~DAY 17~
?: "Ahhh... The Agents. They have arrived!"
Tamela: "Wilson?? Is that you!?"
?: "....maybe."
WIL: "Ah, who am I tryna fool, it is I, Wil Sampson! Blue Spy and Mole of Season 6, reporting for duty!"
AGENT W: "BUT that's Agent W to you people!"
W: "...W for short."
Taiha: "Hmm.... Agent 'double-u'.... Shouldn't it be pronounced 'double-v' since it is technically two v's that make a w?? Isn't that just so silly!?"
W: “Well V isn’t hosting this time so double u!”
Evarrine: “How about
you all just double shut up??”
Fabio: "Jajaja!"
W: "Ayyye that's the Queen we all know and love!"
Evarrine: "Be quiet boy."
W: "Ha! Whatever you say... your majesty..." ;-)
Evarrine: "Yes. Precisely. Whatever I say... Now let's get on with the mission!"
W: "...Right. That's why I'm here!
The mission today is SPYFALL. Same game as Gun Bust from last season, except it'll be spy-themed.
And since I was the Spy turned Mole last season... They found it fitting to bring me back to host it this time!"
W: "The format is almost entirely the same. 6 agents will convene at a special secret location in order to pass top secret Intel along through their agency. Only problem is, one of my spies will have infiltrated your voice channel! The 6 Agents must then try to weed out the identity of the Spy, and conversely, my Spy must try to figure out the location the Agents are at so that we can swoop in and prevent the trade from happening.
The Agents will have 3 chances to accuse the Spy, and the Spy gets one chance to guess the correct location."
W: "The entire mission will be worth $200. There will be 15 rounds. If the Agents win a round, the money will go to the group pot, but if the Spy wins, it will instead go into the Mole's stash.
In terms of rewards... If the Spy wins the round, they get 2 points, if the Agents win, they all get 1. And if an Agent correctly accused the Spy, they get an ADDITIONAL point.
There will be a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.
1st: 3 Freebies or Exemption
2nd: 2 Freebies
3rd: 1 Freebie
(As a reminder, a Freebie gives you knowledge to the answer of one of anyone's secret question)
And as always, the Mole will receive secret information: S/he will know the identity of the Spy every round!
Only rule is, you can't question someone who just questioned you.
And as always, the Mole will receive secret information: S/he will know the identity of the Spy every round!
Only rule is, you can't question someone who just questioned you.
Alright. Let's get this mission rollin'!!... Once someone can find me my wheelchair."
W: "The Spy is situated in the surveillance van, listening, waiting..."
W: "The Agents have arrived at the designated location..."
W: "The Agents have arrived at the designated location..."
Linda: "Is this a good place to sit down and relax?"

Fabio: "No, unless you count its surrounding area."
Fabio: "Is this a place of fun or work?"
Kaitlin: "If you are an agent you would know..."

Kaitlin: "Do you need to dress in specific clothing here?"
Tamela: "Some do, some do not."
Tamela: "Is it very crowded near you?"
The Gov: "Not currently, but it can be where I'm standing.
Will I need an umbrella if it rains?"
Linda: "I am the SPY!"
Linda: "You guys are at the RACETRACKS."

W: "That is WRONG."
Linda: "Awwww SHIT."
Evarrine: "To anyone, how often do you visit this place?"
The Gov: "As often as possible, I couldn't live without it.
What is this place like at night?"
Kaitlin: "Dead... Can you buy a cool drink here?"
Fabio: "Definitely.
To anyone, is it possible to get lost in this place?"

Linda: "I feel like you can get lost there. My parents once abandoned me here, so that was fun. Good times, good times."

Linda: "Taiha, can you bring dogs to this place?"
Taiha: "I mean, not sure why you would bring a dog ANYWHERE but--"
Fabio: "STOP!"
Fabio: "I am the spy, and you guys are at the Grocery Store!"
Kaitlin: "Drats. How did you figure it out so quick?"
Evarrine: "I suspect dark magic."
Linda: "You're the SPY!"
Taiha: "No you're the Spy!!"
Kaitlin: "No, YOU'RE the Spy!!!"
The Gov: "It ain't me your honor, I'm innocent!"
Fabio: "HE'S GOT A GUNNN!!"
Tamela: "Oh lordeh, guns and spies, oh my!!"
W: "M-...Ms. Roland!"
Evarrine: "HUH yes what?!"
W: "Are you seriously sleeping on the job??"
Evarrine: "Pft. You know I'm pregnant. Can't an expectant mother get some shut-eye?"
Wil: "...Is that common knowledge?"
Evarrine: "What."
Wil: "That you're pregnant?"

