazy gets one, I deserve one too!!"
* * *
[The contestants must face a series of puzzles in order to reach the heart of the pyramid]
* * *
KAITA: "Pirates! I see that you successfully completed the pyramid puzzles! In doing so, you found 40 golden coins! Congratulations."
KAITA: "Unfortunately, you have run into an obstacle... The mountain range behind me is too treachorous to pass!!
Can't go over it. Can't go under it. Can't go through it... Must go around it!
That brings me to this: You have 2 choices!!"
KAITA: "You can either go to the left and cross the LAKE..."
KAITA: "OR you can go to the right and through the FOREST."
KAITA: "....Only problem is, the lake is a pirate hot spot, full of greedy scummy thieves!!
And the forest isn't much better... filled with exotic animals, sure to be looking for their next meal..."
KAITA: "I need 3 for the Lake, and 5 for the Forest. Please decide now."
KAITA: "Alright, Kaitlin, Taiha, and the Governor decided to cross the lake, and the other 5 will venture through the forest."

KAITA: "The contestants have split the money they've earned so far ($100) in half, so that if either group survives this obstacle, at least 50 coins will be saved.
Forest people: I have no instructions for you, other than good luck! Oh, and watch the ground for gold... But don't forget to watch everything else, since everything else will be watching YOU!"
KAITA: "People of the Lake, follow me!"

KAITA: "Your goal is simple enough: Cross to the other side."
Taiha: "There's a boat! We don't have to get our paws wet!! Easy peasy lemon squeezy!"
The Gov: "What is the catch? There's ALWAYS a catch." *coughs*
Kaitlin: "Yes, you would know, wouldn't you Governor?"
*The Governor grunts*
KAITA: "Catch is, the boat can only carry up to 2 people at a time... And you are not alone. You have visitors..."
KAITA: "Before you are 3 Somalian pirates. They want to cross the lake too! Your goal is to get all 6 of you across to the other side. And you get to control them.
But be careful; if at ANY point, the pirates outnumber you on either side of the lake, they will steal the 50 coins!!"
The Gov: "Not under my watch you won't!"
Pirate: "Ay, ye 'ave a watch too, eh? Let's make sure to steal that too!"
The Gov: "Yer jus' ah bunch of greedy bastards!!"
Kaitlin: "Takes one to know one..."
The Gov: "Wouldja get off my back already!? Jesus, woman!"
Pirate: "Ooh, that's also a good idea! We'll take the clothes off yer backs as well! You don' need 'em, right?"
The Gov: "If ye wanna see this 'ole jolly good feller naked, then be my guest!! Harhar!!"
Kaitlin: "Gross."
Taiha: "Okay guys and dolls, let's think! We gotta brainstorm ideas here... This is essentially just a logic puzzle! Can't be TOO difficult..."
Kaitlin: "I'm not sure I understand it fully...."
The Gov: "Same."
Taiha: "It's similar to a riddle I've heard before.... Okay, like, imagine there's a cat, a rat, and cheese! But you gotta save all 3... And the boat can carry only 2 at a time! You can never have the cat and rat together, else the cat will eat the rat! And you can't have the rat and cheese, else the rat will eat the cheese. So it's like a series of going back and forth until you figure out the right solution!"
The Gov: "Ah, I think I'm starting to get it. And someone always needs to be in the boat to drive it back as well."
Kaitlin: "Okay... What's our first move then?"
Taiha: "We start off with two people. One person taking it at the very start would be pointless."
Kaitlin: "So at least one pirate has to cross over first, right? Otherwise they'll outnumber us from the start and then--"
The Gov: "SO LONG, SUCKERS! I'll drop you a line from Bermuda!"
Kaitlin: "Moral of the story: Never trust a man."
Taiha: "Unless his name starts with G!!"
Male Pirate: "Then ye can trust me! I go by Gary."
Female Pirate: "Shut up Larry."
Male Pirate: :(
The Gov: ".....So how's it hanging, stranger?"
The Gov: "Not much of a conversationalist, are you? You're probably also the type to not vote during the election. Figures."
The Gov: "Seeya later, alligator! Just.... don't get eaten by one.... scratch that. Please do!"
Kaitlin: "Well well well... Look who came back!"
The Gov: "If I was choosing my exit, I would've waited for the yacht!"
Kaitlin: "Whatever."
The Gov: "And where are you going?"
Kaitlin: "Across."
Kaitlin: "C'mon pirate."
Pirate: "Ye are VERY kyoot!"
Kaitlin: "Say another word and I'm throwing you overboard to swim with the fishes."
Pirate: "Aye aye, Captain!"
Kaitlin: "What did I just-- urgh."
Pirate: "What's the next move there, Captain?"
Kaitlin: "I'm thinking either one of you or both--AH!"
