THE VOICE: "Oh, yes, the Unfortunates have finally arrived...."
"Time to play a little game.... MUAHAHAHAHA!!"
THE VOICE: "Welcome to my humble abode, maggots!"
The Gov: "That's certainly no way to greet your guests... Is this the REAL Evarrine??"
"To answer your question: No, I am not that dreadful oaf, and yes.... I can hear you."
Kaitlin: "Creepy..."
"This is your 9th mission, and it is a mission you may remember from Season 4...."
![]() |
"This mission will run the same as it did in S4, except with brand new
devilish challenges, and even more terrifying rooms to be trapped in...
There will be only 3 rounds this time, as there are only 5 unfortunates entering....
There will be only 3 rounds this time, as there are only 5 unfortunates entering....

Each round a saboteur will be chosen at random. Their job is simple: sabotage the group!
If the game PASSES: The saboteur is eliminated from the mission and $60 is added to the group pot.
If the game FAILS: There will be a vote. Whoever has the most votes is eliminated from the mission, and that $60 will instead go to the Mole's stash.
Once it's down to only two players left, whoever has the most keys escapes the dungeon and earns the final exemption of the season, securing themselves a spot on finale night.
-->Keys are earned 1 of 3 ways:
1) Correctly guessing the saboteur
If the game PASSES: The saboteur is eliminated from the mission and $60 is added to the group pot.
If the game FAILS: There will be a vote. Whoever has the most votes is eliminated from the mission, and that $60 will instead go to the Mole's stash.
Once it's down to only two players left, whoever has the most keys escapes the dungeon and earns the final exemption of the season, securing themselves a spot on finale night.
-->Keys are earned 1 of 3 ways:
1) Correctly guessing the saboteur
2) Failing the game as the saboteur
3) Earning one through a game
3) Earning one through a game
The Saboteur will be given an advantage each game to help them in their efforts.
Additionally, the Mole will be told the identity of the Saboteur each round.
And of course, I like to put my own spin on things... So this edition is fairy-tale themed! Uhahahaw!"
"Any questions before we begin? No? Good. Because I don't have patience for the deaf and dumb!"
"To your left is a door. Take it... one at a time. You will find yourself in front of my magical mirror; it will inform you whether or not you are the Saboteur for the first round."
The Gov: "Mirror mirror on the wall, tell me my identity...."
Fabio: "Mirror mirror on the wall...."
* * * * *
Layla: "Greetings."
Taiha: "OH EM GEE!! Layla?? Layla Cupcake?!"
Layla: "Yes. Who's asking?"
Taiha: "The Mole Queen, duh! I am a HUGE fan girl of the mischievous Miss Cupcake!... But uhmm.... I can tell we got business to attend to so I'll letcha do your thang, sistah!"
Layla: "I am not your sister."
Taiha: "....Oh. Okay. Hissy kitty..."
Layla: "Right. Welcome to your first game, contestants! This game is called Pick Your Poison, and here is how it will work...."
"Each of you IN SECRET will choose a vial to drink from. You take on the
effects of that potion if and only if you are the sole person to choose
"GAME SUCCEEDS if everyone gets to drink a potion.
GAME FAILS if two or more people pick the same one."

The Saboteur gets to pick one potion and The Voice will inform them who (if anyone) has picked that one, before they make their final choice."

