Kaitlin: "Well. That sure was a crazy mission...."
Kaitlin: "And now I can rest. I have an exemption... And I'm guaranteed a spot in the final 5.... Thank God."
Kaitlin: "....Oh shoot. I forgot I still have this wig on... Oh well! Another day looking like Lady Amethyst can't hurt, right?? Hehehe...."
~DAY 22~
Fabio: "Ah! Tamela. Just the person I was looking for."
Tamela: "Is that so?"
Fabio: "Si."
Tamela: "Did you want to trade information?"
Fabio: "Erm not EXACTLY.... Look. I need your help with something personal."
Tamela: "Okay?"
Fabio: "I know we haven't bonded much, but I hear you could help me with my problem.
You see, I lost touch with my Papa when he was deported when I was a boy. I've been trying to track him down ever since my kids were born. I have a 5-year-old girl and a 2-year-old son who would love to meet their abuelito."
You see, I lost touch with my Papa when he was deported when I was a boy. I've been trying to track him down ever since my kids were born. I have a 5-year-old girl and a 2-year-old son who would love to meet their abuelito."
Tamela: "I think I know where this is going."
Fabio: "You do?"
Tamela: "Yes. You've come to the right place. Follow me."
Tamela: "First thing's first: His name."
Fabio: "Pablo. Pablo Farfeild."
Tamela: "Do you know anything else? His birthdate? Parent's names? Height? Weight?"
Fabio: "No. Sorry amiga."
Tamela: "That's fine. Makes my job harder, but I could use the challenge."
Fabio: "You know, if you can do this for me...."
Tamela: "Don't mention it."
Fabio: "I owe you one."
Tamela: "So what's the story with your family again?"
Fabio: "Well. It's a tragic one, but not uncommon where I'm from."
Tamela: "Do tell."
Fabio: "I grew up in Mexico city... We were poor, but my Papa pretty much gave his left arm in order to get us enough money to settle down in America somewhere.... And so we did, after illegally crossing the border. He was caught and deported though, and I haven't seen him since..."
Tamela: "And your mom?"
Fabio: "She died shortly after.... That left just my sister and I. She pretty much raised me. She was my mother figure in the states, I suppose. We eventually got our citizenship and all that, rest is history."
Tamela: "Ah, I see I see...."
Fabio: "What?"
Tamela: "Your father, I'd imagine, has a pretty small digital footprint... And his name is too common. I'm gonna need you to give me every piece of information you can come up with, because right now this is looking for a needle in a haystack."
Fabio: "Good thing I have you as a metal detector, right?"
Tamela: "You overestimate my abilities."
Fabio: "Jaja...."
Fabio: "Jaja...."
Tamela: "Shit!"
Fabio: "What happened?"
Tamela: "I hit a firewall. Nothing to worry about though, I just need a more secure VPN. This isn't the right place or time to properly hack anyways. I need my computer from home, and these things don't just happen over night. I wonder if I can hack into another mainframe's database though.... But it would take a few hours...."
Fabio: "Well, I'll get out of your hair and leave you to it. Of course, if this is asking too much, feel free to opt out at any point. This of course means a lot to me, Tamela, and I'd be forever in your debt. Is there ANYTHING I can do for you? I could pay you...."
Tamela: "No. Money just makes this look more suspicious.... But I guess if I'm scratching your back, you can scratch mine too. Quiz is coming up. Information is the current currency. I could always be richer in this game, assuming, of course.... That you are properly wealthy?"
Fabio: "Deal. And I'm wealthy enough....Or so I'd like to believe."
Tamela: "Perfect. We'll be in touch."
Fabio: "Sounds great. Thanks, Tam."
Maya: "So Kaitlin hasn't even told YOU about her child??"
Tamela: "No. I tried to get some information out of her, but you know Kaitlin. She's secretive."
Maya: "Wow, I would have thought for sure you'd know more about this..."
Tamela: "Wait. So what else did Linda tell you? She spied on us in Dubai and heard me bring up the baby photo?"
