"Well, my cover was blown, but honestly what did I expect sneaking away
with Wil after the mission? I think we all know I've never been one to
think things through. It's how I ended up on the show last season in the
first place!
Alright, welp, you PEASANTS are probably wondering why the hell I was pretending to be Queen Wacko all this time, right?
Legend has it that apparently, Production attempted to contact Evarrine first, because what's The Mole All-Stars without their infamous Queen? BUT she was MIA, and not exactly one to understand modern ways of communicating that don't involve pigeons and mirrors, hehe.
But then someone thought, hey, why not bring Maya back? Supposedly I nearly beat the Governor on the fan-favorite poll last season, and on top of that, I'm the perfect person to PRETEND to be Evarrine... So it's a win-win! I get to stay undercover in a new disguise to keep the Witness Protection Program happy (although truthfully I don't think I'm any longer a target), and Production can still give the image of having their Queen in the show. And even if my cover is blown, no biggie, cuz I'm not gonna lie, I still have plenty of unfinished business left myself!
Alright, welp, you PEASANTS are probably wondering why the hell I was pretending to be Queen Wacko all this time, right?
Legend has it that apparently, Production attempted to contact Evarrine first, because what's The Mole All-Stars without their infamous Queen? BUT she was MIA, and not exactly one to understand modern ways of communicating that don't involve pigeons and mirrors, hehe.
But then someone thought, hey, why not bring Maya back? Supposedly I nearly beat the Governor on the fan-favorite poll last season, and on top of that, I'm the perfect person to PRETEND to be Evarrine... So it's a win-win! I get to stay undercover in a new disguise to keep the Witness Protection Program happy (although truthfully I don't think I'm any longer a target), and Production can still give the image of having their Queen in the show. And even if my cover is blown, no biggie, cuz I'm not gonna lie, I still have plenty of unfinished business left myself!
Anyway, when I was approached to return undercover, I couldn't pass up
an opportunity to fuck with everyone. The look on their faces when they
thought Wil was playing tongue hockey with the queen! Priceless. Plus,
it was so fun to just be a bad bitch. Ordering people around, being
overly dramatic, and being a huge pain in the ass. It was amazing!
Still, I'm kind of glad the cat is out of the bag. I think I need the
time to just relax. This baby... well, babies, have had me so stressed.
Twins! It was so unexpected, and I'm definitely not ready, and what if I
mess it all up...
I'm sorry. Now I'm just rambling. What I was saying is that I'm glad I
can just be myself for the remainder of my time here. Maybe I can even
rekindle with my cast mates from last season now that they know it's me.
Especially after how upset I made Kaitlin...
Yikes, I've talked forever. Time to go play this game the Maya way now. Peace out, losers!"
GREY: "Welcome back to Hollywood, contestants!"
Tamela: "What in the WORLD is that smell?!"
*The Governor gags*
Maya: "Smells like pipí!"
Fabio: "Yeah, pipí y caca!"
Maya: "That's 'piss and shit' to you non-Spanish speakers!!"
GREY: "Yes, unfortunately, we have a BIT of a problem..."
GREY: "THANKS TO TAIHA, we appear to have a cat infestation!"
Taiha: "....OH! Uhm... Yeah. OOPS.....? (Is that supposed to be a bad thing? Was I NOT supposed to do that...?)..."
Tamela: "....a WHAT."
Linda: "Cat infestation??"
GREY: "You heard me correctly. Cat infestation. We hired some maids to clean this place up upon your arrival, but they reported there being over a dozen cats living here. They've been pissing and shitting everywhere, destroying the entire house, and even bringing in dead carcasses!"
Kaitlin: "Saying dead carcasses seems a bit redundant..."
The Gov: "Ms. Anderson, how in HADES did you manage to smuggle so many cats in here!?!"
Taiha: "Well, funny story, actually!! So like I've ALWAYS been OBSESSED with the idea of running a cat sanctuary, and so before the game I decided, I thought, why not just--"
Linda: "Can we skip the filler dialogue and just get straight to the quest summary?"
Taiha: "...Fine. So first was Mr. Meow--AS I'M SURE YOU ALL KNOW AND LOVE-- and I smuggled him into my bag at the start. And then Remy brought me my other cat when he hosted that artsie fartsie mission... And thennnn it's POSSIBLE I took in a stray, who may or may not have been pregnant.... Looks like she had her litter while we were gone! Hooray for her, right??