Poison: Lose ability to vote this round (if game fails).
Invisibility: No one can vote for you this round (if game fails).
Regeneration: If you are eliminated this round, you get a second life!
Wisdom: Analyze 1 player, and instantly know if they are the saboteur or not.
Luck: You find a key!
Power: Cast 2 votes instead of 1 (if game fails)(can split or keep on one person)
Mystery: ???
Invisibility: No one can vote for you this round (if game fails).
Regeneration: If you are eliminated this round, you get a second life!
Wisdom: Analyze 1 player, and instantly know if they are the saboteur or not.
Luck: You find a key!
Power: Cast 2 votes instead of 1 (if game fails)(can split or keep on one person)
Mystery: ???
Layla: "And that's that! Without further delay, it is time for your selection! Mwhaha!!!"
Kaitlin: "Seven to choose from... Should we all take the one that best represents us?"
Tamela: "In that case, Fabio, make sure you pick Invisibility!"
Fabio: "Har har, you got me, soooo funny..."
Layla: "Hey! No communicating your strategy WHATSOEVER!"
Kaitlin: "Fiiiine... I wasn't gonna drink Mystery anyway..."
Layla: "Lights will turn off momentarily, and then you must grab the potion you wish to drink."
"Saboteur... Do NOT react! Yes, I am in your mind, I am not an all-powerful hag for nothing!"
"Which potion do you wish to predict its future?
Wisdom, you whisper? Good choice... You are already wise, for someone else has decided to drink from its deep depths...
Now. The choice is yours: Do you pick this potion, guaranteeing the group fails, or do you risk it for another potion instead??"
Layla: "I hope you have made your decision, because LIGHTS!"
Fabio chose POISON
Kaitlin chose WISDOM
Layla: "It appears we have a conflict of interest... The Governor and Tamela both wanted Mystery, but there isn't enough for 2. Thus, this game has FAILED!"
Layla: "But before we get into voting, drink up! My concoctions are nothing short of magnificent!"
Layla: "Alright. Fabio loses his ability to vote. Taiha gains an extra life if she perishes this round. And Kaitlin has become wise... Who do you wish to inspect, Kaitlin, oh dear?"
Kaitlin: "I choose to analyze the Guv."
Layla: "The Governor is NOT the Saboteur."
Layla: "Alright. It is time to vote... Governor, let's begin with you."
The Gov: "Just out of curiosity ma'am, what did the Mystery potion do?"
Layla: "Oh. That was my infamous love potion!! Would have made you instantly fall in love with the first person you saw. Status effect? You automatically vote the way they do for this round, as you are so madly in love with them!"
The Gov: "Interesting.... It's too bad we couldn't have solved some unrequited love stories though. Just imagine if Ms. Wakefield fell for Ms. Harlow.... Or Mr. Farfield here fell for Ms. Anderson! Oh, how beautiful..... Or god forbid, you fall in love with me!!" *coughs abruptly*
Layla: "Don't make me use my silence spell on you. Because I will. Without hesitation."
[The Governor votes for TAIHA]
[Tamela votes for TAIHA]
[Kaitlin votes for TAMELA]
[Taiha votes for TAMELA]
*There was a tie... (un)luckily Fabio is here to break it, however, he doesn't get a key if he's right*
Layla: "Tamela, my dearie. It's not looking so hot for you. Come forth."
Tamela: "Yeah yeah, I know. Kaitlin! How could you!"
Kaitlin: "How could YOU??"
Tamela: "I'm not the Saboteur!"
Kaitlin: "So you say...."
Layla: "Tamela.... You have been TRAPPED.... forever AFTER!!"
Tamela: ".....Ribbit."
Layla: "You have been cursed for eternity! Only way to get out of it? Get kissed by a prince. And good luck finding one of THOSE around these parts."
Layla: "Oh. And the TRUE Saboteur? None other than Mr. Poison himself.... Fabio!"
Fabio: "Sorry not sorry?"
Taiha: "It's okay bb, I forgive you!!"
Fabio: "You don't have to."
Taiha: "But I do!"
Fabio: "No. You don't."
Taiha: "Don't be silly, what are couples for if they can't forgive and forget?!?!"
Fabio: "....Oh lord."
Layla: "Alright, scatter, no-mag's! Onto your next game!! Ms. Toad here stays with me though, to perform more experiments on.... Tehehehe!!"
THE VOICE: "What are you sitting on your bums for? Off to the magic mirror once again you go!"
* * * * *
MEDUSA: "So you've come to kill me, I see?"
Kaitlin: "What?! Of course not! We would NEVER."
MEDUSA: "I see through your lies. You are not the first to attempt this... And you most certainly won't be the last."
Taiha: "Wait. I know that voice. Darleen??"
Darleen: "I do not know this 'Darleen' woman you speak of."
The Gov: "Can we just get into the game! This horrendous onesie is making me itchy in all the wrong places..."
MEDUSA: "Very well. Here's how this game shall work....
This is a heavily modified version of chess; as you can see, the board is circular."
"I will be playing as Medusa, clearly. The rest of you have already picked your piece.
There will be no Minotaur in play, because sadly, I still haven't found my king...."
"....I mean, I THOUGHT I had finally found my king, my prince charming, my Edward... Actually, I found THE Edward! Edward Cullen! Just yesterday, actually, when I flew to California... Found him on Hollywood Boulevard. Couldn't believe my luck! I took him home and right before we made sweet sweet love, he revealed to me, th-that he was just a Twilight impersonator.............."
The Gov: "That escalated predictably."
Kaitlin: "...."
Fabio: "Ay caramba."
MEDUSA: "Enough about my tragic love life. In order to capture Medusa, you must land on me. I can capture foes the same way; once you've been captured, you are out.
Here are the move-sets for each character."
Medusa moves similarly to a Queen: One space in any direction
[essentially has combined mobility of Sphinx & Nymph]
(SPECIAL ABILITY: she can enter her "lair" {red middle space} any time for safety, but must move out of it the following turn)
The Cyclops has similar high mobility like the Rook; can move up to 3
spaces left and right, but can ONLY stay in one ring the entire game
The Centaur moves similarly to a Knight: Moves in an L-shape
The Sphinx moves similarly to the Bishop: One space in diagonal only
The Nymph moves similarly to the Pawn; One space, either up/down/left/right
MEDUSA: "GAME PASSES if Medusa is slayed.
GAME FAILS if Medusa kills everyone."
GAME FAILS if Medusa kills everyone."
Kaitlin: "I'm ready to go. You're going DOWN!! OFF WITH HER HEAD!"
1) The Governor is the Cyclops
2) Kaitlin is the Sphinx
3) Fabio is the Centaur
4) Taiha is the Nymph
"Saboteur... Do NOT react! Yes, I am in your mind, I am not an all-powerful witch for nothing!"
"Your advantage this time is called Medusa's Gaze!
Once per game, you can unleash a spell on Medusa, activating her killer ability!
Her gaze will petrify anyone in her path... This path will be a straight line across the board, meaning 4 spots!
To activate, just say the code word 'Medusa' and it will automatically be activated after she makes her next move.... But be careful you don't accidentally say the code word before you intend to unleash her powerful ability!
Good luck, Sab! Meheheeheeee!!"
MEDUSA: "You've had time to strategize and pick your starting positions..."
MEDUSA: "But before we begin, I must tell you of the Saboteur's Advantage."
MEDUSA: "Once per game, if they say the special code word, my petrify power will automatically be unleashed after my following move, and ANYONE in my direct line of sight will be turned to stone!"
MEDUSA: "Let us begin now. I will go first."
MEDUSA: "You four have no order... Move as you like... You there!! You DARE stare into mine eyes?! You must have a death wish, poor girl!"
Taiha: "Oops, sorry, just so many Mole legends today!"
MEDUSA: "Aw, the true legend is you, Taiha! You're the one that got invited back this season, not I."
Taiha: "Oh, stawp it! Personally, I think it was a grave mistake they didn't bring you back!"
Taiha: "Your move, Kit-Kat!"
Kaitlin: "I'm thinking."
Kaitlin: "Let's stick to the strategy I mentioned earlier! As long as we constantly protect each other, we should be good."
*The Centaur and Cyclops move as well*
MEDUSA: "Fools! You think you are all so clever, don't you?"
*Kaitlin the Sphinx stays in place*
MEDUSA: "Hmph. Medusa is not pleased! This feels like a trap..."
Fabio: "How so? You could capture me right now... You don't WANT me to stay alive, do you? Do you really want another person to shoot you with an arrow??"
MEDUSA: "HEY! Leave Throvan out of this!!"
The Gov: "Yeah, it's too bad you two
couldn't have had a little Mole reunion. He was the only contestant to
represent your season."
Fabio: "Si, and then he had to resign because he had to protect his people.... I would have done the same for mine."
The Gov: "Oh yes, I bet you can relate a LOT to being a minority of foreign elves, too."
Fabio: "Cállate gobernador! I bet you wouldn't do the same for your own citizens. So much for politicians being protectors of their people."
The Gov: "What! It wasn't a racist joke, I swear! Look at how your dressed, you LOOK like an elf for crying out loud!" *coughs*
The Gov: "What! It wasn't a racist joke, I swear! Look at how your dressed, you LOOK like an elf for crying out loud!" *coughs*
Fabio: "Whatever, Cyclops..."
*The Governor grunts*
MEDUSA: "Back to me, loves! I don't trust this situation whatsoever, so I'm going back to the safety of my lair!"
Kaitlin: "Welp. She didn't take the bait that was Fabio... Now what?"
Taiha: "I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute!! It's no fair to use Fabio as the scapegoat all the time, hasn't he had enough?? PLUS, I'm the pawn! I can lure Medusa out!"
Kaitlin: "Hmmm.... true."
Kaitlin: "You two boys should stay and cover each other. I have to move out to the outer ring though or else Medusa will be able to capture me."
*Both men stay in place*
MEDUSA: "My turn now! And for one of you.... YOUR LAST!"
Kaitlin: "AUGH!"
The Gov: "Lady Sphinx! We shall avenge you!!"
MEDUSA: "Mwhahaha! One down.... Three to go!"
MEDUSA: "Alright. I made my move. Who's next.... to die?"
Taiha: "You cruel cruel woman! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT, YOU MONSTER!! ....hehe."
MEDUSA: "Your move."
Fabio: "Hmm...."
Fabio: "The only thing I can think of is to position ourselves such that when Medusa moves out of her lair, any one of us can capture her in the inner
ring regardless of where she goes..."
MEDUSA: "Cyclops. You can't go that far."
The Gov: "Huh? Oh, right. Harha, sorry, don't blame me, just doing as I'm told!"
MEDUSA: "No sweat. I know your eyesight is a little lacking.... in more ways than one." ;-)
Taiha: "Why, because he's one-eyed Dave??"
Fabio: "No, because he's four-eyed like me!"
MEDUSA: "Four eyes, eh? Wonder where he hides those 3 others... How scrumptiously scandalous! I suppose Big Brother IS always watching!!"
~1 hour later~
THE VOICE: "Yawn! What a snoozefest this is! Bleh."
THE VOICE: "Let us end their misery... And mine!"
THE VOICE: "You have been running in circles around each other for over an hour now, and it is starting to darken outside... Thus, I'm calling quits. Because you are essentially in a stalemate, I am hereby calling this a TIE!"
MEDUSA: "Aw, I wanted to collect more statues for my garden collection!!"
THE VOICE: "Hmmm... And here is what we shall do!
We will carry on with a vote, as if the game failed!
Only catch? You cannot be eliminated if you guess the Saboteur correctly!
As for the money, half of the $60 will enter the group pot, the other, the Mole's."
[Taiha votes for THE GOVERNOR]
[Kaitlin votes for THE GOVERNOR]
[The Governor votes for TAIHA]
[Fabio votes for THE GOVERNOR]
MEDUSA: "Results are in."
MEDUSA: "With three votes of suspicion...."
MEDUSA: "Governor Daddy- I MEAN-!! Erm..... Governor David, you are TRAPPED.... forever AFTER!!"
MEDUSA: "Are you ready for some Darleen, darlin'?!? Open them eyes real wide! ....or eye."
Fabio: "Close your eyes, amigas!"
Taiha: "OMG is this the moment he kisses me like in Snow White!? My Prince Fabio!"
The Gov: "Nooo--!"
MEDUSA: "Scram, children! Before I change my mind and use my abilities on you too!"
MEDUSA: "Wait just ONE sec... The Saboteur was NOT the Cyclops, but actually the SPHINX!"
Kaitlin: "Sorry guys... But I did what I had to to survive."
MEDUSA: "Beautiful, I say, BEAUTIFUL! My new knight in VERY shiny armor!! Can't wait to get freaky with you, my new hairy bear! MWAH MWAH, daddy!"
The Gov: :o

