know, I think I'm going to miss being called an NPC. Call it Stockholm
syndrome, but these insufferable pendejos are starting to grow on me. Except
that Gov guy. He can burrow through the ground for all I care.
Anyway, I digress. I've been going over my notes, and I think I've only made it
this far through luck. My primary suspect got the boot in a previous execution,
and I put all my eggs in that basket one time. But if I'm right, now I think
one of my backup suspects is the Mole. Time will tell if I'll emerge
~Kaitlin as LADY AMETHYST~
*She knocks timidly*
???: "Why, hello there, and good evening, stranger!! Please come in at once! You're DRENCHED!"
Elder Ebony: "DO make yourself at home, my lady."
Lady Amethyst: "Hehehe...."
Elder Ebony: "What is it? Does Sir Gray's furniture style not satisfy your tastes?"
Lady Amethyst: "Oh, nothing. Just remembering the time I once crushed for you...."
Elder Ebony: "Ohhhhhh, riiiiight.... Hehe, yeah. THAT."
Lady Amethyst: "But then, turns out, you like men!"
Elder Ebony: ".....I beg your pardon? I must say, my Lady, I have no idea what you speak of. I have never met you before!"
Lady Amethyst: "....Oh. Yes. That's right. Ha.... my bad. Nice to meet you, then, Elder!"
Elder Ebony: "The pleasure is all mine, truly. Now, as I said, please make yourself comfortable while we await the remaining dinner guests."
Lady Amethyst: "Am I really the first one to arrive? Well. I suppose I can start playing
the violin while we're waiting for the others...."
*she grabs an invisible violin and begins to play it as if it were real*
Lady Amethyst: "Do you like it??"
Elder Ebony: "Like it? Hah! Yes.... Yes I LOVE it.... SO MUCH, th-that...
tears, TEARS, on the side of my face;
.... errrr what I'm trying to say is that I just loved it SO MUCH, that I feel bad for the guard dogs! They're surely missing out. Why don't you go OUTSIDE and play it for them, my lady?"
.... errrr what I'm trying to say is that I just loved it SO MUCH, that I feel bad for the guard dogs! They're surely missing out. Why don't you go OUTSIDE and play it for them, my lady?"
Elder Ebony: "Oh thank THE LORD! A distraction.
Good evening! Come in, come inside!"
Captain Forest: "Oh ho ho! Dontcha tell my husband you said that, you dirty spinach hoof!!"
Elder Ebony: "I beg your pardon?"
Captain Forest: "Nuthin', mate!"
Elder Ebony: "Oh, and please do mind the growing puddle on the floor, I'm afraid we have a bit of a leak, but the Maid should be on that white-away."
Captain Forest: "You mean RIGHT away?"
Elder Ebony: "No, I do mean white... you'll see for yourself."
Captain Forest: "Oh, great spinach hooves! What a grand hall this is. And it seems like I'm right on time for this little gathering. Surely nothing wrong can happen during this delightful evening...."
Elder Ebony: "What!? No, of course not! Why would you even SUGGEST such a
Here, let me take your hat off your hands for you there.... No? Alright then....Quite the storm, ain't it, Captain?"
Captain Forest: "Yes, quite. I remember braving such spinach hoofing storms at sea as a younger man. Those were frightening days indeed.
....why am I hearing Fiddler on the Deck?"
Lady Amethyst: "It's Fiddler on the ROOF, Captain!"
Captain Forest: "You're quite the hummer."
Lady Amethyst: "Hummer? I do no such thing! I am a violinist.... Heehee."
Captain Forest: "Ohhh.... I see. So you're a SIREN, then? Well, guess what?? Your black magic won't work on this gay DILF!"
Madam Moonflower: "Excusez-moi, monsieur. You are standing on mon puddle."
Captain Forest: "YOUR puddle?"
Madam Moonflower: "Oui. Every imperfection in this manor is my responsibility."
Captain Forest: "That's.... a peculiar thing to say. Alrighty then. Have at it, ma'am. Don't let my spinach hoof stops yah!"
Madam Moonflower: "Merci... And I MUST add this sidenote: I am thankful I did not earn your award, the Fabio Award, last season.... despite my rather early demise..."
Yan the Cameraman: "If you didn't, then who did? Maddie?"
Madam Moonflower: "It surely was not the ever-fascinating and manipulative Zelinda von der Leyen, I can assure you THAT much... Perhaps it was you, eh, Master Rainbow?"
Yan the Cameraman AKA Master Rainbow: "EXCUSE ME?? Are you mocking my attire? It was either this or brown, and since I'm not a poop-lover like Beau is, I went with rainbow.
Although..... E-Kat advised me against it; you know how Sir Gray is about color in his mansion...."
Madam Moonflower: "Yes. I do. And you stick out like a sore thumb, which he will not appreciate. It may even lead to your death."
Master Rainbow: "WHAT."
Madam Moonflower: "Nothing."
Captain Forest: "Wouldn't surprise me none if you were married to a certain Ms. Stique I used to know!! Harhahahar what a colorful spinach hoof SHE was, that landlubber."
Elder Ebony: "Pardon me. I must check in with the Chef to ensure dinner preparations are going as planned."
Fabio: "How many guests is this mysterious Sir Gray expecting, anyway?"
Madam Moonflower: "6 in total."
Madam Moonflower: "Salut madame. Please enter."
~Taiha as MISS CHERRY~
Miss Cherry: “Oh! My! God! This
house is like, totally so hard to find, but totally so big... And I like
totally made it on time for this party... Even though I totally forgot
to tell the driver the dress, and I totally forgot to pay him anyway
when we somehow got here... but like, here I am!"
EVERYONE: "...."
Miss Cherry: "Oh hey, LOOK! Green and Purple, it's like Shayne and Indigo are back from the dead! Hehehe.... Hi, I’m Miss Cherry! But like, you can totally call me... only if you have my number. It’s four.”
Madam Moonflower: "I hope she is first."
Miss Cherry: "What was that?"
Madam Moonflower: "Nothing. You may all seat yourselves as we await the remaining guests."
Miss Cherry: *mumbling to self* "Wait... Maybe my number isn’t four..... I think it's like, 199... or was it 911?!?"
???: "ACHEW!!"
Madam Moonflower: "It has come to my attention that our fourth guest has arrived."
Captain Forest: "Anyone else find it creepy as all hell that she walks around barefoot, and on her tippy-toes??"
Madam Moonflower: "Bonjour? Monsieur?"
~The Governor as MR. SUNSET~
Mr. Sunset: "Ah, excuse me, Ms......?"
Madam Moonflower: "Moonflower."
Mr. Sunset: "Moonflower?" *sneezes* "It's just, my allergies are acting up all of a sudden and-" *has a sneezing fit*
Madam Moonflower: "Please. Enter immediately and dry yourself up. Your illness is an imperfection that I must correct."
Mr. Sunset: "Yes ma'am!"
Madam Moonflower: "Would you like me to get Chef Chocolate to brew you up a cup of hot cocoa?"
Mr. Sunset: "Sounds dandy to me!"
Madam Moonflower: "Your wish is my command, Mister."
Mr. Sunset: "Ack, it's you people, I was hoping I'd be the first here so I could..."
*Nervously adjusts collar*
"Take a look around, get to know the place, ya know what I mean?"
Madam Moonflower: "Pardon moi, I muzt finish dusting upstairs."
Mr. Sunset: "Huh. Do you figure she's a robot, or been brainwashed?"
Miss Cherry: "Robots are like illegal so I'm guessing the ladder.... But how does one, like, wash someone's brain? She IS a maid, so do you think she washed her own brain??"
