GREY: "Wowza! What an unexpectedly emotional moment, right? And there wasn't a dry eye in the room!"

"Well, enough of that. That was cute and all but we still have a finale to finish! Sooo.... let's finish it!"

"And now for perhaps my favorite segment of these things.... We will have a look into the Mole's devious mind throughout the season, what he thought, what he did, or what he THOUGHT he did, or if he did what he thought, or...."

"Never mind, just roll the tape!"

GREY: "Last but not least, everyone get ready to welcome our final contestant..."

 The Gov:  "Now, I'm gonna be good 'ole honest Dave right now and admit my unfinished business, originally, was to reverse the negative image the show gave me last season, which I  joined to reverse the public's negative image of me in the FIRST place!
But then, I hear I'm the Mole??"

  The Gov: "Must admit, I am excited! 
But one slight problem? This isn't going to help my image at all, being a sneaky two-faced liar on an international television show.... I'm a GOOD politician-"
Yan the Cameraman: "That's an oxymoron, Guv."
The Gov: "-shut your pie hole! I serve my citizens, I am a good public servant! 
So needless to say, my unfinished business is a bit irrelevant.... Now, I just want to have fun, and enjoy myself a bit more than I did my last time out here. This time, I know I'm going to last the whole season, so time to buckle up chucks, cuz you ain't seen NOTHIN yet! The Guv is here to stay, and I'm going to troll everyone the whole ride through. 
This is my vacation AWAY from vacation on my tropical island, so you better bet I'm out here to have some good 'ole fashion fun.... The David Byrd way!"


Artie: "So; who will be ze leader?"

Linda: "I'll nominate the Governor. He's the leadership type, I'm sure he'd know what to do. "

Artie: "But would he lead widz classe and honnĂȘtetĂ©? I zink not!"
Linda: "Then whom would you suggest?"
Artie: "Ze elf? He's already revealed 'imself as a zhird party player!"

The Gov: "How the hell does that benefit you though? His allegiance is to himself, not red, nor blue, nor any other greys besides Juliet!"
Artie: "Better zhan accidentellement electing a red team membre!"

The Gov: "Aha! Freudian slip?"
Artie: "Non. I am a bleu team membre myself, but you do not 'ave to believe moi."
The Gov: "Hm... A fellow 'Democrat', eh?" *coughs* "Show us the evidence or it didn't happen!"

Artie: "No zank you."

Tamela: "I know how to settle this."
Linda: "Do share."

Tamela: "Heads for Throvan, tails for the Governor."

The Gov: "Why, because I'm the asshole? The elf is the one with the tail! Look at those eyes. I'd be damned if his grandmother wasn't a cat!"

Tamela: "Heads. Looks like Throvan is our Leader."
The Gov: "What sort of twisted Democracy is this?!?"

The Gov: "Well... *Coughs loudly* That was a damn farce! I didn't get the opportunity to sabotage as much as I would have liked this first mission but I'm not worried, these losers ain't seen nothing yet!"


Fabio: "With 7 alive, it only takes 4 to lynch this time. We must be careful! We can't screw this one up."
The Gov: "Judging by our track record... I'm pretty sure we will. And also I think Ms. Roland is bad, so there's that too. VOTE: EVARRINE."

Evarrine: "You think I am bad just because I lit a Hero on fire?!?"
The Gov: "Uh..... yes. That is precisely why I think you're bad, yes, thank you for saying it so eloquently, my dear Queen!"

Taiha: "So I think the Gov is totes bad news. Most of the people left trust the *cough* fake *cough* Queen, soooo VOTE: THE GOVERNOR."

Indigo: "I think my girl Tay-Tay is onto something here. VOTE: THE GOVERNOR."
The Gov: "That is simply the best example of a bandwagon that I have EVER laid witness to. My scum radar is off the charts, Miss Stone.... Or is it Mrs. Holmes now?"
Indigo: "Don't try to change the subject you crook!"