Fabio: "Hola mirror. Will I be the saboteur again?"
Kaitlin: "Mirror mirror on the wall............ Can you find me my daughter?"
Taiha: "Dearest mirror on the wall.... Who's the fairest of them all? Fabio, you say! Haha, of course, silly! I knew THAT already, dum-dum.... Hehehe. But for real. Can I be the Saboteur? I need some action!"
* * * * *
Fabio: "Hey. What is he doing?"
Kaitlin: "Not sure."
Taiha: "Should we come back another time or....?"
ALADDIN: "Oh Genie, what am I to do without my beautiful Jasmine??"
Kaitlin: "Excuse us! What are we--"
Taiha: "Wait... ALADDIN?!"
ALADDIN: "Oh look! We have company! Trying to steal my precious genie, I see!"
Fabio: "Not really amigo, we're just tryna find--"
ALADDIN: "They will live to regret this! Genie, I summon thee!!"
ALADDIN: "These fools are trying to steal you away from me!"
Genie: "Wouldn't be the worst thing to happen..."
ALADDIN: "Get rid of them for me!!"
Genie: "I can't read your mind, Al! Gotta make a wish... And as a reminder, NO MURDERING!"
ALADDIN: "Ugh. Fine. I need to go find my Jasmine, but in the meantime I need to subdue these posers...
I wish for one to be paralyzed.
I wish for one to be blind.
And I wish for one to be deaf AND blind!"
Genie: "Your wish is my command.... God I fucking hate this role, why did you give the old hag The Voice role? I would've KILLED it as The Voice!"