Evarrine: "Eh. It is now. That filthy politician originally attempted to blackmail me with it. Then he decided to waste his leverage and spill the beans anyway. What a dunce.
....but now I can use this to MY leverage! I can make these mere mortals cater to my every whim once they know I'm just a poor little pregnant lady! Mwhahaha!!"
W: "That sounds.... Unethical."

Evarrine: "....And who are you again?"
W: "..."
Evarrine: "Exactly. Now shut your face and let me finish my nap."
W: "Can't do that, because we've arrived at their location."
Evarrine: "Say what."
W: "You won! The Agents took too long to guess, so we managed to track down their location."
Evarrine: "Hah! These low-lives are so weak that the Queen could take a nap and STILL claim victory! YES!!"
Taiha: "At this point, I think it could be Tamela, Linda, or Kaitlin... Although I doubt it's Kaitlin, since she just accused me, making me think it maybe isn't her."
The Gov: "I do not believe it is Ms. Harlow either, then again, I thought she's been every other round up until this point sooo..." *coughs*
Evarrine: "You know what peasants! I accuse Fabio. His answers have been shady."
Fabio: "It ain't me, dama."
Taiha: "Welp. We have one guess left... Which means if the Spy isn't Evarrine or Kaitlin, it's gonna be a loss cuz they'll instantly win if they make a guess right now. What should we do?"
The Gov: "Absolutely nothing, other than order another drink and continue working on getting skin cancer!"
Taiha: "You do that Governor, while I actually try to WIN us money."
The Gov: "HA! Hypocrite that you are. And this is a GAME, you should be enjoying yourself... What do you have against this place? You should be RELAXING."
Taiha: "Cats and water don't mix, Govvy."
Fabio: "Screw it. I'm not letting the Spy waste the last guess.
I accuse Tamela of being the spy."
Tamela: "SHOOT! You caught me."


Taiha: "To anyone, where can I sit? I don't wanna stand." :-p
Kaitlin: "You can sit on a bench, or a chair or....
Is it smelly there?"
Evarrine: "Did she just utter THERE? Mortal mistake! I ACCUSE KAITLIN OF BEING THE SPY!"
W: "Once wrong."

Fabio: "Really? Okay. I accuse Linda of being the spy, then."
W: "Twice wrong."
Linda: "Right back atcha, Mr. NPC... I accuse Fabio."
W: "Thrice wrong!"
Taiha: "YAAAS QUEEN! And by Queen, I mean ME, the TRUE Mole Queen!!! 2 more points for MWAH!"

Taiha: "Do you think your kitties will love this place??"

Fabio: "Oh, definitely.... Wait, KIDDIES or KITTIES? I guess either way: sure."

Fabio: "To anyone, how would you describe the people who work here?"
Linda: "Chaotic."

Linda: "To anyone, which contestant from this season will most likely enjoy this place?"

Evarrine: "SURE AS FUCK NOT ME!"
Evarrine: "GAHHH!"
Kaitlin: "Aiden.... Aiden would. Too bad he just got eliminated... He was actually a sweet guy. One in a billion."
Kaitlin: "Which is your favorite food that you can buy here?"
Tamela: "Popcorn, duh."
Tamela: "To anyone, what does it smell like?"
Kaitlin: "Hmmm.... Y'know what? I accuse the Governor of being the spy!"
The Gov: "Ha! WRONG once again, Ms. Harlow."
The Gov: "If I were the Spy, would I be able to do THIS...?"
The Gov: "I am about to perform a dangerous stunt... To my dear voters, do NOT try this at home!!"

The Gov: "Wait. OH SHIT! Hold on, somethang ain't right!"
*The Governor tries yelling but his attempts are futile*

The Gov: "Ffffllllllshhh!!"
The Gov: "...TA-DA!! And THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is what I call MAGIC!!"
Linda: "Enough pissin' around! I'm the spy!!"