Lady Amethyst: "She could be a slave as well...."
Mr. Sunset: "Well, on that ominous note, I say--AHHGH!"
*The doors are thrust open dramatically*
???: "Hello, darlings.... The party has arrived."
*thunder cracks loudly in the background*
Mr. Sunset: "Ever heard of KNOCKING??"
Mistress Midnight: "I do not knock, deary. In fact, it was rather rude that no one had happened the door for me."
Mistress Midnight: "That said, I am rather impressed by this cast of colorful characters!....Oh. You must pardon me, for sometimes I forget I am no longer on the stage! Hehe!"
Elder Ebony: "My dearest Brothers and Sisters... Dinner is served."
Mr. Sunset: "Isn't anyone gonna help me up??"
Captain Forest: "Nose goes."
Miss Cherry: "Nose goes where? What!?"
*Lady Amethyst chuckles quietly to herself*
Mr. Sunset: "Grrr..."
Mistress Midnight: "I'm feeling.... lobster tonight. Is lobster on the menu?"
Elder Ebony: "Yes, actually. And I am glad you made your way here. I hope it was no trouble."
Mistress Midnight: "Only if you consider torrential downpour and an impending hurricane trouble."
Elder Ebony: "Well then. It appears our last guest will be late, but we shan't eat dinner cold. Please follow me at once."
Elder Ebony: "Here you are, Miss."
Miss Cherry: "Oh no, I'm quite alright! I already got myself a plate."
Elder Ebony: "That's a cookie..."
Miss Cherry: "It sure is!"
Elder Ebony: "...I won't be asking any further questions."
*Mr. Sunset sneezes everywhere*
Mistress Midnight: "Dis-GUSTING. Keep your man juices to yourself, please."
Captain Forest: "Or just send 'em my way.... if you know what I mean...." ;-)
Elder Ebony: "He can't help himself... He leaves his orange juice wherever he goes, including the scene of the crime.... Hehe."
Mr. Sunset: "Oooooh speaking of juices, could I bother you, Butler, for a glass of your finest piña colada drink?"
Elder Ebony: "Unfortunately, Moonflower ate all the coconuts."
Mr. Sunset: "Just pineapple juice will do, then."
Captain Forest: "And while you're at it, get me a bottle of scotch!"
Elder Ebony: "You mean the Devil's urine? If you say so."
Captain Forest: "A wee bit young to have dealt with the devil, aren't we, ya little
spinach hoof? At sea, ya end up looking the devil in the eye when Death
dances around the corner with a raging storm..."
Miss Cherry: "And I want cherry milk! To dip my brownie in!!"
Mistress Midnight: "And a glass of chardonnay for myself, please, honey."
Elder Ebony: "Youuuuu got it! Chardonnay, pineapple juice, scotch, annnnnd.... cherry milk."
*a strange clicking sound can be heard approaching*
???: "Elder?"
Elder Ebony: "Yes, Chef?"
Chef Chocolate: "Sir Gray's last guest has arrived."
Elder Ebony: "She's late."
Chef Chocolate: "And that matters why?"
???: "Fashionably late, young man."
Mr. Sunset: "Eva?! Is that you??"
Chef Chocolate: "Who is this 'Eva' you speak of? I am the cook around here.
Anyways. Sorry for the interruption. I hope you all are enjoying my cooking."
Captain Forest: "I sure am! But admittedly, it IS missing something.... something spinachy, me thinks..."
Chef Chocolate: "A pity."
Chef Chocolate: "I see you're enjoying my famous double chocolate chip cookie?? Scrumptious, eh?"
Miss Cherry: "Hehehe, yeah!"
Chef Chocolate: "That's good.... very good...."
Elder Ebony: "May I usher you to your seat, Doctor? I heard you were blind."
Dr. Golden: "I can find my way. But thank you."
Elder Ebony: "Now you've got me curious. You have no walker? No cane? No dog? Does God guide you the way?"
Dr. Golden: "Don't be silly. I do not need none of that when I utilize echolocation."
Chef Chocolate: "Is that some sort of scientific witchcraft?"
Miss Cherry: "No, I think she's a type of bat."
Dr. Golden: "Bats do this as well, yes. Theirs is more sophisticated, of course. But watch. I can use my tongue to make a clicking sound, and based on the sound and the time it travels back to me, I can tell how close an object or person is; for instance, this room is pretty barren, but there are half a dozen or so individuals in here.
....It's like my 5th sense."
Miss Cherry: "You mean your 6TH sense?"
Dr. Golden: "I do mean my 5th. I am blind."
Miss Cherry: "How did that happen??"
Dr. Golden: "My father said my mother let me stare at the sun too much as a baby. But my mother says father accidentally sprayed lemon juice into my eyes."
Miss Cherry: "Did it at least taste good?"
Dr. Golden: "Pardon?"
Miss Cherry: "The lemon juice!"
Dr. Golden: "...."
Elder Ebony: "If you need me, ring me! ...Your host should arrive soon enough."
Mistress Midnight: "This host of ours is being very elusive. But I MUST confess, half the thrill is the chase!"
Lady Amethyst: "Perhaps I could play you all something while we wait?"
*Lady Amethyst begins to play her "violin" again*
Mr. Sunset: "Wh-what is this?? Are we supposed to applaud this!?"
Lady Amethyst: "I'm glad you like it Mr.... Is there something special I can play for you?"
Mr. Sunset: "I think Chopin's Funeral March might be most fitting, no?" *smiles deviously*
Mistress Midnight: "Well
doesn't someone seem cheery?"
Miss Cherry: "Did someone say my name??"
Mistress Midnight: "You're a lawyer, right? I suppose your kind are known for being empty and void of joy... albeit useful when needed."
Miss Cherry: "Did someone say my name??"
Mistress Midnight: "You're a lawyer, right? I suppose your kind are known for being empty and void of joy... albeit useful when needed."
Mr. Sunset: *Hands Midnight a Business card*
"You ever need representing sweetheart, I'm just the bloodsucking lawyer you need." 

Mistress Midnight: "Sweetheart?"
*She tears the card in half*
"I think I have my bases covered, honey."
Captain Forest: "....Speaking of bloodsuckers, did I tell you folks about that one time I got
covered in spinach hoofing leeches from the sea all over my body? And I
thought nothing could beat my husband when it comes to siphoning
liquids from my body before then! Yarr yarr yarr yarr yarr!!!"
Mr. Sunset: "That's disgusting talk when we are about to eat cheese nibbles!"
Captain Forest: "Cheese nibbles? Spinach hooves! How delightful! I remember how back at
home, those weren't the only things my husband liked to nibble. Yarr
yarr yarr yarr yarr...
Now pass me some of them cheeses!!"
Lady Amethyst: "....I am afraid I don't know that one, Mr. Sunset...... any other suggestions?"
Miss Cherry: "OOH I know! Do you know any Katy Perry??"
Lady Amethyst: "No."
Miss Cherry: "Aw. WAIT. Did I ever tell you guys that she has cat named KITTY PURRY?!?! Teeheehee!!"
Mistress Midnight: "I just had a STUNNING revelation! The Doctor here doesn't know any of our names! ....Well, I mean, she knows MINE of course, since I am such a famous actress, but she doesn't know anything about us!"
Miss Cherry: "Let's do, like, official intros then! Okay, so like, omigosh! Hi everyone, I’m Miss Cherry! I’ll
go first cause like, I’m used to introducing myself to people... I’m
Miss Cherry... Wait, I already said that. LOL! I’m so silly...
What can I tell you all about me? Like um... I’m a Pisces, but like I’m sure you all already guessed that... I’m incredibly lucky to be alive, according to doctors... Ooooh! I’m also a cocktail waitress at a bar and like, I’m totally great at my job... Most of the time. Tehe. But I like totally got an award for it!