So then I had a few fans manage to 'discover' the address of this place, and they actually stopped by and dropped off a few more that needed a home! And sure enough, just like that my cat sanctuary grew and grew! And it got even bigger while I was gone!! I can't wait to meet the new members and name 'em all!"
GREY: "Taiha."
Taiha: "Yes, I know I went a little overboard!! But I promise to clean everything up immediately, and I won't add anymore cats to the mix, okay?? I promise!!!"
GREY: "...Taiha."
Taiha: "Yes, Grey??"
GREY: "Why is your bag moving."
Fabio: "Is that Ebony from Dubai?? You SMUGGLED HIM ONTO THE PLANE?!"
Taiha: "HEY! You said you wouldn't cat me out!"
Fabio: "You mean rat you out?"
Taiha: "Urgh! Same difference!!"
GREY: "So help me understand here, Taiha. For some godawful reason, you didn't feel like you already had enough, so you decided to bring yet ANOTHER cat here, but this time from across the entire WORLD?! What the hell is wrong with you?? And why would you bring that ugly old thing here?!"
Taiha: "Yes, Grey, I did bring him, because he needed a proper home. And he has a name, y'know!"
Taiha: "This is Ebony.... Ebony Paw."
Taiha: "...get it? Like Ebony Maw from Marvel but instead PAW?!? Teeheheehee!!"
GREY: "Yes, thank you, I got it.
But that's it. I've had enough of this crazy cat circus! I'm shutting it down. We have a new place for you guys to stay until we clean all this filth up!"
Taiha: "What?? What new place? Why can't we stay here!?"
GREY: "Taiha. Look around you. This place is a DISASTER."
GREY: "Half of the furniture is destroyed."
GREY: "And your favorite, Mr. Fluffers- errr, I mean, Mr. MEOW, is mostly to blame for that...."
Fabio: "Fine by me. I HATED that estúpido rocking chair anyway!!"
GREY: "You also have the pests taking over the kitchen...."
GREY: "Can't even cook in there without tripping over one for fuck's sake!"
GREY: "The confessional room is also overrun."
GREY: "Enough is enough, Taiha! This is beyond ridiculous!"
Taiha: "Okay, fine, move us out, but will become of all the cats??"
GREY: "I don't know yet. We'll call someone to take care of it. Maybe bring them all to the shelter downtown."
Taiha: "But that's a kill shelter!"
GREY: "Annnd your point is? They're mostly strays anyhow."
Taiha: "That is incredibly cruel and ignorant. We can find them proper homes!"
GREY: "YOU'RE the ignorant one, Taiha. Their quality of life is low; it's better to
end suffering than to prolong it. Plus, we don't need them multiplying anymore than they already have."
Taiha: "Well, then just spay and neuter them! I can pay for it. Just don't take them to a kill shelter! We can find them new homes!"
GREY: "We don't have time for that Taiha, we're in the middle of shooting a show."
*Taiha begins to sob*
GREY: "Now. Everyone, grab your bags and get ready to go."
Maya: "Welp. This took a dark turn pretty quickly. Fun game-show summer camp turns into cat death camp."
Taiha (sniffling): "Can I at least bring Mr. Meow to the new house??"
Mr. Meow: "MEOW."
GREY: "Sorry, but no. We'll have him and the other one sent back to your house in Australia."
Kaitlin: ".....are you really just going to send these kittens off to sit in a shelter till they grow old and die?? Surely some viewers will want them! We-we sh-shouldn't j-just ABANDON them......"
GREY: "My hands are tied, folks. If someone wants them, they can come get them. The alternative is placing them back on the streets, but either way, we don't have the resources to keep and feed a dozen cats. We're not a foster organization. Just a television production."
Taiha: "You know what, Grey Winters? You DISGUST me."
GREY: "I know."
Taiha: "I REALLY don't think you do."
GREY: "Eh, that's probably true, cuz last time I checked, you were OBSESSED with me!"
Taiha: "Well, not anymore, you stupid dog!"
GREY: "What an ironic twist of fate, is it not?"
Taiha: "Hmph!"
Fabio: "Ah, hey there, little guy!....Hm...?"
Kaitlin: "I've never seen Taiha this upset before."
The Gov: "The tension is terrible..... I hope it'll last."