Linda: "And I believe you guys are at the Movie Studio."
Tamela: "To anyone, how would you describe the people who work here?"
Kaitlin: "Professional...
Are you the tinker, tailor, soldier.... or SPY?"
Taiha: "Good question! Not the latter. Actually I'm none. Just a guest here.
Should I bring my own towels or not?"
Tamela: "If you are particular.
Can you eat here?"
Linda: "Uhhh.... yes...? Cuz that's what I'm doing right now.
Which video game character could you see visiting here?"
Taiha: "I hereby accuse LINDA of not knowing the location, the spy! She's being far too vague."
Linda: "WRONG! And so is this. Who used the cheat moveobjects on me and moved me inside?!"
Fabio: "I'll answer Linda's question. I'd say... Uhhh... Well, I am actually not too well versed on video game characters. So I don't know. A traveler? So any main character ever."
Fabio: "Governor, are you likely to give this place a good review?"
The Gov: "Depends on how well the staff treat me, of course!
To anyone, how long would you stay here?"

Taiha: "Hmmm... Anyone else thinking it must be Evarrine? She's the only one avoiding answering."
Kaitlin: "I see it. I accuse the Queen!"
Evarrine: "Don't make me laugh. I am an Agent like the rest of you helots!
But now we have already used two accusations, so I must make the final one now!
Kaitlin: "Nope... And there goes more money."
Taiha: "Then it was Fabio! You little rascal, you!"
Fabio: "Incorrecto. Not me."
Tamela: "Then who the heck was it?!"
Linda: "I'm SO lost."
The Gov: "It was I!"
The Gov: "I am the sneaky sneaky double agent!"
Evarrine: "Can anyone see the sky here?"
Taiha: "I can see the sky if--"
Kaitlin: "--outside if you look up--"
The Gov: "--....Hold up. We all spoke at once. Miss Harlow, you go ahead."
Kaitlin: "Yes, only if you look--"
Linda: "Wait, shouldn't Taiha's answer be considered? In order to prevent this from happening again, we should just say over.... OVER."
Tamela: "What was that, Kaitlin? OVER."
Kaitlin: "I'll just wait until all this confusion is over, so that way--"
Evarrine: "Who's talking? Did you say over? ....OVER."
Taiha: "So should I ask a question or finish answering my answer or should Kaitlin go or.....?"
Tamela: "This is a nightmare."
The Gov: "I concur. My migraine is back. WHERE ARE MY SMOKES WHEN I NEED 'EM."
Linda (whispering): "Sometimes, when I'm bored, I like to throw a discombobulator into the mix to cause CHAOS AND CONFUSION!" :-D
Kaitlin: "....What was that?"
Linda: "Uhm, NOTHING!"
Fabio: "I'm going to end this confusing round for all of us now and declare that... ¡Soy el espía!"
Evarrine: "Thank GOD that's over with."
Fabio: "You guys are at the Cathedral. Pulling up on you pendejos now!"
W: "Wrong."
Fabio: "RIP."
Evarrine: "...and to answer your question, Tamela, yes.
To any of you yahoos, what did you bring with you."
The Gov: "Cash, this place is expensive!
To Miss Blake, Bonnie & Clyde's love child: how do you feel?"
Linda: "Terrible, knowing I'm potentially in the same vicinity as you. I don't feel like answering this question seriously. Someone else take it."
Fabio: "I will. I'm feeling..... Relaxed. I've always wanted to visit this place.
Su Alteza: What's the average age of the people who are present here?"
Evarrine: "Adults, probably on the older end, I would imagine.
Forgotten Feline, how many peasants are around?"
Taiha: "There are too many people, I reckon! Not sure why anyone would want to be here tbh."
Ms. Tamela Wakefield! What time would be a great time to visit this place??"
Tamela: "Any time it's open.
To anyone, what do you hear?"