One night, I was mixing a drink and like totally, accidentally knocked it into a bucket of cleaning mix... and like... long story short I got a thing called a No Bell prize in chemistry. But I didn’t feel any chemistry with any of those nerdy guys in Sweden! But like who doesn’t love Europe, right?! Oh my god. It was beautiful!
Anyway, like... who’s ready to get this party started?! I’ll be in charge of the drinks, mmmkayy?"
What can I tell you all about me? Like um... I’m a Pisces, but like I’m sure you all already guessed that... I’m incredibly lucky to be alive, according to doctors... Ooooh! I’m also a cocktail waitress at a bar and like, I’m totally great at my job... Most of the time. Tehe. But I like totally got an award for it!
One night, I was mixing a drink and like totally, accidentally knocked it into a bucket of cleaning mix... and like... long story short I got a thing called a No Bell prize in chemistry. But I didn’t feel any chemistry with any of those nerdy guys in Sweden! But like who doesn’t love Europe, right?! Oh my god. It was beautiful!
Anyway, like... who’s ready to get this party started?! I’ll be in charge of the drinks, mmmkayy?"
Mr. Sunset: "Good evening ladies and gentlemen, Mr. OJ Sunset - Attorney at Law, a
pleasure to meet you all whoever you are, I just happened to be going
through the garbage... Uh, I mean I just happened to be in the area this
evening and suddenly remembered I had an invitation to this swanky
little dinner party! What are the odds? Now, I'm not one to pass on a
free meal so I just had to attend.
*Checks top pocket*
*Checks top pocket*
Oh, how careless of me, I must have lost my invite on the way here but I'm sure that I should be on the guest list. 
Of course, being one of Washington's most highly skilled lawyers my appearance fee for this evening will be... Oh, let's say something within the range of $5,000?
No? Any takers? Fine..."

Of course, being one of Washington's most highly skilled lawyers my appearance fee for this evening will be... Oh, let's say something within the range of $5,000?
No? Any takers? Fine..."

*Mutters something under his breath*
Lady Amethyst: "Hi all... I'm Lady Amethyst and as you already heard an
awesome violin player. I also played the violin for the Queen of
Scotland and they love it so much! Just let me know what you like and I
play it for you. I don't even need to know the song... You can hum it
for me then I will play it for you. Hehe..."
Captain Forest: "Fantastic evening to all of you spinach hooves. My name is Captain Forest, and I'm a captain in the Navy. Or at least I was, until I retired. For reasons. Now I'm a stay-at-home dad to my kids and loving husband.
I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss the sea. Exploring those waters is in my blood, and every day that watery mistress beckons to me. Although it be difficult sometimes with that idiotic crew of mine, but they're still the best crew a captain could ever ask for. I miss that lot.
You'll all have to pardon me if I do blow my gasket though. Your fuse gets shorter as you get older, after all. But I do hope to pass a lovely, uneventful evening with you folks."
I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss the sea. Exploring those waters is in my blood, and every day that watery mistress beckons to me. Although it be difficult sometimes with that idiotic crew of mine, but they're still the best crew a captain could ever ask for. I miss that lot.
You'll all have to pardon me if I do blow my gasket though. Your fuse gets shorter as you get older, after all. But I do hope to pass a lovely, uneventful evening with you folks."
Mistress Midnight: "It's a shame the green guy is always gay... Say, do you have a fag on you?"
Captain Forest: "Say what??"
Mistress Midnight: "You look like a man whose smoked plenty of fags in his day."
Captain Forest: "...Oh. Uh. I do not... have any fags on me.... unfortunately. Yarhaha!"
Mistress Midnight: "A bummer for us both." ;-)
Mistress Midnight: "What? Do you expect me to introduce myself as well? I require no
introduction; I'm sure you're all quite familiar with my work. Though...
if you happen to be one of the unfortunate few... I make films. Feel
free to ask me about it; I don't bite. Unless you want me to."
*She winks
at the guys*
Dr. Golden: "I, Doctor Sun Golden, have little to say. I went to a very prestigious medical school. Got my doctorate in medicine. Grew bored, and realized the money was where plastic surgery was. So. I became a plastic surgeon. So many famous people have crossed my path.... More than I can count. I wouldn't be surprised if the Mistress here was a client of mine once or twice."
Mr. Sunset: "You can't be blind! You're a plastic surgeon. There's no way! How many
fingers am I holding up??"
Mistress Midnight: "And what makes you think I've had work done, huh?"
Dr. Golden: "Are you kidding? You have two MOUNTAINS on your chest!"
Mistress Midnight: "Says the blind woman."
Dr. Golden: "Indeed says the blind woman. I can practically feel the change in air pressure when you so much as shift your body."
Mistress Midnight: "As it should. But I can assure you, I would know if my surgeon was blind."
Dr. Golden: "Then who was your surgeon?"
Mistress Midnight: "Dr. Malik, I think?"
Dr. Golden: "Do you mind if I feel them, examine his handiwork?"
Mistress Midnight: "Not at all! Go for it."
*The Doctor bounces them up and down, pats 'em, wiggles 'em, slaps 'em*
Dr. Golden: "Hmmmm, yes, YES! These feel AMAZING!"
Mistress Midnight: "Do you like them? You like my boobies?"
Dr. Golden: "It's a work of art, I can tell you THAT much... This Dr. Malik guy sure knows how to craft big juicy bazookas! This guy is the real deal, these are just so vivacious... humongous.... bouncy... SCRUMPTIOUS! These monstrous bosoms are SPLENDID, I tell you! Absolutely beautiful juggernauts, if I've ever laid my hands on some."
???: "Ahem..... AHEM!!"
~Grey as SIR GRAY~
Sir Gray: "Am I interrupting something, Butler?"
Elder Ebony: "Absolutely not, Sir. It is THEY who are interrupting YOU!"
Sir Gray: "Well said. You get a raise!"
Miss Cherry: "I bet this old man kicks cats for fun."
Sir Gray: "Shut up, knock-off Whitney."
Miss Cherry:
Sir Gray: "MAID! Where are you?! This place is a complete MESS!"
Madam Moonflower: "I am on it white away, Master. Sorry to inconvenience you, Master."
Captain Forest: "Your first name isn't Yvette, is it?"
Madam Moonflower: "Why, oui, it is. What gave it away?"
Captain Forest: "Yvette the French Maid. I just feel like I've seen that before.... I think it was a film. Starring, oh what was her name...."
Mistress Midnight: "The talented Azul Midnight??"
Captain Forest: "No, it was some other spinach hoof...."
Mistress Midnight: "Oh, my rival, Mrs. Peacock! She stole that role from me, the selfish bitch!"
Sir Gray: "Please have a seat, Ms. Midnight. And thank you for clearing the table, Madam Moonflower."
Mistress Midnight: "What precisely IS a moonflower, anyhow?"
Mr. Sunset: *sneezes* "It's what's giving me these blasted allergies, that's what!"
*suffers from a sneezing fit and blows into his handkerchief loudly*
Miss Cherry: "I'm pretty sure it's a flower, that like.... grows on the sun. DUH!"
Madam Moonflower: "It is a type of flower that is white in pigmentation. Much like my skin."
Captain Forest: "My husband is albino too."
Dr. Golden: "Do you REALLY think her skin is natural...? Think again."
Mistress Midnight: "Better to look like a cloud than a pumpkin, such as Mr. Orange Juice over here."