Taiha: "You are NOT the man I thought I knew."
GREY: "Let's stop you right there Catwoman before you embarrass yourself any further. Keep the drama between you and your housemates, not you and the host, please!"
Taiha: "Honestly? I'm not quite sure now what I ever saw in you, Grey Winters! You're a terrible person, and I'm pretty sure the viewers would rather watch grass grow than watch you host!! UGH!"
Maya: "YIKES. And here I was hoping the drama would end once Evarrine was over and done with."
GREY: "Hah! Guess you didn't factor in crazy cat ladies, now didja? Hehehe!"
Maya: "....No. Not at all. I just didn't factor in human nature, and YOU."
GREY: "...."
Maya: "The line between good and evil blurs further. Coming in as Evarrine, I expected to be the only villain of the season. But I should know things aren't always so black-and-white. Everyone is morally grey, even the famous Grey Winters..... No one is all good or all evil; a lesson I already learned with my brother..."
Linda: "They say you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain.
Personally? I choose to die as a hero.... over and over and over again."
Maya: "Thomas decided the same.... He died a hero."
Maya: "....My god. Look at me being all poetic and shit. Sorry, everyone. I just haven't been myself lately--FUCK, yeah I know, I heard it the minute I said it!"
GREY: "Ha, I get it. Haven't been yourself lately since you've been Evarrine! That's funny.
And what even is YOUR 'self' when you've had so many identities?"
Maya: "Yeah, valid question. I do have a pretty strong sense of self now though, at least I thought... I know I'm Maya. Maya Hansen soon to be Maya Hansen-Wilson. I know I am Latina. I am American. I am an independent woman. I am a friend to some. A daughter. An aunt. Eventually a wife.... Annnnd soon to be MOTHER...? I guess that's what I meant to say. I've been feeling extra hormonal lately and this whole motherhood thing is a little scary. I think instead of focusing on that and preparing for it, I used coming back on this show again as a distraction. But, eh. I just need more time to let it sink in, and luckily I still got like another 6 months at least."
Maya: "Anyways, enough about me. This is getting grossly Maya-centered. Getting attention as the Queen was fine, but this feels self-indulgent.
So: Who's excited for our new house?!!"
So: Who's excited for our new house?!!"
Maya: "Cuz I sure am! Don't have to stay in that creepy Slytherin room anymore, so that's a definite plus."
The Gov: "Oh come on, it wasn't THAT creepy!" *coughs*
Maya: "You're right. Half the creepiness actually came from sharing a bedroom with you!"
GREY: "Hehe. Alright. It is time to go."
GREY: "Say your farewells to the old Mole House....."
GREY: "....And say hello to your NEW Mole House!"
GREY: "This place is actually so nice we might as well just keep you here while we got it. This being Hollywood, they built this house to film a sitcom in, but apparently it got canceled. So now it's ours!"
GREY: "It's pretty small, but has everything you need. It's very open as well, bringing in plenty of natural light."
GREY: "Alright, let's give the viewers a quick tour of the place!"
GREY: "Alright, let's head into the basement for the bedrooms!"
GREY: "Feels a bit like we're entering the Mole's lair, don't it? I guess this season, y'all are a bunch of moles, sleeping down under the ground!"
GREY: "Alright. So, interesting thing to note: We have entered the last trimester of the game, only a few more executions left before finale night! As such, it's only going to get bloodier from here, I'm afraid. It's every All-Star for themselves, and the individual bedrooms in this place stand to reinforce this."
GREY: "And it's been known for awhile that The Mole is famous for its creative and over-the-top bedroom designs. Therefore, we decided to create a sort of homage to some of the best bedroom designs of all 7 seasons!!"
GREY: "With 7 players left in the game, each person will be staying in a bedroom that was inspired by one of the best rooms from that season. And to make matters more nostalgic, we've tried to assign everyone to the room that they originally stayed in, on their first season!"
GREY: "So let's go back in time 7 years, back to where it all began..... SEASON 1!
This is where Fabio stayed: The Black & White Room."
GREY: "Go ahead Fabio, take a stroll through memory lane! It's worth noting that we recovered some of the same exact furniture from the past to refurnish your new room in the present!"
Fabio: "Remarkable. Well, at least you remembered to redesign my room, and not Nwa's... Although this was Nwa's room too, so, guess we'll never know!"