"Yup, that and a few other things. We connected the dots from there.
Kaitlin had a baby right before her first season, but somehow lost it.
We're not sure how."
"I've had enough of this secrecy! It's time we just outright confront
her. Something's telling me she wants to confide in me, but doesn't know
We need to confide in HER that she can trust us."
Maya: "Sounds good to me. I think she's in her room."
Tamela: "Let's solve this mystery once and for all!"
Tamela: "Hey Kit-Kat."
Kaitlin: "Hi...."
Kaitlin: "Yes, please, go ahead and make yourself at home... Just sit down right next to me while you're at it."
Maya: "Okay!"
Everyone: "....."
Tamela: "Soooo.... I think it's time for the truth, Kaitlin. The FULL truth...."
Kaitlin: "N-now?! I just..... I j-just don't think now's the right time..."
"Is there EVER going to be a right time for this type of thing? Life is
short... Time goes by quicker than you think. Trust me.... I would
Kaitlin: *sighs heavily*
Maya: "We can push Yan out of the room if your privacy is an issue."
Yan the Cameraman: "Hey!!"
Kaitlin: "....No. It's fine. In fact.... The publicity is part of the reason I came back..."
Tamela: "What does that mean??"
Kaitlin: "It means.... Part of the reason I came back to play again is because.... is because.....
My unfinished business is trying to relocate my daughter."
~ ~ ~
"I don't know how much you remember my story.... Perhaps you remember
the blackmail situation while I was still 18, and in Zimbabwe's

had planted his own watch in my locker, to make it look like I stole
it. Of course they would believe him. I was some young suspicious orphan
He planned to get the cops involved if I didn't sleep with him, and so I did..."
"But I soon realized I needed to escape.
And so I did.
I quit the military."
"I was alone. No family or friends to speak of.... My parents had been long dead, ever since the fire...."

"I was effectively homeless. Couldn't go back to the orphanage. Couldn't go back to the military. No one would have me."
"And to make matters worse....?
I slowly realized I could be pregnant."
"Pregnant with a man who blackmailed me to have sex with him...
I could have the baby, or, I could.... abort it."
"The woman was nice. She told me all my options...."
abortion in Zimbabwe is taboo.... It's very strict. You have to have a
good reason for it; either the mother is in danger, or the baby might
have a health issue...."
"I tried to explain my situation, but it technically wasn't rape, since I consented to it.... So they denied me!"
"I was back to square one."
"I wondered a bit..."
"But I was getting bigger and bigger...."
"But also more and more hungry. I couldn't do this by myself. I needed help."
"If I was going to have this baby, I needed a better plan than just living in the woods...."
"...and eating out of trash cans."
"So finally one day, in the middle of nowhere I stumbled upon a house."
"The woman inside could tell I was distressed... Pregnant and very VERY distressed..."
" 'Come inside immediately!', she said."
* * *
"Not even a week later, the baby was born."
woman was experienced with childbirth and helped me tremendously. It
actually wasn't as painful as everyone says... Perhaps because the baby
was malnourished. She weighed very little..."
"Yes, she was beautiful... And so so precious..."
~ ~ ~
Tamela: "So, you just got up and left??"
Kaitlin: "Yes...... I abandoned my baby. Just like my parents abandoned me..."
Maya: "Oh come on, you know that's not quite the same!"
Kaitlin: "Either way. I abandoned her."
Tamela: "I'm so sorry Kaitlin.... truly. I am. I understand the decision you made."
Kaitlin: "DO YOU, though?!? Until you've had a baby and ditched them, I don't think you can!"
Tamela: "Pleeeease do not attack me, Kaitlin. I'm only trying to empathize."
Kaitlin: "....you're right. I'm sorry....."
"I just figured she'd do better off without me, and would have a better
life with that woman in the woods. She was so nurturing and loving....
was barely old enough to take care of myself, let alone another whole
human being!! I had no money... I had no parenting skills. My own
parents were drug addicts, so not exactly the best role models one could
hope for..."
Maya: "So what happened next?"