Mr. Sunset: "Are you mocking me?? What makes you think I'd
like Orange Juice, huh? If you've got something to say come right out
and say it! .....You better watch yourself young lady, or you're gonna need a lawyer and it WON'T be me!"
Sir Gray: "....Now that's better."
Sir Gray: "I thank you all for coming, despite these rather.... Harsh, conditions.
I am Ashton Gray. You may refer to me as Sir Gray.
Although you may not know me, I know of each of you. Whether you are aware of it or not, you have all DEEPLY impacted my life in ways I simply cannot begin to express. Whether it be an enchanting performance through film or song, or protecting my life, wealth, or health... Or even merely a brief encounter, you all have changed my life.
Why did I bring you here, you ask?
Well. Thing is... I am old and aging. I have no heirs. No family to speak of. I am alone. And when I soon pass, the absolute last thing I desire is for my grand fortunes to be handed to the government.
No. Instead, I want to give it to one of you 6. Not only will you inherit my riches, you will also take ownership of my business.
I will write my will once midnight strikes. Until then, I will be observing who impresses me the most...."
I am Ashton Gray. You may refer to me as Sir Gray.
Although you may not know me, I know of each of you. Whether you are aware of it or not, you have all DEEPLY impacted my life in ways I simply cannot begin to express. Whether it be an enchanting performance through film or song, or protecting my life, wealth, or health... Or even merely a brief encounter, you all have changed my life.
Why did I bring you here, you ask?
Well. Thing is... I am old and aging. I have no heirs. No family to speak of. I am alone. And when I soon pass, the absolute last thing I desire is for my grand fortunes to be handed to the government.
No. Instead, I want to give it to one of you 6. Not only will you inherit my riches, you will also take ownership of my business.
I will write my will once midnight strikes. Until then, I will be observing who impresses me the most...."
Lady Amethyst: "It's a pleasure to meet you Sir Gray. Thanks for the invitation. But I'm curious how do you know me? I can't remember that we met before. Did I play the violin for you by chance?"
Sir Gray: "Oh, my dear Lady Amethyst! If only you knew the wonder you've added to my life!!
You see, your craziness scared off my neighbors! You remember that summer you played by the field every morning and night? I lived right there! You kept playing and playing, thinking you were some musical prodigy, and Mrs. Robinson was afraid for her kids' lives!
You see, your craziness scared off my neighbors! You remember that summer you played by the field every morning and night? I lived right there! You kept playing and playing, thinking you were some musical prodigy, and Mrs. Robinson was afraid for her kids' lives!
You single-handedly got rid of the
dreaded Robinsons, and for that, I am FOREVER grateful...."
Lady Amethyst: "Crazy?! I am NOT crazy...... I'll show YOU crazy...."
Mr. Sunset: "Say, buddy, you look like the kind of guy who needs a good lawyer, OJ Sunset, Attorney-At-Law..."
*Hands Gray his card*
"You ever need my services, you give me a call, ya hear?"
*Hands Gray his card*
"You ever need my services, you give me a call, ya hear?"
Sir Gray: "I WAS the kind of guy who needed a good lawyer... And boy did you
deliver! I don't expect you to remember me, I'm sure you've had many
clients over the decades, but you represented me during the divorce with
my first wife! Without you, she would have robbed me of all my riches!!
Come to think of it, I'm not sure how much I remember you either.... you look.... different, than I remember. Perhaps, tanner...? Too much time in the sun, eh, feller? And what fountain of youth are YOU dipping in? I could use a little bit of that right now..."
Come to think of it, I'm not sure how much I remember you either.... you look.... different, than I remember. Perhaps, tanner...? Too much time in the sun, eh, feller? And what fountain of youth are YOU dipping in? I could use a little bit of that right now..."
Mr. Sunset: "Silly me! How could I forget that? *nervous laugh* Haha! So... Uh... How about this weather huh? WILD weather we're having, eh?"

Captain Forest: "Ah, yes...you. I remember you too well, you salting spinach hoof."
Sir Gray: "Now now, let's not get hasty here! Let me say my piece first!
Although we have never met in the flesh, I figured you would remember who I am.
I feel I am somewhat to blame for that rather.... fateful day, and for your resignation from the Navy. My company only wanted to find more oil; you were never meant to be hit in the crosshairs.
After all, you have protected and served this country for decades!
Please accept tonight as my apology tour, great Captain. And if you're lucky, you may just inherit the fortune you lack due to an early retirement...."
Although we have never met in the flesh, I figured you would remember who I am.
I feel I am somewhat to blame for that rather.... fateful day, and for your resignation from the Navy. My company only wanted to find more oil; you were never meant to be hit in the crosshairs.
After all, you have protected and served this country for decades!
Please accept tonight as my apology tour, great Captain. And if you're lucky, you may just inherit the fortune you lack due to an early retirement...."
Captain Forest: "You're barking up the wrong Forest, there, Sir. I do not forgive such unforgivable actions with mere bribes...."
Miss Cherry: "Umm... Excuse me, uh... Mister Sir? But like, I don't remember you,
like at ALL! And like, I totally won that big memory competition last
year, so like, you'd think I'd remember your name and stuff, right?...
Anyway, like who are you? I thought we were just here to partayyyy?!?"
Sir Gray: "Miss Cherry.... cherry cherry cherry. I don't know how you do it. Luck follows you wherever you go. You may not know it, but you are the reason my coal and oil company boomed! If it wasn't for the new element you discovered, my company's technology would still be in the stone ages!! But because of your happy accident, I was able to utilize this undiscovered element to create the vast empire I have today.
Logically, it appears you deserve to inherit it most. But I know you've already won the lottery--not once, not twice, but THRICE-- so what makes you think you deserve my company as well, hmmm....?? Guess we'll find out by the end of this evening, yes?"
Miss Cherry: "Oh! You’re talking about cupcakeium?! That’s what I kept telling
those science-y people to call it. But they said it was too dumb, but
like... they’re just jealous!
Also, I just met you. So, what if I don’t like your company?... I feel like you’re a Scorpio too."
Also, I just met you. So, what if I don’t like your company?... I feel like you’re a Scorpio too."
Mistress Midnight: "Oh, Sir Gray, you don't have to be alone! Even at your age you can still meet friends... or lovers."
*She sighs wistfully*
"Riches you say? I suppose I know a thing or two about handling my wealth. Unlike my incompetent late husband. The estate looks lovely, by the way! Is that part of the deal? Asking purely out of curiosity, of course."
*She sighs wistfully*
"Riches you say? I suppose I know a thing or two about handling my wealth. Unlike my incompetent late husband. The estate looks lovely, by the way! Is that part of the deal? Asking purely out of curiosity, of course."
Sir Gray: "Oh, the ever-lovely Azul Midnight!! Thanks to you, I haven't been alone in DECADES! Watching you perform is simply... breath-taking. And the fact you took the time out of your busy schedule for this sad little dinner party of mine is just..... gah, brings a man to his knees, I tell you!!
...and if you want the money, company, and yes, this estate.... all YOU have to do, is agree to be my third and final wife, and then I WILL actually fall to my knees, and propose!
So, what do you say??"
Mistress Midnight: "Well... They DO say the third time is the charm, right?"
Sir Gray: "You flatter me greatly, you beautiful blueberry!!"
Mistress Midnight: "Oh stop it, you goon! You'll make me BLUSH!"
Dr. Golden: "ANYWAYS. What is in it for I? I already hold riches that just may outnumber yours. They don't call me Doctor Golden for nothing. And what did I do to you to even get this invitation, Sir?"
Sir Gray: "You don't remember....? Of course not. You're blind! But you saved my life once.... yes. It's true. On a flight back home, I suffered a heart attack. And who was also in first class with me?? Well, the great DOCTOR GOLDEN! You swooped in and saved me. You saved my life, Doctor. And for that, I owe you mine.... IF and only if, you can prove yourself once again tonight."