Aiden: "I'm gettin' real hungreh for dis supposed 'feast' we be havin' soon, and I ain't so sure wut goin' on anyway so Imma just VOTE: GUV."
The Gov: "This is ludicrous! I'm surrounded by traitors!!"

Fabio: "Erm... I guess I'll just tag along and vote with the majority. VOTE: THE GOV. Sorry dad-- I mean dude! I meant dude!!"

Beau: "4 votes is enough! Loki, if you wouldn't mind scooting your booty over yonder to the Molecular Disentigrator. That would be great."

The Gov: "You idiots! What have you done?! In what world do I make sense as a Villain? The Rogue, maybe, but a Villain!? Eurgh... Good job everyone, you just handed the Mole $200,000.
 Season of All-Stars? More like the season of IMBECILES!"

{The Governor was a HERO}

The Gov: "Now that was more my type of game, when it comes to bare face lying I am in a whole different league! These amateurs basically handed me that one on a plate garnished with a side order of failure!
They are all so busy trying to look suspicious that I can just sit on my fat backside and "chillax" as the Millennials might say.
Still, I helped the Mafia along by giving out misinformation and by diverting attention from them and onto myself... *coughs* ... They can thank me later...
Anywho, It's time to step up my game, With all the fake sabotages these kids are playing at it's time to throw them a curve ball."


Remy: "For Round 4: CLOTHING/ACCESSORIES, Evarrine had the choice between the following..."

Neck Tie
She chose ROBE."

"Here's Kaitlin's drawing!"

"Fabio guessed KARATE GI, in which Throvan drew..."

"Tamela guessed ROBE, in which Taiha drew..."

"Artie guessed PEIGNOIR, in which The Governor drew..."

"Linda guessed DUCK COSTUME, in which Aiden drew..."

Remy: "The last person to guess was Indigo, and her guess was..... PATRICK STAR."
Taiha: "You have CATS to be kitten me right meow!"
Tamela: "Patrick Star?? That's not even a clothing item!"
Indigo: "Well, I'M SORRY for not wanting to say 'KKK Outfit'..."
Throvan: "I gather we have earned no money to our collective pot?"
Evarrine: "You gather correctly. But why am I not surprised? You peasants are not even capable of basic infantile doodling!"
Artie: "Zis iz ridicule!! Iz EVERYONE ze Mole zis saison?!?"

The Gov: "Hold on everyone, I have an idea... If you're the Mole, blink!!"
Linda: "Ha-ha, real funny, Governor...."
Kaitlin: "Not really. His jokes are horrendous."
The Gov: "Ouch. Suppose it's a good thing I chose the office over stand-up, huh? Harhar!" *coughs*
The Gov: "Bahaha! You should have seen the look on everyone's face when they revealed what I had drawn!  
* Rolls about laughing *
A Penguin for fuck sake!  
* Wipes a tear from his eye *
Ha! That's one for the history books there, sometimes being an idiot comes in handy, I may have flunked art in High School but today my masterpiece really brought home the money! More for the pot, more for The Governor's Swiss Bank account!"

(You must be wondering what the Mole each season writes in their journal, and to  be frank, so  were we! 
So here's a quick peek at the Governor's journal at this  point, right after Artie's execution)


*The Gov huffs and puffs dramatically*

The Gov: "We're here! We're here!!"
Evarrine: "I SAID SLOW DOWN!!"

 Taz: "The Queen and The Governor... You are the THIRD team to arrive."

Taz: "It took you 7 out of 12 hours to reach the end, so you've added $30! 
Unfortunately, you did get a speeding ticket, breaking the bank with $20 deducted.

