~DAY 15~
Taiha: "I am like SO not ready to do another quiz tomorrow!"
Linda: "Right? I don't want another one of us to go."
Taiha: "OMG, same!!"
Kaitlin: "Someone has to..."
Linda: "True. But we should ensure it's none of us! How are you ladies faring with collecting answers to the personal questions?"
Kaitlin: "I have what I need."
Taiha: "I'm doing fairly well, but it wouldn't hurt to know everyone's!"
Kaitlin: "Hm...?"
*Linda and Taiha continue to talk game, as Kaitlin stares at the woman and her baby*
Kaitlin: "...."
Taiha: "Is something wrong?"
Kaitlin: "No. I'm going to bed."
Linda: "But it's only 7 pm?"
Kaitlin: "Goodnight."
Taiha: "Errr bye?"
Linda: "That was weird..."
Taiha: "Yes it was...... Oh hey! LOOK! There's a kitty!!"
Linda: "Taihaaaaa.... What are you doing..."
Taiha: "Just saying hello! Poor old guy looks like he's starving... Aww..."
Taiha: "Good kitty... D'aww... so skinny and boney.... But beautiful! What a gorgeous tomcat.
I shall name you..... EBONY!!"
Tamela: "Knock knock?"
Kaitlin: "-Huh?? ....Oh.... it's you.... hi."
Tamela: "I can come back if--"
Kaitlin: "No, i-it's alright.... I just didn't hear you come in."
Tamela: "Okay, good. You just look like you.... are you alright?"
Kaitlin: "Yes Tamela, I am fine. What is it?"
Tamela: "I know things have been awkward between us, ever since, y'know... The kiss."
Kaitlin: "Okay."
Tamela: "Annnd I just wanted to talk about it. Talking about things is better than ignoring them and letting it fester.... As you know."
Kaitlin: "Indeed..."
Tamela: "Well. I just wanted you to know that I hope this doesn't affect our friendship. We have a really good relationship; just a platonic one.... haha..."
Kaitlin: "Alright. Is that all?"
Tamela: "....I guess? I thought you might have more to say on it."
Kaitlin: "Nope! I was just really happy to see you, bit of a spur-of-the-moment type of deal. I know you don't see me romantically. Nothing much else to say here."
Tamela: "So we're good? Can we just go back to normal now?"
Kaitlin: "Yes... I'd love that. Anyway. I should brush my teeth."
Tamela: "But you haven't even had dinner ye--....hm?"
Tamela: "April 22nd? Last year? That was just a few months before our season... Who's baby is this? Hmmm. Kaitlin: Always full of secrets, that girl...."
~DAY 16~
Tamela: "Kaitlin?"
Kaitlin: "Oh. G'morning."
Tamela: "Right back atcha."
Tamela: "Can I talk to you about something personal?"