Dr. Golden: "I am sure I will."
Sir Gray: "One person and one person ONLY will leave tonight.... with my inheritance. Who will it be?"
Sir Gray: "Butler.... It is time."
Elder Ebony: "Understood."
*He nods at the Maid*
Madam Moonflower: "Good luck contestants... and will the odds be EVER in your favor...."
Mistress Midnight: "Wait, what's happening? Should I be thrilled or terrified??"
Elder Ebony: "The Maid and I have prepared a series of escape rooms for you all. The most worthy among you will be the one to escape first, and inherent Sir Gray's riches."
Elder Ebony: "Now, before we begin: a few rules!
Number 1: No harming other dinner guests!
Number 2: Please no--"
*Mistress Midnight screams*
Sunset: "That just about gave me a heart attack!"
Amethyst: "The power.... is no more."
Cherry: "I can't see anything!!"
Golden: "Yes. Welcome to my life."
Moonflower: "Please remain calm. The Butler anticipated this might happen. He will provide light for us all."
Ebony: "Ah-ha! LET THERE BE LIGHT!"
Ebony: "My dearest Brothers and Sisters. Are you all alright??"
*Everyone nods, relieved but shaken*
Midnight: "Wait, Sir Gray!"
Cherry: "Is he like, DEAD?!"
Golden: "There goes another patient...."
Gray: "I am fine."
Midnight: "What a relief!"
Gray: "Usually when the lights go out in these things someone gets shot...."
Sunset: "What a peculiar thing to utter!"
Ebony: "Sir? I am waiting on your orders. We cannot proceed with the games with no electricity."
Gray: "Our mission must go on. We only have 1 flashlight and a couple candles in this manor, so everyone should pair up and look for the backup generator.... With age comes forgetfulness. I do not remember its location."
Midnight (talking in a weirdly babyish but seductive voice, while also pushing her boobs out a little): "But it is dark out there and I am frightened of the dark! Won't any of you handsome strong men come with me...?" ;-)
Elder: "Nah. Not for me."
Forest: "Same. Hard pass."
Sunset: "I'll be your partner!"
Midnight: "Oh..... On second thought, I'm good."
Sunset: :-(
Midnight (talking in a weirdly babyish but seductive voice, while also pushing her boobs out a little): "But it is dark out there and I am frightened of the dark! Won't any of you handsome strong men come with me...?" ;-)
Elder: "Nah. Not for me."
Forest: "Same. Hard pass."
Sunset: "I'll be your partner!"
Midnight: "Oh..... On second thought, I'm good."
Sunset: :-(
Gray: "Madam Moonflower, please seal the leaks on the roof immediately. It's becoming a major annoyance of mine."
Moonflower: "Oui, Sir. I shall fix it at once. Miss Cherry. Come with me. I could use your assistance up there."
Amethyst: "You admire my musical talent, right, Captain??"
Forest: "Uhhhh yeah. For sure."
*nods enthusiastically but unconvincingly*
*nods enthusiastically but unconvincingly*
Amethyst: "Fantastic! I'll be your partner-in-crime then. Teehee!"
Ebony: "Mr. Sunset, you'll come with me. You're a dog person, right?"
Sunset: "Considering all my previous wives were complete bitches, yeah, you could say that."
Ebony: "Stupendous!"
Cherry: "Hey! Don't call the man stupid! That's like totally wood of you!!"
Midnight: "So that leaves me with the blind one. Fantastic. Last time I worked with a blind actress, she stole the show!"
Golden: "Such fortune you have.... Oh wait. That's me! Whoopsy Daisy."
Gray: "What are you all standing around waiting for?! Go, GO!!!"
Moonflower: "Mind shining the flashlight up here?"
Cherry: "Uhhhh.... I thought you had it?"
Moonflower: "This is already off to a lovely start... Well. At least the full moon is out, right?"
Cherry: "Alright. So. Where's the leech??"
Moonflower: "Everywhere."
Cherry: "The leeches are everywhere?!"
Moonflower: "Oui. There's a leak here. There. Everywhere. I must fix. I must correct. Sir Gray does not like imperfections."
Cherry: "Welp, shoot! I didn't think we'd be up here getting soaked for THIS long!
Fortunately for me, I brought my dandy-handy UMBRELLA!!"
*Madam Moonflower shakes her head*
Cherry: "What? I can keep YOU dry too, you know!"
Moonflower: "It's not that. It is the fact you brought up onto the ROOF a TALL and METAL object during a THUNDERSTORM!"
Cherry: "Annnnnnnd....? Am I supposed to like, feel stewpeed or something?"
Moonflower: "Yes. You should feel very VERY stewpeed right now."
Cherry: "Teehee... Jokes on you cuz like, I totally don't!"
Golden: "Where is that music coming from??"
Golden: "...Oh. It's you. Of course. Should have guessed. ALWAYS in desire of attention, aren't you?"
Midnight: "Excuse me?"
Golden: "Figures, just another attention whore in Hollywood."
Midnight: "Jesus. What enormous stick crawled into your butt??"
Golden: "Ugh. Nothing. I'm just anxious with how dark it is. The sooner we find that backup generator, the better."
Midnight: "....Hol' up, wait a minute, somethang ain't right! Isn't it ALWAYS this dark for you, considering the fact that you are BLIND!"
Golden: "Not all blind people are 100% visually impaired, you know."
Midnight: "Uh-huh."
Golden: "Mhm."
Midnight: "Uh-huh."
Golden: "Mhm."
Forest: "Nothing on the infamous Captain Dockheart here, I see... Hmmm..."
Amethyst: "We should continue moving. Doubt the generator is in here. And besides, I am getting wet. Why does this place have so many leaks??"
Forest: "Why, it's older than the titanic! Any spinach hoof THAT old is sure to be a little broken down and in need of a fresh deck crew!"
Amethyst: "You are not leaving any time soon, are you?
Hm. You know what? This is the PERFECT setting for a little song, wouldn't you agree, Captain? Was that a yes? Great! Then feast your ears!!"
*Lady Amethyst pulls out her "violin" and goes to town with it yet again*
Sunset (huffing and puffing): "Y-yeah... like a m-million miles ago!" *gasping and coughing and sneezing everywhere*
Ebony: "Alright... We can rest here."
Sunset: "Phew!"
Ebony: "I don't think those hounds will come this far out."
Sunset: "Well if they did, I'd be doomed. That just about consumed all the energy I have. The last time I ran like that I was running from the law!
Errrrmmmm..... Anyways... Now what? We hitchhike, try to catch a ride back to the manor?"
Errrrmmmm..... Anyways... Now what? We hitchhike, try to catch a ride back to the manor?"
Ebony: "That sounds like our best option. In the meantime... Do you have a moment to discuss our Lord and Savior, Jesus Chr-"
Sunset: "OH lord, not THIS cult-shit again!"
Ebony: "Hey, I see a headlight!"
Ebony: "Follow me!"
Sunset: "WAIT!"
Sunset: "WATCH OUT!!"
Ebony: "-Huh!?"
Sunset: "FUCK! Elder!!!"
Moonflower: "My repairing is nearly 100% complete... Now can you stop twirling your umbrella up into the sky?! You are giving me max anxiety."
Cherry: "Oh, stawp it! I wouldn't worry about me if I were you! ...Or is it I wouldn't worry about you if I were you.... Or is it YOU wouldn't worry about yourself if you were me.......... WELL IN ANY CASE, luck follows me wherever I go! The chances of me getting struck by lightning are near impossible, unless of course it gave me some ass-kick superpowahs!!"
