~DAY 26~
Fabio: "Buenos días, Kaitlin."
Kaitlin: "Morning..."
Fabio: "Hey, do you have a minute real quick to talk game??"
Kaitlin: "Sure. What's up?"
Fabio: "During the last round of the mission yesterday... Did you really think I was the Saboteur?"
Kaitlin: "Erm.... What does it matter now?"
Fabio: "Matters some. Did you suspect me or not?"
Kaitlin: "Well... truthfully? Not really. You were already the Saboteur once, plus, I could tell Taiha was pretending to be aloof while blindfolded."
Fabio: "Sooo you were okay betraying me?"
Kaitlin: "..."
Fabio: "That easy for you, eh?"
Kaitlin: "Fabio-"
Fabio: "I thought we were in an alliance!"
Kaitlin: "Shhh! Be quiet!!"
Fabio: "What??"
Kaitlin: "I don't want anyone to hear!"
Fabio: "No one's up yet but us!"
Fabio: "Besides.... Screw 'em, what difference does it make if they know?"
Kaitlin: "Fabio, the fact our coalition works so well is BECAUSE no one knows...."
* * *
Fabio: "Nothing on the infamous Captain Dockheart here, I see... Hmmm.... Say, and this is off-record, but I think we should work together, Kaitlin. You me and Maya. We're the foreign brown kids of the season.... Minus Throvan. We've made it this far together, why not try to finish together?"
Kaitlin: "What about Tamela?"
Fabio: "What about her? I suppose we could include her... I mean yes she's partly 'brown', but she was born and raised in America. She's as American as they get, doesn't even know a second language! ....unless you count programming binary code as a language, ha."
Kaitlin: "That's okay, I mean.... I am already working with her, clearly..... So this gives me another outlet, which is good just in case she IS the Mole....... Okay. Deal! I'll tell Maya!"
* * *
Fabio: "Yeah, and so much good that did for Maya.... You know, if I knew any better, I would realize that Maya wasn't executed until AFTER she agreed to our alliance... Bit suspicious, isn't it?"
Kaitlin: "What are you trying to imply here, Fabio....?"
Fabio: "I'm implying that you only agreed to my alliance proposition because it benefited you in a VERY large way."
Kaitlin: "Is that so? You think I'm the Mole now, do you??"
Fabio: "Ugh..... No.... Lo siento; I am sorry. I don't know what's going through my head lately...."
Kaitlin: "It's okay.... It is just the paranoia of the game. Trust me, I went through the same last season. I don't think you got far enough on your season to truly feel the effects...."
Fabio: "You might be onto something there, jajaja."
Kaitlin: "Haha, yeah..."
Fabio: "Well anyway, I get it. Only one of us could get the exemption at the end of the day."
Kaitlin: "Exactly.... I feared it would tie if it ended up between you and me... I did what I had to to survive. Call me selfish, but it's what I know best...."
Fabio: "I know... it is fine. I would have done the same."
Kaitlin: "....but you didn't."
Fabio: "Que?"
Kaitlin: "You voted for Taiha.... you didn't even consider betraying me...."
Fabio: "Part of that is I genuinely thought Taiha was the Saboteur."
Kaitlin: "Yes.... and you were right! YOU should have gotten the exemption, not me! You should have it."
Fabio: "That's nonsense. You got it fair and square, amiga."
Kaitlin: "Yes, but you deserve it more. Please take it!!"
Fabio: "No! It's not--"
Fabio & Kaitlin: "AHHH!"
Taiha: "What are you cool cats up to?? Up to no good, I'd reckon! Ahahaha."
Fabio: "Nothing.... I was just leaving.... WITHOUT anything that doesn't belong to me, might I add."
Kaitlin: "Ugh!"
Taiha: "Ha! Says the guy that stole the Governor's clothes.... Amongst other things... You're a bit of a klepto, aren't you?? But don't worry, you're a smart, sly, and SEXY klepto at that! Teeheehee!!!"
Fabio: "That's something I've been meaning to talk to you about, actually."
Taiha: "Oh, is it?! Don't worry Fabby, you can tell me ANYTHING!! I won't spill even a peep of it."
Fabio: "No.... Look. I get that you're smitten with me. But I'm married with kids. Any kind of romantic entanglement is highly inappropriate...."
Taiha: "Oh.... OH. Okay...."
Fabio: "I get that we can't fully control how we feel, but think about it: you can't just fall for every guy who shows you common decency!"
Taiha: "I s'pose....."
Fabio: "You're better than that. You need to set the bar higher for yourself, Dios mio. There are plenty of guys out there who have more to offer."
Taiha: "Okay, sure. I mean I guess.... But not many of them are named Fabio......"
Fabio: "Hey, cheer up amiga. You'll find someone right for you who'll treat you well.