Kaitlin: "Uhm..... Okay?"
Tamela: "You dropped a picture last night... Picture of a little baby girl."
Kaitlin: "And??"
Tamela: "Annnd....?"
Kaitlin: "So what? It's just a baby."
Tamela: "Don't you think that's a little... peculiar? Carrying around a picture of a newborn?"
Kaitlin: "You're very nosy, aren't you."
Tamela: "Hey. I'm not a hacker or ex-journalist for nothing, y'know."
Kaitlin: "Haha, guess that's true... And you wouldn't be prying if you didn't care."
Tamela: "Nailed it."
Kaitlin: "This is just like back in Norway, when you.... you know..... Snooped through my journal."
Tamela: "That... that was different. You were more private then. And I was just checking out what you dropped this time."
Kaitlin: "Yeah, I know.... Well. I'm guessing you're wondering whose it is."
Tamela: "Indeed... Kaitlin...... y-you're not a mother, are you?"
Kaitlin: "No......... I am not a mother."
Tamela: "Oh. Alright then. Case closed?"
Kaitlin: "Case closed!"
Tamela: "HA! Case reopened! You're obviously not telling me something. There's ALWAYS more to the story."
Kaitlin: "It doesn't matter now. It's gone...."
Tamela: "IT is gone?"
Kaitlin: "Yes...."
Tamela: "That's rather ominous."
Kaitlin: "What can I say. I'm an ominous lady."
Tamela: "Kaity..."
Kaitlin: "Tammy..."
Tamela: "I'm serious."
Kaitlin: "I'm silly."
Tamela: "...."
Tamela: "Fine. I'll stop prying..... for now. But one of these days, it would be great if you stopped keeping secrets from me. And if you HAPPEN to have any others, like, I don't know, rhymes with 'I'm the pole'.....?"
Kaitlin: "You'll be the first to know of any updates."
Kaitlin: "....and no. I am NOT a pole, but thanks for asking!!"
*Kaitlin & Tamela both start giggling*
The Gov: "Ahhhh.... Now this, THIS is the life!"
Fabio: "Jajajaja, what a sight!"
FABIO: "Here's the deal. I'm a little over David mocking me... Did I say little? I mean MUCHO. His snarky little comments are offensive and borderline xenophobic. Calling me an 'illegal alien'?! No wonder why he was impeached!! A racist shouldn't be in office. I'm just tired of his shenanigans in general, and I know I'm not the only one.
Arguing with the Governor is just a waste of time though, as we all know by now. He's got all the ammunition and logical fallacies he needs to win any argument, like a true politician of his caliber. So, I'm planning something sneaky. I know he's been enjoying his mud baths lately, so, we'll see how HE likes it when he feels exposed and out of place, just like an 'illegal alien', as he likes to call us immigrants.
...Oh. And his Cartier watch? I'll take that too, because why not. That thing is worth more than what I make in a month! Muchas gracias, gobernador!!"
The Gov: "AYE!"
*Fabio stops cold in his tracks*
The Gov: "Aye! Drink up, me hearties, yo ho! Yo ho, YO HO, a pirate's life for me! Harharharhaha!"
Fabio: "Phew..."
* * * * *
Fabio: "¡Ay, caramba!"
Taiha: "OH geez! SORRY!!!"
Fabio: "...."
Taiha: "...."
Taiha: "Is that...."
Fabio: "The Governor's clothes and towels? SÃ. Is that..."
Taiha: "A stray cat? Yes."
Fabio: "....."
Taiha: "....I won't say anything if you don't??"
Fabio: "Deal."