GREY: "This is where Taiha stayed in Season 2: The Earth Room."
GREY: "Go ahead and check out your new kicks!"
Taiha: "Hm. It's simply not the same without Brianne and Max, nor Mr. Meow or even Max's dog, but, I'll take it!"
GREY: "This is where Evarrine stayed in Season 3: The Winter Room."
GREY: "....Our interior designers fully expected Maya would still be disguised as Evarrine, so naturally they wanted to keep the lie going. But even though Maya's newest fake identity has been exposed, hopefully she can still enjoy this winter wonderland!
Maya, go on ahead."
Maya: "Well, the Witness Protection Program hasn't thrown me into a cold climate yet, so, this is cool, guess. But who's GRAND IDEA was it to make it ACTUALLY freezing in here?!"
GREY: "Due to season 6 over-representation and lack of a season 4 representative, Kaitlin will be staying in Joss's bedroom from S4, which was our proudest build! But sadly, it got destroyed in the earthquake....
Fortunately, this room is a perfect fit, as it reflects Kaitlin's African culture.
Fortunately, this room is a perfect fit, as it reflects Kaitlin's African culture.
This is where Joss stayed in Season 4: The African/Indian Room."
Kaitlin: "Wow... Hoe mooi dit is...."
GREY: "This is where Linda stayed in Season 5: On the beach."
Linda: "Asterisk asterisk asterisk asterisk! Can't believe I'm back on this crabby level. I thought I completed it!"
Yan the Cameraman: "Crabby or crappy? And did you seriously just say 'asterisk' four times instead of saying a cuss word??"
Linda: "Either will do. And yes. This isn't rated M for Mature you know!"
Yan the Cameraman: "You're thinking of video game ratings. The TV equivalent is R for Restricted."
Linda: "Are we not in a video game currently, though....?"
Yan the Cameraman: "No, Linda, we're not. Or.... WAIT..... are we....? STOP MESSING WITH MAH MIND!"
Linda: "Welcome to my life."
GREY: "This is where Tamela stayed in Season 6: The Secret Room."
GREY: "Tamela, you were the one to discover the secret room last season. You noticed it was rather peculiar for there to be a bookcase just a few yards from the library. This incredible attention to detail is part of the reason you nearly won the entire season, if it weren't for Kaitlin's perfect game."
Tamela: "Thank you for reminding me of my loss."
GREY: "You're welcome. Think you can remember the switch? This is the same secret door as before, as is most of the furniture inside."
Tamela: "BINGO!"
Tamela: "A hacker never forgets an entry code." ;-)
Tamela: "Woah. This room is so cool! It's a hacker's absolute DREAM!"
Tamela: "Although, I technically didn't stay in this room last season, I was in the Cultural room for some reason. But yup. This definitely feels more like my style."
GREY: "This is where The Governor stayed in the first half of Season 7: The Slytherin Room."
The Gov: "Creepy. This is just a miniature version of that room I shared with Isabelle--errr Izzy, and the Queen--errr Maya!"
The Gov: "The CREEPIER part? I can see that undocumented wall-hopper over yonder."
GREY: "Yes. Perhaps the most peculiar part of this build, is that there are windows so you can see into every bedroom through the pool. I guess in such a secretive game, a little bit of extra exposure wouldn't hurt, right?"
Tamela: "Wait WAIT! Can you redo mine?? That angle was AWFUL."
Yan the Cameraman: "Sure lady. How's that?"
Tamela: "That's worse! What the hell happened to my arm?!!"
Yan the Cameraman: "How about now?"
Tamela: "Do I LOOK like a pear to you??"
Yan the Cameraman: "I mean.... yeah."
Tamela: "Move the camera again!!"
Yan the Cameraman: "How 'bout now?"
Tamela: "Am I a JOKE to you!?!"
Tamela: "Oooh, ooh, right there! Stop it right there."
Yan the Cameraman: "Here? But it still looks off-"
Tamela: "IT'S FINE! Take your picture and go you little pervert."
Linda: "I gotta go take a shit. Either of you want to take over?"
Tamela: "I'm good, thanks."
Linda: "Governor? I know you are an old fart, but you're not too old to play video games.... In fact, NO ONE is ever too old to have this much fun!"
The Gov: "I better not. I don't need my younger voters seeing how out of touch with technology I am! The most I can play is angry birds, and that's about it."