He'd probably have a few screws loose if he can
handle you, but whatever...
....Better than Gray does at least."
Taiha: "Alright, if you say so."
Fabio: "Thanks for understanding. We can still be friends once this season ends, of course."
Taiha: "I mean, DUH! I wouldn't expect anything less, silly!"
Fabio: "Haha, fantastic. On that note, I'll be on my way."
Taiha: "Hey Kit-Kat! Real quick.... You and I are the only previous winners on this season, right?"
Kaitlin: "Right."
Taiha (talking quietly): "Well. I propose we work together! I fear that Fabio, Tamela, and the Guv are teaming up against us.... I've seen Fabio going into Tamela's room late at night, and David seems more buddy-buddy with both of them than he ever has before."
Kaitlin: "That might just be because there's less of us here for him to annoy...."
Taiha: "True, but still. I might just be paranoid, but regardless if they are an actual OFFICIAL alliance or not, the previous losers no doubt don't want a previous winner to win again. So, that's why I think we need to team up!! What do you say??"
Kaitlin: "I say.... I'm going to need some time to think about it and process the idea."
Taiha: "Thaaat's better than a no!!"
Kaitlin: "You smell like urine."
Taiha: "I always do!" :-D
Kaitlin: "You smell like urine."
Taiha: "I always do!" :-D
Kaitlin: ".....excuse me."
Taiha: "....Oh. Okay. I'll eagerly be awaiting your answer!!"
Taiha: "Annnd just to clarify for my subscribers and fans back home, it's the kitten's pee, not mine, DUH!!"
The Gov: "Hmmm.... This should be easy! Like shooting fish in a barrel!"
"Look, I'm just gonna be frank here: I know who the Mole is. In fact, I've known for awhile! And more importantly, I know who it's NOT.... That person is Ms. Wakefield. Tamela Wakefield. She's playing exactly as she did last season, and she wasn't the Mole then, as she's most likely not now.
I'm pretty sure she is the least suspected person this season, but I need to change that.
By creating false clues, of course! How else??
I already made a few, such as my Dagger Island reference. It's an old show that got cancelled quite a few years back. It plays a lot on repeat back home on the Island! My island residents all know of it, surely, harhar! But anyway, it's a murder mystery, and the killer's name was Wakefield! So I've written down a few references to that, all of which have gone unnoticed by the others...
So I need to do something bigger. Something more.... obvious.
And then I thought.... hey! She was turned into a frog last mission, so why not make a reference to that? I'll just let it go inside the house, as if Production themselves did it!
What's the worst that can happen??"
The Gov: "Augh!"
The Gov: "Get back here you little cretins!"
The Gov: "Ayyyy I GOTCHU--"
The Gov: "GOD DAMMIT you slippery mother fucker!!"
The Gov: "Hmmm... Lookie here, we got an obese one!"
*The Gov plunders and falls*
The Gov: "You little dev-bluhbluh-il!"
The Gov: "You're MINE!"
The Gov: "YES! I should have been a fisherman instead of a politician, harhar!"
The Gov: "....Ew. On second thought, maybe not. This thing is slimy as hell. Bleh."
* * * * *
Tamela: "AAAAAACK!"
Tamela: "What in tarnation!?"
Kaitlin: "Tamela?? You alright?!"
Tamela: "Yes.... just a little startled is all. This frog hopped at me out of nowhere and the cat is trying to catch it!"
Taiha: "That 'cat' has a name, y'know!"
Fabio: "What is going on in here?? I heard someone scream."
The Gov: "Don't look at me! I know nothing!" *coughs*
Kaitlin: "Tamela just had a little scare is all.... she's fine now."
Fabio: "Hmm... What is a frog doing in here, anyhow? This is the winter room. Might make sense in the Earth room, but here? No way."
The Gov: "That IS odd... What do you think it could mean.....?"
Tamela: "Not sure, but I want the hideous thing OUT of here! Immediately!!"
Kaitlin: "...are you sure you're alright, Tams?"
Tamela: "Yes.... I'm fine."
Kaitlin: "....."
Tamela: "Fine. Maybe I'm not fine. It just seems like some cruel joke."
Kaitlin: "How so?"
Tamela: "Like Production is making fun of my toad head!"
Kaitlin: "Uh. What?"
Tamela: "You think it's just COINCIDENCE a frog shows up in here and jumps on me??"
Kaitlin: "Tam, what are you talking about??"
Tamela: "Ugh.... nothing."
Taiha: "You're obviously talking about SOMETHING.... Your toad head?? What, from the trapped mission?"
Tamela: "Never mind.... it's not a big deal, I am just being dramatic. Sorry for upsetting the peace, but you all can go back to whatever you were doing beforehand..... aha."
Kaitlin: "I'm concerned...."
Tamela: "Don't be."