Linda: "So do one of you want to narrate what this cut-scene is about? We have to give context or they'll be confused."
Evarrine: "How absurd. They can figure it out on their own."
Yan the Cameraman: "ACTUALLY.... that's a great idea! Makes my job easier when I hand this footage over to the editing team."
Linda: "Aiden, wanna explain why and what I'm deep-frying??"
Aiden: "SHURE!"
Aiden: "So, 'ere is da thang! I ain't so happeh wit da Kween beatin' me the oder day when Kenzen drugged us! 'Ere I were thinkin', 'No WAY would da Kween outlast meh! I am Aiden fricken Hicks!!', but den she did!! 'N by golly, were I surprisen! So, I challenge her to ah rematch!!"
Evarrine: "And naturally, I said yes. The Queen does not back away from a challenge against a mere mortal. I beat him once. I can do it again."
Aiden: "Yous gonna regret sayin' DAT!"
Evarrine: "I HIGHLY doubt it."
Linda: "You didn't mention what you'll be eating this evening..."
Aiden: "Oh, right... Da greasiest, spiciest, fattiest, and-and....."
Linda: "...the GROSSEST combination of food possible!!!"
Evarrine: "What can go wrong??"
Aiden: "Food poisoning?"
Linda: "I got some syringes that'll fix you right up in case your health gets too low. So don't worry about death!"
Evarrine: "Death??"
Aiden: "Awh, nawh, yer'll be fine! Jus' a lil' tummy ache will be all. No biggie!"
Linda: "Ha! Yeah, we'll see about that... Wait until you see what I've come up with for the smoothie... " ;-]
Aiden: "....Now I's gettin' scurred... How much do we acshually trust dis ladeh?"
Evarrine (whispering): "Not a whole lot."
Linda: "What was that??"
Aiden: "HUH? Oh, nuthin'!!"
Linda: "You know, your highness... You can always back out!"
Evarrine: "I won't. My, erm... culture, has prepared me for this. I can eat ghost peppers without breaking a sweat! What do you think I can breathe fire for?? ...Ooh. Forgot I roasted you alive once, during that mafia mission. Too soon?"
Linda: "Let's just say... You'll be paying for that now."
Aiden: "Huh?"
Evarrine: "Governor?"
Linda: "Uhhhh...."
Evarrine: ".....Ew."
Aiden: "He.... Y-you....... He NECKED!!!"
*Splashes hot oil into her face*
The Gov: "This is what you wanted, right?!? To see The Great Governor in all his naked glory??"
Aiden: "Hehehaw! Dis reminds me of Alberto, huh, Evarrine???"
Evarrine: "Yes... Yes it does. And it still haunts me to this very day."
The Gov: "So. Who's the culprit? Or is this a Murder on the Orient Express type deal where you all took part, eh? All colluded together and stabbed me in the back, one-by-one.... one piece of clothing each!!"
The Gov: "I said........"
The Gov: "WHO WAS IT!"
Aiden: "I don' know whatcha talkin' about, Willis."
The Gov: "Grrrr...... I believe you. Never were much of a liar, were you!" *coughs*
The Gov: "And what about you, princess?!"
Evarrine: "What ABOUT me?"
The Gov: "Did you steal my clothes? My towels? My WATCH?"
Evarrine: "Get your filthy grimy hands off me, you nasty ogre."
The Gov: "Not until you tell me who did it."
Aiden: "Hey now, don' touch ah lady like dat!"
The Gov: "Well? Was it you or not? I don't got all day. Execution is only an hour away, and I need my clothes."
Evarrine: "Do NOT make me say it twice."
The Gov: "Then don't make me ask thrice! This is a two-way road, sweetheart."
Aiden: "Get off her!"
Evarrine: "No need to defend me, loyal servant. I can take care of myself."
Aiden: "Okee dokee, artichokee..."
The Gov: "I'm sorry. Did I offend you?"
Evarrine: "You are being a real villain right now, are you not?"
The Gov: "Hah! Look who's talking, you evil witch bitch!!"
Evarrine: "If I were you, David, I'd choose my next words VERY carefully..."
The Gov: "Pft! Alright, yeah, sure. What are you gonna do?? Tell everyone I'm PREGNANT!? HARHAR!!
Whatever, witch. If it wasn't you, it was probably that crazy cat lady who stole my clothes... Or that creepy orphan girl, she's gotta vendetta against me for whatever reason."
Evarrine: "WAIT..... Governor."
The Gov: "What now, Ms. Roland? Did you forget to kiss my ass??"
Evarrine: "No.... I actually wanted to tell you what a nice wiener you have! I LOVE me a man with a cute little micro-penis."
The Gov: "..........."
The Gov: "....I-I do NOT have a micro-penis, thank you very much!"
The Gov (whispering to self): "Do I....?"
The Gov: "The mud bath was cold, OKAY!?!"
*suffers from an intense coughing fit and hurries away*
Evarrine: "Suuuuure Dave, let's go with THAT...." ;-)
The Gov: "Full moon's out.... By the end of the night, one of you suckers is going home."
Aiden: "An' hopefully it'll be yer hairy ass!!"
*Linda laughs*
Evarrine: "Some men oughta be castrated, I swear...."
Linda: "....after castrating him, think we could add it to the deep fryer??"
Evarrine: ".....WHAT??!"
1. Which critical item was in the Mole's cell at the start of the Pirate mission?
a) Whistle
b) Sword
c) Tinderbox
d) Cup
e) Rubber Bands
f) Lantern
g) Oil Vial
h) Barrel of Rum
2. At which stage was the Mole eliminated from the Liars Dice table?
a) Before Captain Crook was eliminated
b) After Captain Crook was eliminated
c) The Mole won
d) The Mole did not participate
3. How did the Mole get past the mountains?
a) Through the forest
b) Across the lake
4. Was the Mole apart of the 5-person majority vote that decided to switch chests and instead keep the chest labeled "Silver"?
a) Yes
b) No
5. What is the Mole's favorite fruit?
a) Banana
b) Green Apple
c) Guavas
d) Oranges
e) Pomegranate
f) plum Pear
g) Strawberry
h) Watermelon
KT!: "Good evening, all-stars.... Sadly, this will be the last evening for one of you for good."
KT!: "No exemptions are at play, so everyone's life is at stake. Good luck, friends."
KT!: "Starting with..... Kaitlin."