Cherry: "MA'AM!!"
Golden: "....Did you hear that?!"
Midnight: "Hear what?"
Golden: "I think someone just fell off the roof!!"
Midnight: "Guess it's time for the Doctor to go out and save the day, huh?"
Golden: "Yes, you are right!"
Amethyst: "I hear someone running!"
Forest: "Oh, do you? Is that a cause for alarm?"
Amethyst: "You tell me, Captain."
Amethyst: "I can't find the door! Why don't you bring me the candle?"
Forest: "Why don't you bring it yourself, you big 'ole lazy spinach HOOF?!"
Amethyst: "Hehehehe... fair enough."
Amethyst: "What the--"
*a large gust of wind blows through, extinguishing the candle flame*
Amethyst: "Huh!?"
Amethyst: "-AHHH!!"
*Captain Forest scurries to relight the candle*
Forest: "Lady Amethyst? Are you alright??"
Forest: ".......Lady?"
(door swings open)
Princess Pinky: "Hi!"
"I, AM!"
"Your singing telegram!!"
(door slams shut)
Chef Chocolate: "Huh? What are you doing in here? Dessert isn't ready yet!"
"Wh-what what's that?! Why do you have a..... NO! STAY BACK!! SOMEONE HELP--!!"
~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~
*Captain Forest snores loudly*
Forest: "--WHAT THE- Oh! The electricity is back!! Finally."
Forest: "Oh great spinach hooves! I've gone and done it again!! This sea-man has prematurely hit the pillow. It's just too bad there isn't any seamen here with me to do the same.... and with their semen, too! Harharhahar!"
Forest: "...Oh. Lookie what we have here! Man overboard!!"
Forest: "Oh no. This spinach hoofing landlubber has no pulse! Sir Gray!! Wait here, I'll get you some help."
*He begins banging on it*
"HELP! SOS!!!"
Amethyst: "Wait, so Doctor, who did you find at the door??"
Golden: "An unknown female specimen. Bullet through the heart is my diagnosis."
Amethyst: "Why were you out in the rain?"
Golden: "I heard someone fall off the roof! What else is a doctor to do?!"
Amethyst: "And you, Miss Mistress, found the cook strangled in the kitchen??"
Midnight: "Yes. A terribly TRAGIC sight indeed!"
Amethyst: "And why were YOU in the kitchen?"
Midnight: "I grew hungry after my piano concert, why else?"
Amethyst: "It is a tad suspicious the two of you got separated, no?"
Midnight: "You are one to talk, are you not? The Captain remains missing."
Amethyst: "I fell through a trap door! Hardly my own fault."
Golden: "And Mr. Sunset, you are saying that a taxi cab RAN OVER the Butler?!?"
Mr. Sunset: "Yes. I was the sole witness to the incident. I'll also be representing the deceased at court."
Midnight: "And Miss Cherry, even though you were holding up a METAL umbrella, the lightning bolt managed to miss you and instead hit the Maid?"
Cherry: "I am as shocked as all of you."
Midnight: "Poor choice of words but mkay."
Cherry: "Not my fault that I was wearing my Pisces bracelet! It's my good luck harm."
Midnight: "I think you mean CHARM.... You CHARMING young bimbo!"
Cherry: "Not my fault that I was wearing my Pisces bracelet! It's my good luck harm."
Midnight: "I think you mean CHARM.... You CHARMING young bimbo!"
Amethyst: "That still doesn't account for Sir Gray or the Captain!"
Sunsest: "Shhh! Hold up everyone.... I hear banging."
Forest: "Shit biscuits. They can barely hear me over this thunderstorm.... Ah-hah! I'll just slip a note under the door."
Golden: "I hear it now too."
Midnight: "Think it's the Captain?"
Cherry: "Could be!"
Midnight: "...What happened to your beanie?"
Cherry: "What happened to your hair, huh?"
Midnight: "Touche."
Forest: "Sir Gray! I think he is officially.... deceased. But thankfully he left a note in his pocket! It reads..."
"Greetings to whoever finds this... I am afraid I don't have much time. Someone is trying to kill me! By mentioning my will and mass fortune, I knew I was putting my life in jeopardy, but I didn't think anyone would be THIS greedy... Perhaps they thought they didn't want to leave my games to chance, and decided killing me and everyone else was the only answer.
I don't know of their true motivation, but I DO know that I won't be able to hide much longer. I can hear them pacing as I write this.... It is dark and I am defenseless.
Thus begins the TRUE mission at hand...
If I am killed, you must figure out THE MEANS OF MURDER... And use any EVIDENCE left behind on the crime scene to figure out who it was...
If there are any survivors left at the end of this evening... You may all share my fortune of $200,000.
But be warned; if you cannot guess the killer in time, they will likely strike again, inheriting everything for him or herself...
Oh no. I think they've found me! They're coming closer! I can hear th-"
Forest: "That settles it, then. The games are officially afoot. 200,000 dollars and our lives are at stake. I'm going to give them clues to help them figure out the crime scene!"
Amethyst: "Hey! A piece of paper just slipped out under the door!"
Sunset: "By golly. Let me read it... Hmm... Says here that Sir Gray has been killed!"
Midnight: "Oh what a pity... I must say this is reminding me of when my husband died which is quite the downer... Though I bet Sir Gray deserved it just like he did."
Sunset: "....Alright.... Moving on.... It's our first clue card."
Cause of Death?
-Severe Injury
---->Loss of Blood
-Severe Injury
---->Loss of Blood
Amethyst: "Why does this feel so familiar...."
Cherry: "Ever heard of the show, The Mole? This was the first mission on their 6th season!"
![]() |
Amethyst: "Right.... Right! That was fun to play--errr... watch! But ew. Smells like dead corpse in here."
Cherry: "Ooh, pick me, pick me! I LOVE solving murder mysteries! Let's figure this one out, y'all!"
The group gets 3 clue cards up front for free... but additional ones will cost them time and thus money.
Each player gets 1 guess. A guess includes the WEAPON and EVIDENCE.
-If BOTH are correct, the mission is over he or she earns an exemption
Each player gets 1 guess. A guess includes the WEAPON and EVIDENCE.
-If BOTH are correct, the mission is over he or she earns an exemption
-If either part is wrong, Captain Forest will tell them it is incorrect
[if all 5 guesses are wasted, the Killer wins the exemption and steals the fortune of money]
The Witness cannot be the Killer, but will know the Killer's identity at the start of the game. That said, they still do not know the WEAPON or EVIDENCE.
(even if the Killer is caught, they still have a chance to win if they correctly name the Witness)
[if all 5 guesses are wasted, the Killer wins the exemption and steals the fortune of money]
The Witness cannot be the Killer, but will know the Killer's identity at the start of the game. That said, they still do not know the WEAPON or EVIDENCE.
(even if the Killer is caught, they still have a chance to win if they correctly name the Witness)
Each of the five suspects have...
*4 possible EVIDENCE (in blue)
*4 possible WEAPONS (in red)
Each of the five suspects have...
*4 possible EVIDENCE (in blue)
*4 possible WEAPONS (in red)
Pineapple Juice
Business Card
Razor Blade
Drowned (Pool)
Surgery Mask
Placebo Pill
Overdosed (Injection)
Cherry Chapstick
Pisces Bracelet
Choked (Cupcake)
Wedding Ring
Film Trophy
Punched (Fists)
Military Insignia
Hair Ribbon
Sheet Music
Pushed (Force)
Pineapple Juice
Business Card
Razor Blade
Drowned (Pool)
Surgery Mask
Placebo Pill
Overdosed (Injection)
Cherry Chapstick
Pisces Bracelet
Choked (Cupcake)
Wedding Ring
Film Trophy
Punched (Fists)
Military Insignia
Hair Ribbon
Sheet Music
Pushed (Force)
Sunset: "Interesting list. So what do we know so far?"