Kaitlin: "Not until you tell us what's upsetting you!"
Tamela: "This is embarrassing, can we please stop talking about this?"
Kaitlin: "No! You're constantly being my therapist here... Always helping me out and telling me I need to express my emotions, meanwhile you REFUSE to do the same! It's okay to be vulnerable, Tams.... You yourself taught me that....."
Tamela: ".....this REALLY isn't that big of a deal, seriously."
The Gov: "She has body dysmorphic disorder."
Taiha: "What's that??"
The Gov: "I..... I think it's best she explains it."
Tamela: "Yes, it is true.... I suffer from body dysmorphia.
I suppose it is best if I educate the public on it, make myself an example. How did you know, though?"
The Gov: "One of my ex-wives had the same condition. She couldn't get over the size of her chin.... although if I'm being real, it was her NOSE she should have been worrying about; that monstrosity was bigger than Aiden's! Harharhaha!"
Kaitlin: "David!"
The Gov: "Sorry.... uh. But yeah. I brought up Ms. Wakefield's changing eye colors one afternoon and the way she described it was rather.... dodgy."
Fabio: "Shifting eye color?"
Taiha: "....Oh WAIT! Yes, I completely forgot!! Her eyes change colors! My sister, Maya, thought it might have been a clue last season."
Tamela: "Yeah, I oftentimes wear blue eye contacts."
Taiha: "Wait, so why?"
Tamela: "It's all tied to my disorder."
Fabio: "How so?"
Tamela: "Well...."
Tamela: "I thought it started when I was in prison.... But truth be told I think that only exacerbated the issue. I think I was gathering the ingredients LONG before that...."
"I always enjoyed dressing up and looking pretty and proper... But you know our society. I never quite felt pretty ENOUGH, no matter how hard I tried to improve myself. Not skinny enough. Not feminine enough. Not 'cutesie' and bubbly enough.....
Even on prom night, the night a girl is 'supposed' to feel the most beautiful, I still didn't feel like enough."
"I felt like just another brown girl, a BIRACIAL one at that, that was mediocre at best. The worst of both worlds."
"Truth be told? I think half the guys in my grade had a thing for me. But of course, the one guy I wanted didn't. So that ruined my self-esteem. Thanks, Robert!"
"I tried to improve myself every way a girl could. You know, the usual. Eyeliner. Mascara. Lip gloss. I used all the most expensive makeup brands.... I still felt average. So I started stuffing my bra waaay earlier than a young girl should. That wasn't enough. So I began dying my hair in different ways... new colors, shades, cuts.... the works. It made me feel a little better, a little more unique, but that feeling of not being enough never faded. There was always something I would fixate on. Something I wanted, no, NEEDED to change."
"So next were my eyes. I hated them. Brown and boring, just like a majority of the human race. Just a very dull shade of dog shit..... Don't get me wrong, I have moments where I appreciate them now. But back then, all I saw was the epitome of BORING. I needed to make myself more interesting to stand out in Robert's eyes, so, I started wearing colored eye contacts."
Tamela: "Long story short, couple years later I found out Robert was gay, so. So much for all that effort!"
Taiha: "Ha, been there, done that, SISTAH!"
Tamela: "Oh, with Grey?"
Taiha: "No, with this guy from college.... Wait, Grey's gay!?!"
Tamela: "..."
Tamela: "Anyways... My insecurities only manifested themselves while locked up in prison..."
"....I don't remember much of anything, but I imagine I had little to preoccupy myself with. One thing I DID have was my mirror and wardrobe. Yes, if there's one thing I remember, it's looking at myself for long periods of time.... Just staring.... fixating.... critiquing.... 'Oh that spot wasn't there yesterday, I should stop eating dairy'.... 'You're carrying all your weight in your cheeks'.... 'You have a resting bitch face' .... 'No one wants you, not even the people in this prison'.... 'You are a waste of space'.... 'You are worthless trash'.... 'You are the ugliest piece of shit in the world'....."
"Even now that I've started positive self-talk, and completely stopped making those types of dangerous and negative comments to myself..... They are still there. The damage has already been done, deep deep under the surface, embedded inside the darkest receses of my mind, and it doesn't take much for them to resurface, no matter HOW hard I try to repress them...."
Tamela: "Sooooo yeah! That's the end of my Ted Talk. Any questions?"
Fabio: "Sure. I got a few... Do you think American culture is the biggest culprit in creating insecurities in young girls? And what should I be doing to prevent this from happening to my own daughter?"
Tamela: "Great questions!"
Tamela: "I'll be happy to talk to you more in depth about this another time, perhaps tonight in my room?"
Taiha: "Ah-HA! So you two ARE working together!!"
Tamela: "No....? I've been helping him find his father. Plus, I'm just better with one-on-one convo's, if you know what I mean. And this sort of leads into a bigger conversation about raising children in general."