Kaitlin: "Men trying to hit on me, and failing."
Bartender: "Oh please, that last guy was a real catch! Don't know who you're waiting for. Prince Charming? He don't exist, sweetheart."
Kaitlin: "Who even said I was LOOKING for a man?"
???: "Some things never change, do they?"
Kaitlin: "Huh?"
???: "Over here, sunshine."
Kaitlin: "...Giles??"
Giles: "That's my name, don't wear it out."
Kaitlin: "What are you doing here??"
Giles: "What am I doing here?? You're on MY ship, baby! Ever since my stint on The Mole, I've been offered higher paying entertainment gigs on cruise liners, and needless to say my company travels to Dubai quite a bit. And I was gonna ask you the same! But considering the influx of cameramen, figured you're still in the show and doing some top secret mission! It isn't the Gun Bust one, is it?"
Kaitlin: "Actually, it is."
Giles: "I KNEW IT!"
Kaitlin: "I'm good."
Giles: "It's on me! Well, it's on my company. I just work here."
Kaitlin: "No that is OK. I don't drink."
Giles: "Well, I'm happy to see you! I'd hug you if it weren't for the fact you're not big on being touched, especially by men. Where is the rest of the motley mole crew, anyhow? Tamela? The Governor?"
The Gov: "Speak of the devil and he shall appear!"
Kaitlin: "We've been found."
Giles: "Dave Byrd? Is that you, you old geezer??"
The Gov: "Who you calling an old geezer, you hairy twink!"
The Gov: "Oh, and two shots of whiskey for me, Mr. Bart. Thanks, ya tall glass of water!"
Bartender: "Uhhh sure? Hey Gilly, this isn't the old bear you shagged last weekend, is it??"
Giles: "WHAT!? Oh, no, GOD no, ew! Don't make me gag."
Bartender: "Like you did last weekend?" ;-]
Giles: "Shut up!"
Giles: "No, this is the Governor, he was on my season last year, same with Kaitlin there."
Bartender: "Oh. Then why did he call you a twink."
Giles: "Some things are best kept unknown..."
The Gov: "What's your deal? Are you upset I didn't call you an otter instead? I know you young gays are starting to appreciate body hair more and more!"
Giles: "Governor... I would tell you to stop talking, but this is a goldmine of material for my next standup set! So, keep talking!!"
The Gov: "What is the big idea here?? I've been learning a bunch of LGBT slang in order to better appeal to my young voters, I fear I've gone a little out of style as of late with you millennials. And believe it or not, but you're the most influential block of voters!!"
Kaitlin: "I believe it. Millennials make up a large percentage of the population worldwide."
The Gov: "And there's more and more of you gays!"
Kaitlin: "Yes.... We are coming out of the wood-works now..."
Giles: "...'We'?? Oh yeah, I guess you're a lezbo now, huh? Was gonna say I didn't see that one coming, but considering you avoid things that DO...... It all makes sense now, especially factoring in your new hair-do, hehe.
So yeah! Full-fledged lipstick lesbian, right? Although I'm not sure you really qualify as a lipstick lezbo..."
Kaitlin: "I do not need to define my sexuality to you, or anyone else, Giles."
Bartender: "Amen."
Giles: "That's usually just code for bisexual. And oh lord, another Paul."
Bartender: "Huh?"
Giles: "Oh, just some religious nugget I had a thing with once."
Bartender: "You have a thing with a lot of people."
Giles: "What can I say, I'm a lover of the people."
Bartender: "Uh-huh. That's one way to put it. A fucker is another."
Giles: "Be quiet Bart, you're no different. You charm the socks off of every gay guy who comes through here!"
Bartender: "Yeah, and it doesn't stop at the socks..." ;-)
Giles: "Yes, I know from experience." ;-)
Bartender: "Who was that??"
The Gov: "Some crazy cat lady. Just pretend like we're not here and hopefully she won't see us."
Fabio: "This round is getting out of hand. I have to make an accusation before you three accidentally expose something, even though you already have.
I accuse Tamela.... I didn't much care for her last response, anyways."
Tamela: "Dagnabbit, not again!"

Tamela: "Well that was a nice cruise! Can't believe we're back in Hawaii. And tomorrow we'll return to LA.... Hey, hello, waiter- I mean.... Uhhh... Sir! I need my stuff."
Taiha: "Say, Tammy... Think you can ask your question now?"
Tamela: "Oh.... RIGHT! Uh, uhm... What pair of accessories would you wear here?"
Kaitlin: "I'd say... earrings?
To Taiha, do you feel like something bad might happen here?"
Taiha: "Gee, what a dark question. I sure hope not, but it's possible. Just not probable, compared to some of the other listed locations. Tamela, or really whoever, could you see Grey and I getting married here???"
Tamela: "Errr no. Ah, yes, thank you! I was starving."
Tamela: "Let's see... Kaitlin, who would you bring with you here?"
Kaitlin: "Just me myself and I."
Kaitlin: "Why is everyone else so silent? Linda? Evarrine?"
Taiha: "Haha, is this a girls-only round or something? Girls rule, boys drool!"
Kaitlin: "Preach it to the skies, sister!"
Taiha: "I think the men are just eating. I can hear them chewing like dogs!"
Tamela: "They NASTEE!"