Linda: "Your loss."
*The Governor grunts*
The Gov: "..."
Tamela: "..."
The Gov: "....Should I turn on the telev--"
Tamela: "-EXCELLENT idea!"
The Gov: "Okay, great.... What should I put on?"
Tamela: "Whichever."
The Gov: "Sports? Do you watch sports? How about the news?"
Tamela: "Anything. Literally anything."
The Gov: "Alrighty then..."
The Gov: "....Say. Is it just me, Ms. Wakefield, or do your eyes shift colors?"
Tamela: "Perhaps. Perhaps not."
The Gov: "Because I could swear that occasionally your eyes are chocolate brown."
"Yes. That IS my natural eye color. But sometimes..... Sometimes I
prefer to dress up a bit, put some blue contacts in... Makes me feel....
The Gov: "You're not another one of them phonies, are ya? You're not also someone secretly in disguise too??"
Tamela: "Ha-ha. Funny. But I am afraid to disappoint you, David, for I am not."
The Gov: "Exactly what someone in disguise would say."
Tamela: "I agree."
The Gov: "You AGREE??"
Tamela: "Yes."
The Gov: "Hrmm... Well then. I'll believe you.... for now." ;-)
Tamela: "Yeah, I don't think this show needs yet another surprise disguise anyhow."
Gov: "Indeed. Can't believe it was Maya all this time... Although I
suppose that explains why she was so distant to those of us on season 6.
Ms. Harlow and I even confronted her about why she was avoiding us."
"True, she didn't talk much to me either. Indigo said the same thing.
Maya probably feared that Indigo would catch on that it wasn't the Queen
she knew and feared, so Maya likely kept a safe distance from EVERYONE
on seasons 3 and 6... Which, coincidentally, made up about half of this
season's cast!"
The Gov: "Good point....... Oh!! Hey, look! There's that French fry woman on the TV!"
Tamela: "How curious. What is Artie doing in a commercial?"
Gov: "Hm. Something to do with an artist gallery at a campsite? Not
sure. If it's not politics, golf, or cowboys, I don't have much
*The Gov turns the TV off*
Tamela: "What'd you turn it off for??"
Gov: "Eh. It was distracting us from this great bonding time we're
having together! Even on our season last year, we barely talked."
Tamela: "Yeah, there was a REASON for that, Governor."
The Gov: "Huh? Where are you going?"
Tamela: "I have.... things to do."
The Gov: "No you don't. Like what?"
Tamela: "Like.... like, uhhh... Ah, screw it. You caught me. I got nothing to do."
Fabio: "Taiha? You in there, amiga?"
Taiha: "GO AWAY! I DON'T WANT ANY VISITORS. Unless you're Gr-....meh. Never mind.... NO VISITORS!!"
Fabio: "Taiha, it's me.... Fabio. I have something for you."
Taiha: "F-Fabio? Al-alright.... Come in."
Fabio: "This place sure is Earthy."
Taiha: "Haha, well, yeah, hence the name, 'Earth Room'... What do you have for me?"
Fabio: "Come and sit over here, por favor."
Taiha: "...You're acting weird."
Fabio: "I'M acting weird? Nah, that's you--I know you've been a bit down..."
Taiha: "Yeah.... but that was this morning. And now is the present, so, what's the present you got me??"
Fabio: "Take a seat and you'll find out."
Taiha: "Okay."
Fabio: "Alright... here you go... SURPRISE!"
Taiha: "....a cat bowl?"
Taiha: "Erm. Thanks? I already have one for myself, though. I don't need two."
Fabio: "Aye, but it's not for you, compadre. Be right back."
* * * * *
Fabio: "Alright! Close your eyes!"
Taiha: "OMG this is so EXCITING! Okay okay, eyes are closed!!"
Fabio: "Alright! Annnnd OPEN!"
Taiha: "OH. EM. GEE!!!!!!!!!!!
Kitten: "Meeeeow."
Taiha: "He? She?"
Fabio: "She."
Taiha: "Does she have a name??"
Fabio: "Not yet!"
Taiha: "Oh wow!! She's absolutely ADORBS!!"
*Taiha goes to pet her but instead gets scratched as the kitten runs off*
Fabio: "AYE! Get back here, you pequeña mierda!!"
Taiha: "Hahaha, don't worry, Fabio, that's pretty normal behavior for a cat!"