Kaitlin: "Help! I can't move!"
Taiha: "And I can't see!"
*slams against the door*
Taiha: "OUCHIES!"
Fabio: "Hello? Where am I? I can't hear or see anything! HELLO?!"
Fabio: "Let us go! I must see mi familia again! I'll do ANYTHING!!"
ALVIN: "Anything, you say?? Hmm...."
ALVIN: "I'll tell you losers what. If you can somehow MAGICALLY bring the creatures in these paintings to life, then sure, I'll let you go!"
ALVIN: "If you can WORK TOGETHER and bring just ONE HYBRID to EXISTENCE, then I'll consider letting you go... If not, you FAIL."
ALVIN: "K. 'Nough of this. I got a woman to steal and fly off into the sunset with!"
"Saboteur... Do NOT react! Yes, I am in your mind, I am not the omniscient and omnipresent Voice for nothing!"
"Your advantage this time is simply information.... I'll be in your eyes, ears, or body feeding you info... Wait, that sounds naughty. Oopsies!
But my point stands. For one part of the game, I'll give you some secret Intel you wouldn't know otherwise!
I'll essentially act as your missing sense!
But my point stands. For one part of the game, I'll give you some secret Intel you wouldn't know otherwise!
I'll essentially act as your missing sense!
Good luck, Sab! Meheheeheeee!!"
Taiha: "....Is he gone?"
Kaitlin: "Yes... Now listen to me Taiha! I can't do much but sit here and act as your eyes. He left his genie lamp behind, maybe that's part of the game?'
Fabio: "Has the game started yet??"
Taiha: "Alright. Direct me where you need me to go! What about Fabio though?"
Kaitlin: "He might come into the picture later.... For now you must focus on me and my voice! Now, from there, go straight!"
Taiha: "Okay..."
Taiha: "OW! Kaitlin!"
Kaitlin: "Woops... jammer..."
Kaitlin: "Okay, there's a couch in front of you, go around it!"
Taiha: "NOW you tell me..."
Kaitlin: "Take a right."
Kaitlin: "Great, you made it halfway! Now take a sharp left."
Kaitlin: "Hmm.... We have a chance to add some money to the pot, it looks like. Take a zig-zag up."
Taiha: "Money? I'm not sure we have time for that."
Kaitlin: "Just do it! It's $20, do you know how much money that actually is!? $20,000!"
Taiha: "Ef, my toe!"
Kaitlin: "Go straight, yes.... Wait, no, come back you dumbo!!"
Taiha: "Don't get all hissy with me girl, I'll get hissy right back!"
Kaitlin: "Sorry... Okay, bend down and reach around... Yes! You got it!"
Kaitlin: "Alright, take a turn about 60 degrees and go straight."
Taiha: "Kaitlin! I swear-!"
Kaitlin: "You're walking too slow! Alvin can be back any minute!"
Kaitlin: "Great! You reached the table with the lamp!"
Taiha: "Got it!! But... My hands are tied. I can't rub it!"
Kaitlin: "Interesting... That must be where Fabio the body comes in."
Kaitlin: "COME BACK TO MY VOICE TAIHA! You need to grab Fabio and lead him back over there!"
Taiha: "Grab him? Sure thing, sistah. Don't have to ask me twice!" ;-)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
THE VOICE: "Unfortunates! If you wish to escape, I suggest you get that Body of yours to work! The Eyes and Ears alone can't draw you out of this...."