KT!: "Next up: The Queen, Evarrine."

Evarrine: "Exxxcellent...."
KT!: "Taiha."

Taiha: "As expected. I've gotta see Grey at LEAST once more, duh!"
KT!: "Tamela.... The chick who ruined my hosting shtick."

Tamela: "You're welcome."
KT!: "Aiden."

KT!: "I hate to say it, but Aiden, my love.... It is your time to go, as it is mine. Hey, that's funny! We're both leaving the show at the same time again. Fate, or coincidence?"
Aiden: "Mah dear ladeh in red, I tink it is DESTINEH!"
Aiden: "Bu' I don't think you shoul' go just yet, I thinks you should be hostin' da WHOLE season!!"
Aiden: "Anyhootin', what cans be said? Dis has been ah life-alterin' occassion, 'n I am so so so grateful fer da oppor'nity to be right 'ere! I canst believe I was brought back, so thank you fer all those of you involves wit bringin' me back on dis here show!!"
Aiden: "Darn tootin', I tolds mahself I weren't gonna cry!! By golly, I better go before da water works starts up!!"
Aiden: "Buh-bye e'eryone!"
EVERYONE: "BYE AIDEN!" "We're gonna miss you!" "My favorite hillbilly" <3
~ ~ ~
Linda: "Right? I don't want another one of us to go."
Taiha: "OMG, same!!"
Kaitlin: "Someone has to..."
Linda: "True. But we should ensure it's none of us! How are you ladies faring with collecting answers to the personal questions?"
Kaitlin: "I have what I need."
Taiha: "I'm doing fairly well, but it wouldn't hurt to know everyone's!"
Kaitlin: "Hm...?"
*Linda and Taiha continue to talk game, as Kaitlin stares at the woman and her baby*
Kaitlin: "...."
Taiha: "Is something wrong?"
Kaitlin: "No. I'm going to bed."
Linda: "But it's only 7 pm?"
Kaitlin: "Goodnight."
Taiha: "Errr bye?"
Linda: "That was weird..."
Taiha: "Yes it was...... Oh hey! LOOK! There's a kitty!!"
Linda: "Taihaaaaa.... What are you doing..."
Taiha: "Just saying hello! Poor old guy looks like he's starving... Aww..."
Taiha: "Good kitty... D'aww... so skinny and boney.... But beautiful! What a gorgeous tomcat.
I shall name you..... EBONY!!"
Tamela: "Knock knock?"
Kaitlin: "-Huh?? ....Oh.... it's you.... hi."
Tamela: "I can come back if--"
Kaitlin: "No, i-it's alright.... I just didn't hear you come in."
Tamela: "Okay, good. You just look like you.... are you alright?"
Kaitlin: "Yes Tamela, I am fine. What is it?"
Tamela: "I know things have been awkward between us, ever since, y'know... The kiss."
Kaitlin: "Okay."
Tamela: "Annnd I just wanted to talk about it. Talking about things is better than ignoring them and letting it fester.... As you know."
Kaitlin: "Indeed..."
Tamela: "Well. I just wanted you to know that I hope this doesn't affect our friendship. We have a really good relationship; just a platonic one.... haha..."
Kaitlin: "Alright. Is that all?"
Tamela: "....I guess? I thought you might have more to say on it."
Kaitlin: "Nope! I was just really happy to see you, bit of a spur-of-the-moment type of deal. I know you don't see me romantically. Nothing much else to say here."
Tamela: "So we're good? Can we just go back to normal now?"
Kaitlin: "Yes... I'd love that. Anyway. I should brush my teeth."
Tamela: "But you haven't even had dinner ye--....hm?"
![]() |
4/22/2018 |
Tamela: "April 22nd? Last year? That was just a few months before our season... Who's baby is this? Hmmm. Kaitlin: Always full of secrets, that girl...."
~DAY 16~
Tamela: "Kaitlin?"
Kaitlin: "Oh. G'morning."
Tamela: "Right back atcha."
Tamela: "Can I talk to you about something personal?"