Midnight: "The cause of death was a loss of blood. And according to the two other clue cards, the motivation was possibly hatred, and it happened in the study."
Golden: "Here were all the possible motivations."
Sunset: "And of course, as we know now, the murder happened in the study.
So it was the Killer.... In the Study... with the what? Dagger??"
Cherry: "Well, that's what we need to figure out, silly! The cause of death WAS a loss of blood, so that definitely POINTS--heeheee get it??-- to sharper objects!"
Sunset: "Strangulation items as well, such as your stethoscope, Doctor. But that scalpel you had in your pocket is MIGHTY suspect...."
Golden: "Perhaps. But I think we can rule out injection/overdose. My syringe wouldn't lead to blood loss."
Midnight: "Mr. Sunset, I see your briefcase is
pretty heavy... Could knock out an old man cold with that. But I suppose
that wouldn't lead to blood loss. But what is with all that sand around
you, huh?"
Sunset: "I believe half of
the evidence clues point to our actual selves... AKA The Governor lives
on an island, thus, he may have some excess sand in his shoes and
nether regions..."
Midnight: "Never talk about your 'nether regions' again, Mister."
Amethyst: "The revolver can also cause blood loss."
Golden: "Nawh. I'd categorize that as severe injury. So possible blood loss weapons are...
Any others?"
Amethyst: "Yeah, there's still some others, like wrench, candlestick, fists, and violin.... SPEAKING OF VIOLINS. GUESS WHAT I FOUND!"
Sunset: "For God's sake, Lady, for the LAST time, you don't have a real violin!"
Amethyst: "Yes, I do!"
Sunset: "No you don't! What are you, blind?!"
Golden: "HEY!!"
Golden: "What are those weird musical notes doing there?"
Midnight: "Once again: I thought you were blind....? HMMMMM!"
Cherry: "That's soundist. Blind people can enjoy music too, you know!"
Amethyst: "THEY SURE CAN!"
Sunset: "Errrr but MAYBE not this music.... Sounds a bit like screeching cats."
Amethyst: "Hehehe.... That's what I thought you said!" ^.^
Midnight: "So back to the mission at hand. Who had the most motivation to kill Sir Gray? And who would have done it out of hatred? The Captain? But he was sleeping during it, so we have to rule him out."
Sunset: "It's no secret that the
Ol' Captain hated Sir Gray but I'm sure that we all have at least one
reason to hate the guy even if we don't wish to share it...
Perhaps someone got tired of him insulting their music, eh...?"
Golden: "Just saying, but stealing someone's pineapple juice is TOTALLY a motivation for killing someone."
Cherry: "Like totally! ....Wait... Like, someone died? When did this happen? That’s a total mood killer.... But anyways, the Doctor has a scalpel on her person. And a potential evidence item could be her flashdrive. Maybe she was in that study trying to find some files or delete something when Gray came in.
What do you have to say about THAT, doctor??"
Golden: "I say that's a valid point. But I would point to the pencil being the murder weapon, as that is even pointier; and that would be a pretty interesting weapon of choice, no?"
Amethyst: "I'm not sure how you could kill someone with a mere pencil.... I think Miss Cherry is onto something! I will throw in the first guess... It will help to narrow it more down.
I accuse the Doctor as the killer and she did it with the scalpel and the evidence she left is the flash drive."
I accuse the Doctor as the killer and she did it with the scalpel and the evidence she left is the flash drive."
Sir Gray's ghost: "WRONG."
Amethyst: "Damn!"
Cherry: "Hmph! I think that this study clue has to do with the evidence, and less about
the murder weapon. So I don't think we should go with jumping to the
conclusion of the pencil being the weapon... Even though its very
fitting in a study!"
Midnight: "However, study could also refer to the person themselves. Who would
find themselves in a study? I have some thoughts, but I'll hold off for
now. I think we should buy a clue. Yes?"
(Everyone agrees)
* * *
Each of the 5 can buy up to 2. Each Clue Card will cost $20,000.
1) General Impression?
2) Duration of Crime?
3) Noticed by Bystander?
4) Hint on Corpse?
5) Killer's Personality?
6) State of the Scene?
7) Victim's Clothes?
8) Evidence Left Behind?
9) Victim's Expression?
10) Trace at the Scene?
Each of the 5 can buy up to 2. Each Clue Card will cost $20,000.
1) General Impression?
2) Duration of Crime?
3) Noticed by Bystander?
4) Hint on Corpse?
5) Killer's Personality?
6) State of the Scene?
7) Victim's Clothes?
8) Evidence Left Behind?
9) Victim's Expression?
10) Trace at the Scene?
Sunset: "I'm thinking some sort of heated argument happened in the Study and in a
fit of rage, someone killed Gray with a pencil resulting in massive
blood loss... So I'd say state of scene would be most useless, as we already know there's a lot of blood everywhere. Killer's personality or hint on corpse may be useful though!"
Golden: "We need to figure out the evidence though, that might be the hardest one.
Evidence Left Behind?
Cherry: "We can, like, eliminate sheet music. It is not personal, it’s defintely
artistic, which Captain didn’t pick. So I’m sure that’s enough to rule it
out, right? And hair ribbon is 100% a Master Bedroom item. So I don't know if Study is
accurate for that."
Sunset: "Makes sense. Let's cross off sheet music and hair ribbon then."
Amethyst: "Why are you focusing so much on me!?"
Sunset: "Because you're suspicious as hell."
Amethyst: "And you're not!?"
Sunset: "What are you implying, eh? You think I'd commit murder AGAIN?!!"
Golden: "Is that a confession?"
Sunset: "Nein! T-that's just a ref-reference to the l-last time we played this ga--oh, never mind!" *sneezes* "I am only incriminating myself further. I plead the fifth on this one!"
Golden: "Is that a confession?"
Sunset: "Nein! T-that's just a ref-reference to the l-last time we played this ga--oh, never mind!" *sneezes* "I am only incriminating myself further. I plead the fifth on this one!"
Amethyst: "Sir Gray didn't even recognize you... Said you're younger than he remembers. And it sounded to me like you didn't get an invitation here! Are you even the REAL Mr. Sunset?? Are you AN IMPOSTER!?"
Sunset: "Um... No, of course not, I don't know what you mean... *Starts sweating nervously* Sweet Holy Moses, is it hot in here or is it just me? *Checks pockets* Hold up, where did I put my Handkerchief?"
Amethyst: "You are an imposter! Who are you and why did you kill Sir
Gray? And you lost your handkerchief? With what did you kill him? The
wrench or the Razor blade?"
Sunset: "I've killed no-one! How
dare you make such accusations! I think you are just trying to shift
the blame to somebody else, perhaps because of your own guilt?"
Amethyst: "Why would I kill him? I don't hate him? You're the imposter, not me!"
Midnight: "Yeah I’m just gonna go out on a limb and accuse someone.
It was Lady Amethyst, in the Study, with the Pencil! And a PERSONAL photograph left behind."
Sir Gray's ghost: "WRONG."
Midnight: "Gosh darn it!"
Cherry: "I think we gonna need some more clues, otherwise we're gonna keep being like totally clueless!
I'll get the "hint on corpse" clue."
Hint on Corpse?
* * *
Sunset: "So back to the drawing board! By process of elimination, here's what our list looks like now..."