Kaitlin: "That's it! Like Alvin said, we need to bring the creatures on the walls to life in order to impress him... We get Fabio to draw them out, and bring them to life with the genie.... But how?"

Taiha: "Leave that part to me! You said there's random things around the room, right? Well, Fabio can still taste, touch, and smell things, right?? Why don't we give him some clues, and then hopefully jog his memory of the paintings he saw before he was blinded??"
Kaitlin: "Alright, let's do it... And once again, I'll be your eyes!"

*Taiha proceeds to collect objects strewn throughout the room with Kaitlin's help, and hand them to Fabio to interact with*
*Taiha pours water on him to illicit imagery of aquatic animals*
Fabio: "Hmm.... Well, I'm just hoping that's catnip and not weed..."
Taiha: "Hehehe you're so FUNNY, Hubby.... Uhhhh Fabby!"

Fabio: "Alright. I have 5 finished, any more?"
Taiha: "What do you think Kit Kat? Do we have time for more?"
Kaitlin: "Alvin only gave us 10 minutes, I say let Fabio do his thing."
Fabio: "No more sensual stimuli? Okay.... Here goes nothing..."
*Fabio rubs the lamp*
Genie: "Aw shit, here we go again... Oh wait. This is interesting! You're not my.... master. Shit. These voice lines are the absolute WORST!"
Genie: "Okay. What do you got for me. Hello?"
Taiha: "You made him deaf, remember?"
Genie: "Oh. Right. What is the point of this game again? To create--"
Fabio: "HELLO?? I have a wish to make!"
Genie: "Yes, I'm right here son, no need to yell!"
Fabio: "First off... I wish for all 3 of us to be lifted from Al's previous curse!!"
Genie: "Your wish.... is my command."
Fabio: "No more sensual stimuli? Okay.... Here goes nothing..."
*Fabio rubs the lamp*
Genie: "Aw shit, here we go again... Oh wait. This is interesting! You're not my.... master. Shit. These voice lines are the absolute WORST!"
Taiha: "You made him deaf, remember?"
Genie: "Oh. Right. What is the point of this game again? To create--"
Fabio: "HELLO?? I have a wish to make!"
Genie: "Yes, I'm right here son, no need to yell!"
Fabio: "First off... I wish for all 3 of us to be lifted from Al's previous curse!!"
Genie: "Your wish.... is my command."
Taiha: "Ugh. It's bright in here!"
Fabio: "Bright AND loud."
Kaitlin: "Wahoo! I'm free!"
Genie: "You have two more wishes."
Fabio: "Secondly... I wish for you to bring my drawings to life!!"
Genie: "Ha.... Be careful what you wish for!"
Taiha: "Hurry! I hear Alvin outside the window!"
Kaitlin: "Can't he just wish for you to free us from this room??"
Genie: "I'm afraid not. But he CAN do me a solid and wish for me to be free."
Fabio: "Sure. I wish for you to be free, genie! Happy?"
Genie: "Very!"
Genie: "And for releasing me, here are your abominations, brought to life!!"
Taiha: "What in the world is THAT??"
Fabio: "A fishgull, duh! Isn't that one of the hybrids you described?"
Taiha: "No.... not at all."
Sidney Lansing: "Alright. My job here is done. I'm going to go collect my stipends and take a fat nap."
Taiha: "Bye Sidney! Love you!!"
Sidney: "Gross. We come from the same creator, that's like... incest or something."
Taiha: "ACK! Your little monster just bit my ankle!"
Fabio: "He has a NAME, you know! That's Crickat... part cricket, part cat!"
Kaitlin: "Looks like Alvin is back.... Time's over. Hopefully one of those hybrids is accurate!"
ALVIN: "I see you've been busy creating some hybrids..."
ALVIN: "....Can someone shoot that flying fish?? It's freaking me out!"
Taiha: "I'll catch it and feed it to my kitten for dinner!"
ALVIN: "Alright. As you now know. Your task was to get the genie lamp, but you needed the Ears to grab it and the Body to rub it, and then draw out the hybrids and bring them to life. If you've managed to bring just ONE of these paintings on the walls to life, you pass!"
ALVIN: "You only managed to create 3 hybrids?"
Fabio: "I drew 5, but I think the other 2 are hiding somewhere... and probably for the best."
Kaitlin: "I only had time to pick out 5 for Taiha to give to him."
ALVIN: "I see... Hopefully for the group's sake, you picked the easiest 5. Which ones were those?"
Kaitlin: "Well....."

Kaitlin: "The Catmeleon... Cat & Chameleon."
Kaitlin: "The Kowla.... Koala & Owl."