Kaitlin: "Sure are. Pigs, the lot of them!"
Tamela: "Aw. Okja. I miss her."
The Gov: "Did someone mention BACON!?"
Kaitlin: "Go shove a fork up your arse, David!"
Taiha: "Well, considering it would be normal for the so-called 'Queen' to be making remarks about her servants fetching her wine and caviar, and hand-feeding her grapes at this location, I'm gonna go on my instincts here and accuse Evarrine as the SPY!"
W: "Correct! Great job, sister-from-another-mister!"
Linda: "I think you mean, 'sister-from-same-creator'."
W: "....wut."

.::DAY 18::.
~ROUND 11~
Taiha: "You know what. Let's keep this roll going!
I accuse Kaitlin of being the spy!!
I don’t believe her previous answer applies at all to this location, and her question is definitely counter intuitive. I think she might just be trying to blend in."
Kaitlin: "Yeah... You got me." >.<
Tamela: "What a relief. This turbulence is god-awful. Can't wait to get this round over with."
Linda: "This turbulence is nothing. I've survived 3 plane crashes after MUCH worse turbulence."
Fabio: "I'm with Tamela. This turbulence makes me nervous... This is my first time on a passenger plane...."
Evarrine: "It's not the turbulence that's grinding my gears. It's the motha-f'ing WAILING BABIES! Someone give me a good reason to keep mine before I consider aborting the little bastard."
The Gov: "I have HAD it with these mother-fathering babies on this money-laundering plane!"
Yan the Cameraman: "...Wait. Where is everyone?? This is creepy as HELL."
Fabio: "Perhaps everyone is getting the INVISIBLE edit, like me! Ha! GET IT! Invisible, like FABIO!?"
Linda: "It is not funny when you do it."
Fabio: "Awww." :(
Kaitlin: "......how could you say that, Evarrine."
Evarrine: "Say what?"
Kaitlin: "Aborting your own child!"
Evarrine: "I mean.... Meh. Those little maggots are useless life-suckers. They just leech onto you and suck your resources dry. I've already had one daughter, and let's just say she will NOT be heir to the throne!"
Kaitlin: "How dare you! H-how could you EVER even for a SECOND c-consider...... GAHH!"
Tamela: "Kaitlin? Are you alr-"
Kaitlin: "NO!!!"
W: "...So it seems my Spy has quit by exiting the van. But that's okay. She has already been caught by Agent Anderson!"
W: "And welcome back to Hollywood, folks!"

~ROUND 12~
Fabio: "To anyone, is there anything here that you're afraid of?"
Kaitlin: "Running into obnoxious princesses.....
Do I need a raincoat or an umbrella?"
Taiha: "Need is such a strong word... Like I NEED cute little furry things in my life... But an umbrella? Only to protect said furry things from getting all wet! That would just be a big no-no. Did you know they have umbrellas for pets now? Yeah, there's this collar that you can attach an umbrella to! And of course, there's raincoats for cats dogs horses hamsters you name it!! I love dressing my kitties up in cute wittle outfits, then parade them around and take snapshots of them and make a storyboard and then--"
Taiha: "Oh... sorry.... Heehee!"
Taiha: "Erm. Does anyone else feel like too much time is spent standing around??"
Evarrine: "Only if you come at a bad time like a fool."
Evarrine: "Will you get anything to eat?"
Fabio: "No, I brought my own food. It's muy caro here! Very very expensive."
Fabio: "Also, why does it smell like pee?"
Taiha: "Eeew... There should be Loo's all over the place...
Can I bring my cats here?? OR MAH BOYFRIEND GREY WINTERS??"
Evarrine: "I swear to God, woman. If you make ONE more cat or Grey reference, I will absolutely LOSE my shit... Is that what you people want?? For the Queen to go utterly BONKERS again and go on a murderous rampage?! Because I will! I swear to you I will!"
Evarrine: "I do not care if using magic in this realm destroys me from the inside-out!! Revenge will finally be mine, and oh boy, will it be sweet! Even if I have to DIE to enjoy it!"
Yan the Cameraman: "AH! A GHOST!"
Evarrine: "....I have ranted again, have I not? Grrr... I thought I was working on not doing that."
*The Queen clears her throat*
Evarrine: "To the chick more insane than I: what's your favorite thing to do here?
Linda: "Is that me? I think that's me. Fair enough."
Linda: "Answer is: Having a good time there and enjoying the thrills."
Linda: "To anyone: What is your least favorite thing to do here?"
Kaitlin: "Okay, all of the people that did answer know where we are... I'm going to take a shot at the quiet ones.... Governor and Tamela, but I don't think it will be Tam. So...
I accuse THE GOVERNOR of being the Spy!"
The Gov: "Sweet mother Mary of CRAP!"
~ROUND 13~
Kaitlin: "What age of the people do you get here?"
Tamela: "Young at heart.
To anyone, what kind of atmosphere does this place have?"
If you could commit any crime here, and be guaranteed that you would get away with it, what would it be?"
Taiha: "Weird question but alright. I'd probably trade the hot commodity here with a litter of kittens instead! At least the kitties are furry and cuddly...
Ooh! I know the absolute PERFECT question! What color is the wallpaper in--"