Kaitlin: "Uhm..... Okay?"
Tamela: "You dropped a picture last night... Picture of a little baby girl."
Kaitlin: "And??"
Tamela: "Annnd....?"
Kaitlin: "So what? It's just a baby."
Tamela: "Don't you think that's a little... peculiar? Carrying around a picture of a newborn?"
Kaitlin: "You're very nosy, aren't you."
Tamela: "Hey. I'm not a hacker or ex-journalist for nothing, y'know."
Kaitlin: "Haha, guess that's true... And you wouldn't be prying if you didn't care."
Tamela: "Nailed it."

Kaitlin: "This is just like back in Norway, when you.... you know..... Snooped through my journal."
Tamela: "That... that was different. You were more private then. And I was just checking out what you dropped this time."
Kaitlin: "Yeah, I know.... Well. I'm guessing you're wondering whose it is."
Tamela: "Indeed... Kaitlin...... y-you're not a mother, are you?"
Kaitlin: "No......... I am not a mother."
Tamela: "Oh. Alright then. Case closed?"
Kaitlin: "Case closed!"
Tamela: "HA! Case reopened! You're obviously not telling me something. There's ALWAYS more to the story."
Kaitlin: "It doesn't matter now. It's gone...."
Tamela: "IT is gone?"
Kaitlin: "Yes...."
Tamela: "That's rather ominous."
Kaitlin: "What can I say. I'm an ominous lady."
Tamela: "Kaity..."
Kaitlin: "Tammy..."
Tamela: "I'm serious."
Kaitlin: "I'm silly."
Tamela: "...."
Tamela: "Fine. I'll stop prying..... for now. But one of these days, it would be great if you stopped keeping secrets from me. And if you HAPPEN to have any others, like, I don't know, rhymes with 'I'm the pole'.....?"
Kaitlin: "You'll be the first to know of any updates."
Kaitlin: "....and no. I am NOT a pole, but thanks for asking!!"
*Kaitlin & Tamela both start giggling*
The Gov: "Ahhhh.... Now this, THIS is the life!"
Fabio: "Jajajaja, what a sight!"
FABIO: "Here's the deal. I'm a little over David mocking me... Did I say little? I mean MUCHO. His snarky little comments are offensive and borderline xenophobic. Calling me an 'illegal alien'?! No wonder why he was impeached!! A racist shouldn't be in office. I'm just tired of his shenanigans in general, and I know I'm not the only one.
Arguing with the Governor is just a waste of time though, as we all know by now. He's got all the ammunition and logical fallacies he needs to win any argument, like a true politician of his caliber. So, I'm planning something sneaky. I know he's been enjoying his mud baths lately, so, we'll see how HE likes it when he feels exposed and out of place, just like an 'illegal alien', as he likes to call us immigrants.
...Oh. And his Cartier watch? I'll take that too, because why not. That thing is worth more than what I make in a month! Muchas gracias, gobernador!!"
The Gov: "AYE!"
*Fabio stops cold in his tracks*
The Gov: "Aye! Drink up, me hearties, yo ho! Yo ho, YO HO, a pirate's life for me! Harharharhaha!"
Fabio: "Phew..."
* * * * *
Fabio: "¡Ay, caramba!"
Taiha: "OH geez! SORRY!!!"
Fabio: "...."
Taiha: "...."
Taiha: "Is that...."
Fabio: "The Governor's clothes and towels? SÃ. Is that..."
Taiha: "A stray cat? Yes."
Fabio: "....."
Taiha: "....I won't say anything if you don't??"
Fabio: "Deal."