Kaitlin: "And finally.... The Snailpotamus and the Turtlegator."
ALVIN: "I'm not seeing ANY matches here, thus, this game hath FAILED!"

*Alvin rubs the lamp*
Taiha: "He was released, sir-"
ALVIN: "Only a SABOTEUR would do such a thing.... And sabotage my life!
Fabio: "Welp. My vote is Taiha but I already have majority on me."
Taiha: "D'awww you pick me over your wife!? I knew you would come around eventually..."
ALVIN: "Ha! Lucky for you, I need a new genie! TAKE THIS!"
Fabio: "This isn't exactly how my parents expected my life in America to pan out..."
ALVIN: "Fabio, my precious Genie...."
ALVIN: "Farewell, peasants! I have a gig at a child's birthday party that I absolutely must attend! So, you are FREEEEEEEE!!"
Kaitlin: "Wait. Who was the saboteur?"
ALVIN: "Oh. It twas the cat lady! Meow!"
Taiha: "Hey! That's MY line!" >:(
*Alvin flies off*
Kaitlin: "Traitor."
Taiha: "I know you're kidding but RUDE."
Kaitlin: "So Fabio is stuck in that lamp forever now? How unfortunate."
Kaitlin: "Hey!"
Kaitlin: "...Let's go."
???: "And where do you think you ladies are going?"
Taiha: "Levi??"
LEVI: "Correct. It is I!"
Kaitlin: "Who are you, again?"
Levi: "I finished third on my season, season 4! And as you may remember, I was the one to escape from the Pyramid during this very same mission...."
LEVI: "And now, here I am! Working for The Voice."
Taiha: "It's a good thing you escaped! Otherwise you would've been a mummy for an eternity! Haha."
LEVI: "Wellllllll.... about that..."
Kaitlin: "What?"
LEVI: "I DID escape... but not before.... I turned into....."
Kaitlin: "Shit, run!!"
Darleen (off screen): "Jacob Black over here lookin' like a real SHNACK!!"
Yan the Cameraman: "If you like it so much, why don't you put a ring on it?"
Darleen: "Huh. Maybe I will!"
Levi: "No Darleen! I already told you I'm not into older women!"
Darleen: "Yes, I know.... But aren't you into hot and smexy cougars!? Cougars and Wolves are soulmates, y'know!!"
Levi: "Ugh..."
Kaitlin: "Okay, one door down for us both! How many keys you have left??"
Taiha: "None...."
Kaitlin: "What?? You only had 1 key!?"
Taiha: "Sadly, yes.... GO ON WITHOUT ME!"
Taiha: "Oh shoot, I'm TRAPPED!! ....Haha, cue credits!"
Taiha: "Back away you big bad wolf!"
WEREWOLF LEVI: "CoMe ClOsEr, LiTtLe ReD RiDiNg HooD...."
Taiha: "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"
THE VOICE: "Enter, if you dare!!!"

Kaitlin: "I made it out alive, ma'am."
THE VOICE: "Yessss, I can see that, dearie."
Kaitlin: "Wait. Do I know you?"
THE VOICE: "Likely, yes."
Kaitlin: "Are you... No.... You aren't the witch in the woods, are you?"
THE VOICE: "That... I am not."
THE VOICE: "But you may recognize me from Season 4.... Along with the other maggots you encountered this evening."
Kaitlin: "Oh, right..... too bad."
THE VOICE: "Yes. Now onto the results!"
THE VOICE: "You escaped with 2 keys...
Because Fabio guessed Taiha the round she was the Saboteur, she didn't get an extra key for going undetected. But you, of course, did when you went undetected as the Saboteur during the Medusa game. Well done there, you sure tricked them all!"
THE VOICE: "Because you are the sole soul to NOT have been trapped, you earn this...."
THE VOICE: "Oooooh I'm getting woozy in my old age... I should sit."
THE VOICE: "Now. Your exemption didn't come with no cost to the group. 2 and a half of the games failed, so $150 was lost to the Mole. Fortunately, and partially thanks to your help, $50 was salvaged."
THE VOICE: "....What are you waiting for, a hug and a kiss?!? GET OUT OF MY CASTLE, YOU WORM! Before I trap you too! Run girl run!"

Kaitlin: "Copy that, Blanche. Thanks for the exemption!"
Tamela the Toad: "Oh, GOD...!"
Tamela the Toad: "WHAT HAVE I BECOME!!"
MEDUSA: "You're mine FOREVER, big boy! Teehee!"
Governor the Statue: "....."
Fabio the Genie: "Help... Somebody.... I'm getting very claustrophobic here!!"
Taiha the Ghost: "BoooOooOoooooo...."
Taiha the Ghost: "Happy Halloweeeeeen, Mole Family! Be careful not to cross any black cat's paths....because if you do and don't adopt them, I'll HAUNT YOU FOREVER!!
PSA: Black cats are in desperate need to be adopted, this silly superstition needs to END!
Go to your local shelter and adopt a BLACK CAT today!"