Evarrine: "I have found you all at THE DAYCARE CENTER!"

The Gov: "Oof. Well done, Queen Wackjob..... Stop your whining, you little baby! You're not getting it back. This thing will rot your teeth!!"
Yan the Cameraman: "Err... Governor? You DO realize that you literally just stole candy from a BABY, right??"
*The Governor stops mid-bite*
The Gov: "....Hm. I suppose it does appear that way, doesn't it? But look at this way! I was just helping the young lad. If he's eating sweets this young, he won't have the teeth at my age to eat a damn thing at all! So if anything, I'm doing him- and his mother's wallet- a great service. It really is the LEAST I could do... So, you're welcome!"
*The Governor munches on the lollipop with delight*
Linda: "What's easier than stealing candy from a baby? Stealing candy from a DEAD baby. Press X to laugh at my joke!!"
Evarrine: "Ooh, I got a few of those dead baby jokes myself!
What's funnier than a dead baby?
A dead baby in a clown costume!
I got another one!
What’s the difference between a baby and a bagel?
You can put a bagel in the toaster. You have to put the baby in the oven."
The Gov: "Funny coming from the woman who currently HAS a baby in the oven..."
Evarrine: "Shut up peasant. This is common knowledge by now.
Okay, one more.
What’s got four wheels, smokes and squeals?
A bus load of babies on fire.
Okay okay only one more, please.
What do you call a dead baby with no arms and no legs in the middle of the ocean?
What do you call a dead baby pinned to your wall?
Linda: "....."
Taiha: "That.... those are some dark jokes. I got something lighter! What do you call a pile of kittens?!
Anyone? ANYONE!?
Fabio: "Okay. I have one.
What do you call a Mexican who's lost his car?
Taiha: "Tehe. Fabio you are SO funny! I could just sit and watch you alllllllll day! Er I guess listen to you. But INSTEAD I have to watch and listen to THIS little squirt!"
Fabio: "But I thought you only had eyes and ears for Grey? He's going to be jealous, you know."
Taiha: "Honestly? I doubt he'd even notice....."
Kaitlin (whispering softly but urgently): "No, don't listen to the evil witch's jokes, sweet girl. She is not funny making such horrid 'jokes' about sweet little angels like you."
Kaitlin: "..... I know you are out there somewhere. I know you are still alive. I can feel it. Momma will find you soon. Okay? Do you trust me? I WILL find you, I promise..................... I promise."
W: "....So anyways..."

~ROUND 14~
Taiha: "I'm still tired of standing... Where can I sit?"

Evarrine: "The ground is comfortable.... for a peasant."

Evarrine: "What are you wearing?"
Linda: "You should be asking my Creator that question... Since he's Jake.... from State Farm. WHAT ARE YOU WEARING, JAKE, FROM STATE FARM?!"
Linda: "Anyone? No? Just me?"
Linda: "Yeesh. This is more awkward than the time I accidentally ran over that hooker in San Andreas."
Linda: "ANYWAYS."
Linda: "To whomever: Do you enjoy it here?"
The Gov: "Oh yes, This is my sort of place!"
The Gov: "Any chance I could drink here?"
Fabio: "I think they do serve drinks here, but I've never tried it."
Fabio: "To anyone, which relative does this place remind you of, if any?"
Kaitlin: "Uncle Dave..."

Kaitlin: "Do you hear any birds chirping?"
Tamela: "Ew. Please never refer to the Governor as your uncle again, YA NASTEH."
Tamela: "I'd rather you be her piss."
Fabio: "Ouch. Felt that burn from over here."
Taiha: "I'M THE M-errr SPY! MERRRMAID SPY!! And you kids are playing golf!!!"