Fabio: "I'm so sorry!!"
Taiha: "Don't be! Just a tiny scratch."
Fabio: "Ah, well, if you say so. If I had known she was such a little devil, I wouldn't have kidnapped her!"
Taiha: "Kidnapped? You mean... KITnapped? GET IT!!"
Fabio: "Jajajaja, yeah. I stole her from the Mole House! She was the runt of that litter we saw. She kept pestering me, and.... after how upset I saw Grey make you, I thought... I thought, you know, if I took one, stuffed it in my bag when no one was looking and gave it to you here, maybe it would make you feel a little better?"
Taiha: "A little better?! More like a LOT better! You just single-handedly went against Grey's orders! That's AMAZING! I know we couldn't save them all, but the fact you managed to save one is better than none..... OH MAH LORD FABIO, YOU ARE MY HERO!!!"
Fabio: "I'm just glad to see you smiling once again."
Taiha: "Me too, amigo.... me too."
Taiha: "...I'm SO sorry, but I just HAVE to do this!!"
Taiha: "Teeheehee!! I'm SO bad! I just kissed a married man!!!!"
Fabio: "Haha, yes, yes you did. But I'll let it slide just this once! Considering the circumstances."
Taiha: "Thanks again, Fabulous Fabio! I literally can't thank you enough. You saved this kitten just for me, and for that, I am FOREVER grateful...." ;-)
Fabio: "Of course. But, just so you know, she needs to stay in HERE. Can't risk Grey finding out about her and causing more unnecessary drama."
Taiha: "Yes yes, of course! She stays in here. Agreed 100%!!"
Fabio: "YUCK! Do you smell that?? Smells like....."
Taiha: "I know that one! CAT POOP!!"
Fabio: "Guess the first thing I should've got you was a litterbox, huh?"
Taiha: "No kitten."
~DAY 19~
Maya: "Hmm...."
Maya: "Morning, Linda."
Linda: "Morning."
Maya: "Morning, Kaitlin."
Kaitlin: "Goeie more."
Maya: "Say, you don't talk about your African heritage very much."
Kaitlin: "What is there to say."
Maya: "Uhhh.... well. Good point."
Maya: "Mind if I eat here?"
Kaitlin: "Here? Uhm.... sure. If you like."
Maya: "Linda, why don't you join us?"
Linda: "Me?"
Maya: "No, the OTHER Linda.... Yes, YOU, ya big doofus."
Linda: "Alright."
*awkward silence ensues*
Maya: "Soooo..... I thought I should apologize. For pretending to be Evarrine all game, and some of the things I SAID as Evarrine. I hope you two didn't take offense to anything I said or did."
Kaitlin: "Your dead baby jokes last mission were pretty offensive..."
Linda: "I agree."
Maya: "Oh, that? I mean, well, yeah. Those were just jokes though. I tend to have a darker sense of humor than most girls..."
Linda: "So do I, but you went beyond joking. I did feel a little personally attacked. I know you meant no malice, especially considering it wasn't truly Evarrine saying it, but the dead baby art joke you made.... I didn't appreciate."
Maya: "Oh..... OH! Shit, I'm so so SO sorry, Linda! I COMPLETELY forgot about your parents!!"
Linda: "It is fine. At least you forgot about my relation to them, unlike most people... And, like I said, I know you meant no harm. It just... stirred up some emotions that I thought I already locked away. Turns out, they still have a way of seeping out."
Maya: "Been there, done that. You can't really repress your emotions. Just have to face 'em head on. Deal with it naturally. But anyway, yeah, that was pretty insensitive for me to make that joke, what with your parents having used the blood of their victims to make art... And then I go ahead and make a dead baby joke about it. I'm truly sorry. I should have thought more before speaking. But while roleplaying Evarrine, I sort of had to force myself to talk WITHOUT thinking of the consequences, something she totally does. Being 'all-powerful' and stuff."
Linda: "I don't blame you. I've done my fair share of roleplaying as other characters too. It isn't always an easy job, having to get readjusted to their controls and abilities and all."
Maya: "Uhhh, yeah. Sure."
Kaitlin: "..."
Maya: "Kaitlin, you okay?"
Kaitlin: "....Yeah. I-I'm fine. It's just you made other remarks too, th-that didn't sit quite well with me either..."
Maya: "Welp. Since we're here. Care to elaborate?"