"Next? Uhm.... So. A month later I went into major depression..... I don't really want to
talk about that following month. But there was one day where I was found. I was
found by Agent V. You guys know about that already.... Rest is sort of
history, I went onto The Mole....."
~ ~ ~
Kaitlin: "Annnnnnd I won!"
"I went back to find the witch in the woods... But her house was burnt down."
"She was gone... and so was my baby."
~ ~ ~
"I felt like I was finally in the position to care for another human
being. I learned a LOT about myself last season, and I improved so
much... Became a stronger more confident woman... Began to trust others,
thanks to people like Paul, Pacco, and you two...
And I now had the money to support my little baby girl, and bring her home with me.
...but she was gone. Only thing of hers left behind?
A teddy bear that I gave her the night I abandoned her....."
Tamela: "Kaitlin...... At least you kept her, and didn't abort. She's still out there! She HAS to be. And I'm sure she is doing just fine....."
Kaitlin: “The best decision I ever made was keeping my baby…
The worst I’ve made was deciding to leave her behind.”
The worst I’ve made was deciding to leave her behind.”
"Don't worry Kaitlin. This scene will go absolutely VIRAL on Youtube...
People will find this mysterious 'witch in the woods' before this
season is even through! Right Maya??"
Maya: "Absolutely!"
Tamela: "And I'm already helping Fabio track someone down... Time to track down your loved one too. Did you name her?"
Kaitlin: "No.... I didn't think I'd ever see her again..."
"Well, you will. I PROMISE you will, Kaitlin. Alright? Are you in? Are
you ready to be reunited with your daughter soon??"
Kaitlin: "Yes..... FUCK yes.... No matter the cost; I'm in."
Maya: "That's the spirit!!"
~DAY 23~
The Governor: "Zzzzzzz....."
The Gov: "Hmm...?"
The Gov: "-WHAT THE!!"
Taiha: "Knock knock? Is my little bumpkin in here??"
The Gov: "More like obnoxious PUMPKIN! What is this little pest doing in here??"
The Gov: "Awh yeah, that's great, keep licking your private parts!"
*Taiha giggles*
The Gov: "Are you mocking me??"
Taiha: "No! Of course not!! Well, maybe a teensy TINY bit..... Teehee! It's just giving me back good old memories of my season... You're starting to remind me more and more of Brianne!"
The Gov: "Owh! Now the fucker is trying to play with my slippers!"
Taiha: "No offense, but you were asking for it with those bunnies..."
The Gov: "No offense, but NO ONE ASKED FOR THIS CAT!"
Taiha: "Let me help.... Put your hand out, palm up. Let her sniff your hand."
The Gov: "Gross. The thing is purring!"
Taiha: "See? Now you can hold her!"
The Gov: "Like this?"
Taiha: "Ehhhh... Sure. That'll do. She's not a ferret but she's small enough for now."
The Gov: "Aw, gross! She smells like shit! Take her, take her!"
Taiha: "Welp. Sorry about that.... She and I will be out of your way now.... Wrong room, kitten! You were supposed to wake up the OTHER old man!!"
The Gov: "Uhm. Ms. Anderson?"
Taiha: "Yessss Governor??"
The Gov: "You don't, like.... Have a thing for Mr. Farfeild, do you?"
Taiha: "Pshhh!! Ahahahaha you're SO funny, Govvy!"
The Gov: "Right. I'm glad you're over Grey, but I'm afraid Fabio is just as unattainable. He's a married man, you know."
Taiha: "....WELP. As always, it was a LOVELY chat, Mr. Governor! BYEEE!!"
The Gov: "Hmmm....."
Kaitlin: "Guys, as the final 6, you do realize tonight is going to be our second-to-last execution, right?"
Taiha: "Yeah.... sad times."
Kaitlin: "And although I got an exemption I still feel sad for the one that has to go... I also just want to say that although it doesn't look like it, I did make a few friends and will always treasure the memories of this time with all of you....."