The Gov: "I'm pretty pleased with how that last one went down, So far not once has somebody questioned me about my actions so I can only assume I'm getting away with it!
*laughs & coughs*
First of all, I decided to pair people up with whoever they were most comfortable just to throw them off, In a way, it just implicates all of them as being the Mole because who wouldn't want to be paired with their best friend? *Coughs* ...Tamela & Kaitlin come to mind. *Has a coughing fit*
Dear god! My smokers cough is getting worse, I'll tell you what though, My poor health certainly came in handy this last mission, Ha! All the way across Hollywood I coughed and spluttered, I'm surprised her majesty didn't notice I was faking it.
I figured that if I could slow us down all the way that we would get as little as possible for the pot, That includes insisting that we walk half the way instead of hitchhiking and choosing the "Rash" detour because I knew it would take us longer and that there was no way that lunatic was going to deface her precious image.
Of course, When the others were around I suddenly gained a burst of energy which just made Ms Roland look bad in front of the other players but when we were alone you would think I was dying by the way I was acting! Haha!"


 *One hour later...*

Evarrine: "How do you know this is it?"
Kaitlin: "It just is. Trust me."
Fabio: "Yeah, because 'trust' isn't a rare commodity in a game like The Mole whatsoever...."

Indigo: "Is that...."
Taiha: "The Burj Khalifa? Why yes. Yes it is."
Indigo: "By golly. That's the tallest building in the WORLD!"
Taiha: "Mhm. And behind it is the tower that you can see in Tamela's photo. If my calculations are correct, Tamela is being held captive in The Princess Tower!!"

Linda: "We're officially lost."
Aiden: "YUP. Moar lost than ah lil' piggy widout his nose."

The Gov: "Ahhhhh... Golfing in Dubai... I'm doing the Lord's work!"
The Gov: “Honestly, didn’t have to do much for this one, and besides, that Ms. Harlow woman picked up my slack for me
 in fact, she picked up EVERYONE’S slack this mission! Kaitlin was so successful as the pilot of the Sky People that everyone else just sort of went on autopilot and took a snooze! Sort of implicates everyone, don’t you think? Everyone but Ms. Harlow, of course
 What a moron. Does she not remember what show she’s on?? Or perhaps people will suspect her BECAUSE of how eager she was to find Tamela? Maybe her urge to rescue Ms. Wakefield wasn’t even mission-motivated? Who knows with those lesbo’s, though.
And while everyone else was scrambling around looking for some skyscraper in Dubai, I said, ‘Fuck it!’ and rented me a golf club so I could actually enjoy my vacation! Do I LOOK like the type of man who has time to run around in this kind of heat?! Heck, I’ll get heat stroke and go into cardiac arrest! Ain’t no Governor got time for that!”


 The Gov: "I think I got something.... Feels like a lantern!"

*Kaitlin passes down the vial of oil to Taiha who passes it onto Aiden and then the Governor*

Taiha: "Hey, can I have the apple core?! I have an idea!"
The Gov: "Pass over the tinderbox, then we'll talk business."
Taiha: "You first."
The Gov: "Ha! Millennials, you have no idea how to negotiate a trade deal do you? Are you familiar with the phrase 'Don't pay the ferryman til you get to the other side?' Hm?"
Taiha: "Have you heard the phrase, 'don't mess with the cat because you'll get the claws'?!"
The Gov: "Don't rattle the Byrd's cage Miss Anderson, it shan't be pretty...."

Taiha: "You forget, dear Govvy... Kittens tend to eat Byrds... Yummmm... BIRD FEATHERS....
Speaking of which: here's a feather right here on this bar! Tickle fight, anyone?!"

Kaitlin: "Will you two please stop your nonsense and give the firestarter to the Gov so that he can light the lantern!?"

*The Gov tosses the apple to Taiha*
Gov: "Here, have your stinking apple core, you're not worth the high blood pressure..."
 Taiha: "Daww, thankies Govvy! Woah there! Had to dodge that one. RUDE."
The Gov: "You wanna learn how to dodge Ms Anderson? Try being married to my 3rd wife, she had a nasty habit of throwing furniture at me."
*Taiha throws the fire starter at the Governor* 
The Gov: "OWH! MY EYE!"