[Results already shown.... However, Iceman (player playing as Fabio) was the Saboteur and he used his advantage to see who picked the Wisdom potion... He decided to instead pick the Poison potion.
Because of Lo & Twiddle (Tamela & Governor respectively), the game failed]
~ $60 was added to the Mole's Stash ~
[Results already shown... The group failed to slay Medusa, however, Medusa also failed to capture everyone, thus the game ended in a tie.
Kaitlin (Alleen) was the Saboteur and helped sabotage by purposefully sacrificing herself after saying the code word, 'Medusa']
~ $30 was added to the pot, and $30 to the Mole ~
Alleen/Kaitlin (the Eyes) instructed Haylo/Taiha (the Ears) through the room.... This is what the Eyes received:
This is what the Ears received:
Because the Ears was the Saboteur, they did receive this secret info:
Using instructions from the Eyes, the Ears had to make a path of where they walked through the room...
This is what Haylo turned in, which was represented in the episode:
This is the final product... If Ears ran into 10 objects, the game would fail... Only 5 were hit:
(additionally, the Eyes was given secret info: they could direct Ears to the table with the money on it to add $20 to the pot, which they did successfully)
Here are the objects the Eyes & Ears picked for the Body to interact with to decide the animals in each hybrid pair:
Taste - Coconut
Smell - Eucalyptus plant
Touch – Branch
Taste – Fish
Smell – Catnip
Touch – Feather
Taste – Caribbean Twist
Smell – Twig with leaves
Touch – Cricket bat
Taste – Fish
Smell – Catnip
Touch – Fluffy Toy
Taste – Fish
Smell – Salt Water
Touch – Toy Duck
Taste – Salt Water
Smell – Fish
Touch – Oil
Taste – Butter
Smell – Garlic
Touch – Jelly
Taste – Melon
Smell – Fish
Touch – Water
Taste – Lettuce
Smell – Grass
Touch – Rock
Taste – Meat
Smell – Dog
Touch – Cactus plant
[The drawings created by Iceman have already been shown.... None of them matched, thus, the game failed]
~ $60 was added to the Mole's Stash ~
Fabio: "Bright AND loud."
Kaitlin: "Wahoo! I'm free!"
Genie: "You have two more wishes."
Fabio: "Secondly... I wish for you to bring my drawings to life!!"
Genie: "Ha.... Be careful what you wish for!"
Taiha: "Hurry! I hear Alvin outside the window!"
Kaitlin: "Can't he just wish for you to free us from this room??"
Genie: "I'm afraid not. But he CAN do me a solid and wish for me to be free."
Fabio: "Sure. I wish for you to be free, genie! Happy?"
Genie: "Very!"
Genie: "And for releasing me, here are your abominations, brought to life!!"
Taiha: "What in the world is THAT??"
Fabio: "A fishgull, duh! Isn't that one of the hybrids you described?"
Taiha: "No.... not at all."
Sidney Lansing: "Alright. My job here is done. I'm going to go collect my stipends and take a fat nap."
Taiha: "Bye Sidney! Love you!!"
Sidney: "Gross. We come from the same creator, that's like... incest or something."
Fabio: "He has a NAME, you know! That's Crickat... part cricket, part cat!"
Kaitlin: "Looks like Alvin is back.... Time's over. Hopefully one of those hybrids is accurate!"
ALVIN: "I see you've been busy creating some hybrids..."
ALVIN: "....Can someone shoot that flying fish?? It's freaking me out!"
Taiha: "I'll catch it and feed it to my kitten for dinner!"
ALVIN: "You only managed to create 3 hybrids?"
Fabio: "I drew 5, but I think the other 2 are hiding somewhere... and probably for the best."
Kaitlin: "I only had time to pick out 5 for Taiha to give to him."
ALVIN: "I see... Hopefully for the group's sake, you picked the easiest 5. Which ones were those?"
Kaitlin: "Well....."

Kaitlin: "The Catmeleon... Cat & Chameleon."
Kaitlin: "The Kowla.... Koala & Owl."
Kaitlin: "On the left, the Dolphguin.... Dolphin & Penguin."

Kaitlin: "And finally.... The Snailpotamus and the Turtlegator."
ALVIN: "I'm not seeing ANY matches here, thus, this game hath FAILED!"

*Alvin rubs the lamp*
Taiha: "He was released, sir-"
ALVIN: "Only a SABOTEUR would do such a thing.... And sabotage my life!
Fabio: "Welp. My vote is Taiha but I already have majority on me."
Taiha: "D'awww you pick me over your wife!? I knew you would come around eventually..."
ALVIN: "Ha! Lucky for you, I need a new genie! TAKE THIS!"
ALVIN: "Fabio, my precious Genie...."
ALVIN: "Farewell, peasants! I have a gig at a child's birthday party that I absolutely must attend! So, you are FREEEEEEEE!!"
Kaitlin: "Wait. Who was the saboteur?"
ALVIN: "Oh. It twas the cat lady! Meow!"
Taiha: "Hey! That's MY line!" >:(
*Alvin flies off*
Kaitlin: "Traitor."
Taiha: "I know you're kidding but RUDE."
Kaitlin: "So Fabio is stuck in that lamp forever now? How unfortunate."
Kaitlin: "Hey!"