Taiha: "Dawww Kaity! You're so sweet! I'm really happy to be in the final 6 and I'm doing my best to live up to the title of Mole Queen, after Season 2. I really hope I make it to the end! But, if I take anything away from this experience, it's meeting all of you and being able to call each of you my new-found kittens... I mean friends! What kittens? There's no kittens here. Where? Hah...Hahha...AHhAHHAHaaa... I DONT KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!!!... I meant friends. You're all my friends! Even you, Govvy... And especially you, Fabio...."
Maya: "Why ESPECIALLY Fabio?"
Tamela: "I think I know why...." ;-)
Maya: "....gross."
Tamela: "Uh-huh."
Fabio: "Well anyway, that's nice to hear, Taiha. Especially after being overlooked for like the first half of the season.
I actually didn't know how far I'd make it this time. But I'm glad I got the chance to prove that I'm more than just a running joke on this show, and that I got to be acquainted with you guys. I still hope I can win the money to help my sister out, and invest more in my cafe, but if I don't, I still wouldn't call it a total loss. You guys are okay.
Oh, and if any of you decide to drop by my cafe, it's on the house!"
Oh, and if any of you decide to drop by my cafe, it's on the house!"
Taiha: "Is it a cat café? If so, I'm in!"
The Gov: "Why on earth would a cat want a café?! It doesn't even know what one is! It certainly won't appreciate it, what a waste of taxpayers money!
I say the money should be spent more wisely, like on healthcare or perhaps even public transport?
If I win the money I'm going to give it to my constituents, every last dime, call me what you want but the people I represent come first..."
If I win the money I'm going to give it to my constituents, every last dime, call me what you want but the people I represent come first..."
Kaitlin: "Wow... You actually have good priorities... who knew?"
The Gov: "I know... I'm full of all sorts of fun surprises!"
Kaitlin: "EW! Put that leg away, daddy long-legs!!"
The Gov: "Sure thing, black widow...." ;-)
Tamela: "Gross, YA NASTEH!"
Maya: "For what it's worth, this experience has been great for me too... I mean, you guys know my story already. I found the love of my life on this show. And I truly found my identity once again.... I just wish I was exposed as Evarrine a bit sooner this season so that I could actually have played as myself, but, ah well."
The Gov: "It has truly been an honour and a pleasure to battle wits with
you all and should I be eliminated next I'd just like to say that...
I may just choke on this sentence before I finish it
but thank you all for making this one of the best experiences of my
miserable little life so far.
To say I don't make friends easily is an understatement, enemies I have plenty of but when it comes to people I can confide in let's just say they are few and far between... I'd just like you guys to know that regardless of my past opinions, each of you has taught me a valuable lesson during my time here and that is..."
To say I don't make friends easily is an understatement, enemies I have plenty of but when it comes to people I can confide in let's just say they are few and far between... I'd just like you guys to know that regardless of my past opinions, each of you has taught me a valuable lesson during my time here and that is..."
The Gov: "....OH let's cut the crap already! I can't stand all this overly
emotional farce and pageantry, let's not forget that we are all here for
one thing and that's the cold, hard cash!
My island doesn't pay for itself you know! I've got people counting on me..."
Tamela: "True, I'm mostly here for the cash, but it's more than that. It's redemption."
Fabio: "You said it, hermana!"
Taiha: "Reality shows are a big part of my family, and obviously The Mole is special to my heart. Not only did I win my original season, but I also hosted my own mini version of the show.... I just love reality shows so much! There's just so many facets to it.... The strategy, the wins, the losses, the challenges, the backstabbing, the drama, the rivalries, and of course, best of all: FRIENDSHIP!
Gahhh! How about no one goes home tonight, mmkay? We’ll each just stay tonight and have a sleepover party!!!"
Maya: "Sadly that's the name of the game; someone has to go."
Taiha: "I know... Stills sucks, though."
Tamela: "It does.... It really does.... Good luck, everyone."
Everyone: "Good luck!"