Evarrine: "It is indeed an alcoholic substance, by the smell of it."
 *Evarrine fills it and passes it to the Governor*

The Gov: " â™ȘTake one down, pass it around, 99 cups of rum in the barrel!â™Ș
...Wait, is that...? It's a Byrd... it's a PLANE! No, it's..... AIDEN WATCH OUT!!"

Aiden: "Wuh?!"

*The Governor sneakily takes several sips of rum*

The Gov: "Oh sorry, here you go lad. Thought I saw your skeleton bride come to life! Must be imagining things in me old age!"
Aiden: "You funneh! Scurred meh fer a sec, though!"

The Gov: "That pirate mission was a hoot! I've never had so much fun being locked in a cell, reminded me of the time I fell foul of the IRS... *coughs* Anyway, moving on...
So many opportunities to sabotage, so little time... *coughs loudly* I really turned up the Ol' Governor charm to 11 during the prison break just to annoy my cellmates so they would make more mistakes, they wasted so much time arguing with me that they didn't even notice when I drank half of the rum!
I knew I could rely on these kids to completely ignore my suggestions, the irony is I actually gave them the solution, twice! and not one of them listened to me, As a famous pirate once said: "You can always trust a dishonest man to be dishonest, honestly, it's the honest ones you need to watch out for!"

 Kaitlin: "Okay... What's our first move then?"
Taiha: "We start off with two people. One person taking it at the very start would be pointless."

Kaitlin: "So at least one pirate has to cross over first, right? Otherwise they'll outnumber us from the start and then--"

The Gov: "SO LONG, SUCKERS! I'll drop you a line from Bermuda!"

* * *

Kaitlin: "I'm thinking either one of you or both--AH!"

Pirate: "You've been outnumbered. Hand the coins over! All of 'em! NOW!!"

The Gov: "Well, what can I say about our little lake crossing adventure except thank you guys for making it so easy! *coughs and laughs*
I knew that in order to lose the most money I had to be on the Lake team so I set a plan in motion, I convinced them that the Forest team would have a harder task knowing of course what challenges lay ahead of us and that me being considerably un-fit and overweight would work against them, so what did they do? Ha! They let me do what I wanted and let me go to the Lake, big mistake...
When we got to the Lake all I had to do was make sure that I made it across the river first, from then on no-matter what they would have done the outcome was the same, the pirates would always outnumber us at some point.
The cherry on top of this steaming pile of sabotage of course was that my co-conspirators look even more guilty than me! Thanks, Obama! Haha!"


The Gov: "If there's one thing I've learned over the course of this game is that I'm good at being generally unhelpful under the guise of trying to be a team player, It's one of the many skills I have in my repertoire that I can conjure up to really throw a wrench in to the team's plans.
I call it my "Look busy while doing nothing" plan and so far it has worked wonders for this game... some members of the press might even say it has worked wonders for my career! haha!
After a controversy erupts and the media gets a hold of it, there is a right and wrong way to spin it to your advantage, I've learnt this over my many years in office, often to varying degrees of success, the same can be said of The Mole, If you get caught sabotaging there are both good ways and bad ways you can use the situation to your advantage.
Now, I can afford to be blatant with my sabotaging early in the game when I've got them all pointing fingers at one another because my small amounts of sabotage go unnoticed among the larger displays of trickery and misdirection from the group.
However, now we are quickly approaching the end game my blatant acts of sabotage are, shall we say, raising suspicion. This is where I have to approach the game from a different angle and try to be more discreet, being discreet is not a politician's strong point I know, Just look at how our current President is handling his own dirty laundry... *Coughs while laughing at his own joke* but I can't afford to have them all breathing down my neck on the Quiz."

Linda: "To whomever: Do you enjoy it here?"

 The Gov: "Oh yes, This is my sort of place!"

The Gov: "Any chance I could drink here?"

Fabio: "I think they do serve drinks here, but I've never tried it."