Fabio: "Sounds good. I look forward to it."
Tamela: "Yeah, and on that note, I'd like to finish my book now, so uh.... everyone.... GET OUT!"
~DAY 27~
1. The Mole is...?
a) A man
b) A woman
2. Which potion did the Mole pick during the PICK YOUR POISON game?
a) Regeneration
b) Poison
c) Wisdom
d) Mystery
3. Which chess piece was the Mole dressed as during the SLAY MEDUSA game?
a) Cyclops
b) Nymph
c) Sphinx
d) Centaur
e) The Mole did not participate
4. What was the Mole's role in the GENIE IN A BOTTLE game?
a) Eyes
b) Ears
c) Body
d) The Mole did not participate
5. What is the Mole's Father's Chinese zodiac animal?
a) Ox
b) Snake
c) Rooster
d) Goat
~ ~ ~
Tamela: "What. The. Hell??"
GREY: "Greetings, contestants!"
*The two men look at each other*
Fabio: "What's happening."
The Gov: "Millenials, that's what."
GREY: "How is everyone doing tonight?? Nervous about this last execution?"
Taiha: "I'm more nervous as to why you're dressed up as a kitty-cat!"
GREY: "Why? You like it??"
Taiha: "Uhm..... I mean.... sure? But like, why? And what?? And more importantly, WHY!?!"
GREY: "I'm pretty cute in this thing, don't you think, Taiha?? MEOW!"
Taiha: "Yeah, sure, but you know who would look cuter in it...... FABIO!"
GREY: "FABIO!?? How could that boring dad bod look cuter in a cat costume than ME!?
Kaitlin: "I think I understand what's happening here.... hehe."
The Gov: "Do elaborate."
Kaitlin: "Grey is jealous! He got accustomed to Taiha having an obsession with him, and now that she doesn't, he misses all the attention she gave him."
GREY: "W-wh-what!? That's PREPOSTEROUS!"
The Gov: "Doesn't seem preposterous to me. It's a good theory!"
Taiha: "D'awww!! Kitty Grey! That's so sweet."
GREY: "There was a THEORY that Throvan and Aiden were lovers, and how truthful was that?? NONE WHATSOEVER. A theory is just that, a THEORY!"
Tamela: "Then why did you dress up as a cat? I feel like the writing is on the wall on this one."
GREY: "Uhhhh.... cuz I forgot to clean my suit?"
The Gov: "You lie worse than me!" *coughs*
GREY: "Forget this!! It's time for the execution, you little rats!"
GREY: "Kaitlin, since you earned the last exemption of the season, that means you are also safe during the last execution of the season. Congrats."
GREY: "Any last words before we begin?"
Taiha: "Yeah, I got one... heehee... Why do you look bald?"
Fabio: "Yeah, he's balder than David now!"
The Gov: "Oh quiet! Give it another year or two and you'll be reaching for Rogaine on the shelves too."
Fabio: "Sure, abuelo."
The Gov: "What did you just call me??"
GREY: "Okay. Back to business. One of your journeys is about to end.... for good. Who will it be? Let's find out...."
GREY: "David the Mayor."
The Gov: "Stop calling me David! I'm THE GOVERNOR!"
GREY: "We've been over this. You're technically just a Mayor now."
The Gov: "I still govern my people so screw off!"
GREY: "Well, fine then. But don't bite the hand that feeds you, in this case: the hand behind the screen which determines your fate in this game...."
The Gov: "Surprise surprise.... The Governor lives to fight another day!"
GREY: "Next up..... Fabio."
Fabio: "I made it!? I made it to the finale!?! ..... ¡Dios mío!"
GREY: "It's now between Taiha and Tamela.... One of the T's WILL be going home this evening, and the other will take the fourth chair at finale night...."
GREY: "Tamela. Let us see your results first."
*Tamela gulps*

Kaitlin: "No!"
Tamela: "Yup. I knew it. Lots of good competition this season. Didn't stand a chance against these ladies."
GREY: "Tamela. You have been executed. Time to go. Do you have a goodbye message prepared?"
Tamela: "No..... I'm good. If I try to say anything, I'll just start crying. A-and I can't h-have that!! Haha, gotta stay strong... for my momma. And all my fans and friends back home!"
Tamela: "Alright everyone.... Good luck! May the best player win and take home all the money!
But no matter who wins.... I think this experience has made ALL of us winners in the end."
But no matter who wins.... I think this experience has made ALL of us winners in the end."
GREY: "Welp. That's that!"
GREY: "The final 4... Kaitlin. Governor. Taiha. And Fabio. Who could have predicted it day 1??"
GREY: "And now, feel free to enjoy the cheesy fireworks we have for you guys, to celebrate the fact you've made it to the finale of the final season of The Mole!!!"