Linda: "So do one of you want to narrate what this cut-scene is about? We have to give context or they'll be confused."
Evarrine: "How absurd. They can figure it out on their own."
Yan the Cameraman: "ACTUALLY.... that's a great idea! Makes my job easier when I hand this footage over to the editing team."
Linda: "Aiden, wanna explain why and what I'm deep-frying??"
Aiden: "SHURE!"
Aiden: "So, 'ere is da thang! I ain't so happeh wit da Kween beatin' me the oder day when Kenzen drugged us! 'Ere I were thinkin', 'No WAY would da Kween outlast meh! I am Aiden fricken Hicks!!', but den she did!! 'N by golly, were I surprisen! So, I challenge her to ah rematch!!"
Evarrine: "And naturally, I said yes. The Queen does not back away from a challenge against a mere mortal. I beat him once. I can do it again."
Aiden: "Yous gonna regret sayin' DAT!"
Evarrine: "I HIGHLY doubt it."
Linda: "You didn't mention what you'll be eating this evening..."
Aiden: "Oh, right... Da greasiest, spiciest, fattiest, and-and....."
Linda: "...the GROSSEST combination of food possible!!!"
Evarrine: "What can go wrong??"
Aiden: "Food poisoning?"
Linda: "I got some syringes that'll fix you right up in case your health gets too low. So don't worry about death!"
Evarrine: "Death??"
Aiden: "Awh, nawh, yer'll be fine! Jus' a lil' tummy ache will be all. No biggie!"
Linda: "Ha! Yeah, we'll see about that... Wait until you see what I've come up with for the smoothie... " ;-]
Aiden: "....Now I's gettin' scurred... How much do we acshually trust dis ladeh?"
Evarrine (whispering): "Not a whole lot."
Linda: "What was that??"
Aiden: "HUH? Oh, nuthin'!!"
Linda: "You know, your highness... You can always back out!"
Evarrine: "I won't. My, erm... culture, has prepared me for this. I can eat ghost peppers without breaking a sweat! What do you think I can breathe fire for?? ...Ooh. Forgot I roasted you alive once, during that mafia mission. Too soon?"
Linda: "Let's just say... You'll be paying for that now."
Aiden: "Huh?"
Evarrine: "Governor?"
Linda: "Uhhhh...."
Evarrine: ".....Ew."
Aiden: "He.... Y-you....... He NECKED!!!"
*Splashes hot oil into her face*
The Gov: "This is what you wanted, right?!? To see The Great Governor in all his naked glory??"
Aiden: "Hehehaw! Dis reminds me of Alberto, huh, Evarrine???"
Evarrine: "Yes... Yes it does. And it still haunts me to this very day."
The Gov: "So. Who's the culprit? Or is this a Murder on the Orient Express type deal where you all took part, eh? All colluded together and stabbed me in the back, one-by-one.... one piece of clothing each!!"
The Gov: "I said........"
The Gov: "WHO WAS IT!"
Aiden: "I don' know whatcha talkin' about, Willis."
The Gov: "Grrrr...... I believe you. Never were much of a liar, were you!" *coughs*
The Gov: "And what about you, princess?!"
Evarrine: "What ABOUT me?"
The Gov: "Did you steal my clothes? My towels? My WATCH?"
Evarrine: "Get your filthy grimy hands off me, you nasty ogre."
The Gov: "Not until you tell me who did it."
Aiden: "Hey now, don' touch ah lady like dat!"
The Gov: "Well? Was it you or not? I don't got all day. Execution is only an hour away, and I need my clothes."
Evarrine: "Do NOT make me say it twice."
The Gov: "Then don't make me ask thrice! This is a two-way road, sweetheart."
Aiden: "Get off her!"
Evarrine: "No need to defend me, loyal servant. I can take care of myself."
Aiden: "Okee dokee, artichokee..."