Taiha: "I'M THE SPY!! And you kids are playing golf!!!"

The Gov: "As for our current mission? Well, I purposely tried to be as descriptive as I could with my answers so as to give away our location and twice it helped out the spy... *coughs* Who says I'm not generous? Ha! I'm all for helping out the next generation of voters... You gotta respect them, the kids these days can lie better than some of the best politicians I know!"

Fabio: "Governor, are you likely to give this place a good review?"

The Gov: "Depends on how well the staff treat me, of course!
To anyone, how long would you stay here?"

Taiha: "Hmmm... Anyone else thinking it must be Evarrine? She's the only one avoiding answering."
Kaitlin: "I see it. I accuse the Queen!"

Evarrine: "Don't make me laugh. I am an Agent like the rest of you helots!
But now we have already used two accusations, so I must make the final one now!

Kaitlin: "Nope... And there goes more money."

Taiha: "Then it was Fabio! You little rascal, you!"
Fabio: "Incorrecto. Not me."

Tamela: "Then who the heck was it?!"

Linda: "I'm SO lost."

The Gov: "It was I!"

The Gov: "I am the sneaky sneaky double agent!"

  The Gov: "My plan worked so well I even managed to fool them all when I was the spy using the same tactic, they practically gave that one away to me, I didn't even have to guess where they were, I just laid low and half-heartedly took cheap shots at trying to guess who it was.
During the last round, I just jumped on the bandwagon and voted whichever way the group decided, democracy at work ladies and gentlemen!?"


Midnight: "So back to the mission at hand. Who had the most motivation to kill Sir Gray? And who would have done it out of hatred?"

Sunset: "Perhaps someone got tired of him insulting their music, eh...?"

The Gov:  "I must say it was a great relief to me that for the first time whilst playing that stupid Mission I didn't have to be the murderer, do you have any idea how damaging that game was to my political career last time I played? Nobody wants to elect a convicted murderer, not even a pretend one!
I thought I'd throw them a bone this time around considering how poorly they have been performing and decided that I'd try and solve this mystery myself without the use of my Mole Clue.
Needless to say, my many years in office have equipped me with what I like to call a Bullshit detector, I saw through Miss Amethyst's lies instantly and decided to toy with them from there on, hinting at who I thought the killer was throughout whilst watching them pursue the wrong suspect countless times."

Sunset: "It's time to end this! I'm gonna have a stab at it.... Pun unintended....
I guess that it's Lady Amethyst in the Study with the Pencil and she left behind her Hair Ribbon!"

*Lady Amethyst smirks creepily*

Sunset: "YES! I'm right, aren't I?? You murdered Sir Gray! And all the rest!!"
The Gov: "It was quite refreshing, I rather enjoyed being able to out the murderer even if it was winning them money for the Pot, just to see the crushing look of defeat on my number one supporter's face... *Howls with laughter*
A shame it was short-lived, By some bloody luck she managed to gain an exemption, what are the odds?
I call foul, blatant production favouritism I say! It's like she's the Russel Hantz of the Mole, the moment she's in trouble just hand her a conveniently placed immunity idol. Bah!"

 * Coughs angrily*



Layla: "It appears we have a conflict of interest... The Governor and Tamela both wanted Mystery, but there isn't enough for 2. Thus, this game has FAILED!"
The Gov: "I love it when a plan comes together! *snorts* I can't help but chuckle to myself when I see a huge wad of cash fall into the Mole Pot, haha!"