1. What is the Mole's PIN number?
a) 1239
b) 1240
c) 1527
d) 1919
e) 5398
f) 6356
2. What color of the rainbow did the Mole's character represent?
a) Red
b) Orange
c) Yellow
d) Green
e) Blue
f) Purple
3. Who did the Mole accuse during the mission?
a) Lady Amethyst
b) Doctor Golden
c) The Mole never made an official accusation
4. As part of their costume, did the Mole wear some sort head cap/hat/garb?
a) Yes
b) No
5. What was the Mole's role?
a) Clue Giver
b) Murderer
c) Witness
d) None of the above
GREY: "Good evening, contestants. Please find yourself a seat."
GREY: "We're in the endgame now, folks. Eight down, and only a couple left to go."
GREY: "Only 2 of these executions left to go, and then it'll be finale night, where someone will take home all the money in the group pot, and another will be exposed as the Mole...."
GREY: "What's up with her?"
Taiha: "...."
GREY: "What. Cat got your tongue??! Hahahahaha!"
The Gov: "She's still a little bothered by the whole feline scandal..."
GREY: "Still!? Oh, come on!"
The Gov: "It's fine, she's become obsessed with someone else now instead!"
GREY: "I pray for that soul."
Fabio: "I don't need your prayers."
GREY: "Ha! Funny..... WAIT. Are you saying...."
Maya: "Yes. That's exactly what we're saying."
Fabio: "Hey bud, if it makes you feel any better, I didn't see it coming either!"
GREY: "Well no one could, cuz.... Well, you're Fabio.
And like, I TOTALLY could care less, l-like.... literally the LEAST of my worries...."
The Gov: "I dunno.... Sounds like he cares, folks!"
Taiha: "SHOOT! Just realized I forgot to feed my kit--....fish. Yes. Let's hurry this up, okay?? My fish is hungry!"
GREY: "As you all know, Kaitlin has the exemption and is safe this time."
GREY: "That makes everyone else vulnerable for elimination."
GREY: "Any last words before we continue?"
GREY: "No? Alright.... Let's begin."
GREY: "Let's go by.... seasons. Fabio, you're up first."
GREY: "Taiha, you go second."
GREY: "And the rest are from season 6! Wowza. 4 of you..... Unfortunately, by the end of the hour, it'll only be 3.... Governor. We're skipping Kaitlin, so you're next."
GREY: "Next up: Tamela."
GREY: "You have been executed. Time to say your goodbyes and leave."
Maya: "Damn.... damn damn damn! Should've trusted my gut, and not have switched my suspect!"
Maya: "Well everyone... This is it. My Mole journey has come to an official end...."
Maya: " A special good luck to my Season 6 dudes... even the Governor I
guess. Despite the fact you tried to blackmail me. Tamela, you were a
super cool girl, smart and brave, and I regret that both times we've
barely gotten to talk. I feel like we'd really connect. Same with
Kaitlin. I feel like I've inadvertently hurt you a lot this season with
my persona, but just know I'm rooting for you.
What else can I say... Taiha... please avoid getting a restraining order. How will you pet cats in prison? Also, like, hey, Fabio! Latinx represent! People say you blend in, but I think you're pretty dope. Funny too when people listen. I dunno, you're all great. It'll be fun to see who comes out on top... except the mole who can suck a dick."
What else can I say... Taiha... please avoid getting a restraining order. How will you pet cats in prison? Also, like, hey, Fabio! Latinx represent! People say you blend in, but I think you're pretty dope. Funny too when people listen. I dunno, you're all great. It'll be fun to see who comes out on top... except the mole who can suck a dick."
Maya: "As for me? This season was mostly for fun; I wasn't expecting to win. I thought maybe I could prove myself after playing the game so blindly last year, but I enjoyed myself and that's what mattered. Now I'm off to get married, become a parent, and really kickstart my writing career, because you know what? I don't think I have unfinished business anymore. I've finally found my identity, and I'm ready to start living it.
Seeya on the other side!"
GREY: "One final execution lies between you and finale night.... Will you survive through it?
That remains to be seen.
Until then, we still have another mission to do.
Get some sleep, you'll need it for this one!"
~ ~ ~