Kaitlin: "...Let's go."
???: "And where do you think you ladies are going?"
Taiha: "Levi??"
LEVI: "Correct. It is I!"
Kaitlin: "Who are you, again?"
Levi: "I finished third on my season, season 4! And as you may remember, I was the one to escape from the Pyramid during this very same mission...."
![]() |
Taiha: "It's a good thing you escaped! Otherwise you would've been a mummy for an eternity! Haha."
LEVI: "Wellllllll.... about that..."
Kaitlin: "What?"
LEVI: "I DID escape... but not before.... I turned into....."
Kaitlin: "Shit, run!!"
Darleen (off screen): "Jacob Black over here lookin' like a real SHNACK!!"
Yan the Cameraman: "If you like it so much, why don't you put a ring on it?"
Darleen: "Huh. Maybe I will!"
Levi: "No Darleen! I already told you I'm not into older women!"
Darleen: "Yes, I know.... But aren't you into hot and smexy cougars!? Cougars and Wolves are soulmates, y'know!!"
Levi: "Ugh..."
Kaitlin: "Okay, one door down for us both! How many keys you have left??"
Taiha: "None...."
Kaitlin: "What?? You only had 1 key!?"
Taiha: "Sadly, yes.... GO ON WITHOUT ME!"
Taiha: "Oh shoot, I'm TRAPPED!! ....Haha, cue credits!"
Taiha: "Back away you big bad wolf!"
Taiha: "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"
THE VOICE: "Enter, if you dare!!!"

Kaitlin: "I made it out alive, ma'am."
THE VOICE: "Yessss, I can see that, dearie."
Kaitlin: "Wait. Do I know you?"
THE VOICE: "Likely, yes."
Kaitlin: "Are you... No.... You aren't the witch in the woods, are you?"
THE VOICE: "That... I am not."
THE VOICE: "But you may recognize me from Season 4.... Along with the other maggots you encountered this evening."
Kaitlin: "Oh, right..... too bad."
THE VOICE: "Yes. Now onto the results!"
THE VOICE: "You escaped with 2 keys...
Because Fabio guessed Taiha the round she was the Saboteur, she didn't get an extra key for going undetected. But you, of course, did when you went undetected as the Saboteur during the Medusa game. Well done there, you sure tricked them all!"
THE VOICE: "Because you are the sole soul to NOT have been trapped, you earn this...."
THE VOICE: "Oooooh I'm getting woozy in my old age... I should sit."
THE VOICE: "....What are you waiting for, a hug and a kiss?!? GET OUT OF MY CASTLE, YOU WORM! Before I trap you too! Run girl run!"

Kaitlin: "Copy that, Blanche. Thanks for the exemption!"
Tamela the Toad: "Oh, GOD...!"
Tamela the Toad: "WHAT HAVE I BECOME!!"
MEDUSA: "You're mine FOREVER, big boy! Teehee!"
Governor the Statue: "....."
Fabio the Genie: "Help... Somebody.... I'm getting very claustrophobic here!!"
Taiha the Ghost: "BoooOooOoooooo...."
Taiha the Ghost: "Happy Halloweeeeeen, Mole Family! Be careful not to cross any black cat's paths....because if you do and don't adopt them, I'll HAUNT YOU FOREVER!!
PSA: Black cats are in desperate need to be adopted, this silly superstition needs to END!
Go to your local shelter and adopt a BLACK CAT today!"

[Results already shown.... However, Iceman (player playing as Fabio) was the Saboteur and he used his advantage to see who picked the Wisdom potion... He decided to instead pick the Poison potion.
Because of Lo & Twiddle (Tamela & Governor respectively), the game failed]
~ $60 was added to the Mole's Stash ~
[Results already shown... The group failed to slay Medusa, however, Medusa also failed to capture everyone, thus the game ended in a tie.
Kaitlin (Alleen) was the Saboteur and helped sabotage by purposefully sacrificing herself after saying the code word, 'Medusa']
~ $30 was added to the pot, and $30 to the Mole ~
Alleen/Kaitlin (the Eyes) instructed Haylo/Taiha (the Ears) through the room.... This is what the Eyes received:
This is what the Ears received:
Because the Ears was the Saboteur, they did receive this secret info:
Using instructions from the Eyes, the Ears had to make a path of where they walked through the room...
This is what Haylo turned in, which was represented in the episode:
(additionally, the Eyes was given secret info: they could direct Ears to the table with the money on it to add $20 to the pot, which they did successfully)
Here are the objects the Eyes & Ears picked for the Body to interact with to decide the animals in each hybrid pair:
Taste - Coconut
Smell - Eucalyptus plant
Touch – Branch
Taste – Fish
Smell – Catnip
Touch – Feather
Taste – Caribbean Twist
Smell – Twig with leaves
Touch – Cricket bat
Taste – Fish
Smell – Catnip
Touch – Fluffy Toy
Taste – Fish
Smell – Salt Water
Touch – Toy Duck
Taste – Salt Water
Smell – Fish
Touch – Oil
Taste – Butter
Smell – Garlic
Touch – Jelly
Taste – Melon
Smell – Fish
Touch – Water
Taste – Lettuce
Smell – Grass
Touch – Rock
Taste – Meat
Smell – Dog
Touch – Cactus plant
[The drawings created by Iceman have already been shown.... None of them matched, thus, the game failed]
~ $60 was added to the Mole's Stash ~