MEDUSA: "Cyclops. You can't go that far."
The Gov: "Huh? Oh, right. Harha, sorry, don't blame me, just doing as I'm told!"
 The Gov: "What can be said for this mission except it played out exactly as I'd hoped, I may have been a little careless with my blatant misdirection during the Medusa game on the second floor, some may even have picked up on a slight Freudian slip I made at the end of mission but at this point my main focus is filling up my retirement fund so it's all good.
It's times like this that I would usually break out a good old fashioned victory cigar but for once I think I shall resist the temptation...
Oh if there's one thing that The Mole has done for me besides tarnishing my reputation it's that it really helped me tackle a habit of a lifetime, when I was first asked to take part in Season 6 I was smoking 10 maybe 20 cigarettes a day, christ! So many I lost count but now I've really cut back, all thanks to my stay on the Mole.
I watched a few Mole episodes on my flight back to the US at the start of this season and it really opened my eyes to how unfit I really was during Spy vs Spy. Now, I may not look the most body-conscious person on the planet so laugh if you must but my poor health does worry me sometimes *Coughs loudly* I mean, you only have to look at me to see that I'm not exactly a picture of health!
In some Eastern countries, I may be considered to have the body of a god but in Western society, you could say I'm more than a little overweight... *Bursts out laughing at his own joke*
Yes, I think if there is one thing I would change about myself it would be to get fit and you know, I may just do that once this season is over."



The Gov: "So it comes down to this, myself and three very worthy adversaries... *coughs*
The Man-hater, the Nobody and the Weirdo who smells like a Litter Tray, Haha!" *snorts*
Seriously though, joking aside they are good kids and a very intelligent bunch, just not the sort of people I'm used to dealing with on a daily basis and I think that's why there is so much conflict between myself and the others. We are from different generations, we have different morals and as much as I try to contain myself sometimes I just have to express my opinions, much to the disdain of everyone around me I'm sure but I am true to myself and my own beliefs and I hope that the people at home can respect that.
This season has had its ups and downs but I have to say, I've enjoyed myself a heck of a lot more this time around just because I can be myself and I don't have to try so hard for people to like me. I'm past caring anymore, people can say what they like about me but at the end of the day, I like me just the way I am and there ain't no changing that...
Anyway, moving on, the challenge? Well, I tried, I threw every little trick in the book at them and I cheated my fat hairy ass off, hehe, hope you Mole fans got a good laugh out of that. I played up to the fact that they thought I was a bumbling idiot and I think it worked, especially during the first part...."

 *The Gov whistles nonchalantly*

Kaitlin: "Wait, what's happening? Looks like we all finished our parts."

The Gov: "Yeah... I did mine fair and square!" *coughs profusely*

Fabio: "Wait-a-minute... Did you cheat??"

The Gov: "Uhm. What makes you think that?"

Kaitlin: "You're the Guv and a sleazy old man, what other evidence does he need?"

The Gov: "AGAIN with the 'old' remarks?? I'm not even 50 yet!!
And yes.... I did cheat. But how did they know??"

Taiha: "Are you new here or something?? Production is ALWAYS watching!"

* * *

 The Gov: "Teeehehehee.... me 'tinks I hads toooooo muchhh to drink! Harharha.... ooh! Is that a live band.... I LoooOooooOve this song! 'Tis mah guilty pleasure!! Heeeheee!

 * * *

*Kaitlin and the Governor both reach for the Dossier*

*A motion sensor is tripped*
Image result for trip wire

*Sudden shaking causes the portraits on the walls to fall*

Taiha: "What did you do, Governor??"
The Gov: "Don't look at me! Kaitlin grabbed the dossier too!"
Taiha: "LOOK what you've done! The walls are closing in on us!!"
*There's a thunderous grinding noise in the background*
The Gov: "To be fair, I think they have all come to realize that I'm not very helpful during these challenges, even to the point that they mostly ignore my suggestions now. Maybe they know I'm the Mole? Maybe they just think I'm being generally unhelpful? Maybe none of them has noticed? The biggest question, who cares?! It's all speculation at this point. *coughs loudly*
That's been my gameplan for most of the season you know, not caring, in fact, the whole idea of me coming back because I have some "unfinished business" is just laughable, that should have been a major clue on day 1, I couldn't have cared less about what happened before and I certainly had no intention of playing fairly this time, I just enjoy the mind games, that's why I jumped at the chance to play again... well, that and the fact that I needed the cash for my Island but mainly the game, you could even say I've become a bit of a fan myself?"