~ROUND 15~
W: "Alright, Agents! LAST ROUND!! Make it count."

Kaitlin: "It depends...
Can you take your family or friends here?"
Taiha: "Of course! I'm sure it’s encouraged..."
Taiha: "Does that man look in pain to anyone else??"
Kaitlin: "I am the SPY, and I'm at the hospital, as are ALL OF YOU!"
Kaitlin: "...how off was I?"
Tamela: "Only a lot. We're at the Spa."
Kaitlin: "Shucks. Now what? I lost my ride."
Linda: "Aren't you with Wil?"
Kaitlin: "No, he just abandoned me here and told me to take a taxi once the mission was finished."
Fabio: "That's weird. This was the last round, was it not? So maybe it makes sense."
Taiha: "Sure, but where do we go now? Back to the Mole House? I'd like to go back ASAP, cuz I got a cat or two--or three, or four...... to feed."
Linda: "I am dressed and ready to go. But that is typical for me."
The Gov: "Well I'm sure not! What are you waiting for Yan, another shot of the Governor's arse?!! GET OUTTA HERE YOU FILTHY ANIMAL!"
Tamela: "Yeah, I'll get her, I think she's just taking a mud bath in here."
Tamela: "...OH MY!"
Evarrine: "Fuck!"
Wil: "What??"
Evarrine: "We've been caught. Play it cool."
Wil: "Shit... Nosy Tamela!"
Tamela: "Can I get you two a room or what? What in the WORLD is going on here?!?"
*Evarrine sighs heavily*
Evarrine: "You were NOT supposed to see that, you worthless maggot!"
Evarrine: "Ugh. FINE! Way to ruin all my fun."
Fabio: "Truth? What truth?? What's going on here?"
Evarrine: "Patience, por favor."
*The Queen takes off her glasses and splashes water onto her face several times*
Linda: "Did I hear that the Queen was making out with WIL!?"
Taiha: "Oh mah gawd this can't be happening! IS THIS REAL LIFE!?"
Linda: "Define 'real'.... And furthermore, define 'life'."
Taiha: "...."
Evarrine: "This is what I look like without my face paint on...."
Evarrine: "And this...."
*takes out her hair clip"
Evarrine: "....is what I look like with my hair down...."
Hansen. Maya Hansen."
W: "Mission Results!"

Laser Tag Arena
Dog Park
Water Park
Race Track
Military Base
Day Spa
Art Gallery
Movie Studio
Passenger Train
Movie Theater
Round 1: Agents win (Jake erroneously guessed Race Tracks)[Sports Game]
Round 2: Spy wins (Ice correctly guessed Supermarket)
Round 3: Spy wins (Agents failed to guess Ryenn in time)[Police Station]
Round 4: Agents win (Ice correctly accused Lo)[Beach]
Round 5: Spy wins (Agents failed to guess Haylo in time)[Container Port]
Round 6: Agents win (Jake erroneously guessed Movie Studio)[Circus]
Round 7: Spy Wins (Agents failed to guess Twiddle in time)[Hotel]
Round 8: Agents win (Ice erroneously guessed Cathedral)[Graveyard]
Round 9: Agents win (Ice correctly accused Lo)[Cruise Ship]
Round 10: Agents win (Haylo correctly accused Ryenn)[Restaurant]
Round 11: Agents win (Haylo correctly accused Alleen)[Airplane]
Round 12: Agents win (Alleen correctly accused Twiddle)[Amusement Park]
Round 13: Spy wins (Ryenn correctly guessed Daycare Center)
Round 14: Spy wins (Haylo correctly guessed Golf Course)
Round 15: Agents win (Alleen erroneously guessed Hospital)[Spa]
9 Agent Wins = $120
6 Spy Wins = $80
Taiha/Haylo: 15
Fabio/Iceman: 12
Maya/Ryenn: 12
Governor/Twiddle: 10
Kaitlin/Alleen: 8
Tamela/Lo: 7
Linda/Jake: 7
[Instead of breaking the tie, there will be 2 second placers and a third place]
Taiha chose the 3 Freebies over the exemption
Taiha: "YAS!"
Fabio & Maya each get 2 Freebies!
Fabio: "Woohoo!"
The Governor gets one.
The Governor: "Victory is... somewhat.... MINE!"