The Gov: "I'm sorry. Did I offend you?"
Evarrine: "You are being a real villain right now, are you not?"
The Gov: "Hah! Look who's talking, you evil witch bitch!!"
Evarrine: "If I were you, David, I'd choose my next words VERY carefully..."
The Gov: "Pft! Alright, yeah, sure. What are you gonna do?? Tell everyone I'm PREGNANT!? HARHAR!!
Whatever, witch. If it wasn't you, it was probably that crazy cat lady who stole my clothes... Or that creepy orphan girl, she's gotta vendetta against me for whatever reason."
Evarrine: "WAIT..... Governor."
The Gov: "What now, Ms. Roland? Did you forget to kiss my ass??"
Evarrine: "No.... I actually wanted to tell you what a nice wiener you have! I LOVE me a man with a cute little micro-penis."
The Gov: "..........."
The Gov: "....I-I do NOT have a micro-penis, thank you very much!"
The Gov (whispering to self): "Do I....?"
The Gov: "The mud bath was cold, OKAY!?!"
*suffers from an intense coughing fit and hurries away*
Evarrine: "Suuuuure Dave, let's go with THAT...." ;-)
The Gov: "Full moon's out.... By the end of the night, one of you suckers is going home."
Aiden: "An' hopefully it'll be yer hairy ass!!"
*Linda laughs*
Evarrine: "Some men oughta be castrated, I swear...."
Linda: "....after castrating him, think we could add it to the deep fryer??"
Evarrine: ".....WHAT??!"
1. Which critical item was in the Mole's cell at the start of the Pirate mission?
a) Whistle
b) Sword
c) Tinderbox
d) Cup
e) Rubber Bands
f) Lantern
g) Oil Vial
h) Barrel of Rum
2. At which stage was the Mole eliminated from the Liars Dice table?
a) Before Captain Crook was eliminated
b) After Captain Crook was eliminated
c) The Mole won
d) The Mole did not participate
3. How did the Mole get past the mountains?
a) Through the forest
b) Across the lake
4. Was the Mole apart of the 5-person majority vote that decided to switch chests and instead keep the chest labeled "Silver"?
a) Yes
b) No
5. What is the Mole's favorite fruit?
a) Banana
b) Green Apple
c) Guavas
d) Oranges
e) Pomegranate
f) plum Pear
g) Strawberry
h) Watermelon
KT!: "Good evening, all-stars.... Sadly, this will be the last evening for one of you for good."
KT!: "No exemptions are at play, so everyone's life is at stake. Good luck, friends."
KT!: "Starting with..... Kaitlin."

KT!: "Next up: The Queen, Evarrine."

Evarrine: "Exxxcellent...."
KT!: "Taiha."

Taiha: "As expected. I've gotta see Grey at LEAST once more, duh!"
KT!: "Tamela.... The chick who ruined my hosting shtick."

Tamela: "You're welcome."
KT!: "Aiden."

KT!: "I hate to say it, but Aiden, my love.... It is your time to go, as it is mine. Hey, that's funny! We're both leaving the show at the same time again. Fate, or coincidence?"
Aiden: "Mah dear ladeh in red, I tink it is DESTINEH!"
Aiden: "Bu' I don't think you shoul' go just yet, I thinks you should be hostin' da WHOLE season!!"
Aiden: "Anyhootin', what cans be said? Dis has been ah life-alterin' occassion, 'n I am so so so grateful fer da oppor'nity to be right 'ere! I canst believe I was brought back, so thank you fer all those of you involves wit bringin' me back on dis here show!!"
Aiden: "Darn tootin', I tolds mahself I weren't gonna cry!! By golly, I better go before da water works starts up!!"
Aiden: "Buh-bye e'eryone!"
EVERYONE: "BYE AIDEN!" "We're gonna miss you!" "My favorite hillbilly" <3
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