Kaitlin: "Uhm.... I dunno.... It doesn't matter now."
Maya: "Sure it does. Your thoughts and feelings are valid."
Kaitlin: "Okay, well..... You made a comment about abortion. I'm sure it was just a joke, but it wasn't funny....... at all."
Maya: "Hm..... I hear you. Perhaps it wasn't. Again, I have a pretty dark sense of humor, so I'm starting to think this might be a personal issue of yours as well... Just so you know, I would NEVER consider that option for even a SECOND. I may not quite be prepared to be a mom yet, but when they enter this world, I'll be here for them, ready or not."
Kaitlin: "That's more than I can say....excuse me."
Linda: "Wait. When THEY enter this world??"
Maya: "Oh, yeah. Didn't I tell everyone? I'm having twins!!"
Linda: "Oh, wow. Double the trouble! Congratulations."
Maya: "Haha, thanks. If you told me a month ago I was having twins, I'd tell you that'd be the day... the day I end it all."
Linda: "Yikes."
Maya: "Yeah. But now.... I'm actually starting to look forward to it. I dunno. Could be fun!"
Linda: "What gender are you hoping for? Either way, they generally should have the same starting stats."
Maya: "I'm hoping for boys, and I know Will is hoping for girls."
Linda: "Well, maybe you'll get lucky and have both?"
Linda: "Uhhhh yeah, it appears so. Huh. So much for being an expert detective?"
Maya: "So you're a detective now too?"
Linda: "Of course! Have been for as long as I can remember."
Maya: "Oh right. You have like 400 different jobs, apparently."
Linda: " that I think about it, you're right! WOAH."
Maya: "What did we say that triggered her?"
Linda: "More like, what DIDN'T we say."
Maya: "True...."
Linda: "Here's what I think: Kaitlin has a child of her own."
Maya: "Oh yeah?"
Linda: "Yes. And here's how I know......"
Linda: " started when Taiha and I noticed her being stranger than usual one evening in Dubai."
"Everything was fine one second, the next? She had to leave. The only thing different in that scene? A single mother walking by with a baby in hand."
"The next day, I overheard a conversation between Kaitlin and Tamela on the balcony back at The Princess Tower in Dubai."
"Tamela was asking Kaitlin about some baby photo, asking who's baby it was."
"Kaitlin just kept giving dodgy answers."
Maya: "So you were eavesdropping?"
Linda: "Absolutely."
Maya: "Cool.... Keep talking, Sherlock."
"So that night, while everyone was sleeping, I snuck into Kaitlin's room and searched through her bags; sure enough, I found the photo."
"It was a picture of a newborn, dated 4/22/2018. That was just months before her time on season 6."
![]() |
4/22/2018 |
"Fast forward to the Spyfall mission. During the daycare round, we all heard her mutter something to one of the toddlers, but I don't think anyone understood because she was whispering."
"Later that mission, during the spa round, I waited for the camera chick to go to the restroom..."
"And then I took the opportunity to play back that audio clip of Kaitlin talking to the toddler."
Yan the Cameraman: "YOU DID WHAT?!?!"
Maya: "Oh, zip it, Yan! This is getting too juicy! So?? What did she say!?"
Linda: "Right. So...."
"I found the footage, and she said...."
" 'I know you are out there somewhere. I know you are still
alive. Momma will find you soon.' "
Maya: "That's pretty convincing evidence."
Linda: "And now? Just this morning? After you said that you'll be there for your twins, no matter what, she muttered something under her breath, like 'That's more than I can say'... WHICH MEANS...."
Maya: "Which means.... She was pregnant. Ended up having the baby.... And gave it up? Or lost it?"
Linda: "Bingo."
Maya: "But why? And why not bring it up to us last season that she had just given birth weeks before?"
Linda: "I'm sure it was a sore subject then, as it is now."
Maya: "Hmmm.... Well. We should stop trying to pry into her personal life, especially since we're being filmed and all."
Linda: "Good point."
Linda: "Oh, and, uh.... Thank you for inviting me to have breakfast with you two. Because, uhm. If I am being completely honest, I haven't exactly had many 'friends' in this game ever since Artie got eliminated. And Kaitlin mostly just keeps to herself, so it was nice talking to her too."