Pirate: "You've been outnumbered. Hand the coins over! All of 'em! NOW!!"
* * *
Fabio: "Ugh. I'm so lost. And it's getting dark!"
Evarrine: "Inferior insects! Begone!"
Evarrine: "Grrr!! How these mortals cope in this realm without magic is BEYOND me...."
Tamela: "EUREKA! I found gold!!"
Linda: "Oh, wow. That looks venomous. Shit! Why do I keep forgetting my potions!?"
Aiden: "Dis place is waaay worse dan mah Miss'ippi swamp!"
Aiden: "Is dat a Mole in da ground?!?"
Fabio: "¡DINERO!"
Tamela: "Get off me you blood-sucking vampire!!"
Evarrine: "Yesss the treasure is mine, ALL MINE!!"
KAITA: "X MARKS THE SPOT! You made it to the end of the treasure map. Now, do you want the good news or the bad news?"
Aiden: "Gewd?"
KAITA: "Good news is, each of the Forest dwellers found gold. 8 coins to be exact. That's 40 altogether!
...Bad news is the Lake peeps got robbed of the 50 coins they were carrying.
That brings you down to 90 coins total, but you have one more chance to earn 40 more!"
KAITA: "This game is called DECEITFUL CHESTS, and here's how it'll work...."
KAITA: "Three identical treasure chests stand before you.
What you know for certain:
*One chest contains just golden artifacts ($25), one just silver artifacts ($15), and one both gold and silver artifacts ($40 total value).
*Each chest is mislabeled.
As a group, you will pick one chest. I will randomly remove an artifact from within and show you if it's made of gold or silver.
After that, you can choose to keep the contents of the chest you just picked, or, you can choose to open up another chest instead."
KAITA: "You may begin discussion. Majority is needed, and majority with 8 players is 5."
Evarrine: "If the chests are mislabeled, should we not just pick the one labeled with both gold and silver? If she pulls a silver artifact, we know it's the silver/silver chest. If she pulls a gold artifact, we know it's the gold/gold chest. So simple even a mortal could figure it out."
Fabio: "Sounds good to me! Gold/Silver it is! All opposed?"
Aiden: "Uhhh me? I say we open up da silver chest!!"
Linda: "Majority already went with gold/silver, Aiden."
Aiden: "Oh... okay den. No one evah listen to me...."
KAITA: "The one labeled Gold & Silver it is! I will now show you a single randomly pulled relic from within..."
KAITA: "This artificat is made of GOLD.
Would the group like to keep the treasure in this chest, or, pick another?"
Evarrine: "I do declare that we keep! Securing $25 is better than risking only getting $15. Of course, we could lose $15, but the risk is losing $25 if we switch."
Linda: "I agree."
Taiha: "Didn’t we deduce that it meant the "gold" chest is just silver and the "silver" chest has to be gold and silver?
Shouldn’t we pass and go for the gold and silver? Because they’re all mislabelled, which means that it must be in the silver chest...."
The Gov: "By the powers of deduction, yes, that would be right."
Tamela: "I'm thoroughly confused so I'll just go with the majority on this one. I think I'm severely dehyrdated... Who thought it was a good idea to bury 3 treaure chests in a desert?! And why can't we just take 'em all??"
Kaitlin: "Screw being a goat. I say we GO FOR GOLD!"
Aiden: "I still say SILVAH!"
The Gov: "One labeled Silver."
Taiha: "Same logic. Silver."
Fabio: "Si. Silver."
Linda: "Guess I'm the hammer. SILVER it is!"
KAITA: "Majority voted to switch over and take the chest labeled just 'Silver'... Let's take a look and see whatcha earned, shall we?"
KAITA: "In my left hand is a gold coin, and in the right? ...SILVER!
KAITA: "This was known as the 3 Treasure Chests Riddle. You guys solved it! By checking the one labeled gold/silver, you can figure out the contents of all by deductive logic.
Surprisingly, no one mentioned the Monty Hall problem. That was added into the equation as a red herring and a distraction from the fact that this was actually a solvable riddle, and not about luck whatsoever."
KAITA: "Alright! This marks the end of the Pirates Life For Me Mission.
Congratulations, me mateys! Including the $90 you already accumulated over the course of this loooong mission, ye just added $130 into the group pot!! Not a bad feat at all.
Thus, only $70 will make its way into the scurvy Mole's measly grisly hands!"
Aiden: "Dis is all so hunkey dorey!!"
Tamela: "Woot woot! More money more money."
Kaitlin: "Oh yeah! Great job guys!"
Linda: "Level up!"
Fabio: "Esto fue divertido!"
Evarrine: "Yo ho, yo ho!!"
The Gov: "Drink up me hearties, yo ho!"
Taiha: "A pirate's life for WE!!!"