The Gov: "Oh, I'm gonna miss all this when it ends, I've had a great time, a great vacation and it's just been a laugh from start to end... NO, I'm not getting soppy and sentimental, I just... have something in my eye..." *sniffs*

 The Gov: "....Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some final sabotaging to do."


*The crowd is going wild, chanting the Governor's name*

GREY: "Hey now, we're not done talking about the Gov just yet!! We still have the greatest Mole hints to get to!"

GREY: "So, right now, I present to you....



The players in the game (especially the final 3) should know that Taurus is the Governor's astrological sign.

11. What is the Mole's astrological sign?
a) Pisces
b) Leo
c) Sagittarius
d) Taurus

#2: Also in the first episode, the Governor slipped in a clue of his own....

The Gov: "So, yeah while I was visiting this one tiny little Island called "El Topo" there just happened to be an opening for the position of Island Governor and guess what? I won the people's vote by a landslide majority! Seems like the people that live on this Island are big fans of The Mole, it's all they ever watch! So much apparently that having me as their Governor greatly appealed to them... to be honest I think it's the only show that the Island TV broadcasts but that's beside the point... *coughs* So yes, I am no longer an American citizen, I'm officially a resident of "El Topo" which also means that all my previous convictions are void due to a technicality! Hahaha! I love international laws!"

What you may have missed? "El Topo" means "The Mole" in Spanish!

 #3: This clue was a bit more subtle... or was it? Actually, to some, it may have been fairly obvious....
LYLA: "Welcome to your final mission, everyone. This is the secret entrance to the Mole's Secret Hideout!"
(Lyla places her finger inside the serpent's mouth; the fangs draw a drop of blood)

*the serpent makes a hissing noise*
"Greetingssssss Mole #1"

*The ground begins to tremble*

*the rumbling grows louder and begins to shake the house*

*suddenly, it comes to a complete stop*

 Bit of a coincidence that the Mole's Secret Hideout is in the Slytherin room, yes? 
Well, yes, but actually... no. 
The Governor at the start of the season was assigned to the Slytherin room, and that's where he decided to dig his burrow:

#4: Darleen, AKA Medusa, implies that the Governor has bad eyesight, in "more ways than one"

MEDUSA: "Cyclops. You can't go that far."
The Gov: "Huh? Oh, right. Harha, sorry, don't blame me, just doing as I'm told!"
MEDUSA: "No sweat. I know your eyesight is a little lacking.... in more ways than one." ;-)

Taiha: "Why, because he's one-eyed Dave??"

Fabio: "No, because he's four-eyed like me!"

 The other players joke around and try to decrypt what she meant by that; the obvious one is that he is playing a Cyclops, which are known for having only one eye:

Taiha references his alter-ego; Dave the Political One-Eyed Pirate:

Fabio figures it's because he wears glasses like himself:

But truth be told? Darleen is giving a clue, that the Governor has bad eyesight because he is a MOLE:

#5: This last clue occurred tonight, believe it or not... and the Mole was hiding right in plain sight! Let's rewind things a bit, shall we?


*the audience gasps in horror*
GREY: "No, not a real execution, you sillies! The only person I've personally killed is Nocturne... but I s'pose she survived. So the only person we've actually killed is Louis from season 4.... KIDDING! It was a JOKE!! Oh boy... Where's Waldo? I'm going to need a lawyer after that statement..."

Now, "Where's Waldo" is emphasized for apparently no reason... but there IS a reason, and that reason is simple: Find Waldo. Waldo is known as the odd one out that's blending sneakily in the crowd.... sounds like our resident Mole, no? 
Look a bit closer again, and you should have no trouble finding our Waldo (aka Mole) hiding within the audience.
Plus, to drive the point home: 
Even their shirts match!