Business Card
Razor Blade
Business Card
Razor Blade
Military Insignia
Midnight: "We shouldn't overlook Cherry, she has a sharp object in the form of a dagger, PLUS she's got a camera, which is quite the personal item. Could relate to the Study, too."
Cherry: "Uhm. I'd just like to mention that like a dagger is known 100% for being used to stab someone in the chest, or back. SO I like totally must be inno! FUN FACT TIME!! I was in LA once and this crazy girl on TV named Ariel was running around yelling something about an apple, and then she stabbed me in mah boobies! Fortunately, however, she was holding the sharp end.... LUCKY ME!! But not so lucky for that one super singer."
Midnight: "And since scalpel and flashdrive has already been guessed, we could probably rule out the Doctor... Even though she's suuuper suspicious. I think she's lying about this whole blind thing. What a darling actress she is if she was."
Amethyst: "I think she must be.... How can a DOCTOR be blind?! She's a plastic surgeon for crying out loud!"
Cherry: "And just LOOK at her messy strawberry-yum flavored lipstick!! Overselling it much??"
Golden: "Oh stop it, you all! I am legally blind... But illegally BEAUTIFUL! Aha."
Cherry: "I guess I'll shoot my shit!
I like totally accuse Lady Amethyst of killing him with the pencil and left behind the military insignia... or whatever!"
Sir Gray's Ghost: "WRONG."
Cherry: "That's unlucky."
Amethyst: "I'm telling you guys it isn't me! I think it's the shady lawyer."
Golden: "I think the Study clue is getting us off track. What if the
pencil is the clue for the Study and the corpse clue refers to the hair
Midnight: "If it's not Lady Amethyst, it could still be that fat glass of OJ over there.... With the razor blade and his business card that he's so fond of giving out."
Sunset: "RUDE."
Midnight: "Just saying. You're not the tall glass of water I hoped I would be meeting tonight... It would have been nice to find a new husband, a handsome and RICH one at that. But I digress."
Sunset: "What are you talking about!? I AM handsome! I've got beautiful, luscious hair!!
Who doesn't love a good molet??
And I have PLENTY of money...."
Sunset: "..........Never mind. It's time to end this! I'm gonna have a stab at it.... Pun unintended....
I guess that it's Lady Amethyst in the Study with the Pencil and she left behind her Hair Ribbon!"
Forest: "YAS QUEEN!"
*Lady Amethyst smirks creepily*
Sunset: "YES! I'm right, aren't I?? You murdered Sir Gray! And all the rest!!"
Midnight: "How could you!? Just for a bit of money??"
Amethyst: "Oh PLEASE. I didn't do it for his fortune. And besides, that's comical, coming from you! I'm not the one who SHOT and murdered my own husband! You're a killer gold digger and everyone in Hollywood knows it!!"
Cherry: "She digs gold? That's like totally confusing since the deaf one is named Golden but the dramatic one is named Midnight, but shouldn't the deaf one be named Midnight since she can't see? And the dramatic one named Golden since she digs gold??"
Sunset: "Nice try Ms. Cherry, that ALMOST made sense."
Sunset: "But back to the killer! If you didn't do it for the money, then why??"
Amethyst: "Simple. The asshole called me crazy..... That was his first and FINAL mistake...."
Sir Gray: "Oh, my dear Lady Amethyst! If only you knew the wonder you've added to my life!!
You see, your craziness scared off my neighbors!"
You see, your craziness scared off my neighbors!"
Lady Amethyst: "Crazy?! I am NOT crazy...... I'll show YOU crazy...."
Amethyst: It was soon after that, that I plotted my revenge.
While the Captain was busy with his books, I found a secret passageway out of there... Which I knew would came in handy later.
...But of course, I had to make it look like an accident. Didn't want to rouse any suspicion, right?
Once outside and separated from my partner, I slipped back into the dining room; but Sir Gray was gone. I checked the kitchen, and it was there that I disposed of that artificial Chocolate woman... I strangled her to death!
Mistress Midnight: "Sure glad you didn't strangle her to life."
A sudden knock on the door startled me; I thought perhaps Mr. Sunset and Elder Ebony were back. If they were, they would've met the same fate as that terrible singer...
I turned around and there was Sir Gray, coming to investigate who was at the door... But once he saw the gun in my hand, and the dead woman on the ground, that's when he ran.... Or should I say HOBBLED like the old dingbat he is.... or was. ;-)
I followed him into his master bedroom... He hid in his closet like a fool!
I stalked my prey, ready to pounce.... I planned to push him over the balcony, or down the staircase; perhaps it would look like an accident? It WAS pitch black after all, it's not the first time an old feeble man tripped and fell to his death.... But this old man wasn't as feeble as he seemed! He managed to escape, but only temporarily. He made his way inside his study, and barred the door shut!
Unfortunately for him, I already knew of the secret passage to get in, and so I entered stealthily.....
I grabbed one of the sharp pencils I had seen earlier, and went to town on the old bastard!
Mr. Sunset: "But what about the Butler? And the Maid!"
Lady Amethyst: "Those victims I can not claim... Mere coincidences. Perhaps they shouldn't have attempted to escape from clue manor? Hehehee!! Tragic irony, I say. They spent their entire lives in here, and the moment they stepped outside, they were killed!"
Mr. Sunset: "Why are you so smug?? I caught you! ....just like you caught me the last time we played this mission."
Lady Amethyst: "Because."
Mr. Sunset: "Because....?"
Mistress Midnight: "Ha! You're one for quite the dramatic flair there, Ms. Plum. Ever considered acting? Not that it'll do you much good now, considering you'll be spending the rest of your life in PRISON!"
Lady Amethyst: "Unlikely. You forget. I still have a chance to come out of this in one piece, and that's if I figure out the witness.... I'm looking at YOU, woman doctor!!"
Miss Cherry: "Mr. Sunset is a woman?!"
Dr. Golden: "After I left Mistress Midnight alone and found Princess Pinky's body outside, I wondered back in and that's when I saw Lady Amethyst slip out of the secret passageway, her hair messy--"
Lady Amethyst: "Ack! That explains my missing hair ribbon!"
Dr. Golden: "--and blood dripping from her hands.... I hid, for nearly an hour, waiting for her to leave; but she never did."
Dr. Golden: "Eventually the lights came back on, and that's when I heard everyone gathering in the hallway. I joined in, knowing full well I was in the prescence of a murderer...."
Mistress Midnight: "WAIT. You saw Lady Amethyst slip out of the study?! So you WERE a fraud this entire time!!"
Miss Cherry: "The Doctor was a frog!?!"
Lady Amethyst: "None of this even matters, cuz you'll NEVER catch me alive!!"
*Dr. Golden grabs hold of her, but she takes the syringe from the Doctor's pocket and stabs her in the neck with it*
Dr. Golden: "Guh!"
Dr. Golden: "Guh!"
Mistress Midnight: *gasps dramatically*
*Lady Amethyst then grabs the revolver from the table and runs off with it*
Mistress Midnight: "Everyone, AFTER HER!!"
Mr. Sunset: "Nein!! Don't pursue! She's got a gun and the dogs out there are completely rabid!!"
Miss Cherry: "Golden needs help guys! Someone get a doctor!!"
Dr. Golden: "You idiot! I'M the Doctor!!"
Fabio: "What about me? Did everyone just forget about me again!? Arggghhh!! Blasted spinach hooves...."
* * * * * *
The group DID IN FACT catch the killer, so Gray's fortune of $200 has been earned.
But since 2 clue cards were purchased, that's $40 spent.
Therefore, $160 goes to the group pot, and $40 into the Mole's Stash.
However, since Kaitlin successfully identified the Witness (Tamela), she gets away with the exemption.