Maya: "Of course. I mean, after spending so much time dividing people as Evarrine, I think it's about time we start reuniting again.... Something about seeing you and Kaitlin having breakfast in the same room together, but not talking at all, made me sad. Perhaps part of it was my OWN guilt for not building much of a bond with her on my original season. I'd like to correct that now. And while you and I are still in the game, I wouldn't mind building a proper bond. I've always thought you were such a badass chick. I just could never express it before until now!"
Linda: "I appreciate that. And for whatever it's worth... I think you're hella badass too!"
Maya: "More just a lazy-ass, but I'll take it!"
Linda: "Hahaha!!"
1. What is the Mole's current occupation?
a) CIA Intelligence Officer
b) Youtube/Reality Star
c) Island Leader
d) Cafe Owner
e) United Nations Technician
f) Veteran
g) Author
a) CIA Intelligence Officer
b) Youtube/Reality Star
c) Island Leader
d) Cafe Owner
e) United Nations Technician
f) Veteran
g) Author
2. How many points did the Mole earn in the mission "Spyfall"?
a) 15
b) 12
c) 10
d) 8
e) 7
3. How many freebies did the Mole get in the mission?
a) None
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3
4. How many times was the Mole the Spy?
a) Once
b) Twice
c) Thrice
5. What time of day was the Mole born?
a) Dawn
b) Morning
c) Evening
d) Midnight
GREY: "Alright. Everyone is seated, so let's get started."
GREY: "If the screen behind me shows a green thumbprint, you remain in the game.
But if it is the color of blood... It's game over."
GREY: "Let's start the night off with our 'newest' All-Star! Maya, this is your first execution ceremony this season as yourself.... but will it also be your last?"
GREY: "Tamela Wakefield. Last season, you got 2nd place. This season is your 2nd chance to claim gold instead of silver. Will your impressive run continue, or will you stop short of the gold tonight?"
GREY: "Linda Blake. Your season, you went out simultaneously with Artie Stique.... But this time, will you go out alone?"

GREY: "Unfortunately, Linda, it is game over for you."
GREY: "Give it up for Linda Blake, everyone!! Our favorite 4th-wall breaker!"
*everyone cheers*
Linda: "Ha, thank you, everyone."
Linda: "Well, what can be said? It IS a little curious though.... It seems plot armor made no attempt at saving
me this time. Does that mean I am not the main character of this story?
If I am only a side character, that means... This game is not my
destiny. Therefore, I have no unfinished business to take care of here,
as further adventure awaits me elsewhere! This was never the
destination, only part of the journey."
"Tamela, with your connections in the U.N. and my connections in the CIA, I hope we can go on a world-saving mission sometime!"
"Governor, I hope you realize you are
actually just a MAYOR now. You better stay on your island though,
because when the new Animal Crossing is coming out, I'm taking OVER!"
Linda: "Fabio, you're just an NPC, a background extra, if you will, so I won't bother talking about you."
Fabio: "Awww....."
"Kaitlin, I hope whatever you're going through, you seek help. You're not in this fight alone... Something mon dear friend, Artie, taught me two years ago."
"Taiha, I commend you for standing up for your beliefs, even in the face of evil."
"And lastly, Maya.... I feel I only just met you yesterday... Oh wait, I did! This has been such a brief encounter with the real you, but you're a cool chick. I could never imagine being as young as you are and expecting, albeit TWINS. I am very happy for you, and with this blessing I grant your future family good luck for life!!"
Linda: "...which increases your likelihood of dodging attacks by 10%."
Linda: "I wish there was an extra life in this game, but sadly there is not. I do have to state, however, that I am glad to be the only Season 5 rep to make it this far! So that is an accomplishment.
And lastly... It appears I have died a hero, as my prophecy foretold. Who knows, though? The writers-that-be could always turn me into a villain? There's only ONE way to find out... so stay tuned for the next game, whatever form it may be in!!!"
And lastly... It appears I have died a hero, as my prophecy foretold. Who knows, though? The writers-that-be could always turn me into a villain? There's only ONE way to find out... so stay tuned for the next game, whatever form it may be in!!!"
Linda: "Take
care, everybody!"
GREY: "Wait, no feel-good farewell message for me?!"
Linda: "That would be a big fat NOPE."
GREY: "WHAT?! I've been JIPPED!!"
Linda: "Linda Blake.... OVER AND OUT!"
~ ~ ~ ~ ~